Effects of Nest Habitat, Food, and Parental Behavior On Shorebird Nest Success

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Source: The Condor, 109(1):15-31. 2007.
Published By: Cooper Ornithological Society
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1650/0010-5422(2007)109[15:EONHFA]2.0.CO;2
URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/

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The Condor 109:15–31
# The Cooper Ornithological Society 2007


Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z4, Canada
National Wildlife Research Centre, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0H3, Canada

Abstract. In environments such as arctic tundra, where bird densities are low and
habitats are comparatively homogeneous, suitable nest sites likely are not limited. Under
these conditions, reproductive success of birds may be determined by factors other than
the habitat characteristics of nest sites. We studied the relative influence of nest habitat,
food, nest distribution, and parental behavior on the reproductive success of tundra-
breeding shorebirds at East Bay, Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada. From 2000 to
2002, we monitored the nests of five species: Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola),
Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus), Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres),
White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis), and Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius).
For each species, habitat differed between nest sites and random sites. In contrast, habitat
differed between successful and failed nest sites only for White-rumped Sandpipers.
Shorebirds did not prefer to nest in habitats where food was most abundant. Although
nest success varied among species in all years, artificial nest experiments suggested that
interspecific variation in predation rate was not related to habitat type. Instead, the
marked interspecific variation in nest success may have been related to incubation
behavior. Species taking fewer incubation recesses had higher nest success, although these
results should be viewed as preliminary. The factor with the greatest interannual influence
on nest success was fluctuating predation pressure, apparently related to the abundance of
predators and lemmings.
Key words: incubation behavior, nest distribution, nest habitat, nest predation, nest site
selection, shorebird.

Efectos del Hábitat de Nidificación, el Alimento y el Comportamiento Parental Sobre el Éxito

de Nidificación de Aves Playeras
Resumen. En ambientes como la tundra ártica, donde las densidades aves son bajas y
los hábitats son comparativamente homogéneos, los sitios de nidificación adecuados
probablemente no son limitados. Bajo esas condiciones, el éxito reproductivo de las aves
podrı́a estar determinado por factores distintos a las caracterı́sticas del hábitat en donde se
ubican los nidos. Estudiamos la influencia relativa del hábitat de nidificación, el alimento,
la distribución de los nidos y el comportamiento parental sobre el éxito reproductivo de las
aves playeras que crı́an en la tundra en East Bay, Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canadá.
Entre 2000 y 2002, monitoreamos los nidos de cinco especies: Pluvialis squatarola,
Charadrius semipalmatus, Arenaria interpres, Calidris fuscicollis y Phalaropus fulicarius.
Para cada especie, el hábitat difirió entre los sitios de nidificación y sitios ubicados al azar.
En contraste, el hábitat difirió entre nidos exitosos y no exitosos sólo en C. fuscicollis. Las
aves playeras no prefirieron anidar en hábitats en donde el alimento era más abundante.
Aunque el éxito de los nidos varió entre las especies en todos los años, experimentos
realizados con nidos artificiales sugirieron que la variación interespecı́fica en la tasa de
depredación no estuvo relacionada con el tipo de hábitat. En cambio, la marcada
variación interespecı́fica en el éxito de nidificación podrı́a haber estado relacionada con el
comportamiento de incubación. Aunque los resultados deben considerarse preliminares,
las especies que tomaron menos recesos de incubación tuvieron un éxito de nidificación
mayor. El factor con la mayor influencia interanual sobre el éxito de nidificación fue la
presión de depredación fluctuante, la cual aparentemente se relacionó con la abundancia
de depredadores y roedores.

Manuscript received 16 May 2006; accepted 24 October 2006.

Present address: National Wildlife Research Centre, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0H3,
Canada. E-mail: Paulallen.smith@ec.gc.ca


INTRODUCTION occur when good nest sites are limited and some
Nest site selection can influence avian com- individuals must select sites in nonpreferred
munity structure and composition (Martin microhabitats (Martin 1988a).
1988a, 1988b), as well as adult survival and In contrast to forests, birds breeding in
reproductive performance (Burger 1985, Mar- arctic tundra nest in a landscape of rock,
tin 1992). Many studies have demonstrated gravel, and low vegetation (often ,5 cm high).
that nest sites are selected actively, such that In a landscape lacking structural complexity,
suitable nest sites may not be limited, and
microhabitat at nest sites differs from that at
a high overlap of nest site characteristics might
random sites (Colwell and Oring 1990, Clark
be expected between successful and failed
and Nudds 1991). However, far fewer studies
nests, or among species. In these habitats,
have clearly demonstrated that such nest
antipredator or cryptic behaviors of adults at
microhabitat preferences are adaptive (Martin
the nest, rather than the characteristics of the
1998, Clark and Shutler 1999, Jones 2001);
nest site itself, may have an overriding effect
i.e., that individuals nesting in preferred
on nest success (Cresswell 1997, Ghalambor
microhabitats experience higher reproductive
and Martin 2002).
Shorebirds exhibit a variety of antipredator
Reproductive success may be affected when
behaviors, including distraction displays and
nest habitats differ in food availability (Martin
aggressive nest defense (Gochfeld 1984). While
1987), nest microclimate (Walsberg 1985), or
aggressive behaviors should influence the risk
predation risk specific to a habitat type (Martin of predation directly, risk might also be
1995). Variation in food, for example, is known affected by activity near the nest, such as
to affect both fecundity and reproductive incubation recesses or nest visitation (Lyon
success (Lack 1968, Martin 1987). In shore- and Montgomerie 1987, Wiebe and Martin
birds, where clutch size is fixed and opportuni- 1997, Martin et al. 2000, Cresswell et al. 2003).
ties for second broods are rare (Arnold 1999), As incubation and defense strategies are
variation in energy intake could influence related to mating systems in shorebirds, and
reproductive success by affecting parental body often differ among sympatrically nesting spe-
condition (Carey 1980) or nest attentiveness cies, the influence of these behavioral factors
(Hegyi and Sasvári 1998). on nest success can be evaluated with in-
Nest sites may also be selected to provide terspecific comparisons (Larsen 1991, Larsen
a favorable microclimate (Horvath 1964, Wals- et al. 1996).
berg 1981, 1985, Gloutney and Clark 1997, We compared the relative influence of nest-
Wiebe and Martin 1998). For shorebirds, ing habitat and behavioral factors on nest
selecting a nest site sheltered from the wind success, to test the hypothesis that variation in
could lower convective heat loss of the in- nest site characteristics plays a lesser role in
cubating adult, or the eggs when left unattend- determining the fate of shorebird nests in
ed (Reid et al. 2002). Incubation is energetically tundra systems. We tested for patterns of nest
costly (Carey 1980, Vleck 1981, Williams 1996), preference by contrasting the nest sites of five
and the thermal environment of a nest can shorebird species with random sites. We then
influence both the rate and duration of in- quantified differences between the microhabitat
cubation recesses (Haftorn 1988, Reid et al. of successful and unsuccessful nests for each
1999, Cresswell et al. 2003). species to test for adaptive nest site choice. We
Predation is the primary cause of nest failure placed artificial nests across our study area to
for most birds (Ricklefs 1969, Martin 1992), compare the frequency of predation across
and selection should therefore favor nesting habitat types. Relative invertebrate abundance
strategies that reduce predation risk. In the was measured to determine if shorebirds
montane forests of Arizona, nest sites in preferentially nested in habitats with the most
nonpreferred microhabitats suffered increased abundant prey. Finally, we used site-specific
predation (Martin 1998). Indeed, habitat-spe- and literature values to test for a relationship
cific risk of predation may explain much of the between the frequency of incubation recesses
variation in the life histories of passerines and risk of predation, as a guide for future
(Martin 1995). However, these selective forces studies.

TABLE 1. Features of the habitats of East Bay, Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada.

Habitat type Distinguishing features

Intertidal zone Intertidal or within splash range of fall storms
Dead or dormant moss (organic crust) occurs
Bare substrate dominant, living moss and graminoids sparse and patchy
Moss carpet Pond edges in coastal areas
Living moss covers substrate
Sparse to moderate abundance of grasses and sedges
Numerous herbs, but patchy and sparse
Scrub willow Drier areas in central and northern portions of plot (0.5–1 km inland)
Salix spp. abundant
Herbs, grasses, sedges, and lichens common
Substrate of bare soil and small rocks
Dry heath Drier areas .1 km inland
Ericaceous shrubs dominant; dense cover of mountain avens (Dryas integrifolia)
Willows and lichens abundant
Herbs moderate in richness and abundance
Substrate variable: soil, rock, and gravel
Relief varies from flat to extremely hummocked
Sedge meadow Moist areas and pond edges inland
Moss covers substrate, few rocks present
Sedges and grasses tall (.50 mm) and dense
Herbs abundant and diverse
Relief varies from flat to highly hummocked
Gravel ridge Bare gravel dominant
Flora sparse and depauperate
Visibly raised from surrounding areas
Colonized sparsely by mountain avens at low edges

METHODS pioides), sedges (Carex aquatilis and C. sub-

spathacea), and grasses (Arctagrostis latifolia).
STUDY AREA Drier areas were dominated by dwarf shrubs
Fieldwork was conducted from late May to (Dryas integrifolia, Salix arctica, and S. reticu-
early August, 2000–2002, in the East Bay lata; Fontaine and Mallory, in press). In all
Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Southampton Is- habitats, vegetation was generally #5 cm in
land, Nunavut, Canada (63u599N, 81u409W). height.
Our study plot was 4 km long, and extended
from the coast to 3 km inland. Habitats within HABITAT CLASSIFICATION
the plot varied along an elevational gradient. We recognized six habitat types based on
Low-lying areas within 1 km of the low tide appearance, salinity, vegetation, and elevation
mark supported many brackish ponds (0.1 ha– (Table 1). These habitats were distinct, and
5 ha, ,1 m deep). These saline areas supported a detailed summary of their ground cover
few plants and sand and rock substrates were characteristics appears in (Smith 2003). The
largely exposed. Farther inland from the coast study plot was divided into a coastal and an
(.1 km), 1–3 m high raised gravel beaches inland portion, with intertidal areas, moss
occurred, and were separated by lower-lying carpets, and scrub willow comprising the
areas with many freshwater ponds similar in coastal habitats, and sedge meadows, gravel
size and depth to the brackish coastal ponds. In ridges, and dry heaths comprising the inland
all areas, ponds dried as the nesting season types.
progressed; large ponds decreased in size and
shallow ponds (,30 cm) dried out completely. SHOREBIRDS AND THEIR PREDATORS AT
Vegetation in low-lying inland areas, between EAST BAY
the raised beaches, was dominated by mosses Over 50 bird species have been recorded in the
(Campylium stellatum and Scorpidium scor- East Bay Migratory Bird Sanctuary (Abraham

and Ankney 1986). Five shorebird species Black-bellied Plover, but Mayfield (1973:83)
commonly nest in the study area: Black-bellied reports bouts ‘‘as long as 3 hr.’’ Male Semi-
Plover (Pluvialis squatarola), Semipalmated palmated Plovers at Churchill, Manitoba,
Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus), Ruddy Turn- Canada, have longer incubation shift lengths,
stone (Arenaria interpres), White-rumped Sand- but a mean for both sexes is 201 min (Sullivan
piper (Calidris fuscicollis), and Red Phalarope Blanken and Nol 1998). Incubation is shared in
(Phalaropus fulicarius), and the reproductive the Ruddy Turnstone, but the male’s contribu-
ecology of these five species is varied. tion varies geographically and seasonally (Net-
The Black-bellied Plover is territorial and tleship 2000). At our study site, incubating
monogamous, with both parents incubating and turnstones sat for approximately 12 hr each,
caring for chicks (Paulson 1995). They are highly leaving the nest 0–6 times during that period,
vigilant and defend their nests aggressively from apparently in response to approaching preda-
predators through aerial attack and distraction tors (Perkins 2004). Assuming an average of
displays (Drury 1961). They are visual foragers three such departures, incubation bouts last
and peck invertebrates off the substrate, espe- roughly 4 hr. White-rumped Sandpipers on the
cially dipterans, beetles, and spiders (Paulson Melville Peninsula, in arctic Canada, had
1995). Semipalmated Plovers are monogamous, a mean bout length of 47 min (Cartar and
territorial, and both parents incubate (Nol and Montgomerie 1985). Red Phalaropes had
Blanken 1999). They are highly vigilant, and a mean incubation bout length of 46 min at
both parents take part in distraction displays or this site (Smith et al. 2007), and 47 min on the
scolding (Sullivan Blanken and Nol 1998). They Taimyr Peninsula, Siberia (Tulp and Schekker-
feed primarily on dipteran larvae and adults man 2006).
(Baker 1977). The Ruddy Turnstone is monog- Though mating systems, foraging ecology,
amous, territorial, and has a biparental mating and breeding behavior differ among these
system. Turnstones are highly vigilant and species, they share many basic reproductive
aggressively pursue predators. They feed pri- traits. All five species lay a maximum of four
marily on dipterans, which they pick from the eggs per clutch, and replacement clutches in the
substrate or find by overturning stones (Mac- event of predation are uncommon. All nest in
Donald and Parmelee 1962). White-rumped simple scrapes on the ground and incubate for
Sandpipers are polygynous and territorial; only roughly three weeks (19–26 days). Finally, due
females provide parental care (Parmelee 1992). to the constraints of the short arctic summer, all
They feign injury when predators approach and breed at approximately the same time, with
anecdotal information suggests that they select peak laying in mid June.
well-concealed nest sites (Parmelee et al. 1968). Potential nest predators are abundant at East
They feed primarily by probing in moss for Bay. We regularly observed Parasitic Jaegers
larvae (especially tipulids), but may also take (Stercorarius parasiticus), arctic foxes (Alopex
spiders, beetles, and adult tipulids from the lagopus), and Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus).
substrate (Parmelee 1992). The Red Phalarope Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus), Long-tailed
exhibits facultative polyandry. Only males in- Jaegers (Stercorarius longicaudus), Glaucous
cubate. They show no territoriality, distraction Gulls (Larus hyperboreus), Sandhill Cranes (Grus
displays, or aggression toward predators (Tracy canadensis), and Common Ravens (Corvus
et al. 2002). Red Phalaropes feed on a variety of corax) were also seen. The number of these
aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate prey on the predators observed daily (sightings per 8 hr
breeding grounds, especially the larvae and person-day) was used as an index of relative
adults of chironomids and tipulids (Tracy et al. predator abundance between years; such indices
2002). are considered to reflect changes in vertebrate
The species considered in this study exhibit population size with reasonable accuracy (Ho-
a variety of nest attendance patterns; species in chachka et al. 2000). As the influence of
which incubation is shared between the sexes generalist predators on avian nesting success
(biparental species) typically take fewer in- may depend on the abundance of alternative prey
cubation recesses than species in which one (Summers 1986, Summers and Underhill 1987,
adult incubates (uniparental species). Incuba- Bêty et al. 2002), daily observations of lemmings
tion behavior is poorly documented for the (Dicrostonyx torquatus) were also noted.

NEST SEARCHING AND MONITORING lateral directions and from overhead. This
In 2000 and 2001, we searched 7 km of tundra apparatus was placed in nests, and we estimated
for nests, 4.5 km2 in inland habitats and 2.5 km2 the proportion of markings obscured to the
in coastal areas. In 2002, this area was expanded nearest 5%. Estimates of lateral concealment
to 12 km2, 8.7 km2 of inland and 3.3 km2 of were made from north, south, east, and west, at
coastal habitats. To avoid bias, search effort was a distance of 5 m and a height of 40 cm (the
allocated evenly across the study area. Search approximate height of an arctic fox). Overhead
effort was greatest at the onset of the nesting concealment was estimated from human eye
period, from mid to late June. level, directly above the nest. The height of the
Nests were found through behavioral obser- rocks or vegetation directly surrounding the
vation, flushing birds while walking, and by two nest (i.e., contacting the bottom disk) was
people dragging a 30 m length of 5 mm di- measured to the nearest 61 cm at the north,
ameter rope. Nests were marked with a wooden south, east, and west edge. All nest habitat and
tongue depressor placed 10–20 m from the nest concealment data were collected in late July.
at a random bearing (Reynolds 1985), and nest Nest coordinates (63 m) were plotted using
locations were recorded (63 m) with a Global ArcView 3.2 (ESRI 1992). Distances between
Positioning System (GPS). Eggs were checked nesting neighbors were calculated with the
at regular intervals (,7 days) and floated to ‘‘Nearest Feature’’ extension of ArcView (Jen-
estimate developmental stage (Liebezeit et al. ness 2002), and spatial patterning for each
2007). As clutches approached the estimated species was measured with the Clark and Evans
date of hatching, nests were checked every 1– test with Donnelly’s modification (Clark and
2 days. Evans 1954, Donnelly 1978). The significance
We used the Mayfield method to estimate of deviations from random patterns was de-
hatching success and daily mortality rates termined with Z-tests (Krebs 1989). For each
(Mayfield 1961). Nests that hatched at least nest, we estimated the density of neighbors as
one chick were considered successful. Most the mean distance to the five nearest shorebird
hatching events were observed directly, but neighbors.
small eggshell fragments in the nest lining were
also accepted as evidence of hatching (Mabee RANDOM SITE DESCRIPTIONS
1997). Both abandoned and depredated nests In each year, we divided the study area into
were considered to have failed. Mayfield a 50 m 3 100 m grid. Eighty grid intersections
exposure days were terminated on the last were selected at random. At each selected
active date for nests of unknown fate, and location, we tossed a stick backwards over our
halfway between the last active and first heads and used the point of the stick as the
inactive date for nests of known fate found random site. At these sites, habitat data were
empty (Manolis et al. 2000). Standard errors collected as for nest sites, at 1 m2 and 75 m2
were calculated following Johnson (1979). scales. Sites falling in ponds were not included
in analyses.
Nest sites of shorebirds were described at two ARTIFICIAL NEST EXPERIMENTS
spatial scales. First, we quantified ground cover We conducted an artificial nest experiment in
in a 1 m2 circle centered on the nest (nest site). 2002 to assess relative predation pressure in the
Second, in a 75 m2 circle surrounding the nest habitats of East Bay. ‘‘Clutches’’ of two
(nest patch), we recorded the percent cover of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) eggs were
each of the six habitat types. We also measured distributed in a stratified random design. As
distance (61 m) to the nearest water and to the artificial nest locations were selected for anoth-
nearest dried pond edge (which would have er study, sample sizes varied among habitats.
been inundated at nest initiation) with a hand- Eggs were laid out from 8 to 10 July 2002 and
held rangefinder. To measure concealment, we were checked every third day. After three
used three 12 cm diameter white plastic disks checks, missing or damaged eggs were replaced
marked with a 1 cm black grid. Two disks were (fresh eggs laid out 17–19 July) and the
fastened at right angles and placed atop a third, experiment was repeated using the same artifi-
to provide an identical silhouette from four cial nest sites.

Quail eggs resemble small shorebird eggs fore, we used the original percent cover and
(e.g., White-rumped Sandpiper, Red Phalarope) concealment variables (arcsine transformed) in
in coloration and size (ca. 32 mm 3 22 mm). the discriminant function analyses. Variables
The depressions used as nest sites were similar were entered in a stepwise fashion using the
to the simple scrapes used by shorebirds. A Wilk’s Lambda method. Structure coefficients
colored nail was hidden under the eggs to were obtained from discriminant analyses to
facilitate finding the nest if eggs were taken by determine correlations of variables with the
predators. Eggs were sterilized in 50uC water discriminant functions. For classification, prior
for 20 min, to avoid exposing wild birds to probabilities were set proportional to initial
agricultural pathogens. Nests with at least one sample size. Tests of significance were based on
egg damaged or removed were considered chance-corrected classifications (Titus et al.
depredated. 1984). These analyses were performed with
SPSS 10.0.7 (SPSS 2002). We compared surviv-
INVERTEBRATE ABUNDANCE al rates of real and artificial nests using
AND DISTRIBUTION program CONTRAST (Hines and Sauer
To investigate spatial and seasonal patterns of 1989). Unless otherwise noted, P-values are
food availability for shorebirds, we sampled two-tailed and means are displayed 6 SE.
terrestrial invertebrates throughout the nesting
period in 2000–2001. We placed twenty plastic RESULTS
cups (diameter 11 cm, depth 8 cm) in random
locations in systematically chosen patches of SHOREBIRD NEST SITES
each of the six habitat categories, for a total of We found and monitored 189 shorebird nests
120 traps. In 2000, all traps were deployed in from 2000 to 2002 (Table 2). The number of
the western half of the study plot. In 2001, traps nests found varied among years and sample
were divided evenly between sites used in 2000 sizes differ in some analyses because of missing
and new sites in the eastern half of the study information. No year effect was found in
plot. An equal number of black and white habitat measurements, so data were pooled
colored traps were used in each habitat, and the across years where appropriate.
distance between traps within a habitat patch Four of the five common species exhibited
was at least 4 m. Traps were placed flush with clear preferences for one of the six habitat
the substrate and filled to a level of 1 cm with types, while the Red Phalarope used both sedge
propylene glycol. Trap contents were filtered meadow and scrub willow habitats equally
through a reusable coffee filter for collection. often (Table 2). Nests of the study species were
We emptied traps three times in 2000 (8 July, 16 readily distinguished by discriminant function
July, and 24 July) and three times in 2001 (7 analysis, indicating that preferred habitat dif-
July, 15 July, and 23 July), spanning the period fered among species. Classification based on the
from mid incubation to chick hatching. discriminant functions was 72% correct (a 48%
Invertebrates were identified to family (with improvement on chance; ZK 5 15.3, P ,
the exception of mites, Acari, and springtails, 0.001). The first function grouped nests based
Collembola), and the number of individuals on the amount of moss and herbs at the nest site
was recorded for each trap. For each habitat, (1 m2), or the amount of intertidal habitat in
we generated a mean volume of invertebrates the nest patch (75 m2), and accounted for 48%
per trap by recording the amount of water of the variability in nest habitats. The second
displaced by each sample. function used habitat type (gravel ridge and dry
heath versus intertidal) to discriminate between
STATISTICAL ANALYSES the otherwise similar (sparsely vegetated, low
We used discriminant function analysis to test cover) nest sites of Black-bellied Plover, Semi-
for habitat differences between: (1) nest sites of palmated Plover, and Ruddy Turnstone. Means
different bird species, (2) nest sites and random of nest site characteristics for each species are
sites, and (3) successful and failed nests. An given in the Appendix.
initial principal components analysis revealed Concealment of nests of the Black-bellied
that multicollinearity in both the 1 m2 and Plover, Semipalmated Plover, and Ruddy
75 m2 nest habitat datasets was weak. There- Turnstone was similar to that of random sites

TABLE 2. The percentage of shorebird nests located in each of the six habitat categories at East Bay,
Nunavut, Canada, 2000–2002.

Gravel Dry Sedge Scrub Moss

Species n ridge heath meadow willow carpet Intertidal
Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) 21 12 62 2 24 0 0
Semipalmated Plover 24 0 0 0 6 2 92
(Charadrius semipalmatus)
Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) 63 0 2 2 59 17 21
White-rumped Sandpiper 24 0 17 69 15 0 0
(Calidris fuscicollis)
Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) 57 0 14 29 30 12 15

(Fig. 1). In contrast, White-rumped Sandpipers cover at the nests of White-rumped Sandpipers
and Red Phalaropes had higher lateral and and Red Phalaropes (Appendix).
overhead concealment than random sites or Species varied not only in habitat and
than the three other species. The average height concealment, but also in patterns of nest
of vegetation or rocks surrounding nests of the dispersion (Table 3). For Black-bellied Plovers,
five species showed a similar pattern, with taller a sufficient number of nests for analysis were
available in 2002 only. These nests tended
toward a uniform distribution. The nests of
both Semipalmated Plovers and Ruddy Turn-
stones were clumped in coastal habitats. Sam-
ples of White-rumped Sandpiper nests were
small, and no significant patterns of dispersion
were found. The nests of Red Phalaropes were
significantly clumped in 2000 and 2001, but not
in 2002.
The nest sites of all species were readily
distinguished from random sites in discriminant
function analyses (Table 4). The accuracy of all
classifications exceeded 80% (.30% improve-
ment on chance). Black-bellied Plovers had
more cryptobiotic crust, lichen, and exposed
rock at the nest site, and less scrub willow
habitat in the nest patch than random sites.
Semipalmated Plovers nested in sites with more
cryptobiotic crust than random sites and
selected intertidal and moss carpet habitats.
Ruddy Turnstones avoided dry heaths and
gravel ridges and selected sites with more
exposed rock and cryptobiotic crust than
random sites. White-rumped Sandpipers select-
ed nests with more willow and lateral conceal-
ment than random sites, and preferred to nest in
sedge meadow habitats. Red Phalaropes select-
FIGURE 1. Lateral (A) and overhead (B) conceal- ed nest sites with higher concealment and more
ment of shorebird nest sites and random sites at East herbs than random sites.
Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Means are displayed 6 SE, While there were clear patterns of nonran-
and sample sizes are displayed above the bars. BBPL dom nest placement for all species, there were
5 Black-bellied Plover, SEPL 5 Semipalmated
Plover, RUTU 5 Ruddy Turnstone, WRSA 5
few differences between successful and failed
White-rumped Sandpiper, and REPH 5 Red Phal- nests with regard to the habitat variables
arope. measured. Discrimination was weak for Semi-

TABLE 3. Indices of aggregation for the distribution of shorebird nests at East Bay, Nunavut, Canada.
Significant index values ,1 indicate clumping, while significant index values .1 indicate overdispersion.
Samples of fewer than 10 nests were not analyzed (Donnelly 1978), and are not presented.

Nearest conspecific
Year Species n neighbor (m 6 SE) Index of aggregation
2000 Ruddy Turnstone 8 333 6 75 0.60*
Red Phalarope 20 243 6 43 0.75*
2001 Semipalmated Plover 14 159 6 71 0.40***
Ruddy Turnstone 19 181 6 24 0.54***
Red Phalarope 16 211 6 44 0.57**
2002 Black-bellied Plover 17 494 6 65 1.05
Semipalmated Plover 10 372 6 88 0.58*
Ruddy Turnstone 38 142 6 11 0.47***
White-rumped Sandpiper 10 478 6 79 0.75
Red Phalarope 19 479 6 120 1.08
* P , 0.05, ** P , 0.01, *** P , 0.001.

palmated Plovers, Ruddy Turnstones, and Red random sites (80% correct classification, an
Phalaropes (60%–85% correct classification, 18% improvement on chance, P 5 0.1).
a 6%–15% improvement on chance, all P . Similarly, successful White-rumped Sandpiper
0.05). Successful Black-bellied Plover nests nests had more dirt and moss and less sedge
tended to be in sites with less lichen, although meadow habitat than failed sites, though they
they preferred nests with more lichen than preferentially selected nest sites in sedge mead-
TABLE 4. Habitat variables, at two spatial scales, that discriminated between nest sites and random sites for
shorebirds at East Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Separate analyses were conducted for each species, and all
discriminations were highly significant. All habitat variables measured are displayed but standardized
canonical discriminant function coefficients are shown only for variables contributing significantly to
discrimination. BBPL 5 Black-bellied Plover, SEPL 5 Semipalmated Plover, RUTU 5 Ruddy Turnstone,
WRSA 5 White-rumped Sandpiper, and REPH 5 Red Phalarope. The percentage of correct classification,
and the improvement over chance that this represents, are also displayed (Titus et al. 1984).

Rock 0.61 0.80
Cryptogamic crust 0.97 0.56 0.69
Lichen 0.75
Willow 0.32 0.65
Sedge and grass 20.58 20.39
Herb 20.43 0.39 0.40
75 m2
Sedge meadow 0.67
Dry heath 20.57
Gravel ridge 20.64 20.29
Scrub willow 20.66
Moss carpet 0.41
Intertidal 1.12 20.38
Lateral concealment 20.51 0.44 0.68
Overhead concealment 0.58
% correct classification 98 90 87 83 82
% improvement on chancea 48 40 37 33 32
All chance-corrected P-values , 0.001.

FIGURE 2. The number of sightings per 8-hr

person-day of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus), lem-
mings (Dicrostonyx torquatus), and jaegers (Stercor- FIGURE 3. Mayfield estimates of the daily mor-
arius parasiticus and S. longicaudus), May–August, tality rate (6 SE) for shorebird nests at East Bay,
2000–2002, at East Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Note that Nunavut, Canada, 2000–2002. The number of nests
jaegers were the most abundant predator in all years monitored in each year is displayed above the bars.
and are represented on the right y-axis with BBPL 5 Black-bellied Plover, SEPL 5 Semipalmat-
a different scale. ed Plover, RUTU 5 Ruddy Turnstone, WRSA 5
White-rumped Sandpiper, and REPH 5 Red
ow habitats. The discrimination between the Phalarope.
habitat of successful and failed nests was
significant only for White-rumped Sandpipers palmated Plovers had similar success in 2001
(100% correct classification, a 39% improve- and 2002 (no nests were found in 2000), and
ment on chance, P , 0.001). However, with White-rumped Sandpipers had high mortality
only five successful nests, these results should in both 2002 and 2000.
be interpreted with caution. Interspecific patterns of habitat use were
poorly related to hatching success. The strong
PREDATORS AND LEMMINGS variation in success among species was un-
The frequency of predator and lemming sight- related to variation in predation pressure across
ings differed substantially among years (Fig. 2). habitat types (Fig. 4). Red Phalarope nests were
Lemmings were encountered frequently in 2000 found in all habitats but gravel ridges (Table 2).
and 2001, but none were seen in 43 days of White-rumped Sandpipers nested in dry heath
observation in 2002. Fox encounters were rare and scrub willow habitats, but estimates of nest
in 2000 and more common in 2001 and 2002. mortality for these habitats were not higher
Jaegers were present in all years, but were more than for other habitats when the nests of all
than three times as abundant in 2002 than in species were considered. Only White-rumped
2000 and 2001. In all years, Parasitic Jaegers Sandpipers and Red Phalaropes nested in sedge
were .4 times more abundant than Long-tailed meadows. This accounts for the higher mortal-
Jaegers. Although 20–24 pairs of Herring Gulls ity observed in this habitat type.
bred in the study area in all years, an intensive Density differences around real nests are
study indicated that they do not feed heavily on unlikely to have caused the interspecific differ-
shorebird eggs (K. Allard, University of New ences in nest success. While the mean distance
Brunswick, unpubl. data). We thus assumed to the five nearest nesting neighbors (any
that Herring Gull predation on shorebird nests shorebird species) differed among species
was infrequent and did not vary substantially (F4,184 5 12.9, P , 0.001; Table 5), densities
among years. across the study plot were low (7.4 nests per
km2). The mean distance from a focal nest to
FACTORS AFFECTING HATCHING SUCCESS the nearest shorebird nest was .116 m for all
Nest success varied markedly among years and species. Within species, neither the distance to
species (Fig. 3). Estimates of daily mortality the nearest neighbor nor the mean distance to
were generally high in 2002, when lemmings the five nearest neighbors differed between
were scarce and predators abundant, but Semi- successful and depredated nests (all P . 0.1).

FIGURE 5. Mayfield estimates of survival over the

incubation period (6 SE) for shorebird nests placed
in preferred versus nonpreferred habitats at East Bay,
FIGURE 4. Mayfield estimates of daily mortality Nunavut, Canada, 2000–2002. There was no consis-
rate (6 SE) for all shorebird nests found in each of tent pattern of higher hatching success in preferred
the six habitat types at East Bay, Nunavut, Canada, habitats. Preferred habitat is the habitat type where
2000–2002. When all shorebird nests found in a given nests were most commonly placed (see Table 2); Red
habitat were combined, indices of predation pressure Phalaropes nested preferentially in two habitat types.
were similar in all habitats except sedge meadows. Sample sizes of nests are displayed above the bars.
Sample sizes of nests are given above the bars. BBPL 5 Black-bellied Plover, SEPL 5 Semipalmat-
ed Plover, RUTU 5 Ruddy Turnstone, WRSA 5
Overall, habitat preference was unrelated to White-rumped Sandpiper, and REPH 5 Red
nest success (Fig. 5). While Semipalmated Phalarope.
Plovers, White-rumped Sandpipers, and Red
Phalaropes tended toward higher nest success in predation was significant (daily mortality vs.
preferred habitats, Black-bellied Plovers and bout length in minutes, Pearson r 5 20.90, P ,
Ruddy Turnstones showed the opposite trend. 0.05). However, with only five species and
Over all years, daily mortality was lower for behavioral data of varying quality, this result
Black-bellied Plovers, Semipalmated Plovers, must be treated as preliminary.
and Ruddy Turnstones (species with biparental
care and infrequent nest recesses) than for
White-rumped Sandpipers and Red Phalaropes Although White-rumped Sandpipers and Red
(species with uniparental care and frequent nest Phalaropes had the lowest nest success, rates of
recesses). The correlation between the mean loss of artificial nests did not suggest that
length of incubation bouts and the risk of predation pressure was higher in the habitats
that they preferred (i.e., sedge meadow and
TABLE 5. Mean distances to the nearest, or five
scrub willow; Fig. 6). Sedge meadow habitats
nearest, shorebird neighbors for each species at East had comparatively low rates of artificial nest
Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Both metrics represent lost in both the early to mid incubation period
distances to nests of any shorebirds, not only and the late to post incubation period. With
conspecifics. both periods and all habitats combined, artifi-
cial nests had a daily mortality rate lower than
Nearest Five nearest that of real nests in the year of the experiment
Species (mean [m] 6 SE) (mean [m] 6 SE)
(DMRartificial nests 5 0.04 6 0.01, DMRreal nests
Black-bellied 126 6 18 238 6 22 2
(2002) 5 0.06 6 0.01; x 1 5 3.8, P 5 0.05).
Semipalmated 117 6 14 231 6 16 INVERTEBRATE ABUNDANCE
Ruddy Turnstone 116 6 9 207 6 11 As shorebirds may benefit from nesting near
White-rumped 153 6 21 342 6 31 food resources, patterns of insect abundance
Sandpiper could affect nest distribution and success. The
Red Phalarope 256 6 54 447 6 57
relative abundance of invertebrates varied

dant in moss carpet habitats, though few

shorebirds nested there.

As more than 40% of shorebird clutches at East
Bay were lost to predators in each year of our
study, natural selection should strongly favor
nesting preferences and behaviors that minimize
predation. Where birds are not limited in their
choice of nest site, behavioral factors such as
nest defense or incubation recesses may have
more impact on nest success (Cresswell 1997,
Ghalambor and Martin 2002). We found strong
evidence for nest habitat preferences, but the
variation in nest success that we observed
appeared to be influenced primarily by behav-
ior and the abundance of predators.
FIGURE 6. The proportion of artificial nests taken
by predators in each of the six habitat types at East NEST MICROHABITAT
Bay. Nests contained two Japanese Quail (Coturnix
japonica) eggs, and were deployed from 8–10 July In this study, habitat features of nest sites
until 17–19 July, 2002 (Round 1), and at the same differed from random sites for all five species.
sites from 17–19 July until 26–28 July, 2002 (Round Discrimination of nest site habitat was also
2). The numbers of nests placed in each habitat are significant among species. Our results therefore
displayed above the bars. suggest that habitat played a significant role in
nest site selection, however differences in nest
among habitats (Fig. 7). The highest volume of habitat within species were not related to
invertebrates was captured in dry heath habitats, differences in nest success. There was high
and the lowest in gravel ridge and intertidal overlap in the habitat of successful and un-
habitats. Trap contents in 2000 were dominated successful nests, with significant discrimination
(in volume) by dipterans (Chironomidae, Mus- only for White-rumped Sandpipers.
cidae, and Scatophagidae), carabid beetles (es- Interspecific patterns of nest success were
pecially Pterostichus caribou), and spiders (espe- also poorly related to nest habitat. The overall
cially Erigone, Alopecosa, and Pardosa spp.). In rates of predation in the species’ preferred
2001, many adult fritillary butterflies (Boloria habitats did not explain the interspecific pat-
spp.) were captured in dry heath and sedge terns of nest success, and predation on artificial
meadow habitats (30% of volume in dry heath nests was comparatively low in the habitats
and 27% in sedge meadow). Few Boloria were preferred by White-rumped Sandpipers and
captured in 2000. In both years, adult tipulids Red Phalaropes, the species suffering the high-
were most common in gravel ridge, sedge est rates of predation.
meadow, and dry heath habitats (ml per trap
per period in 2000, 2001: gravel ridge 5 0.04, DISTRIBUTION OF NESTS
0.04; sedge meadow 5 0.03, 0.01; dry heath 5 Patterns of nest distribution could affect re-
0.02, 0.01). Other dipterans were most abundant productive success through a variety of me-
in scrub willow, intertidal, and moss carpet chanisms, such as density-dependent predation
habitats (ml per trap per period in 2000, 2001: (Tinbergen et al. 1967, Lack 1968) or group
scrub willow 5 0.52, 0.33; intertidal 5 0.35, 0.38; defense (Larsen et al. 1996). If predators
moss carpet 5 0.29, 0.59). Beetles and spiders intensify their searches in areas where they
were most abundant in dry heaths (ml per trap have encountered success, risk of predation
per period in 2000, 2001: Carabidae 5 0.32, 0.37; may be positively correlated with nest density.
Araneae 5 0.50, 0.31). In this study, distance to nearest neighbors (a
Shorebirds did not preferentially use the dry measure of relative density) was not related to
heath habitats where invertebrate prey were nest success within or among species. Thresh-
most abundant. Also, invertebrates were abun- olds for density dependence may be lower for

(Bergerud and Gratson 1988), or it may create

a favorable microclimate (Walsberg 1985,
Wiebe and Martin 1998). Concealment, how-
ever, may also be costly when predators
threaten incubating birds, or when the success
of antipredator behavior depends on early
detection of predators (Götmark et al. 1995).
The nests of White-rumped Sandpipers and
Red Phalaropes had higher lateral and over-
head concealment than those of Black-bellied
Plovers, Semipalmated Plovers, and Ruddy
Turnstones. White-rumped Sandpipers and
Red Phalaropes flush at close distances (Par-
melee et al. 1968, Mayfield 1979, Ridley 1980)
and may select nest sites with high concealment
to escape detection from predators. In contrast,
Black-bellied Plovers, Semipalmated Plovers,
and Ruddy Turnstones all flush at distances
FIGURE 7. The mean volume (ml) of invertebrates
per pitfall trap captured in each of the six habitats .20 m before engaging in antipredator behav-
types at East Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Traps were ior (Paulson 1995, Nol and Blanken 1999,
emptied three times in 2000: 8 July, 16 July, and 24 Nettleship 2000), and these species may select
July, and three times in 2001: 7 July, 15 July, and 23 exposed sites to facilitate early detection of
July. The mean volume per trap per collection period
(6 SE) is presented separately for 2000 and 2001.
predators. However, these latter three species
selected nest sites with concealment similar to
that of random sites, so concealment may be an
the tundra ecosystem; however, studies in unimportant characteristic for their nest site
subarctic and temperate areas have not docu- choice.
mented density-dependent predation at the
densities found in our study (Göransson et al. ACTIVITY NEAR THE NEST
1975, Sugden and Beyersbergen 1986, Schieck Nest concealment may aid birds in escaping
and Hannon 1993, Larivière and Messier 1998). detection by predators, but behavior can also
Predation may be negatively correlated with play a role (Cresswell 1997, Martin et al. 2000,
nesting density for birds that respond aggres- Ghalambor and Martin 2002). Activity near the
sively to predators and collaborate in group nest may divulge its location to predators; the
defense. Alternatively, incubating adults could rate of nest visitation is positively related to the
benefit from the vigilance and early warning risk of predation in tundra-nesting Snow
provided by neighbors nesting nearby (Nuech- Buntings (Lyon and Montgomerie 1987), and
terlein 1981). Black-bellied Plovers and Ruddy the survival of Semipalmated Sandpiper
Turnstones exhibit aggressive nest defense clutches is higher when unattended (Ashkenazie
(Paulson 1995, Nettleship 2000; PAS, pers. and Safriel 1979, Safriel 1980).
obs.), and could benefit from group mobbing. A marked reduction in the number of trips on
Semipalmated Plovers are highly vigilant, en- and off the nest may account for the higher nest
gage in distraction displays (Nol and Blanken success seen in bi- versus uniparental species.
1999), and could benefit from early warning. The importance of activity around the nest in
Although all three species could benefit from determining success is corroborated by the
nesting at high densities, neither the distance to observation that artificial nests had lower daily
the nearest conspecific nor the mean distance to mortality than real nests. However, the in-
the five nearest neighbors differed between cubation behavior of arctic-breeding shorebirds
successful and failed nests for these species. is strongly influenced by factors including
weather, breeding stage, and latitude (Norton
NEST CONCEALMENT 1972, Cartar and Montgomerie 1985, Schamel
Cover around the nest may conceal incubating and Tracy 1987), and our use of means and
adults and reduce the dispersion of scent literature values is a severe limitation. Future

studies should examine the relationship between successful at deterring mammalian predators
incubation behavior and nest success with site- such as the arctic fox (Larsen et al. 1996). As
specific behavioral data, at inter- and intraspe- nest loss in years of low lemming abundance is
cific levels, to test the hypothesis that frequent catastrophic for many species (Summers and
incubation recesses increase the risk of shore- Underhill 1987, Underhill et al. 1993), there
bird nest predation. may simply be no adaptations in nest site
preference or parental behavior that reduce fox
ANTIPREDATOR BEHAVIOR predation in years following a lemming decline.
The antipredator behaviors of shorebirds are
risky (Brunton 1986) and have evolved because FOOD AVAILABILITY AND
of their success at dissuading or distracting
predators (Gochfeld 1984). Because the risk of Birds may select nest sites that are close to food
injury to the defender must be balanced against sources, yet food is often overlooked in studies
the reward of successful nest defense (Larsen et of nest site selection. In shorebirds, the avail-
al. 1996), interspecific differences in nest success ability of invertebrate prey could influence nest
could be related to level of defense behavior. success by affecting foraging efficiency or the
Both aggressive species (Black-bellied Plover body condition of incubating adults (Carey
and Ruddy Turnstone) had high nest success in 1980). However, the relationship between prey
all years, though they suffered increased pre- availability and foraging efficiency depends on
dation in 2002 when predators were abundant the distance between foraging locations and the
and lemmings scarce. However, the highest nest. The Black-bellied Plover, Semipalmated
shorebird nest success was found in Semi- Plover, and Ruddy Turnstone feed within their
palmated Plovers, which engage in vigorous territories, but may also use communal feeding
distraction displays (both sexes), but do not areas or separate feeding territories (Paulson
attack predators (Nol and Blanken 1999). On 1995, Nol and Blanken 1999, Nettleship 2000).
the other hand, White-rumped Sandpipers also We generally observed female White-rumped
exhibit distraction behaviors (females only; Sandpipers and male Red Phalaropes feeding
Parmelee 1992), but they had the lowest nesting within 100 m of the nest, but the former has
success of any shorebird at East Bay. Thus, been observed foraging .300 m from the nest
differences in the level of nest defense do not (Cartar and Montgomerie 1985).
explain our observed interspecific patterns of The abundance of suitable shorebird prey
nest success. captured in pitfall traps varied significantly
among habitats, but habitats with the greatest
THE ROLE OF PREDATOR-PREY CYCLES abundance of suitable prey were not preferred
Habitat and behavior may have contributed to by nesting shorebirds. However, our collections
nest site selection and reproductive success, but do not represent the full suite of prey items used
the single greatest influence on nest success by shorebirds. Larvae are important for prob-
across all species was fluctuating annual pre- ing species such as the White-rumped Sandpip-
dation pressure. In tundra systems, predation of er and Red Phalarope, and the extent to which
the nests of shorebirds and waterfowl is extreme habitat use of larvae is related to that of winged
about every fourth year when lemmings are adults is unclear. Also, flying insects, like the
scarce and predators of rodents turn to the eggs fritillary butterflies captured in 2001, may be
of birds (Summers 1986, Martin and Baird attracted to pitfall traps from a distance. With
1988, Bêty et al. 2002). Populations of lem- these significant caveats in mind, we found no
mings at East Bay probably cycle with a period influence of food limitation on nest site
of three to five years (Krebs 1964, Hanski and selection of shorebirds at East Bay.
Korpimäki 1995). Lemmings were scarce in
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APPENDIX. Mean values (6 SE) for habitat characteristics of shorebird nests at East Bay, Nunavut,
Canada, 2000–2002. BBPL 5 Black-bellied Plover, SEPL 5 Semipalmated Plover, RUTU 5 Ruddy
Turnstone, WRSA 5 White-rumped Sandpiper, and REPH 5 Red Phalarope.

(n 5 21) (n 5 24) (n 5 63) (n 5 24) (n 5 57)
% cover at 1 m2
Water 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 1 6 1
Rock 29 6 5 50 6 5 37 6 2 3 6 1 26 6 3
Cryptogamic crust 23 6 4 32 6 5 29 6 2 14 6 2 18 6 2
Lichen 9 6 2 2 6 1 4 6 1 3 6 1 2 6 0
Moss 3 6 2 6 6 2 14 6 1 45 6 4 24 6 3
Dirt 9 6 2 10 6 3 8 6 1 9 6 3 8 6 2
Avens 25 6 4 0 6 0 2 6 1 9 6 3 6 6 2
Willow 3 6 1 0 6 0 6 6 1 13 6 2 7 6 1
Sedge and grass 1 6 0 5 6 2 2 6 0 15 6 2 9 6 2
Miscellaneous herbs 0 6 0 1 6 1 2 6 0 0 6 0 5 6 2
% cover at 75 m2
Gravel ridge 10 6 7 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0
Dry heath 60 6 10 0 6 0 2 6 1 13 6 6 11 6 4
Scrub willow 19 6 8 6 6 20 45 6 5 14 6 5 23 6 5
Sedge meadow 5 6 3 0 6 0 3 6 2 70 6 7 25 6 5
Moss carpet 3 6 2 8 6 17 25 6 3 3 6 2 14 6 3
Intertidal 1 6 1 81 6 6 18 6 4 0 6 0 9 6 3
Rock 0 6 0 0 6 0 1 6 1 0 6 0 3 6 2
Water 0 6 0 0 6 0 2 6 1 0 6 0 5 6 2
Dried pond 0 6 0 4 6 7 3 6 1 1 6 1 11 6 3
Nearest water (m) 39 6 5 19 6 12 12 6 1 47 6 6 22 6 3
Nearest dried pond (m) 20 6 2 7 6 11 7 6 1 20 6 4 9 6 2
Overhead concealment 0 6 0 0 6 1 1 6 0 10 6 2 10 6 1
Avg. lateral concealment (%) 6 6 1 6 6 6 8 6 1 14 6 2 23 6 2
Avg. height of vegetation (cm) 16 6 2 12 6 8 18 6 1 54 6 4 45 6 3

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