Tareas MFI

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El siguiente plan de trabajo será implementado para alcanzar los objetivos específicos
descritos en la sección 1.3. El plan de trabajo está dividido en tareas y subtareas (T), hitos
(H) y entregables (E).

TAREA 0: Gestión del proyecto, coordinación y documentación.

This is the basic work required to assure the successful completion of the project. It
encompasses such internal activities as meetings, monitoring actions, relationships with
suppliers, etc., as well as relationships with the management bodies of the University;
document management with the department and the university, and preparing the follow-
up reports requested for the yearly administrative settlement. According to the internal
guidelines of our research group, there will also be a final documentation work to organize,
consolidate and record the results of the project.

M0.1: Co-ordination meetings.

D0.1: Meeting minutes. Internal follow-up reports.

D0.2: Final project report.

TAREA 1: Estudio de los requisitos generales para los nodos de aceleración.

Here, the state of the art of EV propulsion systems will be analyzed globally. This study will
determine the requirements to be fulfilled by the power converter to be designed in the
project. This task consists of the following subtasks:

T1.1. State of the technology of EV propulsion systems. First, the latest trends in the
field of EV propulsion (light, medium and heavy vehicles) will be thoroughly reviewed.
Special attention will be paid to the electrical machine technology (IM, PMSM, SynRM,
etc.), configuration (number of phases and poles, etc.), performance (torque, speed), etc.
Next, the implications of these characteristics in the power converter will be analyzed.

T1.2. Definition of electrical requirements, safety, MTBF and fault tolerance of EV

propulsion systems. In addition to the electrical requirements, it is intended to study, in
general terms, the existing safety regulations, and define the safety requirements (post-
fault requirements, electrical insulation, etc.) and reliability (MTBF), as well as exploring
possibilities for redundancy, fault-tolerant topologies, etc.

M1.1. Definition of requirements of EV propulsion systems.

D1.1. Review on the state of the technology of EV propulsion systems.

D1.2. Report establishing the requirements of EV applications.

TAREA 2: Análisis matemático de los diferentes algoritmos y simulación.

T2.1. Analysis and simulation of EV converter topologies. First, the converter

architectures will be studied and next, Matlab / Simulink simulations will be performed for
these conversion topologies (e.g. SiC-based multiphase inverter, hybrid inverter Si + SiC
diode, etc.), with special focus on the improvements that WBG semiconductors may bring
about, subject to typical voltage, current and switching frequency levels of EV applications.

T2.2. Definition of the multiphase architecture of the WBG-based EV converter. First,

based on the simulation results obtained in T2.1, the most appropriate EV converter
topology will be chosen, considering such factors as cost, efficiency, power density, etc. as
selection criteria. Next, the requirements of the semiconductor devices to be used in the
converter will be established.

M2.1. Definition of the multiphase architecture of the EV converter.

D2.1. Development of simulation models (Matlab / Simulink), including power converter

and multiphase electric machine.

D2.2. Results report on simulation, with discussion of results.

D2.3. Justification of the selection of topologies for power conversion.

D2.4. Report describing the requirements of the switching devices of the converter.

TAREA 3: Análisis de diversas FPGAs que más se adecuen a los requisitos de los

Once the requirements of the power converter and its devices have been determined, the
most suitable semiconductor devices must be selected, which will be done as follows:

T3.1. Update of the state of the art of SiC and GaN based semiconductor devices. In
previous projects, our research group has gained a great knowledge in WBG
semiconductor devices. However, because the technology is constantly evolving, it is
necessary to update such previous knowledge, to become fully acquainted with the latest
developments in this field.

T3.2. Selection of semiconductor devices for EV propulsion systems. Once the

requirements of the devices in the previous task are determined, the semiconductor
devices will be selected and purchased. A search will be made of the solutions offered by
various manufacturers (within traditional firms such as Infineon, IR, Semikron, but also
new manufacturers of WBG technology such as CREE, GeneSiC, ROHM, ST
Microelectronics, Micross, etc.), thus making it possible to select the most suitable choice
for the application. The study will analyze both discrete devices and dies.
T3.3. Software characterization of semiconductor devices. Using the Advanced
Design System (ADS) software, these devices will be thermally and electrically
characterized, based on a) their manufacturer’s datasheets; b) structural/behavioral
models provided by manufacturers.

T3.4. Hardware characterization of semiconductor devices. Simultaneously,

experimental characterization tests will be performed in order to verify manufacturer data,
and obtain reliable models. In fact, experience has taught us, as well as tech firms
specialized in this area, that there is certainly a qualitative degree of mismatch between
the information supplied by the manufacturers and the way the devices actually behave.
Two major resource facilities are available for this: a) A fully equipped test bench at
Ingeteam Technology’s research lab, with which our research group collaborates actively
now; b) The semiconductor lab at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, equipped with
Keysight’s B1505AP power device analyzer. Proceeding this way makes it possible to
better predict the thermal and electrical phenomena occurring within the devices, as well
as to determine to what extent it is worth using different characterization / simulation

M3.1. Justified selection of the semiconductor devices.

M3.2. Development and validation of software characterization tools.

D3.1. Results report on software and hardware characterization.

D3.2. Comparative report on the characterization methods studied.

TAREA 4: Valoración de los algoritmos de aceleración en diversas tarjetas de


T4.1. Advanced modulation techniques in electronic converters. The inverter model

selected and partially developed in T2.1 and T2.2 will be completed with advanced
modulation techniques. Hybrid modulation techniques will be developed that allow the
optimal operation of the converter within the entire operation range. Such hybrid
techniques include several modulation techniques, whereby the most appropriate
modulation technique is activated as a function of the operating point.

T4.2. Research on novel multiphase propulsion system control strategies. In this

task, accurate electric machine models will be developed (once the machine technology
has been selected), and the most appropriate modeling approaches will be studied and
implemented. As a second step, this task will focus on improving the most desired features
of the propulsion system by using state of the art novel control strategies, i.e., high speed
operation, improved power density (exploitation of additional degrees of freedom in MTPA
and field weakening) and fault tolerance (under power converter open switch or machine
winding faults).
T4.3. Simulation of topologies and selected devices, and performance analysis. The
model developed in T2.1, T2.2, T4.1 and T4.2 will be completed with the model of the
devices characterized in T3.3 and T3.4, as well as with the control and modulation
strategies studied in T4.1 and T4.2. The resulting model will be simulated in
Matlab/Simulink to verify that the requirements set by a standard vehicle are met.

M4.1. Model of the multiphase system, including a reliable model of the motor.

M4.2. New modulation algorithms to improve the efficiency of the converter.

M4.3. New control algorithms for high-speed efficient operation.

M4.4. Novel fault tolerant control algorithms for multiphase drive systems.

D4.1. Simulation models of propulsion systems having modulation and control solutions.

TAREA 6: Diseño y fabricación del hardware.

Parallel to the development of the converter, the integral design of each firing board will be
addressed, i.e. the interface between the control board and the power module. Because of
the higher switching frequencies, SiC- and GaN-based driver boards are different from
their conventional counterparts aimed at Si-based IGBTs. These differences make it
necessary to particularize the design, which will be done as follows:

T6.1. Analysis of the driver topologies of power semiconductors. This subtask will
analyze the various driver topologies, bearing in mind aspects as: a) Protections:
protections against overvoltages and overcurrents caused by parasitic elements present in
the circuits will be analyzed; then, it will be studied whether to incorporate external
protections (in addition to the built-in internal protections already present). b) Dead-time:
The ability of the driver to introduce a dead time in order to have to incorporate or not an
additional external circuit that takes care of it will be considered. c) Isolation: Depending on
the application specifications, the required isolation between high-voltage and low-voltage
zones will be taken into account. d) Number of channels: some drivers are able to fire just
one device, whereas other drivers can fire two or even three. e) Output current: it may be
necessary to incorporate current-amplifying stages that guarantee the fast switching of the
devices, thus avoiding excessive switching losses.

T6.2. Simulation of power semiconductor device switching to be used in EV power

converters. The simulations will be carried out using ADS, as this software not only can
emulate the behavior of the electronic devices on the driver board, but also the board’s
layout, as well as the power semiconductors characterized in T3. As a result, the entire
switching chain will be taken into account, including the parasitic effects.

T6.3. Simulation and design of protection systems. This subtask will perform
simulations of the protection circuits, such as "desaturation protection", "active Miller
clamping", "active clamping", "gate clamping", etc. These protections will be merged with
those that are likely to be already present in the selected drivers (UVLO, overtemperature,
suppressor of glitches produced by electromagnetic noise, etc.). The simulation will
consider the semiconductors themselves, operating frequencies, parasitic effects of the
converter, etc. The protection systems will be designed according to the simulation results

T6.4. Component selection for the driver stage. Considering the requirements of each
firing stage, the following components will be selected: a) Isolated drivers (as a function of
the switching frequency of the application, propagation times, consumption, output current
values, power per modulation period to be delivered to the semiconductor gates, intrinsic
protections of the integrated circuit, etc.); b) Isolated DC / DC sources; c) Fault-processing
circuits; d) Ancillary circuitry for dead-time generation (if the topology of the converter so
requires); e) Design of auxiliary circuitry for the correct operation of the input supplies of
isolated DC / DC sources, drivers, etc. so that the semiconductors operate in safe
switching zones and out of the linear area; e) Design of auxiliary circuitry for the
acquisition of voltage, current and temperature values provided by the respective sensors.

T6.5. Design, manufacturing and validation of printed circuit boards. In the design of
power modules, the printed circuit board (PCB) constitutes a critical element from four
perspectives: electrical, thermal, electromagnetic and reliability. The characteristics
imposed in this type of electronic design makes it necessary to thoroughly study and
model the PCB, so that all such four aspects can be evaluated and traded off. From an
electrical point of view, not only must the electrical connectivity be guaranteed, but the
model must also provide accurate information on the introduced parasitic elements
(capacitive and inductive), effects such as irregular current density distribution, e.g. skin
effect, and others. Then, the generated PCB model will also make it possible to determine
the thermal and electromagnetic behavior of the circuit. Finally, it is important to point out
that the required manufacturing processes will not be standard yet, since the techniques
and materials involved differ from those of normal consumer electronics, and are critical in
the reliability of the design. Therefore, an exhaustive study of such processes is required,
which will influence the design solutions adopted.

M6.1. Design, manufacturing and validation of a specific driver board aimed at WBG

D6.1. State of the art of switching topologies for WBG devices.

D6.2. Simulation model of the power module and driver PCB set using ADS.

D6.3. Schematic files and bill-of-materials of the proposed solutions.

D6.4. Report on the PCB designs performed

D6.5. Driver board manufactured.

D6.6. Results report on switching and EMI tests.

TASK 9: Demostración y validación del nodo acelerador.

T9.1 Integration of the EV converter with the elements comprising the EV propulsion
system (battery and motor). Once all the constituent parts of the power converter have
been assembled, the next step will be to integrate it with the most important elements that
make up the electric propulsion system, such as the battery and the electric machine. This
integration will be carried out at the Tecnalia facilities. This technological center, with
which the research group collaborates, has the infrastructure to carry out these last tests.
In addition, the control of the converter will be done using the RCP platform developed in
T8.3, where the modulation techniques and control strategies developed in T4.1 and T4.3,
respectively, will be implemented. The result of this integration will be a demonstrator that
will allow experiencing EV propulsion-related aspects.

T9.2. Analysis and interpretation of the experimental results obtained in the

demonstrator. An analysis will be carried out in terms of performance, thermal stress,
signal quality, robustness of the system and performance of the implemented converter.
Also, the converter will be subjected to various power and working conditions that emulate
real situations. The results will be compared with those obtained in simulation.

M9.1. Integration of propulsion systems in real-life EV environments.

D9.1. Results report of the EV propulsion system.

TAREA 10: Difusión de resultados.

Esta tarea se centra en la difusión de los resultados obtenidos, principalmente en

conferencias y revistas, pero también como divulgación en eventos y revistas de ciencia
popular. Esta tarea abarcará los tres años completos del proyecto.

M10.1: Revisión anual de publicaciones. Publicación de la programación y eventos de


D10.1: Lista de contribuciones publicadas y eventos de difusión atendidos durante el


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