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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 309 (2007) 132–138

Structural and magnetic properties of Co2MnSn films

and Co2MnSn/Cr multilayers
W. Zhanga,b,, N. Jikoc, T. Okunoc,1, K. Mibua,2, K. Yoshimurab
Research Center for Low Temperature and Materials Sciences, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Sakyoku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
Received 1 March 2006; received in revised form 26 May 2006
Available online 12 July 2006


Thin films of Co2MnSn were prepared on MgO(0 0 1) substrates with a Cr-buffer layer from three elemental targets by ultrahigh-
vacuum alternate deposition. These films showed good crystallinity, and the epitaxial relations were found to be MgO(0 0 1)//Cr(0 0 1)//
Co2MnSn(0 0 1) and MgO[1 0 0]//Cr[1 1 0]//Co2MnSn[1 1 0]. [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 multilayers were also prepared with high
crystallographic quality. The magnetic properties of Co2MnSn films were studied by magnetization measurements and 119Sn Mössbauer
spectroscopy. Hyperfine fields observed by Mössbauer effect measurements showed that the degree of short range order around Sn in the
samples grown at 200  C was as good as that in bulk samples.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 73.61.At; 75.50.Cc; 75.70.i; 76.80.+y

Keywords: Heusler alloy; Half-metallic ferromagnets; Ferromagnetic thin film; Mössbauer effect

1. Introduction TMR value has been reported in heterostructures of

Heusler alloys Co2 Cr1x Fex Al [6] and Co2MnAl [7]. One
Since the discoveries of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) of the issues in this field is to prepare half-metallic
and tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) in layered struc- ferromagnets with high crystallographic quality.
tures of magnetic metals and non-magnetic materials [1–3], Heusler alloy Co2MnSn attracts much attention because
a new field of spin electronics has emerged up aiming at it is expected to be half-metallic ferromagnet at low
their applications in magnetic information storage [4]. The temperatures and to remain highly spin polarized at room
increased interest in this field has intensified research on temperature [8]. Bulk Co2MnSn crystallizes in an L21
half-metallic materials, in which a band gap opens at the structure (space group Fm3̄mÞ, which consists of four
Fermi level for one spin direction, leading to 100% spin interpenetrating face-centered cubic (fcc) sublattices [9].
polarized conduction electrons [5]. In recent years, high The thin film of Co2MnSn has been grown by sputtering at
470  C [10]. However, TMR and GMR junctions using
Corresponding author. Department of Engineering Physics, Electro- Co2MnSn have not yet reported. The optimization of the
nics and Mechanics, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of
thin film preparation is just in the beginning stage. The
Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 466-8555, Japan. lattice of Co2MnSn matches well with that of Cr. It is
Tel.: +81 527357906; fax: +81 527357904. known that Cr grows epitaxially on MgO(0 0 1) with the
E-mail addresses:, structural relations MgO(0 0 1)//Cr(0 0 1) in the growth
(W. Zhang). direction and MgO[1 0 0]//Cr[1 1 0] in the film plane [11].
Present address: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Itami, Hyogo 664-
0016, Japan.
Therefore, it is expected that epitaxial MgO/Cr/
Present address: Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Co2MnSn thin films can also be prepared by e-gun
Technology, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan. deposition.

0304-8853/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
W. Zhang et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 309 (2007) 132–138 133

To address these challenges, in this paper we present an thirdly. In order to prepare each layer with an accuracy of
investigation on Co2MnSn films deposited from Co, Mn, 0.1 nm, the deposition rate was set around 0.6 nm/min. The
and Sn metallic sources alternately on a MgO(0 0 1) vacuum during the deposition was in the 109 -Torr range.
substrate with a Cr-buffer layer at 200  C and room We also prepared multilayers including the Co2MnSn
temperature using e-gun deposition in an ultrahigh- Heusler alloy as shown in Table 2. Although the four samples
vacuum system (109 Torr). We also tried to prepare the have the same nominal structure of [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/
multilayers [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 and tested a Cr(0.9 nm)]10, the interfacial atoms were designed to be
possible appearance of the GMR effect in these structures. different by changing the deposition sequence of one or half
The experimental methods are presented in Section 2. The an atomic layer. In CMS5 and CMS6, the interfaces of
magnetic properties of Co2MnSn thin films and Co2MnSn/ Co2MnSn with Cr are designed to be composed of Co atoms
Cr multilayers are reported in Section 3. The results are and in CMS7 and CMS8 the interfaces of Co2MnSn are Mn
summarized in Section 4. and Sn atoms. By comparing the results for these samples, we
can see if the interface atoms have a significant influence on
2. Experimental methods the structural and physical properties of [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/
Cr(0.9 nm)]10. The substrate temperature during the prepara-
Four Co2MnSn films shown in Table 1, which are tion of the multilayers was set at 200  C, to grow the film
denoted as CMS1, CMS2, CMS3, and CMS4, respectively, expitaxially and avoid excessive interdiffusion at the
were grown on MgO(0 0 1) substrates (18  18 mm2 ) using Co2MnSn/Cr interfaces.
ultrahigh-vacuum deposition technique with e-gun heating. The quality of the surface crystallographic structure was
Chemically etched MgO single crystalline (0 0 1) substrates monitored by in situ reflection high-energy electron
were first baked in a vacuum for 1 h at 400  C in order to diffraction (RHEED) during the growth. The crystal-
remove the surface hydroxide layer. A Cr buffer layer with lographic structure of the films was characterized by X-ray
5.0 nm thick was deposited at 200  C on the MgO(0 0 1) diffraction (XRD) in high- and low-angle regions using Cu
substrate with a deposition rate of 1.2 nm/min, prior to the K a radiation, with the scattering vector perpendicular to
deposition of the Co2MnSn film in order to relieve the the film plane. The composition of the samples was
strain resulting from the MgO substrate. Afterwards the checked by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with
temperature was set at 200  C or room temperature for energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX).
the film growth. The three alloy components Co, Mn, and The magnetization was measured by using a super-
Sn were evaporated from three e-guns alternately. For conducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnet-
CMS1 and CMS3 samples, Co was first deposited for one ometer. Current-in-plane giant magnetoresistance (CIP-
atomic layer (0.2 nm), secondly Mn and thirdly Sn was GMR) measurements were carried out with a conventional
deposited for half an atomic layer (0.1 nm), and the process four-probe method. In order to check the local magnetic
was repeated for the designed cycles as shown in Table 1. properties 119Sn Mössbauer spectra were measured at
For CMS2 and CMS4, Sn was secondly deposited and Mn room temperature by means of conversion electron
Mössbauer spectroscopy using a Ca119mSnO3 g-ray source
and a He þ 1%ðCH3 Þ3 CH gas-flow counter. The direction
Table 1 of the incident g-rays was set perpendicular to the film
Designed nominal structures of Co2MnSn films plane. The Sn in the samples was enriched with 119Sn to
obtain sufficiently strong signals. The isomer shift (d) is
Sample Designed structure (nm) T sub ð CÞ
expressed relative to that of CaSnO3.
CMS1 MgO/Cr(5.0)/[Co(0.2)/Mn(0.1)/Sn(0.1 )]100/Co(0.2) 200
CMS2 MgO/Cr(5.0)/[Co(0.2)/Sn(0.1)/Mn(0.1)]100/Co(0.2) 200 3. Results and discussion
CMS3 MgO/Cr(5.0)/[Co(0.2)/Mn(0.1)/Sn(0.1)]100/Co(0.2) RT
CMS4 MgO/Cr(5.0)/[Co(0.2)/Sn(0.1)/Mn(0.1)]100/Co(0.2) RT
3.1. Co2MnSn films
Substrate temperature (T sub ) was set at 200  C when CMS1 and CMS2
were deposited, whereas, CMS3 and CMS4 were deposited at room The RHEED patterns for Co2MnSn films are shown in
temperature (RT). Fig. 1. For CMS1 and CMS2, the streaked RHEED

Table 2
Designed nominal structures of [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 multilayers

Sample Designed structure (nm) T sub (  C)

CMS5 MgO/Cr(5.0)/{[Co(0.2)/Mn(0.1)/Sn(0.1)]5/Co(0.2)/Cr(0.9)}10 200

CMS6 MgO/Cr(5.0)/{[Co(0.2)/Sn(0.1)/Mn(0.1)]5/Co(0.2)/Cr(0.9)}10 200
CMS7 MgO/Cr(5.0)/{[Mn(0.1)/Sn(0.1)/Co(0.2)]5/Mn(0.1)/Sn(0.1)/Cr(0.9)}10 200
CMS8 MgO/Cr(5.0){[Sn(0.1)/Mn(0.1)/Co(0.2)]5/Sn(0.1)/Mn(0.1)/Cr(0.9)}10 200

The substrate temperature (T sub ) during the preparation of the multilayers was set at 200  C.
134 W. Zhang et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 309 (2007) 132–138



Intensity (arbitrary units)



100 CMS1

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

2ϑ (degrees)

Fig. 2. XRD patterns of Co2MnSn films deposited at 200  C (CMS1 and

Fig. 1. RHEED patterns of Co2MnSn films deposited at 200  C (CMS1
CMS2) and room temperature (CMS3 and CMS4) in low-angle region.
and CMS2) and room temperature (CMS3 and CMS4), after the
The estimated thicknesses of the Co2MnSn films are shown in Table 3.
deposition of the final Co (0.2 nm) layer.

patterns were observed during the growing process from quality of the crystallographic orientation. The disappear-
the beginning. For CMS3 and CMS4, the streaked patterns ance of L21 006 peak for CMS3 and CMS4 indicates that
were observed after 10 repetitions of the Co/Mn/Sn or Co/ they have lower quality in crystallographic orientation.
Sn/Mn unit, indicating that the surface is rough at the When the degree of crystallographic perfection decreases,
beginning stage of the growing process and then becomes a the width in the rocking curve increases and the intensity in
little smoother as the film grows. the y  2y scan decreases for the higher order peak. For
The low-angle XRD patterns for the samples grown at CMS1 and CMS2, there seems to be a very small amount
200  C and at room temperature are shown in Fig. 2. The of (1 1 0) oriented portion.
flatness of the surface is proven by the appearance of The values of saturated magnetic moment for
wiggles in the low-angle XRD patterns. The total thickness Co2MnSn films (M s ) determined from the magnetization
of Cr/Co2MnSn ðttotal Þ is estimated from the wiggle curves at room temperature (the in-plane magnetization
patterns in Fig. 2. If we assume that the thickness of curve of sample CMS1 is shown in Fig. 4) are listed in
buffer tCr equals to 5.0 nm as designed, the thickness Table 3. The values of saturated magnetic moment for the
of Co2MnSn films can be estimated as tCo2 MnSn ¼ Co2MnSn films grown at 200  C were found to be about
ttotal  5:0 nm, which is shown in Table 3. 5:0 mB /formula unit (f.u.). Errors may arise from inaccu-
The high-angle XRD measurements for y22y scans with racy of the estimated thickness of the films. The values of
the scattering vector normal to the film plane are shown in magnetization agree well with the bulk value of 5.1 mB /f.u.
Fig. 3. Bulk Co2MnSn has an L21 type structure, where 4a determined from magnetization and neutron diffraction
and 4b sites are occupied by Mn and Sn, respectively, and measurements by Webster [9]. The values of saturation
4c, 4d sites are occupied by Co atoms. In disordered magnetization for Co2MnSn films grown at room tem-
structures, ions occupy the sites other than those specified perature were, on the other hand, lower than the bulk
for the ordered structure. When the disorder occurs value. This decrease in magnetization may be attributed to
exclusively between Mn and Sn, the structure is alterna- the larger structural or site disorder in the films grown at
tively described as a B2-type structure. The observation of room temperature than in the films grown at 200  C.
the peaks at 2y ¼ 29:9 and 2y ¼ 62:1 indicates that Hysteresis loops at the low-field region were also measured
Co2MnSn with a B2 or L21 -type structure grows epitaxi- at room temperature with the field parallel to the sample
ally with the [0 0 1] direction perpendicular to the film plane (CMS1’s curve is shown in the inset of Fig. 4). The
plane. In principle we can qualitatively check the degree of samples possess in-plane magnetization due to the shape
order by comparing L21 002 (or B2 001) and L21 004 (or anisotropy. The obtained loops are square with a coercive
B2 002) peaks. When the perfect disorder occurs among field of 1.5 mT and high remanent magnetization (90%) at
Co, Mn and Sn, the alloy becomes an A2-type structure, room temperature, demonstrating that the samples are soft
and the L21 002 (B2 001) peak would disappear. It is ferromagnets.
difficult to obtain the order parameter numerically, since A magnetoresistance (MR) curve for Co2MnSn (CMS1)
the intensities in the y22y scans are also influenced by the measured with magnetic fields between 9 and 9 T applied
W. Zhang et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 309 (2007) 132–138 135

Table 3
Measured structural and physical parameters of Co2MnSn films

Sample t (nm) a (nm) M s (mB /f.u.) d (mm/s) Bhf (T)

CMS1 58.2 0.595 5.0 1.50 7.7

CMS2 60.5 0.594 4.9 1.50 7.8
CMS3 54.8 0.601 3.9 1.65 4.7
CMS4 55.4 0.602 3.2 1.65 4.7
Bulk 0.598a 5.1a 1.39b 6.9b

The thicknesses (t) and lattice parameters (a) of the Co2MnSn films were estimated from the X-ray diffraction patterns. The saturated magnetic moments
M s were calculated from the magnetization measurements. The isomer shift (d) and average hyperfine field ðBhf Þ were estimated by fitting the
Mössbauer spectra. These values were measured at room temperature. The values for bulk Co2MnSn are also shown for comparison.
Ref. [9].
Ref. [12].


4 4

M (µB/f.u.)
M (µB/f.u.)

CMS3 2 -2

1 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

B T)
CMS2 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
B (T)

Fig. 4. Magnetization curve of a Co2MnSn film (CMS1) measured at

room temperature. The magnetic field is applied in the plane of the sample.
MgO (002)
Inset: the hysteresis loop at the low-field region.
L21 004 MgO (004)
L21 002
B2 002
B2 001
ðBhf Þ. The spectra are symmetric and, therefore, were fitted
L21 220
L21 006 assuming that the value of d is the same for all the
B2 110 Cr (002)
B2 003 components with different Bhf and that the effect due to the
electric quadrupole interaction is negligibly small. For the
fitting, the angle between the Bhf and normal direction to
the film plane was set to be 90 . The average Bhf and d
40 60 80 100 120
(relative to CaSnO3) for the Co2MnSn thin films are listed
2ϑ (degrees)
in Table 3. The d are found to be about 1.50 mm/s for the
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of Co2MnSn films deposited at 200  C (CMS1 and films grown at 200  C and 1.65 mm/s for the films grown at
CMS2) and room temperature (CMS3 and CMS4). room temperature. The difference in isomer shifts between
CMS1, 2 and CMS3, 4 may be related to the degree of the
disorder in these films. The distributions of Bhf for CMS1
in the film plane and parallel to the current is shown in and CMS2, indicate that the magnetic circumstances
Fig. 5. We found a 0:1% isotropic negative MR up to a around the Sn sites in the films grown at 200  C are similar
magnetic field of 9 T, as a characteristic feature of Co- to that in the bulk sample [12]. Although ideal ordered
based Heusler thin films [10]. The isotropic MR may come Heusler alloys have only one Sn site, even in bulk samples
from the forced MR effect. the spectra of Co2MnSn consist of two sets of sextets [12]
The 119Sn Mössbauer spectra collected at room tem- reflecting some imperfection of the alloy from an ideal
perature for the Co2MnSn films are shown in Fig. 6. Each ordered structure. Because of the disorder in the films
spectrum was fitted with six Lorentzians with 1 mm=s in samples, we also found that there are some imperfection in
linewidth, convoluted with a distribution of hyperfine field the Sn sites. The reduction of Bhf in CMS3 and CMS4 in
136 W. Zhang et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 309 (2007) 132–138


ρ (µΩ • cm)



-5 0 5
B (T)

Fig. 5. Resistivity versus magnetic field measured at 5 K for a thin film of

Co2MnSn (CMS1).
Fig. 7. RHEED patterns of [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 films de-
posited at 200  C, after the deposition of the final Cr (0.9 nm) layer.

CMS4 105


Counts (arbitrary units)

CMS3 2

103 -4 -3 3
CMS2 102

101 CMS6

-10 0 10 0 4 8 12 16
(a) Velocity (mm/s) (b) Bhf (T) 50 55 60 65 70 75
2θ (degrees)
Fig. 6. (a) Mössbauer spectra of Co2MnSn films measured at room
temperature and (b) the distributions of hyperfine field ðBhf Þ. Fig. 8. Patterns from out-of-plane X-ray scans of the multilayers
[Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10. The numbers in the figure denote the
order of satellites.

comparison with the bulk sample indicates that the films

grown at room temperature have more disorders around multilayers possess (0 0 1) epitaxy for Co2MnSn and Cr
the Sn sites. This tendency is consistent with the X-ray layers. Fig. 8 shows the scans around the 004 fundamental
patterns in Fig. 3. Bragg reflection of Co2MnSn/Cr. Besides the fundamental
Bragg peak from the average lattice spacing, the multi-
3.2. [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 multilayers layers exhibit satellite peaks caused by the chemical
modulation. The satellites up to the order of l ¼ 4
The RHEED patterns of the multilayers [Co2MnSn can be resolved, indicating that the superstructures grow
(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 are shown in Fig. 7. Clear streaked well in the growth direction (0 0 1). The modulation
RHEED patterns were also observed during the growing pro- periods were estimated from the positions of the satellite
cess at 200  C for all [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 peaks using the relation L ¼ 2p=dQ, where dQ is the
multilayers. The out-of-plane X-ray scans of the multi- average spacing between the Q values of the peaks
layers [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 reveal that the ðQ ¼ 4p sin y=lÞ.
W. Zhang et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 309 (2007) 132–138 137

In order to investigate CIP-GMR in [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/

Cr(0.9 nm)]10, we measured the MR with the magnetic field
between 5 and 5 T applied in the film plane and parallel
to the current. All the samples in the Table 4, independent
of the deposition sequence, reveal very small values of the
MR effect. One possible reason why GMR effect is not
observed is that the spin polarization at Fermi level
CMS7 decreases at the interfaces. There is also a possibility that

the Cr-layer thickness is not optimum, and further

systematic investigation on Cr-layer thickness dependence
should be made in the future.
4. Summary and conclusions

High-quality single-crystalline thin films of Co2MnSn

CMS5 have been prepared on MgO(0 0 1) substrates by ultra-
high-vacuum deposition from three elemental targets
-10 0 10 0 4 8 12
alternately on a Cr-buffer layer at room temperature and
(a) Velocity (mm/s) (b) B (T)
200  C. The epitaxial growth relation was found to be
Fig. 9. (a) Mössbauer spectra of the multilayers [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/ Co2MnSn(0 0 1)//Cr(0 0 1)//MgO(0 0 1) and Mg[1 0 0]//Cr
Cr(0.9 nm)]10 measured at room temperature and (b) the hyperfine field [1 1 0]//Co2MnSn[1 1 0]. Co2MnSn films grown at 200  C have
ðBhf Þ distribution.
saturation magnetization of 5 mB /f.u. at room tempera-
ture, which is comparable to the bulk sample. The Bhf for
the samples grown at 200  C is larger than that for the
Table 4 samples grown at room temperature, reflecting a better
Structure and physical properties of the four [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/ crystallographic quality.
Cr(0.9 nm)]10 multilayers; the multilayer periods (L) estimated from X-
ray diffraction patterns, the isomer shift (d) and the average hyperfine field The multilayers combining Co2MnSn alloys with Cr
ðBhf Þ estimated by fitting the Mössbauer spectra. These values are interlayer can also be grown with high crystallographic
measured at room temperature quality. The Mössbauer measurements reveal that the size
of Bhf is comparable with that for the thin films of
Sample L (nm) d (mm/s) Bhf (T)
Co2MnSn deposited at the same temperature, almost
CMS5 3.96 1.49 6.7 independent of the deposition sequence of the component
CMS6 3.74 1.42 5.5 metals in Co2MnSn. A CIP-GMR effect has not been
CMS7 3.85 1.53 7.4 observed in these [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 multi-
CMS8 3.94 1.49 7.0
layers at this stage.

The Mössbauer spectra measured at room temperature We have benefited from discussion with Prof. T. Ono.
for multilayers [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 are shown We also thank Dr. T. Ohkochi for simulating the thickness
in Fig. 9(a). The spectra were fitted with six-line of the films during this work. This study was supported by
components with a distribution of Bhf . The fitting results Grants-in-Aid for COE Project ‘‘Elements Science’’ (Grant
are shown by the solid line in Fig. 9(a), and the no. 12CE2005) and Science Research on Priority Area,
distributions of Bhf are shown in Fig. 9(b). The average ‘‘Invention of anomalous quantum materials’’ (Grant no.
Bhf for the [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/Cr(0.9 nm)]10 multilayers 16076210), from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports
are listed in Table 4. We also found that there are and Culture of Japan.
distribution in hyperfine field in [Co2MnSn(2.2 nm)/
Cr(0.9 nm)]10 as shown in Fig. 9(b). The Bhf distribution
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