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Introduction to Gas Laws Web Quest

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Start on the task given to you by clicking on Click here to see Boyle's Law animated

Let’s start by Understanding the animated Boyle’s Law

Read the bottom paragraph and fill in the questions

**In a scientific manner, we can fix any two of the four primary properties (volume, pressure, moles and temperature) and study the nature of the
relationship between the other two by varying one and observing the other.

1. In the lab a theoretical gas is confined in a blue container.

2. The volume of the gas is shown in yellow and is determined by the position of a red piston.
3. The volume can be changed by moving the red priston using the red screw at the top of the piston.
4. The number of moles of the gas is indicated by the number of small back molecules in the volume.
5. The moles can be changed by injecting or withdrawing molecules using the pump at the left.
6. There are two probes inserted into the bottom of the container to measure the pressure and the temperature.
7. The pressure can be changed by adding or removing green weights from the top of the red piston,
8. and the temperature can be changed by heating the container with the torch at the bottom.

**Study the Boyle’s Law Animation and answer the question.

Boyle’s Law simply stated: If the amount of gas and the temperature of the gas are held constant, the PRESSURE is inversely related or
proportional to the VOLUME.

1. What happens to the volume as the pressure increases? The

The volume decreases as the pressure increases.

2. Click on the blue square and select edit to draw the graph the data
for pressure and volume makes.

3. What does it mean to be inversely proportional?


this meanse when value increases as fast as the others decreases

Next, read this article to see a different application of gas.

Balloons: Gas & Go - Questions

Directions: Answer the questions after reading the article “Balloons: Gas & Go”.
1) Why does the balloon expand when the propane burner blasts?

The balloon expands when the propane burner explodes because of the hot air

inside the balloon heats up molecules moving faster and faster filling the balloon

up with the hot air .

2) Why doesn’t the balloon pop? the balloon doesnt pop because it isnt sealed up so the molecules
are free to escape it.

3) Why does the balloon rise through the surrounding air? The balloon rises through the air because
it is less dense than water rises up and floats the balloon does the same thing.

4) What is a variometer? The variometer is what measures the balloons rate of ascent and

4b) What is an altimeter? The altimeter indicates the distance fom the ground.

5) What determines the flight path of a hot air balloon? The wind determines the flight of a hot air
balloon not the pilot.

6) What did Charles’ suggest for an improvement on hot air balloons? he suggestedthat they use a
newly high hydrogen gas to left the balloon better than the hot air.

7) What is a flight ceiling? Why should you be careful not to cross the flight ceiling?
The flight ceiling is the limit the balloon reaches when it gets to the top making the
density of the balloon and the air the same, and you should be careful not to cross it
because if you go too high it will make it difficult to ignite the propane and also harder
to breath.

8) Which heats faster: air over a plowed field or air over a lake? Justify your answer.
Air over a plowed field will heat up and cool down faster than air over a lake bacsue as
the sun gets higher and it shines down to the earth the thermal contrast gets intense.
9) How would you make your own hot air balloon? you can make your own hot air balloon by getting
8 panels of tissue paper ready and glueing them together making three sheets,l then stack the panles
and staple them together at the corners trim the panel to make 8 inch gores, then separate the gores
and glue each edge of a neighboring gore to make a balloon, then reinforce the bottom with tape,
then attach 7 streamers to the bottom and evenly space them which should increase the stability of
th balloon.

10) Under “Think about it”, Suppose you had “molecular snapshots” of the way air molecules were
arranged inside and outside the balloon. How would they compare?they would compare by the
air inside and outside the balloon move all over the place since it's filling up the balloon and the
molecules outside would be looking the same.

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