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Question: 1: SELECT THE MOST ACCURATE STATEMENT THE STEPS IN 3- X-3 writing process closely


Experienced writers usually spend the most time on the third phase of the writing process.

Question 2 Search results for which is the last step in the listening process



Question 3 Select the most accurate statement about the question and answer period
after an oral presentation:

Repeat each question

Question no 4 when it comes to writing messages in today's business environment,

Print letter are still used often
Question: 5 an audience centered approach to communication means:
Respecting individuals differences background and culture
Question: 6 : Your cover letter should
All the above
Question: 7 when preparing text slides for an upcoming presentation you should
C) Limit each slide to expressing a single thought, concept, or idea.
Question: 8
Which of the following statement about nonverbal communication is inaccurate?
Answer :
E) When we communicate nonverbally, we sometimes do so unconsciously.
Question: 9
Business communication skills are valued by business because:
Business are becoming increase

Question: 10
When responding to a request for adjustment when a third party is at fault the
best approach is to
Answer :
Respond promptly and explain how the problem will be solved

Question 12
a message can only be deemed effective when :
Answer :
Meaning is shared and the message is understood by others.

Question 13
Which of the following best illustrates the a you attitude
Answer :
One benefit you receive
Question 14
the direct approch to reporting writing is
answer :
saves times and makes the report easier to understand
question 15
using indirect approach the bad news comes
Answer :
Immediately before the reasons ,
Question 16
In conclusion I would like us to meet soon and do some problem solving I would
like to see if there is anything I can do to help you perform better this is an
example of :
Answer :
Thee negative message

Question no : 17
Which of the following statements about resume is not true
One of the advantages to a functional
Question 18
When organizing a speech or presentation your first step is :
Define the main idea

question 19
the purpose of a persuasive message is to
motivate the readers to take an action

questin 20
if you have mildly disappointing

put the negative information first

question 21
in upcoming presentation you plan to cover three important changes to your
employees insurance benefits
answer :

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