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CHS Senior Project Proposal

Student Name: Rylee Malen Category of Project:

Name of English Teacher: Connie Dignan ✘Creativity /Skill-Building
☐ Community Involvement /Volunteer
☐ Internship /Job Shadow
1. Project Description: Describe your project and its goal(s). Be as specific and concrete as you can.
I am going to learn how to play the trumpet to widen my horizons as a musician. At each of the hour completion
check points I want to have learned a new song as well as a new scale on the trumpet.

2. Mentor: Select a mentor who will verify your hours. This person cannot be under 25 years of age or directly related to you.
Name: Richard Mancini
Relationship to you: Teacher
Contact Information: (phone and email)
Mentor’s area of expertise: Music

COVID 19 Adjustment for 2020-21:

Prioritizing health and safety protocols is the paramount consideration when planning and executing a Senior Project. This may
mean a parent may need to serve as your mentor and sign your hours, which will be submitted along with video evidence to verify
your work. Coordinate with your English teacher if this applies to you.

3. Project Task Analysis: List at least five specific steps necessary to complete your project:
This only applies to a Creativity / Skill-Building project
1. Learn the embouchure of a brass instrument
2. Learn the finger patterns for notes
3. Learn scales
4. Practice beginning trumpet music
5. Record practices and dates of practice
4. Final Product: What artifacts or evidence will you show your board to demonstrate successful completion of your project?
Videos showing progress in playing from the first time to the last recording. I will also be playing a song that I feel
shows my growth on the trumpet.

5. Prior Experience: Describe any previous experience you have in this area.
I play flute, oboe, and piccolo, but I have no experience in brass instruments.

6. Challenge: In what specific ways will this project be a challenge for you? How will this experience push you?
There is a really big difference between brass and woodwind instruments and I’ve never played a brass
instrument, and the learning curve will be difficult to adapt to. This project will be a challenge because of the
difference in what I’m used to and what I’m going to learn.

7. Ethics and Academic Integrity:

Check-off boxes:

● I will adhere to the Camas High School plagiarism policy. In all aspects of the project, the work will be
original to me. I understand if I violate this policy and misrepresent my work my graduation from Camas
High School is in jeopardy. ✘

I understand that if my project has privacy or confidentiality concerns I am responsible for working with my
mentor to meet ethical and legal guidelines. ✘

8. Additional Requirements: What additional requirements are necessary for your category of project? Consider such things as cost or travel
that might require extra planning and resources.

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