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Situation-Aware Dynamic Service Coordination

in an IoT Environment
Bo Cheng, Member, IEEE, Ming Wang, Shuai Zhao, Zhongyi Zhai, Da Zhu, and Junliang Chen

Abstract— The Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure with objects, and servers can interconnect and give rise to the
numerous diverse physical devices are growing up rapidly, development of compelling services and applications. Each
which need a dynamic services coordination approach that can IoT device can be perceived as an edge-node of a cyber-
integrate those heterogeneous physical devices into the context-
aware IoT infrastructure. This paper proposes a situation-aware
physical ecosystem with the ability to dynamically cooperate
dynamic IoT services coordination approach. First, focusing on and make its service resources available in order to reach a
the definition of formal situation event pattern with event selec- complex goal, i.e., the execution of one or more tasks assigned
tion and consumption strategy, an automaton-based situational to the network. The acquisition, distribution and integration
event detection algorithm is proposed. Second, the enhanced of large-scale, multi-source information, along with the need
event-condition-action is used to coordinate the IoT services to appropriately respond to dynamic changes in the physical
effectively, and also the collaboration process decomposing algo-
rithm and the rule mismatch detection algorithms are proposed. world in real time, which pose new technological challenges to
Third, the typical scenarios of IoT services coordination for smart the provision of IoT services. First, the heterogeneous nature
surgery process are also illustrated and the measurement and of sensory devices require an abstraction from the lower device
analysis of the platform’s performance are reported. Finally, level layer to a common access layer for other applications,
the conclusions and future works are given. which need an abstraction instance as it has the capability to
Index Terms— Situation-aware, dynamic, service coordination, gather and connect the data from different sensor platforms.
IoT environment. Second, with the huge amounts of data to be made available
I. I NTRODUCTION from the edge of the sensor networks or electronic devices
to the applications to be available anywhere at any time,
A LONG with the rapid development of embedded comput-
ing and new sensor technologies, the goals of information
and communication technology have evolved to include the
how to dispatch, assemble/integrate those sensory data among
the distributed, loosely coupled information systems across
different business fields or even organizations. Third, support
ability to connect to anyone or any object at any time, from
the rapid coordination of manpower and business processes to
any place. People wish to closely relate the virtual world
interact with physical entities across business domains, or even
established by computation facilities to the physical world,
across organizations, thereby endowing the IoT service system
so that computation equipments can be seamlessly integrated
with the characteristics of real-time dynamic variation.
into their lives and to provide more intelligent universal ser-
In recent years, researchers have incorporated Service-
vices through real-time sensing and dynamic interaction with
Oriented Architecture (SOA) [5]–[7] technology into IoT ser-
the physical world. It is within this context that the Internet
vice coordination to resolve the heterogeneity of services
of Things (IoT) technology has emerged, in which a large
and physical entities to facilitate interoperability and dynamic
number of physical entities are interconnected and integrated
service discovery. However, the traditional SOA standards
into the information space, and the supply and consumption
and technologies are designed primarily for the integra-
of information are realized through the Internet [1]–[4]. In this
tion of enterprise-class heavyweight services in an Internet
respect, successful solutions are expected to embody a huge
environment, and the traditional SOA is unable to resolve
number of smart objects identified by unique addressing
dynamic multi-service collaboration issues that are triggered
schemes providing services to end-users through standard
by complex events. Primarily, SOA begins by decoupling
communication protocols. Accordingly, the huge numbers of
the system, focuses on decomposing the entire application
objects connected to the Internet and that permeate the envi-
into a series of independent services and defines various
ronment we live in, are expected to grow considerably, causing
standards and infrastructures to facilitate the reuse of these
the production of an enormous amount of data that must be
services; i.e., to allow them to be used easily by applications
processed and made available in a continuous, efficient, and
on various platforms. The resolution must be achieved by
easily interpretable manner. A massive number of devices
the IoT service provider using a mechanism that precisely
with different capabilities such as sensors, actuators, smart
coordinates the real-time interaction and collaboration between
Manuscript received January 3, 2016; revised December 25, 2016; accepted multiple coupled systems. Therefore, another technical chal-
February 13, 2017; approved by IEEE/ACM T RANSACTIONS ON N ETWORK - lenge faced by IoT service providers is the approach used
ING Editor A. X. Liu. This work was supported by the National High-tech
Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) under Grant
to resolve flexible and distributed service collaboration across
2013AA102301. (Corresponding author: Bo Cheng.) business domains, or even across organizations. Event Driven
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Networking and Architecture (EDA) [8]–[10] uses an asynchronous event com-
Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, munication mode, whereby the generation of an event can
Beijing 100876, China (e-mail:; wangming_bupt@;; trigger the concurrent execution of one or more services. When
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNET.2017.2705239 a certain event occurs, different services can be triggered
1063-6692 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


automatically, endowing the system with the capability of real- used to improve the service quality of IoT [11]. Reference [12]
time sensing and rapid response to events in a loosely coupled, proposes a new context-aware paradigm for IoT, called Con-
distributed computing environment. In general, pure SOA and text of Things, that can acquire the context information from
EDA have their own limitations, but could complement each two aspects of user’s description and sensor reports. Based
other; that is, a certain degree of service coordination can be on the Context of Things, a smart IoT service is imple-
achieved among mutually independent service systems through mented to analyze the thing’s need intelligently. Reference [13]
the event mechanism. This complementarity is well suited proposes a context-aware approach for trust management of
to the characteristics of IoT, which has a characteristics for IoT service network. This approach can dynamically predict
high autonomy inside a domain and efficient coordination trustworthiness of a service provider based on its behavior
across domains; furthermore, it both improves the real-time in response to context changes. To deal with the resource-
response to constantly changing business requirements and constraints, scalability, mobility and real-time requirements of
minimizes the impact on the existing application system to IoT environments, [14] introduce the semantic representation
allow a large-scale, distributed IoT service application to be approach for IoT nodes, and utilize the semantic IoT knowl-
easily developed and maintained. In this paper, an event-driven edge for reasoning actionable knowledge with Semantic Web
and service-oriented situation-aware IoT service coordination technologies. Reference [15] proposes an adaptive approach
approach is proposed, and the on-demand distribution of that can dynamically integrate heterogeneous devices into the
situation-aware information and dynamic, event-driven service context-aware IoT infrastructure.
coordination are implemented by integrating the advantages of
SOA and EDA. The contributions of this paper are as follows: B. Physical Mashup
1) A comprehensive and systematic event-driven, service-
oriented IoT service coordination platform architecture, Physical mashup inherits the basic paradigm of Web
which effectively integrates the advantages of SOA Mashup that can assist users to create IoT applications rapidly
and EDA, is proposed. SOA technology is used to by composing virtual and physical services. Reference [16]
resolve interoperability issues among large numbers of proposes a user-centric composition framework of IoT services
heterogeneous services and physical entities as well as based on device resources in urban-computing environments.
application reusability issues in a large-scale distributed In this framework, the IoT services are implemented as smart
IoT environment; EDA technology is used to address objects from the perspective of users, and a task-oriented
the problem of the cross-business-domain, or even cross- computing approach is also presented to handle the compo-
organization, on-demand distribution of sensed informa- sition of IoT services in a spontaneous manner to achieve the
tion as well as the problem of dynamic event-driven user task. To reduce the bandwidth and processing time of
service coordination. embedded devices, a new integrated framework is proposed
2) A situational event pattern is designed. Various types of for the embedded applications [17]. This framework adopts
information monitored by sensors are defined as atomic the CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) / EXI (Efficient
events, and a series of concise and strictly temporal event XML Interchange) technology stack to be suitable to develop
operators are used to define complex event pattern with resource-constrained embedded applications. Reference [18]
rich semantics; simultaneously, flexible event selection presents a model-based interface description scheme that can
and consumption strategies are provided for users to automatically generate the user interface of IoT devices. In the
create flexible configurations, and an automaton-based scheme, a self-defined description language should be used to
situational event detection algorithm is proposed. describe the interaction semantics of interactive components.
3) A situational event-driven service coordination behavior To overcome the heterogeneity of IoT devices, [19] proposes
model is proposed. This model is based on an extended a mashup model of services in IoT environment. This mashup
event-condition-action (ECA) trigger mechanism, which model can be used to develop IoT applications following
translates the service global process model into a series the model-driven architecture, and finally implemented based
of local processes and event flow models to generate a on the cloud environment. Reference [20] proposes a light-
set of executable ECA rules and define a coordinated weight physical mashup approach for IoT applications. In the
execution sequence for global services to implement approach, the physical devices in the lower layer are repack-
situational event-triggered active coordination for the aged as RESTful services based on CoAP, and provided to the
global coordination process. composition layer in a graphical manner, so that non-experts
could use them to develop personalized IoT applications.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The
related work to this study is briefly reviewed and dis-
cussed in Section II. Section III describes the application C. Dynamic IoT Service Orchestration
scenario. Section IV describes the proposed architecture. The dynamic service orchestration provides a flexible coor-
Finally, conclusions and possibilities for future work are dination pattern for physical devices in IoT environment.
described in section V. Reference [21] proposes a service-oriented collaboration
approach for smart home to address the heterogeneity and
II. R ELATED W ORKS late binding of physical devices. This approach is imple-
A. Context-Aware Service for Internet of Things mented based on AI planning technologies to dynamically
In IoT environment, the context-aware information is nor- orchestrate the IoT service processes at runtime according to
mally collected and extracted from sensor data, and can be function requirements and contextual information. Similarly,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


[22] presents a goal-driven service orchestration approach

for IoT environment, in which a semantic metadata spec-
ification of RESTful is defined for IoT services, and a
reasoning mechanism is constructed as an orchestrator. In con-
trast to the process-driven service orchestration (e.g., BPMN,
BEPL), this approach can dynamically orchestrate the service
processes based on users’ goal and contextual information.
Reference [23] proposes a self-organizing scheme for smart
devices in IoT environment inspired by the endocrine mech-
anism. In IoT environment, a smart device is an autonomous
area that can work independently according to its own status
and dynamic circumstance. The smart devices can coordinate
Fig. 1. A typical surgical workflow.
with each other by an information exchange network, which
is constructed based on endocrine mechanism, to accomplish in this dynamic and unpredictable environment. In particular,
the tasks and objectives. For the large-scale IoT scenarios performing a surgery requires extensive information sharing,
(e.g., healthcare, smart cities), [24] proposes a fog-enabled coordination, emergent situation detection, and immediate
orchestration architecture to loosely coordinate the fog nodes reactions. Meeting these requirements is very difficult if no
in IoT environment. Reference [25] proposes a “virtual block” proper technology is used to help monitor patient flows, track
concept (i.e., services), to deal with device heterogeneity and medical devices, and alert personnel to unexpected situations.
to support the orchestration of smart objects in complex IoT Failures in these areas can threaten patient safety, decrease
environment. It also proposes a late binding mechanism for operational efficiency, and increase medical costs.
implementing a context-aware and self-adapting platform of As shown in Fig. 1, a typical surgical workflow is used
physical devices. to illustrate the challenges in performing a surgery. This
workflow generally involves three phases, namely, preoper-
D. IoT Service Adaptation ative, intraoperative, and postoperative. Five groups of partic-
ipants are involved in this procedure, namely patients (P1),
Standardization in web service simplifies the interoper-
porters (P2), nurses (P3), anesthetists (P4), and surgeons (P5).
ability, however, it does not remove the mismatches among
Surgical related locations can include the ward (L1), holding
services due to possible heterogeneity of service inter-
area of the operating suite (L2), operating suite (L3), holding
faces and protocols. Service adaptation provides an effective
area of the operating room (L4), operating room (OR) (L5),
solution to deal with the mismatches by using corrective
recovery room (L6), and intensive care unit (ICU) (L7).
mechanisms [26]. In [27], authors summarize some mismatch
During this surgery process, several emergent events might
patterns on the service interface and protocol levels, and
occur, which if not attended to could cause, among other
propose an adaptation method by developing stand-alone adap-
things, critical surgical instruments to be missing from the OR,
tors. Reference [28] proposes a stigmergic-based approach to
potentially resulting in patient death. Without IoT technology,
model the service composition and adaptation in decentralized
tracking the locations of a patient and instrument in real time
environments. To address dynamic changes in the complex
is impossible and therefore finding both in an emergency can
decentralized system, diversity schemes are incorporated into
be very difficult. Another potential problem can occur when
the proposed approach to promote continuous adaptation
manually checking a patient’s medicine, where human error
features. In IoT environment, especially, many devices use
may directly result in medical accidents. Finally, the proper
different communication protocols and data payload formats,
technology should offer the ability to detect critical situations
which lead to more heterogeneity of IoT services. From
in advance, thus avoiding many potentially serious situations.
the perspective of fault-tolerant capability, [29] proposes an
For example, a nurse may mistakenly send a patient to a
adaptation scheme for IoT devices based on service-oriented
wrong OR, so his/her surgery will be delayed. In addition,
architecture. In the scheme, authors introduce a concept of
during the operation, if there are indications that a patient
virtual service that can use data from more than one sensor
may be in danger of having an unexpected heart attack,
devices to replace the actual service on some faulty device.
an additional medical device might be needed for emergency
use; however, if it does not get sent to the right OR in time,
III. A N A PPLICATION S CENARIO there could be serious consequences. Therefore, this dynamic
The hospital in this scenario is a large, extremely busy, and sometimes unexpected environment raises a number of
and chaotic organization, where hundreds of medical cases are challenges for surgery operations.
treated every day. Hundreds of doctors and other staff members
are walking about constantly; inpatients and outpatients are IV. T HE P ROPOSED A PPROACH
moving around the hospital under surveillance; and medical A situation-aware, dynamically-adaptable IoT service coor-
devices are commonly recalled for emergency use. Although dination system is proposed. First, an important primitive
information systems have been used to support the work of event or a combination of events is detected in the event cloud;
medical professionals, they are not able to accurately track next, the specific service response, such as the generation of
patient flow and asset flow in real time. Thus, sensing and a service call or event notifications, is determined through
responding quickly to critical situations becomes impossible defined business rule matching. During this process, not only
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



an event set that contains a number of primitive events or com-

posite events, where all elements in the event set constitute
that particular composite event. Quantities ts and te are
respectively the beginning and ending times of the event,
that is, the particular event can occur within the time period
from ts and te .
Definition 4 (Composite Event Operator): In general,
arithmetic operators that express event relationships can exist
for a single event, or between multiple events. For example,
a monocular mode that describes a single event includes an
average value event, a maximum value event, a recurring
event, and a regionally occurring event; whereas a multicast-
ing mode that describes the inter-event relationships includes
the time sequence relation and aggregation relationship. More
details about composite event operators are described in
previous work [30].
Fig. 2. The concept model for IoT service coordination. Definition 5 (Situational Event Pattern): The pattern of an
event, Pe , is a conditional expression of an event. Any event
can every service exchange with other services through pattern of a relevant event must be captured from a sequence
information-based calling, but a service can also achieve self- of events in a period of dynamic extension; moreover, only
adaptive collaboration based on either other services or an a matched event pattern can satisfy the semantic constraints
event notification produced by the event source. The service described in the rule. The Situation Event Pattern (SEP)
referred to here can be a single Web service or a combination defines the event rule structure as shown in Table I.
of services. The business rule structure is based on the In the above rule structure, the first line, Situation, defines
expanded ECA paradigm; this paradigm can perform proactive the event structure of a specific scenario, the parameters of
service responses based on events that satisfy specific condi- which are formed by the attributes of the event and their
tions. The concept model for the situation-aware, dynamically- attribute type (the attribute type is optional). The second
adaptable IoT service coordination is shown in Fig. 2. line, T rigF rom, defines the pattern structure of a complex
event that is formed by a series of simple events, which can
A. The Event Model and Event Pattern Detection be connected by logical connectors such as ‘and’ or ‘or’.
The patient monitoring systems and radio-frequency iden- Together, these two lines denote a scenario event and its
tification (RFID) reader produce continuous streams of data component composition. The W here clause in the third line
that need to be processed and analyzed in real-time to detect of the rule structure describes the constraint conditions that
events. There is also a need to process the continuous data attributes Attr1 , . . . , Attrn (corresponding to an event) must
streams. satisfy. The final item, Consuming, is optional and is used
Definition 1 (Event): An event is a specific activity or a to define an event consumption strategy.
change of a subject’s state, where a specific event instance is Here, a heart attack situation during the surgery process sit-
expressed as e. Every event notification contains a correspond- uation is presented. Fig. 3 shows how basic events, composite
ing event type, attribute, and time of occurrence. A specific events, and complex events relate to each other.
event can be distinguished as a primitive event or a composite By correlating basic events and matching them with
event. predefined rules, it is possible to detect emergent situa-
Definition 2 (Primitive Event): A primitive event is atomic, tions, make quick decisions and take immediate actions. For
i.e., cannot be further divided, and occurs at a specific time. instance, the composite event ec1 is found to match rule1
A primitive event can be expressed as ep = ep (id, a, t, l), (heart_attack), so the complex event “The patient is facing
in which id is the unique identification number of the primitive a heart attack” is detected. Similarly, ec2 is detected to
event, a = {a1 , a2 , . . . , am }, m > 0, is the attribute set of match rule2 (instrument_missing) so the critical situation
that specific primitive event, t is the event occurrence time, “The patient located in OR01 is facing a heart attack and
and l is the event occurrence location. needs instrument OXRB which is missing” is detected.
Definition 3 (Composite Event): A composite event can be
defined as ec = ec (id, a, c, ts , te ), te ≥ ts , in which the B. The Situational Event Detection Algorithm
first two items, id and a, have a similar definition to that of a An RFID-enabled smart hospital can generate a variety of
primitive event. Furthermore, c = {e1 , e2 , . . . , en }, n > 0 is data streams that are in different formats and need to be
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


an automaton model; this model is determined by the events’

occurrence order and the various constraints specified by the
rule and consists of one or more specific event sequence
models. The general procedure is as follows: based on the
rule definition, rule r is decomposed into one or more event
sequence models MES ; all event sequences (ES) are linear
deterministic automata; every event related to r represents
a state in the sequence model; and the event contents and
time constraints that can trigger state transitions between the
sequence’s different states are shown (Ss is the automaton’s
initial state; Se is the final state). After the rule is decomposed
into event sequence models based on the different states’
constraints and relations as defined by rule r, all sequences are
assembled into a common automaton model. To describe how
SEP rule-based automata can be used to identify a specific
situation, a processing algorithm for a single MES is first
Fig. 3. An illustration of basic, composite and complex events. provided. When a certain event e arrives, this MES begins
processing following the steps listed in Algorithm 1.
processed in a timely manner. For example, an RFID tracking
system consistently generates data about the location and
time of tagged items, which is in low-level semantics and Algorithm 1 Event Automaton Processing (EAP)
not directly useful. Moreover, embedded sensors and devices 1 Initialize the event sequence in MES as ES0 ;
continuously generate environmental or medical related data. 2 if Event e satisfies state transition conditions of MES
Complex situational event processing, which aims at process- then
ing multiple streams of data continuously and identifying 3 if e can trigger some state si migrating to si+1 then
meaningful events in real-time, has been introduced to process 4 create a copy ESi+1 from this ESi ;
and correlate these data. Consequently, a hospital needs to 5 Change the state of ESi from si to si+1 ;
handle a large amount of data originating from a variety of 6 if exceeded the time constraint then
sources, and needs to detect medically significant events in 7 delete this ES and Goto line 2;
good time by considering both RFID and non-RFID data. 8 end
The core concept of SEP is to use strict temporal logic 9 if si+1 is not the final state of MES then
to describe sequences of events. Confirmation of any event 10 Goto line 2;
profile must wait for the occurrence of the final event in the 11 end
event sequence corresponding to the relevant rule. To support 12 else
SEP, an automaton-based situational event detection method 13 return the detection result;
is proposed. First, a situational event automaton model is 14 end
provided: 15 end
Definition 6 (Situational Event Automata): A situational 16 end
event automaton (SA) is defined as a six-tuple SA =< S, 17 else
T, Ss , Se , In, Out >, where 18 Discard e;
1) S is the SA’s state set; 19 end
2) T ⊆ S × S represents the transition relations between
states, which typically must satisfy certain event con-
straints; It should be noted that after the creation of ES, the original
3) Ss is the SA’s initial state; ES (not ES0 ) is still in state si ; if a certain ES exceeds
4) Se is the acceptable state for the SA, i.e., the state for the time constraint during the process, then ES is discarded.
which a matching event profile is detected; The earliest initialized ES0 is always in the state that is not
5) In is the event stream that enters the SA; and triggered by an event, thus it is never necessary to discard it.
6) Out is the successfully detected composite event stream. For example, consider a query that monitors physiological data
The primary design principle of automaton-based detection streams; i.e., "report the heart rate and blood pressure values
is to construct corresponding automata for each composite when the heart rate is > 100 and the blood pressure is < 70
event profile and to obtain the corresponding state set and over a period of 60 seconds". This is illustrated in Fig. 4.
transition set, the corresponding input event domain for each At the moment of t = 0, an initial sequence ES0 of the
state, and the corresponding event domain for each transition; event sequence model M SE1 is at the state of ’wait for
then, when a primitive event arrives, these constraints are used events’. When t = 1, the heart rate H1 enters the automata.
for matching. If an acceptable state without an outward transi- By checking the class, content, and time, it is identified that
tion is eventually reached, then a successful match is obtained, H1 satisfies the state transition condition of ES0 . Then, create
and a composite event is successfully detected. To identify ES1 and change its state to HeartBeat; similarly, when t = 2,
the SEP rule, a specific rule should first be translated into H2 enters the automata. Then, create ES2 and change its
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. An illustration of the E-ECA expression method.

Fig. 4. An illustrative example for the processing procedure of SA.

state to HeartBeat. When t = 4, the arriving event is blood

pressure B1 with location Area5. Since there is no blood Fig. 6. Sequence structure control.
pressure event meeting the conditions located in Area5, B1 is 1) E-A pattern: When the service object receives a trig-
discarded. When t = 7, since the 5 minute constraint becomes gering event E, execute operation A to enter the next
invalid for the ES1 that is created at t = 1, ES1 can state; that is, execute the Then portion of the action once
no longer migrate and is discarded. Meanwhile, the arrival an event meeting the conditions has occurred;
of H3 leads to the creation of ES3 and its migration to 2) E-C-A pattern: Operate A and enter the next state
HeartBeat state. When t = 8 discard ES2 , for the same when the service object receives a triggering event E
reason as above. Due to the arrival of B2, create ES31 and and condition C has been satisfied; and
change its state to BloodPressure. Thus far, the first matched 3) E-C n -An pattern: Operate An and enter the next state
event model (consisting of H3 and B2) has been created. only when the service object receives a triggering event
Similarly, when B3 arrives at t = 9, create ES32 and change E and condition C n has been satisfied, in which: C n =
its state to BloodPressure; then the second matched event {Condition1 C / Condition2 C / ... C/ Conditioni },
model (consisting of H3 and B3) is created. / ∈ {∧, ∨}, i ≥ 1;
In the above processing procedure, all the event sequences An = {Action1 £ Action2 £ . . . £ Actionj }, £ ∈
in an active state store all the event information, triggering {∧, ∨}, j ≥ 1.
its transition to their current states. For instance, the time
To model service control flow, consider the following main
and content of events; where the former could be used for
control flow scenarios: sequence structure control, parallel
determining when to check the effectiveness of some event,
actions, alternating actions, and repeated iteration actions.
and the latter could be used for checking whether relevant
These are now explained.
attribute values accord with the conditions defined by the rules,
e.g., the heart rate value and blood pressure value.
Sequence Structure Control
C. The Enhanced E-ECA for Process Flow Control When using E-ECA rules to achieve service flow control
for a sequence structure, the flow transfers to the next rule
Complex situational event detection involves a continuous
state after the execution of the corresponding actions of each
processing and analysis of high-volume and high-speed data
E-ECA rule, as shown in Fig. 6.
streams such as RFID data. It also correlates distributed data
From Fig. 6, it can be seen that when rule 1 completes
to detect and respond to business-critical situations in real
action a1 , event e2 is either produced or received, causing
time. Then, it helps to deal with a variety of data streams
rule 2 to be executed; the completion of action a2 will
to deliver actionable information. After the occurrence of a
similarly cause the state to transfer, causing rule 3 to be
certain event, and assuming that certain conditions have been
executed. The flow control of the business process sequence
satisfied, then general ECA process steps include a set of
structure is realized by repeating the same steps.
corresponding rule bodies that are automatically triggered;
moreover, their corresponding codes will be executed to realize
the possible actions. As shown in the previous section, during Parallel Branch Structure Control
collaborative service process control, there exist composite The parallel branch structure can also be called an And-
control flow patterns, such as AND-split, AND-join, and branch structure. From the viewpoint of the AND-split pattern,
XOR-split, in addition to sequence control flow patterns. one type involves the execution of rules that belong to different
However, an ECA rule model cannot express these patterns. service domains, and is triggered by the same event, as shown
To enhance the functions of ECA rules, Fig. 5 gives an in the left side of Fig. 7; the other type entails either multiple
enhanced ECA (E-ECA) rule expression method. The method events produced by the completion of an action, triggering
involves the addition of an Action option to certain business subsequent parallel actions, or the parallel actions of the same
rules, based on the foundation of ECA. event triggered by different conditions.
In general, the E-ECA execution follows the following From Fig. 7, it can be seen that after the starting rule
patterns: completes action a1 , events e2 and e2 are produced or received,
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 10. The Do-While loop structure control.

Fig. 7. Parallel branch structure controls.

Fig. 8. The XOR branch structure control. Fig. 11. The While-Do loop structure control.

to rule 2 to execute the loop; otherwise, if the condition is not

satisfied, then the loop is exited after the execution of a( i − 1)
and instead, executes rule i. In WHILE-DO loop control, when
rule 2 receives event e2 , condition c2 is analyzed; if satisfied,
the loop is executed, otherwise the loop is exited immediately
after the action has been executed, as shown in Fig. 11.

D. The Collaboration Process Decomposing Algorithm

The IoT business process should be able to process large
amounts of events, and provides functions to monitor, steer
Fig. 9. The OR branch structure control. and optimize business processes in real-time, which can auto-
matically discover and analyze business situations or excep-
simultaneously triggering two different rules and thus realizing tions and can create reactive and proactive responses. These
two branches, (e2 , a2a , e3a ) and (e2 , a2b , e3b ). At the tail end, would include generating early warnings, preventing damage,
the eia and eib produced by branches (ei−1,a , ai−1,a , eia ) and loss or excessive cost, exploiting time-critical business oppor-
(ei−1,b , ai−1,b , eib ) trigger and realize the AND-join pattern. tunities, or adapting collaboration processes with minimal
latency. An event driven service collaboration action model
Choice Branch Structure Control can realize global viewpoint-based service programming and
local viewpoint-based service scheduling, based on the event
The choice branch structure can be further divided into the
communication and ECA triggering mechanism. The global
XOR branch structure and OR branch structure; the former
programming can be decomposed into numerous local service
refers to cases in which one of many variations can be chosen
scheduling sequences; based on this model, the unification
for execution during flow progression to reach the next state.
of service programming and scheduling can be achieved.
An E-ECA rule based on an ON-IF-THEN-ELSE pattern can
An event driven service collaboration action model is shown
be used to realize the XOR branch control. As shown in Fig. 8,
in Fig. 12.
the completion path can use two events triggered by two
Definition 7 (Global Collaborative Process): A collabora-
different branches as the disjunction E, triggering subsequent
tive process is defined as a five-element set: PC =
actions. Fig. 9 shows one expression method of the XOR
(SP, S, CF, CP, CM ), in which:
branch structure control, in which a certain set of rules is
triggered by the same event under different conditions. 1) SP is the local service domain set that forms the
global collaborative process; a collaborative process
is composed of many local service processes, in which
Loop Structure Control every local service process belongs to a service domain;
The use of E-ECA rules to control a loop structure consists 2) S denotes all participating service sets in the collabo-
of two parts. The first is the control of a DO-WHILE type rative process;
loop, and the second is the control of a WHILE-DO type loop; 3) CF is the control flow set between all services in the
both can use the XOR-split pattern to facilitate control. The collaborative process; the control flow between any two
DO-WHILE type loop is shown in Fig. 10. From Fig. 10, it can services can be expressed as C := {(Ss ⊆ S) → (Sd ⊆
be seen that after rule 2 receives the triggering event e2 , loop S)}, where Ss ⊆ S is the source service and Sd ⊆ S is
action a2 is executed first, and so forth; then certain commands the target service;
are executed according to the sequence to rule i − 1. If the 4) CP denotes the composite control flow pattern
loop condition of rule i−1 is satisfied, then the system returns that exists between services in the collaborative
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


that can be executed in an active rule engine. To achieve

the decomposition of the collaborative process model PC ,
the Collaborative Process Decomposing (CPD) algorithm
is given in Algorithm 2. The CPD adds a sequence Q

Algorithm 2 Collaborative Process Decomposing (CPD)

Input: a collaborative process P
Output: a set of local processes PL , a set of event
flow Ef
1 Create a queue Q;
2 foreach ss ∈ Ss (P ) do
3 EN QU EU E(Q, ss );
4 end
5 while Q is not empty do
6 s = DEQU EU E(Q);
Fig. 12. An Event driven service collaboration action model. 7 if process(s) is not assigned then
8 P ← new local processPL ; P rocess(s) := PL ;
process; besides the most common Sequence pattern, 9 end
there also exist two main types: a division pattern 10 foreach ssubsequent ∈ Ssubsequent (s) do
Split(AN D, XOR, OR) and an aggregation pat- 11 EN QU EU E(Q, ssubsequent );
tern Join(AN D, XOR, OR); and 12 end
5) CM : S → SP indicates the control mapping relation 13 next
set from S to SP ; in a single local service domain, 14 foreach spre ∈ Spre (s) do
at least one mapping occurs from S to SP , therefore, 15 if SP (s)
= SP (spre ) then
the relationship between S and SP is either one-to- 16 Ef ← f (spre , s)
one or many-to-one. 17 end
Definition 8 (Control Flow): The control flow of a collabo- 18 else if SP (s) == SP (spre )&&process(s) is not
rative process is a two-element set, Cf = (S  , CF  ), in which assigned then
S  ⊆ S and CF  ⊆ CF are, respectively, the service 19 process(s) := process(spre );
set and execution dependency relationship between services 20 PL ← CFL (spre , s);
in the collaborative process. If completing the execution 21 end
of services1triggers service s2 , then there exists an execu- 22 else if SP (s) == SP (spre )&&process(s)
tion dependency relationship between S1 and S2 , that is, process(spre ) then
Depexec(S1 , S2 ) ∼ = Dep(S1 .complete(), S2 .active()). 23 PL = PL \process(spre );
Definition 9 (Local Process): The local process model is 24 foreach s ∈ S(process(spre )) do
similar to the collaborative process model, but it does not con- 25 process(s ) := process(s);
tain a local service domain SP; the local process model can be 26 end
defined as a four-element set: PL = (SL , CFL , CPL , CML ), 27 end
in which SL ⊂ S, but CFL
⊂ CF , because when a global col- 28 end
laborative process is decomposed into many local processes, 29 end
additional service dependency relationships are produced. 30 return (PL , Ef );
Definition 10 (Event Flow): The event flow in a collabora-
tive process is defined as Ef = (SE , E, SD , ER ), where
SE is the source service of the produced event flow Ef , E is (steps 1-4) to the starting service ss ∈ Ss (P ) of the
the event set produced by SE , SD is the target service set collaborative process P . From step 3 to step 29, the algorithm
corresponding to a specific event, and ER : SE → SD is the searches for the control flow and event flow of collaborative
corresponding event flow relation of a service in SE and the process P using a breadth-first search algorithm. For every
relevant services in SD . service s in the sequence, if it is a starting service that does not
As described above, the global collaborative process PC have prior services, then a new local process PL is created, and
describes the collaborative relationship between many organi- s is placed under the newly created local process (steps 7-9).
zations within a service system, representing the macro view Steps 10-12 of the CPD algorithm place the subsequent
of the business process. To obtain the micro view of specific services of s into sequence Q, for the convenience of con-
executable rules, as described by E-ECA, the collaborative tinuing the breadth-first search. Afterward, for every service s
process PC must first be decomposed into a series of local in Q, the service domain to which it belongs is compared with
process PL models under the service domains to which the the service domain of the prior service spre ; if the service
different organizations belong, as well as the interaction event domains are different, then they are considered to belong
flow Ef models between the local processes; then, these to different local processes. Thus, an event f (spre → s)
two types of models can be converted into E-ECA rules from spre to s is created and stored in event flow
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 13. An example: the refined surgery management collaborative process.

Ef (steps 14-15). If the service domains of s and spre are the Fig. 14. The Decomposed Local process and event flow model.
same, then s and spre belong to the same local process. In this
context, two different situations must be catered for if the collaborative process model remains unchanged after decom-
local process to which s belongs has not yet been determined, position into the local process models, e.g., the XOR-split
then the set of local processes s is equal to that of spre . control pattern of S5 and S10, and the XOR-join pattern
Simultaneously, a control flow CFL (spre → s) from spre to of S12. However, for more than one control flow conver-
s can be created and stored in the corresponding local process sion or during the service of an event interaction, S4 and
PL (steps 18-21). If the local process to which s belongs is S9 are both AN D-split, and S7, S10, and S11 are all
determined, and is different from that of spre , then the two AN D-join control patterns.
should be combined, because both local processes belong to After extracting several local processes and event flows
the same service domain and the same collaborative process. from the collaborative process using the CPD algorithm, these
Thus, the process of the prior service spre is discarded, and models can be converted into executable ECA rules. In the
all local processes of s ∈ S(process(spre )) are set to be the smart service environment, three types of rules are most
same as s. This kind of refresh situation usually occurs when critical: the flow constraint rule, E-Service interaction rule,
more than one prior service is possible for a certain service, and S-Service event detection rule. Among these, the flow
and these prior services belong to different local processes. constraint rule is mainly used to establish flow control within
During the surgery process, every patient is equipped the management service domain and cross service domain
with an RFID-embedded wristband (REW) (a type of device events; the E-Service interaction rule is mainly used for service
belonging to the patient support system (PSS)). Every REW information system oriented calls and response triggers; and
corresponds to an unique ID, which corresponds to a given the S-Service event detection rule is used for RFID in the
patient. If the medical personnel carry out a certain operation smart service environment, or for the triggering of other smart
to match the REW to a specific patient, then the smart auxiliary devices used in real-time detection events. The portion of the
device of the medical personnel will display the detailed E-ECA rule set that applies to the smart surgery management
information of that patient. The full model for the collaborative collaborative process is shown in Table II and Table III.
process of surgery management and the refined collaborative First, the beginning and ending constraints of the service
process is shown in Fig. 13. must be defined. For example, S1 corresponding to local
The entire collaborative process PC contains 13 sub- process P 1 in the service domain P SS (i.e., the patient was
services (S1-S13) and 13 control flow conversions, among told that surgery preparation was complete) is the first service
which two XOR-split patterns are involved. All services in the entire collaborative process and does not have beginning
belong to four different service domains: PSS, nurse assis- constraints; for this service, the initial state is ’Ready’. The
tant system (NAS), anesthetist assistant system (AAS), and transmission of the information that preparation has been
surgeon assistant system (SAS). Specifically: S1, S13 ∈ completed to the hospital information center through E-Service
P SS; S3, S4, S7, S10, S12, S13 ∈ N AS; S5, S6 ∈ type services then begins execution. After the information
AAS; and S8, S9, S11 ∈ P SS. has been transmitted, S1 will transmit an internal event that
To apply the CPD algorithm in the surgery management indicates conversion into the ’Completed’ state; the ending
collaborative process, the local process model, event flow constraint is the transmission of an internal event to trigger
model, and their relationship after decomposition are shown the next service, which is S2 of local process P 1 that belongs
in Fig. 14. to the same service domain P SS (i.e., the patient receives
Every service domain has a corresponding local process. the information that the surgery treatment process has been
Within a certain local process, it is possible that event flow entered). The service cycle of S2 is mostly similar to S1;
exists between some of the services and those of other local the difference is in the specific service provided. However,
processes, while these processes themselves represent the far for S3 in N AS (i.e., the nurse is inspecting the patient’s
end or the target end. The control flow pattern CP in the identity and physical condition) the beginning flow constraint
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.




is that the nurse had received information that the S2 service to ’Completed,’ and S10 finishes execution. If an emergency
was completed through N AS. During the execution of S3, situation occurs during the period, the definition of the emer-
based on the E-Service interaction rule, patient.identification() gency rule is invoked; such as the occurrence of the patient
service is called, and at the same time, the state of S3 is set hypovolemia danger warning rule as follows:
to ’Executing.’ When service.response (patient.identification) According to this rule, if the heart beat rate of the patient
is received (i.e., the inspection of the patient’s identity and increases in excess of 5% within a five minute period, coupled
physical condition by the nurse has been completed), the state with a decrease in blood pressure by more than 6%, a warning
of S3 is changed to ’Completed.’ The ending flow constraint is issued to the medical personnel. In this case, S10 executes
of S3 is the production of an internal control flow event that the ELSE branch of the E-ECA control structure ON-IF-
triggers S4 service, which also belongs to N AS. In S4 (i.e., THEN-ELSE; then, that branch transmits an external warning
patient transfer), the beginning flow constraint is receiving event to S11, triggering that service. At the same time,
information of the completion of S3 through N AS. In the another internal event is produced to bring about the end of
intermediate state, based on the E-Service interaction rule, service S10.
E-Service: patient.transport() is executed. The ending flow
constraint is the transmission of two control flow information
steps that are in the same service domain, ’E-4-7’ and
E. The Rule Mismatch Detection (RMD) Algorithm
’E-4-10’; that is, for the nurse, the next step can execute
either S7 or S10, and the transmission of an event flow IoT services exist in a diverse environment that has tem-
’E-4-5’, which notifies the anesthetist that the patient has poral and spatial constraints and is subject to dynamic and
arrived, that is, to begin S5 service in the AAS service domain ever-changing features. To match the environment and service
(i.e., confirmation of relevant patient information). scenarios, the realized ECA rules can be defined by different
Service S10 (i.e., transfer the patient to a recovery room and users and can be changed and registered on different distrib-
track the patient’s physical condition) involves the S-Service uted smart devices. This can cause differences between the
event detection rule. The detection of important information rules used for different realized collaborative actions; when
regarding the medical equipment used for patient monitoring the rules are triggered and executed in a distributive manner,
is started at the same time as when S10 is in ’Ready’ conflict can occur. Therefore, the consistency of the service
state. If there is no occurrence of an emergency situation collaboration actions must be verified, to ensure that the
within the action time of the medical monitoring equipment, service collaborative process is executed smoothly. The Rule
the S-Service event detection rule transfers the state of S10 Mismatch Detection (RMD) algorithm is given in Algorithm 3.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Algorithm 3 Rule Mismatch Detection (RMD)

Input: Global rule set RSG {Es , Cs , As }, Action
constraint AC , Interim Action Set
AI = {aI , CI }, New rules
Rnew = (ES−new , CS−new , AS−new );
Output: Mismatch set SMis (e, Ac , RMis ), where e is
the mismatch inducing trigger event, and Ac
and RMis are, respectively, the Action
constraint under the mismatch condition and the
corresponding mismatch rule set;
1 The initial value of SMis is set to naught;
2 Create a temporary condition set AI−new ()
corresponding to Rnew ; Definition 12 (Action Constraint Graph (ACG)):
3 The initial value of AI−new is set to naught; An action constraint graph can be defined as an undirected
4 foreach action a of action set AI−new in Rnew do graph ACG = (P, Saction , Ω), in which P corresponds to
5 if action a under condition C( I − new) is to call a an ECA rule-based service process, Saction is an existing
certain service then service constraint action set registered in that process, and
6 AI−new = AI−new ∪ {(a, CI−new )}; Ω : Saction × Saction is a pair-wise action constraint relation
7 end in the action set.
8 if action a is to produce a certain event etrig and Definition 13 (Global Rule Set (RSG )): The global rule
trigger more rules then set of a process is RSG = ∪1inumberof Rules(RSG ) Ri ,
9 AI−new = AI−new ∪ {(atrig , Ctrig ∧ CI−new )}; where Ri = {ERi , ERi , ERi }, and ERi , ERi , ERi , respec-
tively, correspond to the event set, condition set, and action
10 (atrig , Ctrig ) ∈ AI (etrig );
set contained in Ri .
11 end
Definition 14 (Event Implication Relation): For a sequence
12 end
of two events Eα and Eβ , if the occurrence of Eα implies that
13 foreach event e of event set ES−new in Rnew do
Eβ must also occur, then Eα and Eβ are defined as having an
14 search for the M ost Implicative Event(EMi ) in
implication relation (Eα implies Eβ ,), denoted as Eα → Eβ .
15 end
Definition 15 (AND Satisfiability): Assume that ci is a con-
16 if EMi does not exist then
dition of a certain rule in the RSG of a certain global rule
set; if ci can satisfy all of the rules in RSG , then ci is said
17 jump to line 25 and immediately perform a rule
to have AN D satisfiability relative to that RSG .
mismatch check;
18 end Definition 16 (Rule Mismatch): For a rule set RS, if at
19 else least two service actions belong to Action constraint Ac , then
20 foreach sub-event eimp in EMi do a rule mismatch exists in RS; the rule mismatch can easily
21 AI = AI (eimp ) ∪ AI−new ; induce conflict between rules.
22 end Definition 17 (Rule Mismatch Graph (RMG)): A rule mis-
23 jump to line 25 and perform a rule mismatch check; match graph can be defined as a directed-graph RM G =
24 end
(P, R, RMis ), in which P corresponds to an ECA-based
service process, R is all of the rules registered in that process,
25 For AC , perform the following steps:
and RMis is the rule set in which the mismatch exists.
26 if AC ⊂ {a|(a, C) ∈ AI } then
Based on the above definitions, to ensure effective collabo-
27 AI−Mis = {(a, C) ∈ AI |a ∈ Ac };
ration in subsequent service periods from the stage of rule
28 RMis = {R ∈ RSG |(a, C) ∈ AI−Mis and a ∈ AS };
design, the following rule mismatch detection algorithm is
29 end
proposed and applied to an example for verification.
30 if detect AI−Mis has AN D satisfiability then
31 SMis = SMis ∪ {e, AC , RMis };
32 end
33 if SMis is naught then A. The Experimental Setup
34 refresh AI−new (ES−new ); The situation-aware IoT services coordination platform was
35 end installed on a PC server (2.5 GHz Intel Xeon E5420 with
36 else 10 G of RAM). A real operating room (OR)in a hospital
37 return SMis ; is selected as the basic experiment environment; all types
38 end of parameters were collected and transmitted to the remote
monitoring center for analysis to provide decision-making
information for clients. Furthermore, 10 other identical ORs
Definition 11 (Action Constraint (AC)): An action con- have been simulated as a semi-physical emulations experiment
straint is a limitation on the concurrence of a set of service environment to evaluate the performance of the proposed IoT
call actions. services coordination platform.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 15. An accuracy comparison.

Fig. 17. The time comparison of service combination with different scale
of rule libraries.

Fig. 16. The processing time comparison.

B. The Accuracy for Situational Event Detection

Fig. 18. The mean time comparison of generating complete rule library with
The first experiment is to measure the performance of different scale of rule libraries.
the situational event detection algorithm. Here, Esper [31] is evaluate the method’s time expenditure of service coordi-
another independent similar product, which aims for complex nation, which using service rule sets with different scale.
event processing and event series analysis, and offers a domain We generate 6 different scale coordinative service rule sets,
specific language for processing events. Therefore, Esper which include 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 different rules
is used for comparison the performance of situation event respectively. Each user request’s processing time has been
detection. Fig. 15 shows the accuracy comparison between recorded firstly, then calculate the mean time of processing
our proposed situation event detection approach and Esper. satisfiable, and unsatisfiable user requests, both of which using
It can be observed from Fig. 15, the accuracy of situation different service rules. The result is shown in Fig. 17.
event detection for our proposed approach is higher than Esper. We can infer from Fig. 17 that for the satisfiable user
This is because our approach provides powerful capabilities requests, the service coordination using different scale rule sets
for situation event pattern expression. The processing time for could obtain user-satisfied flow service in seconds level. And
situation event detection shows in Fig. 16. the expenditure of time are very close when using different
It is observed from Fig. 16, as the number of events is scale rule sets, and are not significantly increased along with
increasing, our approach shows a better performance than the increasing rules number of the sets. The best matching
Esper. The reason is that our approach stores many basic rules could be found for the satisfiable user requests, and no
situation event matching results, therefore reducing the number need to construct a complete scene rule library for each output
of duplicated matching calculations while maintaining a high of user request, thus saving a great deal of time.
event detection rate. However, the processing time for our As real-time building scene rule library is the critical step of
approach is higher than Esper when the number of events is the proposed dynamic service coordinative method, we real-
growing up to 25 thousand. time constructing complete scene rule library for the scene
object, and record each complete rule library’s generating time,
C. The Speed of the Service Coordination then calculate the mean generating time and obtain statistical
Speed is an important feasibility measurement index of results which are shown in Fig. 18.
dynamic service coordinative method of IoT. A viable dynamic The results show that the time expenditure of building
service coordinative method of IoT should able to rapidly complete scene rules library is increasing with the growing
assemble atomic services within the service library to form scale of rule library, and the time is increasing linearly.
large-grained services to satisfy the user request. To illustrate This is consistent with that the unsatisfiable user requests’
the feasibility of E-ECA based dynamic service coordinative mean processing time is also a linear growth which is
method of IoT, we construct a simulation experiment to shown in Figure 17. This is because the unsatisfiable user
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


time is 134 ms. In the case of the framework based ser-

vices coordination approach, the maximum response time is
90 ms, and the average response time is 78 ms. However, for
the event driven SOA-based services coordination approach,
the maximum response time is 42 ms, and the average response
time is 30 ms. Thus, the processing speed of event-driven
SOA-based services coordination is below that of the conven-
tional request-response and framework based services coordi-
nation approaches. The reason is that there is a central control
point that handles the “request-response” BPEL process, which
may cause all messages to propagate along a longer route
and wait in a central queue for processing. In contrast,
Fig. 19. A comparison of transactions per second. event-driven SOA-based services coordination uses the
event’s asynchronous communication mechanism to support
the concurrent coordinated execution of multiple services.
Furthermore, the event driven SOA-based services coordi-
nation approach has several advantages over a framework-
oriented approach at developing dynamically adapting
business processes, which provides general models that need to
be instantiated and customized before they are implemented.
Since those models operate at a higher-level of abstraction
than frameworks, they impose fewer initial constraints upon
the system being developed. Therefore, the event driven
SOA-based services coordination approach is more suitable
for IoT application scenarios that are highly delay sensitive
Fig. 20. A comparison of the response times. and demand a strict real-time response.
request’s processing time includes constructing scene rules VI. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORK
many times, thus the growth trend is basically the same. The This paper proposed a situation-aware dynamic IoT services
above mentioned two groups of results present that scene- coordination approach. The formal situation event pattern
based dynamic service coordinative method can response to with event selection and consumption strategy is defined,
whatever satisfiable or unsatisfiable user request in a short and an automaton-based situational event detection algo-
time. Especially for satisfiable user request, this method is rithm is proposed. Also, an Enhanced Event-Condition-Action
able to rapidly generate a executable combination service to (E-ECA)is used to coordinate the IoT services effectively,
satisfy the user request. and the rule mismatch detection algorithm is implemented.
The result demonstrated that the situation-aware IoT service
D. The Response Time for Service Coordination coordination approach works efficiently. Nevertheless, there
A typical surgical workflow process is used to test the per- are some problems still to be addressed. First, it is important
formance of Event Driven SOA-based (EDSOA), framework- to optimize the real-time data distribution service for large-
based (e.g., ReCEPtor [32]), CHEVICHE [33] conventional scale IoT application. Second, it is essential to create a uni-
request-response-based and framework-based IoT services form resource access framework for different physical sensory
coordination approaches. In this test, the Apache Orchestration devices. Third, it should provide an easy and open API for
Director Engine (ODE) is used as the centralized Web services users, such as RESTful interface, all those works are currently
orchestration and coordination engine. The BPEL language is in progress in our lab.
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[17] R. Kyusakov, P. P. Pereira, J. Eliasson, and J. Delsing, “EXIP: A frame-
work for embedded Web development,” ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Shuai Zhao is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow with
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[18] S. Mayer et al., “User interfaces for smart things—A generative ing Technology, Beijing University of Posts and
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[19] J. Im, S. Kim, and D. Kim, “IoT Mashup as a service: Cloud-based
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pp. 445–454, Jun. 2015. Zhongyi Zhai is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
[21] E. Kaldeli, E. U. Warriach, A. Lazovik, and M. Aiello, “Coordinating degree in computer science and technology with the
the Web of services for a smart home,” ACM Trans. Web, vol. 7, no. 2, State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching
p. 10, 2013. Technology, Beijing University of Posts and
[22] S. Mayer, R. Verborgh, M. Kovatsch, and F. Mattern, “Smart configu- Telecommunications. His current research interests
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no. 3, pp. 1247–1255, Mar. 2016. mobile computing, and Web technology.
[23] Y. Ding, Y. Jin, L. Ren, and K. Hao, “An intelligent self-organization
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[24] Z. Wen, R. Yang, P. Garraghan, T. Lin, J. Xu, and M. Rovatsos,
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[25] M. Stecca, C. Moiso, M. Fornasa, P. Baglietto, and M. Maresca, ing, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunica-
“A platform for smart object virtualization and composition,” IEEE tions, Beijing, China. His current research interests
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[26] R. Mateescu, P. Poizat, and G. Salaün, “Adaptation of service protocols Web service, and Internet of Things.
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[27] W. Kongdenfha, H. R. Motahari-Nezhad, B. Benatallah, F. Casati, and
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[28] A. Moustafa, M. Zhang, and Q. Bai, “Trustworthy stigmergic service Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunica-
compositionand adaptation in decentralized environments,” IEEE Trans. tions. His research interests are in the area of service
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[29] S. Zhou, K.-J. Lin, J. Na, C.-C. Chuang, and C.-S. Shih, “Supporting of the Chinese Academy of Science in 1991 and
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[30] B. Cheng, D. Zhu, S. Zhao, and J. Chen, “Situation-aware IoT service
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