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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 477 (2019) 62–67

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Spin Hall magnetoresistance in Co2MnSn/IrMn/Pt heterostructures T

Xiufeng Huang, Zhiwen Dai, Dongchao Yang, Lizhi Yi, Hong-Guang Piao, Liqing Pan
Research Institute for Magnetoelectronics & Weak Magnetic-field Detection, College of Science, China Three Gorges of University, Yichang 443002, China


Keywords: Magnetic transport properties in Co2MnSn/IrMn/Pt trilayer structures have been investigated. Spin Hall mag-
Spin Hall effects netoresistance (SMR) enhancement in the trilayer structures has been observed, under the premise of exclusion
Spin Hall magnetoresistances current shunting effect. The experimental analysis indicates that the SMR enhancement may be closely related to
Spin-orbit interaction the spin current enhancement reflected from the Co2MnSn/IrMn interface. Anomalous Hall resistance (AHR)
Spin flop coupling
study shows that its variation is quite similar to the SMR, suggesting that the SMR enhancement may also be
closely related to spin-orbit coupled (SOC) scattering at the interface due to the coupling between IrMn and
Co2MnSn layer. Temperature influences the SMR significantly in the trilayer structures at low IrMn thicknesses,
which the IrMn has more ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic orders than antiferromagnetic order. It indicates that
the physical mechanism of the influencing of temperature on SMR of FM/AFI(AFM)/Pt trilayer structures need to
be further investigated. The SMR changes its sign from positive to negative at temperatures lower than 50 K,
revealing that spin-flop coupling between IrMn and Co2MnSn could happen at the interface.

1. Introduction property of the FM/HM interface [1,3]. The spin Hall angle of the HM
plays the dominant role in the SMR behavior. The magnetic structure of
Spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) are the collective effects of spin the FM layer also affects the SMR behavior significantly. More recently,
Hall effects (SHE) and inverse spin Hall effects (ISHE). The generation, several studies on the SMR have focus on the FI/antiferromagnetic in-
manipulation and detection of spin current can be realized simulta- sulator (AFI)/HM heterostructures such as YIG/NiO/Pt and YIG/CrO/Pt
neously [1–3]. Therefore, the SMR is a convenient means for in- [21,22], and NiO/Pt [23,24]. The insertion of the AFI enhances the spin
vestigating the spin current related phenomena such as SHE [4,5], ISHE mixing conductance due to magnon and spin fluctuation in the AFI
[6,7], spin-orbit torques (SOT) [8,9], spin mixing conductance [10–12], layer. Moreover, a spin flip reflection at the AFI/HM interface happens
and so on. The SMR phenomenon was first observed in YIG/Pt and at low temperature due to that the local moments in the AFI is per-
other ferromagnetic insulator (FI)/heavy metal (HM) structures. Ac- pendicular to applied field below the Neel temperature. However, spin
cording to SMR theory [1–3,13–15], the spin current Js is generated by current enhancement have not been found in other FM/AFM/HM het-
SHE in HM layer contacted with a FM layer. It can be either reflected erostructures, where the AFM is an antiferromagnetic metal.
(M//σ, M is the magnetization direction and σ is the spin polarization In this work, we have investigated the SMR and AHR in Co2MnSn/
direction) or absorbed (M ⊥ σ) at the FMI/HM interface. And then the IrMn/Pt trilayer structures as a function of the IrMn thickness at room
reflected spin current would convert into an additional charge current temperature. We have also measured the temperature dependence of
due to the ISHE. the SMR in the trilayer structures at low IrMn thickness. We observed
SMR not only exists in FI/HM bilayer structures but also in ferro- SMR enhancement at the trilayer structures with IrMn thickness in-
magnetic metallic FM/HM structures, such as W/CoFeB [16,17], Pt/Co creasing from 0.5 to 1 nm, which the IrMn has more ferromagnetic or
[18,19], Co2FeSi/Pt [20] and so on. The physics is more complex in ferrimagnetic orders than antiferromagnetic order. We also found ne-
FM/HM compared to it in FI/HM, because charge current and spin gative SMR in the trilayer structures, indicating that spin-flop coupling
current flowing through FM layer would influence the SMR and lead to could happen between IrMn and Co2MnSn with temperature lower than
anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and spin current related phe- 50 K.
Many factors affect the SMR behavior, the spin Hall angle of HM,
the structure and magnetism of the ferromagnetic (FM) layer, and the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Pan).
Received 5 July 2018; Received in revised form 3 January 2019; Accepted 11 January 2019
Available online 14 January 2019
0304-8853/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Huang et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 477 (2019) 62–67

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of (i) IrMn/Pt bilayer structure

and (ii) Co2MnSn/IrMn/Pt trilayer structures. (b)
Schematic of the longitudinal and transversal mag-
netoresistance measurement setup. (c) XRD pattern
for a 200 nm Co2MnSn single layer film. (d) IrMn
thickness dependence of the saturated magnetization
per square of centimeters and the resistances in the
Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures.
The inset figure in (d) is the magnetic hysteresis loops
in the trilayer structures with different IrMn thick-

2. Experiment details about 1800 Ω. So the resistivity of 4 nm Pt layer is 0.45 μΩm. The re-
sistivity of 2 nm IrMn layer can also be calculated to be 6.55 μΩ.m. The
Two series of samples from bottom to top, IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) and resistivity of IrMn layer is about one magnitude larger than the Pt layer
Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) (all the numbers in the parentheses are at several nanometers. The result indicates that the IrMn is discrete
thickness in nanometers), were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering granular when the deposited thickness is lower than 2 nm. The IrMn
on single crystal MgO(0 0 1) substrates in a 0.3 Pa argon atmosphere at could form continuous and layered film structure when the deposited
room temperature. The atomic composition of the IrMn layer is thickness increases to 2 nm. The saturated magnetization per square
Ir0.25Mn0.75. The deposited rates of Co2MnSn, IrMn and Pt are 0.35, centimeters in the trilayer structures increases dramatically with IrMn
0.4, and 0.255 nm/s respectively. The device structures of the two thickness decreasing from 4 nm to 1.5 nm, which can be shown in
series were schematically shown in Fig. 1(a). The IrMn thickness tIrMn Fig. 1(d). With the thickness further decreasing, the saturated magne-
changes from 0 to 10 nm to investigate the effect of IrMn layer on the tization varies quite gentle. This result reveals that large saturated
magneto-transport properties for the two series of samples. Crystal magnetization exists in the IrMn with the thickness lower than 1.5 nm.
structure of an additional 200 nm Co2MnSn single layer fabricated on It means that the discrete granular IrMn layer are ferromagnetic or
the single crystal MgO(0 0 1) was characterized by X-ray diffraction ferrimagnetic orders more than antiferromagnetic order at this quite
(XRD). Magnetism and magnetic transport properties of all samples low thickness. The inset figure is the field dependence of the saturated
were measured on Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (Versalab: magnetic moment per square centimeters with different IrMn thickness.
Quantum Design). All samples were patterned into Hall bar shape for Temperature dependence of the magnetic moment of thin IrMn layer
magneto-transport measurements as illustrated in Fig. 1(b). The width with different fields indicate that, ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic orders
of the Hall bar is 100 μm. The charge current was along the x direction have not disappeared even if the thickness increases to 10 nm. The
and the longitudinal voltage was obtained by two side bars which are result is shown in supplementary material.
2 mm apart from each other. The current density is 2.5 × 104 A/cm2. Field dependent magnetoresistances (MR) were first performed on
The Hall resistance was measured on a transversal electrode and its IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) bilayer structures. Fig. 2(a) shows the longitudinal
length is 5 mm. resistances of IrMn(2)/Pt(4) structure with the field along the x, y, and
z directions. The SMR longitudinal resistivity change can be formulated
as: ρL = ρ0 − Δρsmy2, and the conventional longitudinal AMR can be
3. Results and discussion
formulated as: ρL = ρ⊥ − ΔρAmx2 [1–3]. It can be seen that the re-
sistances nearly do not change when the field changes from x direction
The XRD result of the Co2MnSn single layer is shown in Fig. 1(c). It
to z direction. It means that the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) is
can be seen that Co2MnSn exhibit a strong (0 0 2) peak at 31.6° and a
negligible. As the conventional AMR ratio is calculated by (RHx − RHz)/
relatively weaker peak at 45.3° corresponding to (0 2 2) peak. There are
R0, where the RHx and RHz represents the longitudinal resistances when
also several quite weak peaks which correspond to (1 1 1), (2 2 2),
the magnetization is along the x and z directions respectively [2,3]. R0
(0 2 4) and (4 2 2) respectively. The result reveals that the Co2MnSn
is the resistance with the no field. Importantly, the resistance does not
film is polycrystalline L21 cubic structure [25].
change with increasing field along the y direction. This is the typical
Fig. 1(d) shows the IrMn thickness tIrMn dependence of the re-
SMR behavior for AFM/HM structures as the antiferromagnetic mo-
sistances and the saturated magnetizations per square centimeters in
ments in the y direction is very stable [27,28]. And this particular SMR
the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures. The IrMn thick-
behavior exists in the IrMn(t)/Pt(4) structures when the IrMn thickness
ness changes from 0 to 8 nm. The resistance does not decrease mono-
is larger than 2 nm which shows in Fig. 2(b). Fig. 2(c) shows the
tonous with increasing the deposited thickness. In contrast, it increases
magnitude of the SMR varied with the thickness of the IrMn layer. The
with the deposited thickness increasing from 0.5 to 1 nm and then de-
SMR ratio is calculated by (RHz-RHy)/R0, where the RHy represent the
creases with the thickness further increasing. We have also prepared a
longitudinal resistances when the magnetization is along the y direc-
single 5 nm Co2MnSn layer on substrate to get the resistivity. The re-
tion. Obviously, the SMR ratio decreases with increasing the IrMn layer
sistance of this 5 nm Co2MnSn film is about 6.4 × 105 Ω, which have
thickness when the tIrMn is larger than 2 nm. The deviated variation at
been shown in the Fig. S1 in Ref. [26]. Therefore, the resistivity of the
the tIrMn below 2 nm may be due to the deposited roughness of the IrMn
5 nm Co2MnSn layer is about 160 μΩ.m. Considering a simple parallel
layer. This result indicates that the SMR behavior of the IrMn/Pt
resistor model, the resistance of Co2MnSn(5)/Pt(4) bilayer structure is

X. Huang et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 477 (2019) 62–67

Fig. 2. (a) and (b) The magnetic field dependence of the longitudinal resistance for the IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) bilayer structures with 2 and 10 nm thickness IrMn layer. (c)
IrMn thickness dependence of measured SMR ratio ΔRSMR/R0 for the IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) bilayer structures. The ΔRSMR = RHz − RHy.

structure consists is similar to the ones of AFM/HM structure such as the Co2MnSn(5)/Pt(4) bilayers may be attributed to the high spin po-
the FeMn/Pt and Cr2O3/Pt structures [27,28]. larization in half-metallic Co2MnSn layer [29,30]. Fig. 3(b) shows the
In order to investigate the effect of inserting IrMn layer on the SMR MR of Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(0.5)/Pt(4) trilayer structure. The AMR in
behavior for Co2MnSn/Pt structure, field dependent longitudinal re- Co2MnSn(5)/Pt(4) bilayer structure is only 2 × 10−4 which is about
sistances of Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures were 15% of its SMR ratio. It almost disappears when 0.5 nm thick IrMn layer
measured. The tIrMn changed from 0 to 8 nm in the trilayer structures. was inserted into the interface. Furthermore, the AMR almost dis-
Fig. 3(a)–(c) shows the typical field dependent MR of the samples. From appears in all the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) samples with the tIrMn
Fig. 3(a) it can be seen that the SMR reaches saturation rapidly. This ranging from 0.5 to 8 nm.
field dependent variation is attributed to that the low magnetic hys- The SMR ratio of the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(0.5)/Pt(4) trilayer structure
teresis of the Co2MnSn layer. It can be calculated that the SMR ratio of in Fig. 3(b) is 3.1 × 10−4, much lower than it in the Co2MnSn(5)/Pt(4)
the Co2MnSn(5)/Pt(4) bilayers is 1.31 × 10−3. This large SMR ratio of bilayer structure. This is due to current shunting effect (CSE) in IrMn

Fig. 3. (a)–(c) The magnetic field dependence of the

longitudinal resistances for the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn
(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures with the tIrMn = 0,
0.5, and 8 nm. (d) Comparison between the measured
SMR ratio ΔRSMR/R0 and the calculated intrinsic SMR
ratio (SMRintr) which the current shunting effect has
been removed for the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4)
trilayer structures with different IrMn thicknesses.
The inset figure is comparison between the SMR ra-
tios of the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayers
and IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) bilayers which the current
shunting effect have been removed.

X. Huang et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 477 (2019) 62–67

the spin current reflected from the IrMn/Co2MnSn interface enhancing

[27,28]. In order to verify which one is true, the SMR ratio of Co2MnSn
(5)/Ni2MnGa(tNi2MnGa)/Pt(4) trilayer structures have also been mea-
sured. The results can be seen in Figs. S3 and S4 in Ref. [26]. It can be
seen that the magnetic and magnetic transport properties of the
Ni2MnGa at lower thickness is quite similar to the IrMn. Fig. S3 shows
that the Ni2MnGa thickness dependent resistance does not decrease
monotonically at the thickness lower than 2 nm. It indicates that the
deposited Ni2MnGa is rough granular too. The saturated magnetic
moment decreases drastically around 2 nm, which is also the same as
the IrMn. It also indicates that antiferromagnetic order increases with
thickness increasing. Fig. S4 shows the SMR behavior of the Ni2MnGa
(tNi2MnGa)/Pt(4) bilayer structures which is also quite similar to the
Fig. 4. IrMn thickness dependence of the anomalous Hall resistance RAHR for SMR behavior of the IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) bilayer structures. In spite of so
the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures. The inset figure is the many similarities between the Ni2MnGa and IrMn at low thickness, the
magnetic field dependence of the transversal resistance for the IrMn(2)/Pt(4) thickness dependent variation of the SMR ratio of the Co2MnSn(5)/
bilayer structure. Ni2MnGa(tNi2MnGa)/Pt(4) trilayer structures is quite different from the
SMR variation of the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures.
layer as the resistivity of IrMn layer is about one order of magnitude With the tNi2MnGa increasing, the SMR ratio in the former decreases
larger than that of the Pt layer at several nanometers metioned above. monotonically. No SMR enhancement happens with thickness in-
Parts of charge currents may flow into the IrMn layer and spin currents creasing. So it can be deduced that the SMR enhancement in the
get into this IrMn metal layer and scatter strongly with the magnetic Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures does not come from
moments, then decrease the SMR ratio significantly. the interfacial roughness. It is attributed to the reflected spin current
Fig. 3(c) gives the field dependent MR curves of the trilayer struc- enhancement from the IrMn/Co2MnSn interface. This spin current en-
ture with the thickness tIrMn reaches 8 nm. The SMR has a high sa- hancement in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures is
turation field. It could not saturate at the field of 30kOe. This may be quite weak compared to it in the YIG/AFI (NiO, CoO)/Pt trilayer
due to that the magnetic moment in the Co2MnSn layer is strongly in- structures [21,22], which may be due to the current shunting effect. It is
fluenced by the IrMn layer, which the latter has quite a part of anti- worth noting that the IrMn thickness that spin current enhancement
ferromagnetic structure in it. Latest studies of SMR on YIG/AFI NiO/Pt happening is lower than 2 nm, at which the ferromagnetic or ferri-
[21,22] and YIG/AFM IrMn/Pt [31] indicate that the SMR would dis- magnetic orders are more than antiferromagnetic order in the IrMn
appear when the thickness of the AFM NiO or IrMn spacer layer is no layer [21,28].
more than 5 nm. It means that spins could only penetrate the AFM NiO In order to further investigate what happens at the interface when
or IrMn spacer layer with thickness no more than 5 nm and then reflect the IrMn thickness increases. The anomalous Hall resistances RAHR of
back to the Pt layer. However, the SMR still exists even the thickness of Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures with tIrMn increases
the IrMn layer increases to 8 nm in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) from 0 to 8 nm have been measured. Fig. 4 shows the thickness de-
trilayer structure. The SMR ratio is 1.75 × 10−5 in IrMn(8)/Pt(4) bi- pendence of the RAHR, which ordinary Hall resistances have been re-
layer structure and 2.75 × 10−5 in Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(8)/Pt(4) trilayer moved. The RAHE with tIrMn larger than 2 nm is zero, which means that
structure. It indicates that spins could penetrate the IrMn spacer layer only ordinary Hall resistances exist in these trilayer structures. More-
with thickness up to 8 nm and then reflect back to the Pt layer from the over, the tIrMn dependent variation of the RAHE is quite similar to the
IrMn/Co2MnSn interface. This result has also been shown in Fig. 3(c) tIrMn dependent variation of the SMR ratio in the trilayer structures with
that the resistance decreases with increasing field along the y direction. thickness lower than 2 nm.
If spins could not be able to penetrate the 8 nm thick IrMn layer, the MR The RAHE in the Co2MnSn(5)/Pt(4) bilayer structure mainly origi-
would only come from the IrMn/Pt interface which the resistance nates from Co2MnSn layer itself and magnetic proximity effect (MPE) in
should not change with the applied field in IrMn layer along y direction. Pt layer [1,2]. However, the non-monotonically decreased RAHE in
The intrinsic spin current induced SMR ratio in the Co2MnSn(5)/ Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures with tIrMn increasing
IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures should be weakened by current indicates that MPE induced AHE in Pt layer is negligible in the trilayer
shunting effect in the IrMn layer due to its low resistivity. Considering structures. Moreover, if the RAHE in Co2MnSn layer plays the dominant
the simple parallel resistor model, the intrinsic SMR ratio can be de- role, it would not disappear with IrMn thickness increasing. So RAHE in
scribed as [1,32] SMRintr = (1 + RPt/RIrMn)ΔRSMR/R0. The ΔRSMR/R0 is Co2MnSn layer in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures
the measured SMR ratio with ΔRSMR/R0 = RHz − RHy. Fig. 3(d) shows should be negligible. As analyzed above, the IrMn continuous layered
the comparison of the values between the measured SMR ratios and the structure can be formed when the deposited IrMn thickness increases to
intrinsic SMR ratios with IrMn thickness increasing which the current 2 nm. This is due to the roughness and surface effect. In addition, there
shunting effect have been removed. The variation trend of the SMRintr is is only ordinary Hall resistance in the IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt bilayer structure
the same to the measured ΔRSMR/R0. The result means that the spin which has been shown in the inset of Fig. 4. These results show that
current induced intrinsic SMR ratio indeed enhances with the IrMn there is no RAHE once the IrMn/Pt interface is completely formed in the
thickness increases from 0.5 to 1 nm. The inset figure is the result of the trilayer structures. Two reasons may explain the non-monotonically
IrMn thickness dependent of the intrinsic SMR ratio of the IrMn(tIrMn)/ variation of the RAHR with the IrMn thickness lower than 2 nm. One
Pt(4) bilayer structures calculated from the measured ΔRSMR/R0 in may be the double spin-Hall mechanism which is proportional to the
Fig. 2(c). It can be deduced that the enhanced SMR ratio with the IrMn square of spin Hall angle. This mechanism is of second order in the SOC
thickness from 0.5 to 1 nm comes from the IrMn/Co2MnSn interface scattering with the existence of discrete granular IrMn. The other may
instead of the IrMn/Pt interface. Because the increment of the intrinsic be the so called nonlocal anomalous Hall effect which is proportional
SMR ratio in the IrMn(t)/Pt(4) bilayer structures is much lower than it linearly to the spin Hall angle [34]. This mechanism is also closely
in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures. The reasons related to SOC scattering.
for the SMR enhancement may be two. The one is interface roughness of Furthermore, the tIrMn dependent variation trend of this RAHE is
the ultrathin IrMn layer induced enhancement [7,32,33]. The other is quite similar to the tIrMn dependent variation trend of the SMR ratio in
the trilayer structures with IrMn thickness lower than 2 nm. So we can

X. Huang et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 477 (2019) 62–67

Fig. 5. (a) Temperature dependence of the magnetoresistances (MR: (RH − R0)/R0) for Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(2)/Pt(4) trilayer structure at α = 0° and 90° with field of
H = 30kOe. (b) Temperature dependence of the SMR ratio for the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) structures with the tIrMn = 0, 1 and 2 nm.

infer that the spin current enhancement reflected from the IrMn/ negative in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structure, is
Co2MnSn interface may be closely related to the SOC scattering at the much lower at the same thickness of the inserted AF layer.
interface which due to the existence of discrete granular IrMn film. Fig.
S6 in Ref. [26] shows that there is no non-monotonically variation of
RAHE with Ni2MnGa thickness in the Co2MnSn(5)/Ni2MnGa(tNi2MnGa)/ 4. Conclusions
Pt(4) trilayer structures, even if the Ni2MnGa is also rough and granular
with thickness lower than 2 nm. This result indicates that the roughness In summary, magnetic transport properties in Co2MnSn/IrMn/Pt
is not the reason which RAHE exists. Considering the differences of the trilayer structures have been investigated. Spins could penetrate the
SMR and RAHE between Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) and Co2MnSn IrMn spacer layer with its thickness up to 8 nm and then reflect back to
(5)/Ni2MnGa(tNi2MnGa)/Pt(4) trilayer structures, one may deduce that the Pt layer from the IrMn/Co2MnSn interface. Spin current reflected
IrMn coupling with Co2MnSn layer maybe the reason for spin current from the IrMn/Co2MnSn interface enhances when the IrMn thickness
enhancement and the RAHE existing [21,22]. On the contrary, there is increases from 0.5 to 1 nm, which charge current shunting effect has
no coupling effect between Ni2MnGa and Co2MnSn layer. Then there is been removed. This spin current induced intrinsic SMR enhancement
no spin current enhancement and RAHE existing in the latter. happens when the IrMn is less than 2 nm, and meanwhile the IrMn has
Temperature dependence of the SMR ratios in the Co2MnSn(5)/ more ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic orders than antiferromagnetic
IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures with the IrMn thickness of 1 and order at this time. AHR investigation indicates that this spin current
2 nm have also been measured. Fig. 5(a) shows the temperature de- enhancement may be closely related to the SOC scattering at the in-
pendence of the MR in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(2)/Pt(4) trilayer structure terface due to the coupling between IrMn and Co2MnSn layer.
with the field along the z and y directions respectively. It shows ob- Temperature influences the SMR significantly in the trilayer structures
viously that temperature has a strong influence on the MR when the at low IrMn thicknesses, which the IrMn has more ferromagnetic or
field is along z direction. It changes its sign around 50 K. Fig. 5(b) shows ferrimagnetic orders than antiferromagnetic orders. It indicates that the
the comparison between the temperature dependence of the SMR ratios physical mechanism of the influencing of temperature on SMR in FM/
in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures with the IrMn AFI(AFM)/Pt trilayer structures need to be further investigated. The
thickness of 0, 1 and 2 nm respectively. It can be seen that the tem- SMR changes its sign from positive to negative at temperature lower
perature has slight influence on the SMR behavior in the Co2MnSn(5)/ than 50 K, revealing that spin-flop coupling between IrMn and
Pt(4) bilayer structure. In contrast, the temperature influences the SMR Co2MnSn happens. It results in spin axis of the IrMn perpendicular to
significantly in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures Co2MnSn layer. This critical temperature is much lower than it in YIG/
with the IrMn thickness of 1 and 2 nm. Moreover, the SMR ratio in the AFI NiO/Pt structures at the same interfacial AF thickness.
trilayer structure with 2 nm thickness IrMn approaches zero when the In summary, SMR and AHR in Co2MnSn/IrMn/Pt trilayer structures
temperature is near 50 K. It can deduce that the SMR would become have been investigated. The SMR results show that SMR enhancement
negative with the temperature lower than 50 K. And this critical tem- in the trilayer structures has been observed, under the premise of ex-
perature decreases with the IrMn thickness decreasing to 1 nm in the clusion current shunting effect. Moreover, the SMR enhancement hap-
trilayer structure. According to theoretical and experimental studies on pens with the IrMn thickness lower than 2 nm, which the IrMn has more
SMR of YIG/AFI/Pt structures [21,22], this strong temperature depen- ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic orders than antiferromagnetic orders
dent SMR in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) trilayer structures is at this low thickness range. The experimental analysis indicates that the
attributed to spin mixing conductance at the interface, which varies SMR enhancement may be closely related to the spin current en-
strongly with T on the premise of the existence of the ultrathin AFI hancement reflected from the Co2MnSn/IrMn interface. Anomalous
layer. In addition, this temperature dependent spin mixing conductance Hall resistance (AHR) study shows that its variation is quite similar to
is due to AF magnons and spin fluctuation mediated spin current the SMR, suggesting that the SMR enhancement may also be closely
transportation. Our results show that the inserted metallic IrMn with related to spin-orbit coupled (SOC) scattering at the interface due to the
thickness lower than 2 nm has more ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic coupling between IrMn and Co2MnSn layer. Temperature influences the
orders than antiferromagnetic order, which temperature could influ- SMR significantly in the trilayer structures at low IrMn thicknesses,
ence the SMR significantly in the Co2MnSn(5)/IrMn(tIrMn)/Pt(4) tri- which the IrMn has more ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic orders than
layer structures. Therefore, the physical mechanism of the influencing antiferromagnetic order. It indicates that the physical mechanism of the
of temperature on the SMR of the FM/AFI(AFM)/Pt trilayer structures influencing of temperature on SMR of FM/AFI(AFM)/Pt trilayer struc-
need to be further investigated. Recent experimental study confirms tures need to be further investigated. The SMR changes its sign from
that [35] the negative SMR at low temperature is attributed to spin-flop positive to negative at temperatures lower than 50 K, revealing that
coupling between AFI and FM, which resulting in spin axis of the AFI spin-flop coupling between IrMn and Co2MnSn could happen at the
perpendicular to FM. Comparing to YIG/NiO(t)/Pt trilayer structure, interface.
the critical temperature that SMR changes its sign from positive to

X. Huang et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 477 (2019) 62–67

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