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Europäisches Patentamt

(19) European Patent Office *EP000710764B1*

Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 710 764 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: E21B 7/06
of the grant of the patent:
31.07.2002 Bulletin 2002/31

(21) Application number: 95307647.8

(22) Date of filing: 26.10.1995

(54) Directional drilling motor assembly

Motoranordnung zum Richtungsbohren
Ensemble de moteur pour forage dirigé

(84) Designated Contracting States: (56) References cited:

(30) Priority: 01.11.1994 US 332682 WORLD OIL, vol. 213, no. 3, 1 March 1992,
HOUSTON, TEXAS, US, pages 55-56, 58, 60 - 62,
(43) Date of publication of application: XP000249921
08.05.1996 Bulletin 1996/19 • GOLDMAN W A: "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
• Anadrill International SA INTERNATIONAL, vol. 65, no. 2, 1 February 1993,
Panama City (PA) CLEVELAND, OHIO, US, pages 15-16, 18, 20 - 22,
Designated Contracting States: XP000349994
Designated Contracting States: INTERNATIONAL, vol. 64, no. 10, 1 October 1992,
FR CLEVELAND, OHIO, US, pages 23-27, 29 - 30,
(72) Inventor: Eddison, Alan M. • KOOT L ET AL: "BENT-HOUSING TURBODRILLS
(74) Representative: Macquet, Christophe et al 7, 15 February 1993, TULSA, OKLAHOMA, US,
Schlumberger Cambridge Research Ltd, pages 63-64, 65 - 66, XP000350021
High Cross,
Madingley Road
Cambridge CB3 0EL (GB)
EP 0 710 764 B1

Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 0 710 764 B1 2

Description Ross et al, in an article entitled "MEDIUM RADIUS AS-

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION WORLD OIL, vol. 213, no. 3, pages 55-56, 58, and
60-62, March 1992, describe a steerable medium radius
FIELD OF THE INVENTION 5 drilling assembly, the assembly being characterized by
a double kickoff downhole motor incorporating a double
[0001] This invention relates generally to a downhole bend.
drilling motor and bit assembly for use in rapidly chang- [0005] An object of the present invention is to provide
ing the inclination of a borehole, and provides an artic- a new and improved drilling motor assembly that is con-
ulated assembly that is adapted to drill a curved well 10 structed and arranged to drill a curved borehole on a
bore section having a relatively short radius of curva- relatively short radius of curvature.
ture. [0006] Another object of the present invention is to
provide a new and improved articulated drilling motor
DESCRIPTION OF THE RELATED ART assembly which allows the drilling of a curved borehole
15 section having a short radius of curvature.
[0002] When curved well bores are drilled with con- [0007] According to another aspect of the present in-
ventional techniques and equipment, a relatively long vention, there is provided a new and improved articulat-
radius of curvature in the range of several hundred feet ed drilling motor assembly which includes spaced sta-
or more is required. Thus the overall length of the curved bilizer means having a bend angle therebetween to al-
section is quite long and must be carefully monitored to 20 low the inclination angle to build up at a high rate during
ensure that the outer end of the section arrives at a spec- drilling.
ified location. Such equipment typically includes a mud
motor having a bend angle built into its housing above SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the bit bearing section but below the power section of
the motor. An undergage stabilizer usually is run above 25 [0008] More specifically, the present invention pro-
the bit to generally center it in the borehole while allow- vides an articulated directional drilling motor assembly
ing it to drill a hole that curves gradually upward as the including a power section that responds to the flow of
inclination angle builds up. The radius of curvature is drilling fluids to provide a rotary output that is coupled
controlled primarily by the bend angle being used, which by a drive shaft and a bearing mandrel to a drill bit on
typically can be in the range of from 1-3°. However, even 30 the lower end of the assembly. A first articulative joint
when a bend angle on the upper end of this range is means connects the housing of the power section to a
employed, the radius of curvature still is rather long. lower housing having a drill bit at its lower end. The first
[0003] There are numerous circumstances where the articulative joint means may include ball means on one
drilling of a curved well bore section having a relatively of said housings engaged in socket means on the other
short radius of curvature is advantageous. One example 35 of said housings. The lower housing includes an upper
is where a vertical well bore is turned to the horizontal section and a lower section that are connected together
through vertical fractures in order to increase produc- in a manner that defines a bend angle. Wall-engaging
tion. Also, the geology above the production zone may pads and a hydraulic piston are mounted on respective
make it desirable to drill vertically through a certain rock opposite sides of the upper housing section, and a sta-
layer and then curve the borehole sharply below it. 40 bilizer is mounted on the lower housing section near the
Moreover, a relatively short radius of curvature allows bit. An articulative joint that prevents relative rotation
the surface facilities to be closer to a position generally connects the motor housing and lower housing to one
over the production zone than if a long radius curved another. During drilling, fluid pressure in the housing ex-
section is drilled. It may also be desirable to drill several tends the hydraulic piston, and reaction forces shift the
horizontal boreholes at different azimuths from a single 45 opposed pads against the low side of the borehole. This
vertical borehole to improve drainage. When a number tilts the upper end of the upper section toward the low
of wells are drilled from an offshore platform, one or side of the borehole, and, in effect increases the bend
more wells having a horizontal section may be neces- angle so that the assembly drills on a sharper curve. An-
sary to tap the production not directly below the site of other articulative joint connects the upper end of the mo-
the platform. Other occasions where a horizontal well 50 tor housing to a wireline orientation sub or an MWD tool
bore is needed will be apparent to those familiar with the which allows the trajectory of the curved hole to be mon-
art. In each case a short radius curve can be drilled in itored at the surface.
less time with reduced cost.
[0004] U.S. patent 2,687,282 describes a drilling BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
structure having a reaming bit, the reaming bit being 55
connected to flexible shafting by a universal joint. How- [0009] The present invention has the above as well
ever, the flexible shafting and bit are rotated from the as other objects, features, and advantages which will
surface, and no mention is made of a downhole motor. become more clearly apparent in connection with the

3 EP 0 710 764 B1 4

following detailed description of a preferred embodi- are connected together in a manner such that their lon-
ment, taken in conjunction with the appended drawings gitudinal centerlines intersect within the connection to
in which: establish a bend angle at about bend point B. As will be
explained in detail below, the upper section of the lower
Figure 1 is a schematic view of a well having a short 5 housing 36 carries a pair of angularly spaced, outwardly
radius directional section that is curving from the extending pads 130 whose outer faces engage the low
vertical toward the horizontal; side of the borehole 14 and provide an upper touch
Figures 2A-2C are longitudinal cross-sectional point. The upper section of the lower housing 36 also
views of the articulated drilling motor assembly of carries a hydraulically operable piston means 38 on the
the present invention; 10 side thereof opposite the pads 130 that tends to extend
Figure 3 is a somewhat enlarged cross-section tak- under pressure and engage the high side of the bore-
en on line 3-3 of Figure 2B; hole 14. Alternatively, piston means 38 may be spring
Figure 4 is a cross-section on line 4-4 of Figure 2B; actuated. A concentric stabilizer 40 is mounted in fixed
and position on the lower section of the housing 36 below
Figure 5 is a cross section on line 5-5 of Figure 2C. 15 the bend point B, and includes a plurality of angularly
spaced, longitudinal ribs 41 whose outer faces lie in a
DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED EMBODIMENT cylinder having a longitudinal axis that is coincident as
the axis of the mandrel 27 so as to centralize the lower
[0010] Referring initially to Figure 1, a borehole 10 is housing section in the borehole. The stabilizer 40 may
shown extending downward, substantially vertically, 20 be full gage, generally about .16 cm. (1/16 inch) or less
from a surface site 11 where a drilling rig (not shown) is smaller than borehole diameter, or it may be slightly un-
located. At some depth below the surface, depending dergage depending upon drilling conditions. The ribs 41
on geology and other factors, the borehole 10 is shown may be considered as providing a second touch point
being curved through a section 14 that eventually will with the borehole 14. The operation of the pads 130, the
bring its outer end to the horizontal. The radius of cur- 25 piston means 38, the stabilizer 40 and the bend angle
vature R of the section 14 is relatively short, and through will be explained in detail below. Generally, however,
use of the present invention can be in the order of about these components together with the articulative joints
18 meters (about 60 feet) for an assembly that is used 35 and 33 enable the bit 20 to drill on a relatively sharp
to drill a borehole having a diameter of about 16 cm. (6 curve by allowing rapid build-up of the inclination angle
1/8 inches). The curved section 14 is drilled with an ar- 30 of the borehole 14 as drilling proceeds.
ticulated drilling motor assembly 15 that is constructed [0012] Turning now to Figure 2A for a more detailed
in accordance with the present invention. The motor as- description of the present invention, the orienting sub
sembly 15 is run on a drill string 16 that typically includes 32 has threads 42 by which its upper end is connected
a length of heavy drill collars 17 suspended below a to an adapted sub 9 which attaches to the lower end of
length of drill pipe 18. A lower section of drill pipe 18' is 35 the drill string 16. The sub 32 has an enlarged diameter
used in the curved section 14 of the borehole 10, since bore 43 which extends down to a shoulder 44 so that a
the drill collars usually are too stiff to negotiate the curve typical guide sleeve (not shown) can be inserted into the
and still function to apply weight. A drill bit 20 on the bore and held therein by a radial lock pin 45. An orienting
lower end of the motor assembly 15 can be either a roll- mandrel (not shown) may be lowered through the drill
ing cone or a diamond device. The power section 21 of 40 string 16 on an electric wireline and seated in such
the motor assembly 15 preferably is the well-known sleeve so that directional parameters such as inclina-
Moineau-type design where a helical rotor rotates in a tion, azimuth and toolface can be read out at the surface.
lobed stator in response to drilling mud being pumped These parameters can be used to properly orient the
through it under pressure. The lower end of the rotor is assembly 15 at the kick-off point where the curved bore-
coupled by a universal-joint shown schematically at 24 45 hole section 14 begins, and to monitor the progress of
to an intermediate drive shaft 73 whose lower end is the hole as needed. In the alternative, the sub 32 can
coupled by another universal joint 25 to the upper end be used with a typical measuring-while-drilling (MWD)
of a hollow mandrel 27. The mandrel 27 is journaled for tool having sensors to measure the above-mentioned
rotation in a bearing assembly 28, and the drill bit 20 is parameters and transmit mud pulse signals to the sur-
attached to a bit box 30 on the lower end of the mandrel 50 face which are representative thereof. An MWD tool of
27. this type is disclosed in U.S. Patents No. 4,100,528,
[0011] The upper end of the drilling motor assembly 4,103,281, 4,167,000 and 5,237,540.
15 can include a tubular orienting sub 32 that is connect- [0013] The lower end of the sub 32 is threaded at 46
ed to the upper end of the power section 21 by a ball to the neck 47 of an articulative coupling in the form of
joint assembly 33. The lower end of the housing 65 of 55 a ball 48. The spherical outer surfaces 50, 51 of the ball
the power section 21 is connected by another ball joint 48 are engaged by companion surfaces on upper and
assembly 35 to the upper end of a lower housing 36. lower ring members 52, 53 that seat in upper and lower
The housing 36 includes upper and lower sections that internal annular recesses 54, 55 in the upper end of ball

5 EP 0 710 764 B1 6

joint housing 56. The upper ring 52 has a conical upper end.
surface 57 that when engaged by outer surfaces on the [0016] The outer peripheries of the skirt 110 and the
neck 47 limit off-axis pivotal movement of the ball 48 to driven member 106 are spaced inwardly of the inner
a selected angle such as 5°. The upper ring member 52 walls 112 of the lower housing 36 to provide an annular
can be threaded into the recess 54, and held by a re- 5 fluid passageway 126 that leads to radial ports 113, 114
tainer ring 58 that is fixed by one or more screws. A plu- which communicate with a bore 115 so that mud flow
rality of ball bearings 60, 61 which seat in semi-spherical can enter the central bore 116 of the bearing mandrel
recesses on the sides of the ball 48 engage in longitu- 27 and pass downward toward the bit 20. The upper end
dinal slots 62, 63 in the housing 56 to co-rotatively cou- of the mandrel 27 is connected by threads 117 to the
ple the ball to the housing so that torque can be trans- 10 lower end of the driven member 106 and is thus rotated
mitted through the ball joint. thereby. As shown in Figure 2C, the housing 143 of the
[0014] The lower end of the ball joint housing 56 is bearing assembly 28 surrounds a bearing 145, and the
connected by threads 64 to the upper end of the housing upper portion 120 thereof is threaded at 118 to the lower
65 of the mud motor power section 21. The internal de- end of the housing 36. A seal sleeve 121 (Fig. 2B) is
tails of the power section 21 are well known and need 15 fixed inside the upper portion 120 of the housing 143. A
not be set forth herein. As shown in Figure 2B, the lower bearing sleeve 124 whose upper end is engaged by a
end portion 66 of the power section rotor is threaded at nut 123 that is threaded onto the bearing mandrel 27 at
67 to the driving member 68 of the upper universal joint 129 extends through the seal sleeve 121 and is posi-
24. The member 68 has a depending skirt 70 that carries tioned between it and the upper portion of the bearing
a retaining ring 71, and the driven member 72 of the uni- 20 mandrel 27. A seal ring 127 prevents leakage between
versal joint 24 is mounted on the upper end of an inter- the sleeve 124 and the mandrel 27, and another seal
mediate drive shaft 73 that extends down through the ring 127' prevents leakage between the seal sleeve 121
retaining ring. The driven member 72 carries a plurality and the housing 143.
of drive balls 74, 75 that are seated in semi-spherical [0017] As shown in cross-section in Figure 4, the up-
recesses and engage in longitudinal slots 76, 77 inside 25 per section of the lower housing 36 has a pair of out-
the lower end of the driving member 68. The balls 74, wardly extending pads 130 on one side of its longitudinal
75 transmit torque from the rotor 66 to the drive shaft 73 axis. The pads 130 are angularly spaced at about 90°
while allowing wobbling motion of the lower end portion to one another, and the outer face of each pad is some-
of the rotor to occur. If desired, an enlarged diameter what undergage. For example, each outer face is arcu-
ball bearing 78 which is received in opposed semi- 30 ate and formed on a radius of about 1.1 cm. (about 2.75
spherical recesses in the member 72 and in an upper inches) for a borehole diameter of about 16 cm. (6 1/8
block 80 that fits in a recess in the driving member 68 inches). Thus when the pads touch the low side of the
can be employed to stabilize the universal joint during borehole wall, the upper end of the lower housing 36 is
orbital motion. radially offset by about 0.8 cm. (about 5/16 inch) toward
[0015] The lower end of the power section housing 65 35 such low side. Referring now to Figures 2B and 3, a hy-
is threaded at 83 to a lower articulative ball joint housing draulically operable piston or button 131 is mounted in
84. Here again a ball member 85 is fitted between upper a radial bore 132 on the opposite side of the housing 36
and lower ring members 86, 87 which seat in upper and from the pads 130. The piston 131 can move along a
lower internal recesses 88, 90 in the lower portion of the radial line 139 which is parallel to a line 139' (Fig. 4)
housing 84. The lower ring member 87 has a conical 40 which has the pads 130 at equal angles on opposite
inner surface 91 to limit off-axis pivotal rotation of the sides thereof. The piston 131 has an annular shoulder
ball 85 and its neck 92 to about 5°. Balls 93, 94 which 133 on the rear thereof which cooperates with an in-
engage in longitudinal grooves 95, 96 co-rotatively se- wardly facing stop shoulder 134 to limit outward move-
cure the ball member 85 to the housing 84. A retainer ment under pressure. A seal ring 135 prevents fluid leak-
ring 97 and a screw hold the ring members 86, 87 and 45 age past the piston 131. A guide pin 136 on the housing
the ball member 85 assembled. The neck 92 is connect- 36 whose inner end portion engages in a slot 137 in a
ed by threads 98 to the upper end of the lower housing side of the piston 131 prevents the same from turning.
36. The housing 36 has an internal recess 100 which The piston 131 has an arcuate outer face 138 on its cen-
houses the lower universal joint assembly 25 by which tral portion and inwardly inclined upper and lower faces
the lower end of the drive shaft 73 is connected to the 50 140, 141 (Fig. 2B) which keep the piston from hanging
upper end of the bearing mandrel 27. The driving mem- up on the well bore wall. The outer faces of the piston
ber 101 of the universal joint assembly 25 has recesses 131 and the pads 130 may incorporate hardfacing ma-
which carry a plurality of drive balls 102, 103 that engage terial to minimize wear. When the piston 131 is retracted
in longitudinal slots 104, 105 on the driven member 106. as shown in Figures 2B and 3, the outer surfaces of the
As in the previously described universal joint, an en- 55 enlarged region of the housing 36 adjacent thereto, and
larged diameter ball bearing 107 that seats in a bearing the outer surfaces of the pads 130 are generally sym-
block 108 stabilizes rotation. A skirt 110 on the driven metrical about the longitudinal axis of the mandrel 27.
member 106 carries a retaining ring 111 on its upper However, when the piston 131 is extended as shown in

7 EP 0 710 764 B1 8

phantom lines in Figure 3 in response to drilling fluid angle of the bit 20 with respect to a reference such as
pressure acting on the inner wall thereof, the upper end the low side of the borehole section 14. In this instance
of the housing 36 is forced toward the opposite wall of the toolface angle is 0°, which means that the bit 20 will
the borehole 10 until the pads 130 engage such wall. build up the inclination angle without drilling to the right
When the piston 131 is retracted as shown, the motor 5 or the left of the previously drilled hole, as viewed from
assembly 15 can be run into a straight borehole 10 hav- above.
ing the same diameter as the curved section 14 to be [0021] Drilling mud flows down through the motor as-
drilled. sembly 15 as follows. Drilling fluid or mud under pres-
[0018] As shown in Figure 2C, the housing 143 and sure is pumped down the drill string 16 where it flows
the bearing mandrel 27 define an internal annular cham- 10 through the orienting sub 32 and the ball joint 48, re-
ber 144 in which a bearing 145 is mounted. The bearing spectively. Seal rings 164, 165 on the ball 48 and the
145 includes a plurality of inner and outer race rings 146, lower ring member 53 prevent leakage to the outside.
147 which carry a plurality of ball bearings 148. A collar Then the mud flows through the bore 166 of the ball joint
150 which is threaded into the lower end portion of the housing 56 and into the upper end of the mud motor
housing 143 surrounds a radial bearing sleeve 151 that 15 power section housing 65 where it causes the rotor 66
fits over the enlarged diameter lower end portion 152 of to turn within the stator and thus drive the shaft 73, the
the mandrel 27. The upper end of the bearing sleeve bearing mandrel 27 and the drill bit 20. The mud flow
151 engages a stop ring assembly 153. The inwardly emerges from the lower end of the power section of the
inclined upper shoulder 154 of the mandrel 27 engages motor 21 through the annular passageway 167 (Fig. 2B)
a transfer ring 155 which in turn engages the lower end 20 around the lower end portion of the rotor 66, and passes
of the inner race ring 146. A spacer sleeve 156 engages via additional annular passageways 168, 170 which sur-
between the upper end of the collar 150 and the lower round the upper universal joint 24 and the intermediate
end of the outer race ring 147. The upper end of the drive shaft 73 as it passes through the lower ball joint
inner race ring 146 engages a short collar 149 which is 35. The lower ball joint 35 also includes seal rings 171,
up against the bearing sleeve 124. Thus arranged, the 25 172 which prevent leakage to the outside. As noted
bearing assembly 28 carries both thrust and radial loads above, the mud flow then goes down through the annu-
which can be quite high during directional drilling oper- lar passageway 126 around the lower universal joint 25,
ations. inwardly via the radial ports 113, 114, and into the bore
[0019] A lower stabilizer indicated generally at 40 is 116 of the bearing mandrel 27. Eventually the mud flows
carried on the housing 143 immediately above the bit 30 through jets or orifices in the drill bit 20 and into the bot-
box 30. As shown in Figures 2C and 5, the stabilizer 40 tom of the borehole 10 where it circulates back up to the
includes an elongated sleeve member 157 having inter- surface through the annulus. The presence of the bit jets
nal threads 158 at its upper end portion which engage or nozzles creates a back pressure so that during drilling
external threads below an enlarged diameter shoulder the pressures inside the motor assembly 15 are some-
160 on the housing 143 in order to fix the same thereto. 35 what greater than the pressure of drilling fluids in the
The sleeve member 157 has a plurality, for example, well bore outside the assembly. The pressure difference
five, angularly spaced, outwardly extending longitudinal acts across the hydraulic piston 131 to force it outward
ribs 41 with each rib having an arcuate outer face that in its bore 132.
can be covered with a hard facing material to reduce [0022] The chamber 144 in which the bearing 145 is
wear. A cylinder that contains the outer faces of the ribs 40 located can be filled with a suitable lubricating oil, or mud
41 preferably is concentric with respect to the longitudi- lubrication can be employed as shown (no seal between
nal axis of the sleeve 157 so that the ribs provide touch the sleeves 121 and 124, or between collar 150 and
points around both the high and low sides of the hole sleeve 151). The positive internal pressure keeps de-
tending to center the lower end of the mandrel 27 there- bris-laden mud around the bit 20 from coming into the
in. The diameter of such cylinder is generally equal to, 45 chamber 144 at its lower end.
or only slightly smaller than, the gage diameter of the bit
[0020] The threaded connection 118 between the low-
er housing 36 and the housing 143 is constructed so [0023] In operation, the articulated directional drilling
that the centerlines of these members are not coaxial, 50 tool 15 is assembled as shown in the drawings and then
but intersect one another at about point B in Figure 2C. is lowered into the well bore 10 on the drill string 16.
This construction establishes a small bend angle be- When the bit 20 tags bottom, an orienting tool (not
tween the housings 36 and 143 that preferably has a shown) can be run on electric wireline and seated in the
value between 1-3° so that the axis of rotation of the bit orienting sub 32 where it is automatically oriented with
20 is tilted to the right, as viewed in the drawing Fig. 2C, 55 respect to the tool assembly 15. Alternatively, a meas-
in the plane of the drawing sheet. Such plane also con- uring-while-drilling (MWD) tool can be seated in the ori-
tains the radial centerline 139 of the piston 131 and the enting sub 32 to make directional measurements and
radial line 139' in Figure 4, and also defines the toolface transmit mud pulse signals representative thereof to the

9 EP 0 710 764 B1 10

surface. In either case the tool assembly 15 is turned ahead in response to operation of the mud motor 21.
slowly by the drill string 16 until the tool face angle of [0027] If wireline or MWD measurements indicate that
the bit 20 has the desired value. The motor power sec- the "toolface" angle needs correction, this can be done,
tion 21, which is a positive displacement device, turns for example, by applying torque to the drill string 16 at
in response to mud circulation and rotates the drive shaft 5 the surface during additional drilling to gradually curve
73, the bearing mandrel 27, the bit box 30 and the bit the lower end portion of the section 14 of the borehole
20. Drill string weight is imposed on the tool assembly 10 back to where the toolface angle has the desired val-
15 to commence drilling the hole section 14. ue.
[0024] The stabilizer 40 on the housing 143 engages [0028] It now will be recognized that a new and im-
the borehole walls to provide a fulcrum, and pressure 10 proved articulated drilling motor assembly has been pro-
forces on the piston 131 cause it to move radially out- vided which allows relatively short radius curved bore-
ward and engage the high side of the hole. The reaction holes to be drilled.
force pushes the upper end of the housing 36 over to-
ward the low side of the borehole until the outer faces
of the pads 130 engage the walls thereof. Such reaction 15 Claims
force employs the fulcrum of the stabilizer 40 to gener-
ate lateral deflection force on the bit 20 which causes it 1. A directional drilling assembly (15) for causing a drill
to drill a rather sharp curve. The ball joints 48, 85 allow bit (20) to drill a curved borehole (14) having a rel-
angle build-up to occur much more severely than would atively short radius of curvature, said curved bore-
be the case if these joints were not present. The outer 20 hole having a high side and a low side, comprising
ball bearings 60, 61, 93, 94 of each joint prevent relative mud motor means (21) for rotating a drive shaft (73)
rotation of the housings so that reactive torque due to which is coupled to said drill bit, said mud motor
operation of the bit 20 is transmitted to the drill string 16. means having an upper housing (65) and a lower
In case a wireline orientation tool is used, the drilling can housing (36), said lower housing containing bearing
be periodically stopped, and a survey made by lowering 25 means (28) for supporting a portion of said drive
and seating the tool in the sub 32. Where an MWD tool shaft; said lower housing including upper and lower
is used to measure directional parameters and toolface, sections connected together to form a bend angle
such measurements can be made continuously as drill- (B); lower stabilizer means (40) on said lower sec-
ing proceeds. tion of said lower housing; said assembly being
[0025] Several features of the present invention act in 30 characterized in upper stabilizer means (130,38)
concert to cause the curved section 14 of the borehole on said upper section of said lower housing, said
10 to be drilled at a relatively short radius of curvature upper stabilizer means being undergage; and artic-
R. The presence of bend point B between the stabilizer ulative joint means (35) connecting said lower hous-
40 and the pads 130 causes the bit 20 to build up or ing to said upper housing to allow relative pivotal
increase the inclination angle at a high rate. The fact 35 movement therebetween as said curved borehole
that the pads 130 are undergage allows use of the sta- is drilled.
bilizer 40 as a fulcrum which increases angle build-up.
Additionally, the piston 131 moves out under pressure 2. The assembly of claim 1 wherein said upper stabi-
and tends to force the pads 130 against the opposite lizer means includes outwardly extending means
side wall. The fact that there is a ball joint 85 between 40 (130) adapted to engage the low side of the bore-
the lower end of the motor housing 65 and the upper hole and normally retracted means (38) adapted to
end of the lower housing 36 also enhances the curve be extended into engagement with the high side of
drilling capability of the present invention by preventing the borehole during drilling to force said outwardly
the length and stiffness of the motor housing 65 from extending means against said low side, and where-
impeding the development of the curve. Once a bore- 45 in said lower stabilizer means is full gage.
hole curvature has been obtained, the weight of the drill
string 16 tends to force the pads 130 against the low 3. The assembly of claim 2 wherein said normally re-
side of the borehole section 14, and the piston 131 may tracted means includes piston means (131) mount-
not actually touch the high side of the borehole as drilling ed for radial movement on said upper section of said
proceeds. Thus the section 14 of the borehole 10 can 50 lower housing section, said piston means having a
be drilled with a relatively short radius R of curvature rear face subject to the pressure of fluids used to
compared to prior rigid directional drilling tool strings. operate said motor means.
[0026] The present invention also can be used to drill
a lateral borehole section that is substantially straight. 4. The assembly of claim 2 wherein said lower stabi-
For this purpose the assembly would be modified by re- 55 lizer means includes a plurality of angularly distrib-
placing the upper pads 130 with pads which are slightly uted longitudinal ribs (41) adapted to engage the
over-gage to nullify the effect of the bend angle. In this walls of the borehole adjacent said drill bit.
configuration the bit 20 will drill substantially straight

11 EP 0 710 764 B1 12

5. The assembly of claim 1 wherein said articulative 11. The assembly of claim 9 further including means
joint means includes ball means (85) on one of said (93-96) in said articulative coupling means for co-
housings engaged in socket means (84) on the oth- rotatively securing said upper and lower housing
er of said housings; means (93-96) for co-rotatively members.
securing said ball and socket means, and means 5
(91) for limiting said pivotal movement. 12. The assembly of claim 11 further including means
(32) connected to said upper housing for measuring
6. The assembly of claim 1 further including means and telemetering to the surface the rotational orien-
(32) coupled to the upper end of said upper housing tation of said assembly in said borehole with respect
for enabling the rotational orientation of said assem- 10 to a reference.
bly in the borehole to be measured and telemetered
to the surface. 13. The assembly of claim 12 further including another
articulative coupling means (33) for connecting said
7. The assembly of claim 6 further including second measuring and telemetering means to said upper
articulative joint means (33) between said upper 15 housing, said another articulative coupling means
housing and said enabling means for permitting rel- including means (60-63) for co-rotatively coupling
ative pivotal movement; and second means (60-63) said measuring and telemetry means and said up-
for co-rotatively coupling said upper housing and per housing.
said enabling means.
20 14. A method of drilling a curved borehole (14) having
8. An articulated directional drilling assembly (15) for a relatively short radius of curvature, said borehole
use in drilling a curved borehole (14) having a high having a low side and a high side, comprising the
side and a low side and a relatively short radius of steps of providing a tubular housing assembly (15)
curvature, comprising positive displacement motor having an upper section and a lower section that
means (21) responsive to flow of drilling fluids for 25 are connected together in a manner such that their
producing a rotary output, said motor means includ- longitudinal centerlines intersect to form a bend an-
ing upper and lower housings (65,36), said lower gle (B); mounting a drill bit (20) on said lower hous-
housing (36) having upper and lower sections con- ing section and rotating said drill bit in response to
nected together to define a bend angle (B) between flow of drilling fluids through said housing assembly;
the respective longitudinal axes thereof; drive 30 said method being characterized by using stabiliz-
means (24,73,25,27,30) for coupling said rotary er means on said upper section including outwardly
output to a drill bit (20) on said lower housing sec- extending means (130) adapted to engage the low
tion; said drilling assembly being characterized in side of the borehole, and normally retracted means
upper stabilizer means (130,38) on the upper sec- (38) adapted to be extended into engagement with
tion of said lower housing including first wall-engag- 35 the high side of the borehole and force said out-
ing means (130) adapted to engage said low side wardly extending means against said low side; and
of said borehole, said first wall-engaging means forcing said outwardly extending means against
having a lesser radius than the radius of said bore- said low side of said borehole by extending said nor-
hole; lower stabilizer means (40) on the lower sec- mally retracted means against the high side of the
tion of said lower housing including second wall-en- 40 borehole.
gaging means (41) adapted to engage said low side
and said high side of said borehole; and articulative 15. The method of claim 14 wherein said normally re-
coupling means (35) for connecting said upper and tracted means comprises a radially movable piston
lower housings to one another in a manner to allow (131) and the forcing step includes applying the
limited pivotal movement. 45 pressure of said drilling fluid to the radially movable
piston to shift said piston into engagement with said
9. The assembly of claim 8 wherein said upper stabi- high side of said borehole to produce reactive forc-
lizer means further includes normally retracted, ra- es which force said outwardly extending means
dially extendable piston means (131), said piston against the low side of the borehole.
means being arranged when extended to engage 50
said high side of said borehole and force said upper 16. The method of claims 14 or 15 wherein the outward-
housing section and said first and second wall-en- ly extending means comprise wall-engaging means
gaging means toward said low side of said bore- (138) adapted to engage said low side of said bore-
hole. hole, said wall-engaging means having outer faces
55 on a lesser radial dimension than the radius of said
10. The assembly of claim 9 further including means borehole.
subjecting said piston means to the pressure of drill-
ing fluids flowing through said motor means. 17. The method of claim 16 wherein the drill bit is driven

13 EP 0 710 764 B1 14

with the power section (21) of a mud motor, the mud 3. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 2, bei der die normaler-
motor being connected to said upper housing sec- weise eingefahrenen Mittel Kolbenmittel (131) um-
tion with an articulative joint (35) that allows angular fassen, die für eine radiale Bewegung am oberen
displacement while preventing relative rotation and Abschnitt des unteren Gehäuseabschnitts ange-
wherein stabilizer means which are full gage are 5 bracht sind und eine hintere Fläche besitzen, die
provided on the lower section of the assembly. mit dem Druck von Fluiden beaufschlagt wird, die
zum Betreiben der Motormittel verwendet werden.
18. The method of claim 17 including the further steps
of providing a means (32) for measuring and telem- 4. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 2, bei der die unteren
etering to the surface the rotational orientation of 10 Stabilisierungsmittel mehrere verteilte, angewinkel-
said assembly in the borehole with respect to a ref- te Längsrippen (41) umfassen, die so beschaffen
erence, and connecting said measuring and telem- sind, daß sie in der Umgebung der Bohrkrone mit
etering means being co-rotatively coupled to said den Wänden des Bohrlochs in Eingriff gelangen.
power section with an articulative joint (33) that al-
lows angular displacement. 15 5. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 1, bei der die Gelenkver-
bindungsmittel Kugelmittel (85) an einem der Ge-
19. The method of claim 16 wherein said wall-engaging häuse, die in Buchsenmitteln (84) am anderen der
means and said piston are arranged in a symmet- Gehäuse in Eingriff sind; Mittel (93-96), die die Ku-
rical manner about a longitudinal plane through the gel- und Buchsenmittel drehfest verbinden, sowie
centerline of said upper housing section. 20 Mittel (91), die die Schwenkbewegung begrenzen,

Patentansprüche 6. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 1, die ferner Mittel (32)

umfaßt, die mit dem oberen Ende des oberen Ge-
1. Richtungsbohr-Baueinheit (15), die eine Bohrkrone 25 häuses verbunden sind, um die Messung und Fern-
(20) dazu veranlaßt, ein gekrümmtes Bohrloch (14) übertragung zur Oberfläche der rotatorischen Ori-
mit verhältnismäßig kleinem Krümmungsradius zu entierung der Baueinheit im Bohrloch zu ermögli-
bohren, wobei das gekrümmte Bohrloch eine hohe chen.
Seite und eine tiefe Seite besitzt, wobei die Bauein-
heit umfaßt: Schlammotormittel (21), die eine mit 30 7. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 6, die ferner zweite Ge-
der. Bohrkrone verbundene Antriebswelle (73) dre- lenkverbindungsmittel (33) zwischen dem oberen
hen und ein oberes Gehäuse (65) sowie ein unteres Gehäuse und den Ermöglichungsmitteln, die eine
Gehäuse (36) besitzen, wobei das untere Gehäuse relative Schwenkbewegung ermöglichen; und zwei-
Lagermittel (28) für die Unterstützung eines Ab- te Mittel (60-63) für eine gemeindrehfeste Verbin-
schnitts der Antriebswelle enthalten; wobei das un- 35 dung des oberen Gehäuses und der Ermögli-
tere Gehäuse obere und untere Abschnitte auf- chungsmittel umfassen.
weist, die miteinander verbunden sind, um einen
Biegewinkel (B) zu bilden; untere Stabilisierungs- 8. Gelenkige Richtungsbohr-Baueinheit (15) für die
mittel (40) am unteren Abschnitt des unteren Ge- Verwendung beim Bohren eines gekrümmten Bohr-
häuses; wobei die Baueinheit gekennzeichnet ist 40 lochs (14), das eine hohe Seite und eine tiefe Seite
durch obere Stabilisierungsmittel (130, 38) am und einen verhältnismäßig kleinen Krümmungsra-
oberen Abschnitt des unteren Gehäuses, die unter- dius besitzt, wobei die Baueinheit (15) umfaßt: Ver-
maßig sind; und Gelenkverbindungsmittel (35), die drängungsmotormittel (21), die als Antwort auf die
das untere Gehäuse mit dem oberen Gehäuse ver- Strömung von Bohrfluiden eine rotatorische Aus-
binden, um zwischen diesen eine relative Schwenk- 45 gangsleistung erzeugen und obere und untere Ge-
bewegung zuzulassen, wenn das gekrümmte Bohr- häuse (65, 36) umfassen, wobei das untere Gehäu-
loch gebohrt wird. se (36) obere und untere Abschnitte besitzt, die mit-
einander verbunden sind, um einen Biegewinkel (B)
2. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 1, bei der die oberen zwischen den jeweiligen Längsachsen zu definie-
Stabilisierungsmittel nach außen abstehende Mittel 50 ren; Antriebsmittel (24, 73, 25, 27, 30), die die rota-
(130), die so beschaffen sind, daß sie mit der tiefen torische Ausgangsleistung an eine Bohrkrone (20)
Seite des Bohrlochs in Eingriff gelangen, sowie nor- am unteren Gehäuseabschnitt übertragen; wobei
malerweise eingefahrene Mittel (38) umfassen, die die Bohrbaueinheit gekennzeichnet ist durch
so beschaffen sind, daß sie sich während des Boh- obere Stabilisierungsmittel (130, 38) am oberen Ab-
rens in einen Eingriff mit der hohen Seite des Bohr- 55 schnitt des unteren Gehäuses, die erste Wandein-
lochs erstrecken, um die nach außen abstehenden griffmittel (130) enthalten, die so beschaffen sind,
Mittel gegen die untere Seite zu pressen, wobei die daß sie mit der tiefen Seite des Bohrlochs in Eingriff
unteren Stabilisierungsmittel vollmaßig sind. gelangen, und einen Radius besitzen, der kleiner

15 EP 0 710 764 B1 16

als der Radius des Bohrlochs ist; untere Stabilisie- Verwendung von Stabilisierungsmitteln am oberen
rungsmittel (40) am unteren Abschnitt des unteren Abschnitt, die nach außen abstehende Mittel (130),
Gehäuses, die zweite Wandeingriffmittel (41) ent- die so beschaffen sind, daß sie mit der tiefen Seite
halten, die so beschaffen sind, daß sie mit der tiefen des Bohrlochs in Eingriff gelangen, sowie normaler-
Seite und mit der hohen Seite des Bohrlochs in Ein- 5 weise eingefahrene Mittel (38), die so beschaffen
griff gelangen; und Gelenkverbindungsmittel (35), sind, daß sie in einen Eingriff mit der hohen Seite
die die oberen und unteren Gehäuse miteinander des Bohrlochs ausgefahren werden können und die
in der Weise verbinden, daß eine begrenzte nach außen abstehenden Mittel gegen die tiefe Sei-
Schwenkbewegung möglich ist. te pressen, umfassen; und Pressen der nach außen
10 abstehenden Mittel gegen die tiefe Seite des Bohr-
9. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 8, bei der die oberen lochs durch Ausfahren der normalerweise einge-
Stabilisierungsmittel ferner normalerweise einge- fahrenen Mittel zur hohen Seite des Bohrlochs.
fahrene, radial ausfahrbare Kolbenmittel (131) um-
fassen, die so beschaffen sind, daß sie im ausge- 15. Verfahren nach Anspruch 14, bei dem die norma-
fahrenen Zustand mit der hohen Seite des Bohr- 15 lerweise eingefahrenen Mittel einen radial bewegli-
lochs in Eingriff gelangen und den oberen Gehäu- chen Kolben (131) umfassen und der Preßschritt
seabschnitt und die ersten und zweiten Wandein- das Beaufschlagen des radial beweglichen Kolbens
griffmittel zur tiefen Seite des Bohrlochs pressen. mit dem Druck des Bohrfluids umfaßt, um den Kol-
ben in Eingriff mit der hohen Seite des Bohrlochs
10. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 9, die ferner Mittel ent- 20 zu schieben, um Gegenkräfte zu erzeugen, die die
hält, die die Kolbenmittel mit dem Druck von Bohr- nach außen abstehenden Mittel gegen die tiefe Sei-
fluiden, die durch die Motormittel strömen, beauf- te des Bohrlochs pressen.
16. Verfahren nach den Ansprüchen 14 oder 15, bei
11. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 9, die ferner Mittel 25 dem die nach außen abstehenden Mittel Wandein-
(93-96) in den Gelenkverbindungsmitteln enthält, griffmittel (138) umfassen, die so beschaffen sind,
die die oberen und unteren Gehäuseelemente daß sie mit der tiefen Seite des Bohrlochs in Eingriff
drehfest verbinden. gelangen, und äußere Flächen mit einer radialen
Abmessung, die kleiner als der Radius des Bohr-
12. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 11, die ferner Mittel (32) 30 lochs ist, besitzen.
enthält, die mit dem oberen Gehäuse verbunden
sind und die rotatorische Orientierung der Bauein- 17. Verfahren nach Anspruch 16, bei dem die Bohrkro-
heit im Bohrloch in bezug auf eine Referenz mes- ne durch den Krafterzeugungsabschnitt (21) eines
sen und eine Fernübertragung zur Oberfläche be- Schlammotors angetrieben wird, wobei der
wirken. 35 Schlammotor mit dem oberen Gehäuseabschnitt
über eine Gelenkverbindung (35) verbunden ist, die
13. Baueinheit nach Anspruch 12, die ferner weitere eine Winketverlagerung zuläßt und dabei eine rela-
Gelenkverbindungsmittel (33) enthält, die die Meß- tive Drehung verhindert, wobei am unteren Ab-
und Fernübertragungsmittel mit dem oberen Ge- schnitt der Baueinheit vollmaßige Stabilisierungs-
häuse verbinden, wobei die weiteren Gelenkverbin- 40 mittel vorgesehen sind.
dungsmittel Mittel (60-63) enthalten, die die Meß-
und Fernübertragungsmittel mit dem oberen Ge- 18. Verfahren nach Anspruch 17, das die weiteren
häuse drehfest verbinden. Schritte des Vorsehens von Mitteln (32), die die ro-
tatorische Orientierung der Baueinheit im Bohrloch
14. Verfahren zum Bohren eines gekrümmten Bohr- 45 in bezug auf eine Referenz messen und eine Fern-
lochs (14) mit verhältnismäßig kleinem Krüm- übertragung zur Oberfläche bewirken, und des Ver-
mungsradius, wobei das Bohrloch eine tiefe Seite bindens der Meß- und Fernübertragungsmittel, so
und eine hohe Seite besitzt, wobei das Verfahren daß sie mit dem Krafterzeugungsabschnitt über ei-
die folgenden Schritte umfaßt: Vorsehen einer rohr- ne Gelenkverbindung (33), die eine WinkelVerlage-
förmigen Gehäusebaueinheit (15), die einen obe- 50 rung zuläßt, drehfest verbunden sind.
ren Abschnitt und einen unteren Abschnitt besitzt,
die miteinander in der Weise verbunden sind, daß 19. Verfahren nach Anspruch 16, bei dem die Wandein-
sich ihre longitudinalen Mittellinien schneiden, um griffmittel und der Kolben symmetrisch in bezug auf
einen Biegewinkel (B) zu bilden; Anbringen einer eine Ebene durch die Mittellinie des oberen Gehäu-
Bohrkrone (20) am unteren Gehäuseabschnitt und 55 seabschnitts angeordnet sind.
Drehen der Bohrkrone als Antwort auf die Strömung
von Bohrfluiden durch die Gehäusebaueinheit; wo-
bei das Verfahren gekennzeichnet ist durch die

17 EP 0 710 764 B1 18

Revendications moyens de type billes (85) sur run desdits boîtiers

engagés dans un moyen de type manchon (84) sur
1. Assemblage de forage dirigé (15) afin que le trépan ledit autre boîtier ; un moyen (93-96) pour protéger
de forage (20) fore un puits de forage courbé (14) de manière co-rotative ladite bille et ledit moyen de
présentant un rayon de courbure relativement 5 type manchon, et un moyen (91) pour limiter le mou-
court, ledit puits de forage courbé présentant un cô- vement de pivotement.
té supérieur et un côté inférieur, comprenant un
moyen moteur de boue (21) pour mettre en rotation 6. Assemblage selon la revendication 1 incluant en
un arbre d'actionnement (73) qui est couplé audit outre un moyen (32) couplé à l'extrémité supérieure
trépan de forage, ledit moyen moteur de boue pré- 10 dudit boîtier supérieur pour commander l'orienta-
sentant un boîtier supérieur (65) et un boîtier infé- tion de rotation dudit assemblage dans le puits de
rieur (36), ledit boîtier inférieur contenant des forage pour mesurer et pour transmettre par télé-
moyens de support (28) pour supporter une partie métrie à la surface.
dudit arbre d'actionnement ; ledit boîtier inférieur in-
cluant des sections supérieures et inférieures con- 15 7. Assemblage selon la revendication 6 incluant en
nectées ensembles pour former un angle de cour- outre un second moyen d'articulation de jonction
bure (B) ; le moyen inférieur de stabilisation (40) (33) entre ledit boîtier supérieur et ledit moyen de
étant sur ladite section inférieure dudit boîtier commande pour permettre un mouvement relatif
inférieur ; ledit assemblage étant caractérisé en ce pivotant ; et un second moyen (60-63) pour coupler
que les moyens supérieurs de stabilisation (130, 20 de manière co-rotative ledit boîtier supérieur et ledit
38) sur ladite section supérieure dudit boîtier infé- moyen de commande.
rieur, lesdits moyens supérieurs de stabilisation
n'occupant pas tout le diamètre du puits de forage 8. Assemblage articulé de forage dirigé (15) pour une
(« undergage ») et en ce que des moyens articulés utilisation dans le forage d'un puits de forage courbé
de jonction (35) connectant ledit boîtier inférieur 25 (14) présentant un côté supérieur et un côté infé-
audit boîtier supérieur afin de permettre un mouve- rieur et un rayon de courbure relativement court,
ment relatif pivotant entre eux puisque ledit puits de comprenant un moyen moteur de déplacement po-
forage est courbé. sitif (21) sensible à l'écoulement des fluides de fo-
rage afin de produire une puissance de rotation, le-
2. Assemblage selon la revendication 1 dans lequel 30 dit moyen moteur incluant des boîtiers supérieur et
ledit moyen de stabilisation supérieur inclut un inférieur (65, 36), ledit boîtier inférieur (36) présen-
moyen s'étendant vers l'extérieur (130) adapté pour tant des sections supérieure et inférieure connec-
engager le côté inférieur du puits de forage et un tées ensemble pour définir un angle de courbure
moyen normal de réfraction (38) adapté pour (B) entre les axes longitudinaux respectifs de ceux-
s'étendre dans l'engagement avec le côté supérieur 35 ci ; un moyen d'actionnement (24, 73, 25, 27, 30)
du puits de forage lors d'un forage pour forcer ledit pour coupler ladite puissance de rotation au trépan
moyen s'étendant vers l'extérieur contre le côté in- de forage (20) sur ladite section de boîtier
férieur, et dans lequel ledit moyen de stabilisation inférieure ; ledit assemblage de forage étant carac-
inférieur occupe tout le diamètre du puits de forage térisé en ce que le moyen de stabilisation supé-
(« full gage »). 40 rieur (130, 38) sur la section supérieure dudit boîtier
inférieur incluant un premier moyen d'engagement
3. Assemblage selon la revendication 2 dans lequel le de paroi (130) adapté pour engager ledit côté infé-
moyen normal de rétraction inclut un moyen de type rieur dudit puits de forage, ledit moyen d'engage-
piston (131) monté pour un mouvement orientable ment de paroi présentant un rayon inférieur au
(« radial movement ») sur ladite section supérieure 45 rayon dudit puits de forage ; et un moyen de cou-
de ladite section du boîtier inférieure, ledit moyen plage d'articulation (35) pour connecter lesdits boî-
de type piston présentant une face arrière soumise tiers supérieur et inférieur l'un à l'autre de manière
à la pression des fluides utilisés pour actionner ledit à permettre un mouvement de pivotement limité.
moyen moteur.
50 9. Assemblage selon la revendication 8 dans lequel
4. Assemblage selon la revendication 2 dans lequel ledit moyen de stabilisation supérieur inclut en outre
ledit moyen de stabilisation inférieur inclut plusieurs un moyen de type piston (131) rétractable norma-
nervures (41) angulaires longitudinales de distribu- lement, s'étendant radialement, ledit moyen de type
tion, adaptées pour engager les parois du puits de piston étant disposé, lorsqu'il est étendu, pour en-
forage avoisinant ledit trépan de forage. 55 gager ledit côté supérieur dudit puits de forage et
pour forcer ladite section de boîtier supérieure et
5. Assemblage selon la revendication 1 dans lequel lesdits premier et second moyens d'engagement de
ledit moyen d'articulation de jonction inclut des paroi vers ledit côté inférieur dudit puits de forage.

19 EP 0 710 764 B1 20

10. Assemblage selon la revendication 9 incluant en piston à l'intérieur de l'engagement avec le côté su-
outre un moyen soumettant ledit moyen de type pis- périeur dudit puits de forage afin de produire des
ton à la pression des fluides de forage s'écoulant à forces réactives qui forcent ledit moyen s'étendant
travers ledit moyen moteur. vers l'extérieur contre le côté inférieur du puits de
5 forage.
11. Assemblage selon la revendication 9 incluant en
outre un moyen (93-96) dans ledit moyen de cou- 16. Procédé selon les revendications 14 ou 15 dans le-
plage articulé pour protéger de manière co-rotative quel le moyen s'étendant vers l'extérieur comprend
lesdits membres de boîtiers supérieur et inférieur. un moyen d'engagement de paroi (138) adapté
10 pour engager ledit côté inférieur dudit puits de fora-
12. Assemblage selon la revendication 11 incluant en ge, ledit moyen d'engagement de paroi présentant
outre un moyen (32) connecté audit boîtier supé- des faces externes sur un rayon plus petit que le
rieur pour mesurer et transmettre par télémétrie à rayon dudit puits de forage.
la surface l'orientation de rotation dudit assemblage
dans ledit puits de forage en respect d'une référen- 15 17. Procédé selon la revendication 16 dans lequel le
ce. trépan de forage est actionné avec la section de
puissance (21) d'un moteur de boue, le moteur de
13. Assemblage selon la revendication 12 incluant en boue étant connecté à ladite section de boîtier su-
outre un autre moyen de couplage articulé (33) pour périeure avec un système articulé (35) qui permet
connecter lesdits moyens de mesure et de trans- 20 un déplacement angulaire alors empêchant une re-
mission par télémétrie audit boîtier supérieur, ledit lative rotation et dans lequel les moyens de stabili-
autre moyen de couplage articulé incluant un sation qui occupent tout le diamètre du fond de puits
moyen (60-63) pour coupler de manière co-rotative sont prévus sur la section inférieure de l'assembla-
lesdits moyens de mesure et de transmission par ge.
télémétrie et le boîtier supérieur. 25
18. Procédé selon la revendication 17 incluant en outre
14. Procédé de forage d'un puits de forage courbé (14) les étapes d'apport d'un moyen (32) pour mesurer
présentant un rayon de courbure relativement et transmettre par télémétrie à la surface l'orienta-
court, ledit puits de forage présentant un côté infé- tion de rotation dudit assemblage dans le puits de
rieur et un côté supérieur, comprenant les étapes 30 forage en respect à une référence, et pour connec-
d'apport d'un assemblage tubulaire de type boîtier ter lesdits moyens de mesure et de télémétrie étant
(15) présentant une section supérieure et une sec- couplés de manière co-rotative à ladite section de
tion inférieure qui sont connectées ensemble de tel- puissance avec un système articulé (33) qui permet
le manière que leurs lignes médianes longitudina- un déplacement angulaire.
les se croisent pour former un angle de courbure 35
(B) ; de montage d'un trépan de forage (20) sur la- 19. Procédé selon la revendication 16 dans lequel ledit
dite section inférieure de type boîtier et de rotation moyen d'engagement de paroi et ledit piston sont
dudit trépan de forage en réponse à l'écoulement disposés de manière symétrique par rapport à un
des fluides de forage à travers ledit assemblage de plan longitudinal à travers la ligne médiane de ladite
type boîtier; ledit procédé étant caractérisé par 40 section de boîtier supérieure.
l'utilisation d'un moyen de stabilisation sur ladite
section supérieure incluant un moyen s'étendant
vers l'extérieur (130) adapté pour engager le côté
inférieur du puits de forage, et un moyen normal de
rétraction (38) adapté pour s'étendre à l'intérieur de 45
l'engagement avec le côté supérieur du puits de fo-
rage et force ledit moyen s'étendant vers l'extérieur
contre ledit côté inférieur; et par le maintien dudit
moyen s'étendant vers l'extérieur contre ledit côté
inférieur dudit puits de forage en étendant ledit 50
moyen normalement rétracté contre le côté supé-
rieur du puits de forage.

15. Procédé selon la revendication 14 dans lequel le

moyen de rétraction normal comprend un piston 55
mobile radialement (131) et l'étape de force com-
prend l'application de la pression du fluide de forage
sur le piston mobile radialement pour déplacer ledit

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