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to di­ Ministries received $5 million, the most Sen.

Ed Hooper, R-Clearwater, and

projects, for a project in the health and human
Naples Daily News - 05/15/2021 Page : A01
clinics, services portion of the budget. Accord­ See HEALTH CARE, Page 16A

decades Naples City

Deputy manager Souza
to serve as interim
Omar Rodriguez Ortiz Naples Daily News

J’ Naples City Manager

I] Charles Chapman re-
| 's* ^ • signed Thursday effec-
‘ ~ i tive immediately, and
Q || City Council voted
unanimously to accept
Chapman his resignation.
The vote directs the
city attorney to draft a separation
agreement and bring it back to City
Council for its ratification.
City Council also voted unanimous­
ly to name Deputy City Manager Dana
Souza as interim city manager.
Chapman’s resignation was not
scheduled to be discussed Thursday,
and there was no such item on the
meeting’s agenda.
Councilman Ted Blankenship, who
as Sr. is pictured on an altar proposed to terminate Chapman’s con­
ocal law enforcement tract before he resigned, said Thursday
it was “time for a fresh start.” Blanken­
ship said he had been reflecting on
Chapman’s recent performance evalu­
ation on May 3.
ers with memorial event “Having combative
relationships isn’t con­
TWORK - FLORIDA ducive to the collabora­
tion that we want with
ord for law enforcement across the our community,” Blan­
kenship said.
or fallen officers in Collier County Blankenship On May 3, City Coun­
en challenging, particularly for law cil voted 4-3 to give
Chapman a 2% raise effective Oct. 1 of
law enforcement,” Collier County last year. Mayor Teresa Heitmann, Vice
all of our partners in public safety Mayor Terry Hutchison and Council­
man Mike McCabe voted against it.
y, we did not have that option.” Chapman survived a no-confidence
vote by the City Council by a 4-3 mar­
to 2020. gin on May 3. Heitmann, Hutchison
D-19 related fatalities were the single and McCabe voted no confidence.
ause of officer line-of-duty deaths in Councilman Ray Christman said
cording to the National Law Enforce­ Thursday he supported Chapman leav­
ers Memorial Fund. ing his position whether he agreed or

ORIAL, Page 14A See CHAPMAN, Page 21A

May 17, 2021 11:07 am (GMT -4:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

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