Resistance Training As A Tool For Preventing and Treating Musculoskeletal Disorders

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Sports Med

DOI 10.1007/s40279-016-0507-z


Resistance Training as a Tool for Preventing and Treating

Musculoskeletal Disorders
Emmanuel Gomes Ciolac1 • José Messias Rodrigues-da-Silva1

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

Abstract The aging process is characterized by several

physiological, morphological, and psychological alter- Key Points
ations that result in a decreased functional and health status
throughout the life span. Among these alterations, the loss Regular participation in resistance training programs
of muscle mass and strength (sarcopenia) is receiving throughout adulthood can minimize age-related
increased attention because of its association with innu- musculoskeletal alterations and reduce their impact
merous age-related disorders, including (but not limited to) on health and the aging process.
osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, low back pain, risk of fall, and
disability. Regular participation in resistance training pro- The prophylactic benefits of resistance training
grams can minimize the musculoskeletal alterations that appear to occur by attenuating loss of muscle
occur during aging, and may contribute to the health and strength and mass, improving or reducing loss of
well-being of the older population. Compelling evidence bone mineral density, attenuating the reduction in the
suggest that regular practice of resistance exercise may ability to perform daily activities, decreasing the
prevent and control the development of several muscu- incidence of osteoarthritis, and improving weight
loskeletal chronic diseases. Moreover, resistance training control and cardiometabolic health.
may also improve physical fitness, function, and indepen- Resistance training may be an effective treatment for
dence in older people with musculoskeletal disorders, some of the most common musculoskeletal
which may result in improved quality of the years lived. In disorders. Its main therapeutic benefits include an
summary, regular participation in resistance training pro- increase in muscle strength, a reduction in pain and
grams plays an important role in aging and may be a pre- improved function in patients with osteoarthritis, low
ventive and therapeutic tool for several musculoskeletal back pain, or rheumatoid arthritis. Resistance
disorders. training may also improve or maintain bone mass
and reduce the risk of falls in patients at risk of
osteoporotic fracture.

1 Introduction

& Emmanuel Gomes Ciolac Although modern technology has reduced the need to produce high levels of muscle strength, the medical and
scientific community has recognized that muscle strength is
Exercise and Chronic Disease Research Laboratory, Physical a fundamental physical requirement for the maintenance of
Education Department, School of Sciences, São Paulo State
University-UNESP, Av. Engenheiro Luiz Edmundo Carrijo
health, functional capacity, and quality of life [1]. Pro-
Coube 14-06, Bauru 17033-360, Brazil gressive resistance training (an exercise modality that

E. G. Ciolac, J. M. Rodrigues-da-Silva

gradually increases the external resistance placed upon the rheumatoid arthritis, and (6) both original investigations
body during training in accordance with improvement in (cross-sectional or randomized and non-randomized con-
the individual’s performance) has been long recognized as trolled trials) and systematic reviews. Studies were not
the most effective method for developing muscle strength, included if adjustments for potential confounders were not
power, endurance, and mass (hypertrophy) and for made, or if they had mixed interventions with no attempt to
improving the performance of athletes [1, 2]. However, assess the independent effects of resistance training.
recently there has been recognition of the need for resis-
tance training for health promotion and rehabilitation of
chronic diseases in non-athlete populations [3]. The first 3 The Prophylactic Role of Resistance Training
investigations demonstrating the benefit of this exercise
modality for rehabilitation date back to the post-World War Skeletal muscle plays an important role in the performance
II period. Doctors DeLorme and Watkins introduced pro- of daily living physical activities and musculoskeletal
gressive resistance exercise programs in the orthopedic health. However, with aging or disuse, skeletal muscle
rehabilitation of military veterans [4, 5]. In the second half decreases its function, leading to several changes that result
of the 1980s, the medical community began to recognize in reduced quality of life and health status [10–13]. The
the potential value of resistance exercise for functional reduction in the ability to produce muscle strength that
capacity and other health-related benefits, such as bone accompanies aging starts in the third decade of life [11,
health, basal metabolism, weight control, and health of the 12], and is primarily a result of muscle atrophy (sarcope-
spine [6]. Since then, resistance exercise has been the focus nia), associated with changes in the percentage of intra-
of numerous studies, which have demonstrated its impor- muscular contractile tissue [11–14] and a lower muscle
tant role in improving physical performance, functional activation capacity [11, 12, 15–17]. It is well established
capacity, independence, psychological well-being, and that the sarcopenia and loss of muscle strength that
quality of life, as well as for preventing and treating several accompany aging result in multifactorial changes that
chronic diseases [6–8]. This manuscript emphasizes the represent a major public health problem (Fig. 1) [13]. For
prophylactic and therapeutic role of resistance exercise, example, the loss of muscle strength and fitness accom-
with a special focus on musculoskeletal disorders. panying sarcopenia decrease the ability to carry out daily
living activities [13, 18, 19] and exercise tolerance [13].
Muscle mass and strength are also associated with bone
2 Literature Search Strategy mineral density in older adults with sarcopenia, which may
be implicated in the development of osteopenia and its
A narrative review of studies investigating the prophylactic progression to osteoporosis [12]. In addition, low muscle
and therapeutic role of resistance training was carried out mass and strength are also important risk factors for
according to a published guideline for writing a narrative developing osteoarthritis of the knee [13, 20–23].
review [9]. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and The sarcopenia that accompanies aging is also associ-
EMBASE databases for articles published between until ated with a reduction in the daily metabolic rate and fat
July 2015; however, studies could be excluded if similar oxidation [13, 24, 25], and reduces the level of physical
information was obtained from more recent studies or activity and daily energy expenditure [13, 26]. These
systematic reviews. The search was made by crossing the alterations are associated with the accumulation of visceral
terms ‘strength training’, ‘resistance training’, ‘weight and total fat in the older population, increasing the risk of
training’, or ‘muscle mass’ with ‘aging’, ‘disease preven- musculoskeletal diseases associated with obesity [27, 28],
tion’, ‘elderly’, ‘functional performance’, ‘bone mineral as well as cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia, and
density’, ‘musculoskeletal diseases’, ‘osteoporosis’, ‘os- insulin resistance [13, 29].
teoarthritis’, ‘low-back pain’, or ‘rheumatoid arthritis’. However, the regular practice of resistance exercise has
Additional studies were found by reviewing the reference been shown to attenuate the age-related decline in muscle
lists from the most relevant published papers located for mass and strength, as well as to reduce its impact on health
this review. and the aging process. In a pioneer study comparing
The inclusion criteria included: (1) studies published in function and morphology of knee extensors and elbow
English, Portuguese, or Spanish; (2) some form of resis- flexors muscles in the older population that practiced
tance training or resistance training-related outcome, such resistance training, running, or swimming for more than
as strength or muscle mass; (3) assessment of a disease 10 years, with sedentary older and young individuals, it
prevention outcome; (4) assessment of an age-related was found that resistance-trained older individuals had
impairment; (5) assessment of a treatment/rehabilitation muscle cross-sectional area, fiber-type proportion, and
outcome for osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, low-back pain, or strength similar to those of sedentary young individuals

Resistance Training and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Fig. 1 Schematic of the

consequences of sarcopenia
associated with aging, and the
feedback from its consequences.
Most influences are bi-
directional. ; indicates
reduction, : indicates increase.
Adapted from Ciolac [13], with

[30]. In contrast, older runners and swimmers showed note that the resistance training-induced improvements in
muscle cross-sectional area, fiber-type proportion, and muscle strength occur even in very elderly subjects (age
strength similar to those of sedentary older individuals, [75 years) [41], or in older subjects training with simple
which suggests that the regular practice of resistance and limited resistance (i.e., elastic resistance) [39].
exercise, unlike running and swimming, can reduce the Muscle hypertrophy is another adaptation to resistance
muscle function and morphology alterations associated exercise found in older individuals [38, 41, 42]. For
with the aging process [30]. example, resistance training performed two to three times a
Skeletal muscles affected by the aging process also week promoted increases of 10–62 % in the muscle fiber
present important adaptations to resistance exercise. Stud- diameter after 9–52 weeks of training in older populations
ies have shown that resistance training increases muscle [11, 13]. A recent meta-analysis assessing the effects of
strength of older individuals [31–41] and, when performing resistance exercise on muscle morphology (cross-sectional
the same resistance training program, young and older area or volume or thickness of muscles) showed a 1–21 %
individuals show similar strength gains and progression of increase in muscle mass after training [38]. Similar
training workload [36, 37]. For example, a systematic improvements (1.5–15.6 %) were also shown in a meta-
review with a meta-analysis of 47 studies (representing analysis assessing the effects of resistance training in sub-
1079 older subjects) showed that resistance exercise jects aged [75 years [41]. In fact, similar gains in muscle
training improved muscle strength by 9.8–31.6 kg in older fiber size were observed when young and older individuals
adults, which represents a percentage change of *24 % to underwent the same resistance exercise program [43].
*33 %, depending on the muscle group assessed [40]. In a Most daily living activities are of relatively short dura-
recent meta-analysis assessing the resistance training dose tion and have greater association with strength and/or
response on muscle strength and morphology in older muscle power than aerobic or anaerobic capacity [11, 12,
subjects, resistance training programs with 50–53 weeks of 44, 45]. Thus, it is possible that the maintenance or
duration, 70–79 % of the one-repetition maximum of reduction of loss of muscle volume/strength through the
intensity, a time under tension of 6 s per repetition, and a regular practice of resistance exercises during aging [30]
rest in between sets of 60 s resulted in greater muscle may lead to a small reduction in the ability to perform daily
strength improvements [38]. The results of this meta- activities [13]. In addition, numerous studies have shown
analysis also suggest that selecting a training frequency of that older adults improve the performance of daily living
two sessions per week, a training volume of two to three activities with the practice of resistance training [13, 18,
sets per exercise, and seven to nine repetitions per set may 31, 32, 46–48].
also improve the efficacy of resistance training to improve Bones and joints are also improved by the regular
muscle strength of older subjects [38]. It is important to practice of resistance training. Cross-sectional studies have

E. G. Ciolac, J. M. Rodrigues-da-Silva

shown that athletes participating in sports with high tension 4 Resistance Training and Osteoarthritis
overload and/or impact, such as bodybuilding, weight
lifting, and gymnastics, have higher levels of bone mineral Resistance training has shown to be an effective method for
density than athletes participating in sports with lower the treatment of osteoarthritis. In a literature review of 17
tension and/or impact overload (i.e., swimming), although randomized controlled trials examining the effect of
the latter still shows higher bone mineral density than their resistance training in patients with knee osteoarthritis, 14
sedentary peers [49]. Longitudinal studies ranging from 6 have shown that resistance training reduces pain, eight
to 36 months have also investigated the effect of resistance have shown that resistance training improves functional
exercise on bone mass in previously sedentary women, and capacity and health, while only three studies showed no
most of them showed increases of 1–5 % in bone mineral positive effects of resistance training on any of these
density of the lumbar spine and femur [50]. Furthermore, it variables [63]. Analyzing studies for osteoarthritis of the
is known that muscle mass is the major determinant of hip, the literature was much more sparse, with only two
bone mass during aging, and that to promote the practice of studies showing that resistance exercise decreases pain,
exercises such as resistance training may also preserve while one study showed no effect of exercise on disability
bone mass [50]. [63]. More recent systematic reviews with meta-analyses
Skeletal muscle plays an important role in absorbing confirmed the benefits of resistance training for patients
impact and dynamic stability of the joints [51]. Thus, with osteoarthritis [64–66]. One of these meta-analyses
muscle dysfunction (low volume, muscle strength, and showed that progressive resistance training, when com-
endurance) can increase the joint overload and wear. pared with nonresistance training control groups, has
Accordingly, a longitudinal study showed that in healthy moderate effect sizes for reducing pain (standardized mean
knees, a strengthened quadriceps offers some protection difference [SMD], -0.35, 95 % confidence interval [CI],
against the development of knee osteoarthritis [52]. In -0.52 to -0.18), improving function (SMD = 0.33; 95 %
another study, the regional (thigh) and total (whole body) CI = 0.18–0.49), and improving knee extension strength
muscle volume presented a positive correlation with the (SMD = 0.33; 95 % CI = 0.12–0.54) [66].
volume of knee cartilage, particularly the medial compart- Despite the large number of studies demonstrating the
ment, even after adjustment for bone area [23]. In this same positive effects of resistance training on pain and func-
study, cartilage loss after 2 years of follow-up showed a tional capacity of patients with osteoarthritis, little is
negative correlation with muscle volume [23]. Although known about its effect on the progression of the disease.
there are no controlled studies focused on this issue, it is Only one randomized controlled trial examined the effects
suggested that performing resistance training to increase the of resistance training in the progression of knee
muscle volume and capacity (strength and endurance) may osteoarthritis by radiographic analysis, and found no dif-
also decrease the incidence of osteoarthritis. ference between control and resistance-trained groups after
Another important prophylactic role of resistance exer- 18 months of follow-up [67].
cise is related to the daily energy expenditure and weight It is important to note that individuals with
control, which may have an indirect effect on muscu- osteoarthritis, even the most severe cases, can tolerate
loskeletal system health. It is known that the basal metabolic resistance training. A study analyzing the effect of
rate and energy expenditure related to physical activity 12 weeks of high-intensity resistance training in individu-
reduces with aging and, as already mentioned, sarcopenia als with severe knee osteoarthritis (patients on a waiting list
plays an important role in this process [13, 24–26]. This for performing high tibial osteotomy) showed substantial
reduction in energy expenditure has a large adverse effect on gains in muscle strength of the knee extensors and flexors,
body weight maintenance and can lead to the development which was associated with a small improvement in self-
of obesity [13, 29, 53], and obesity-related diseases (Fig. 1) efficacy [68]. In this study, no increase in joint pain was
[13], including musculoskeletal disorders [27, 28]. How- observed during or after exercise sessions [68].
ever, resistance training has been shown to increase basal A study by our group also found positive results for
metabolic rate and the daily energy expenditure of indi- resistance training in patients with severe osteoarthritis [69,
viduals of different ages [13], increase the level of daily 70]. In this study, seven older sedentary women with severe
living physical activity in older subjects [12, 32], prevent the knee osteoarthritis in one limb and total knee arthroplasty in
accumulation of intra-abdominal fat [54, 55], improve the the contralateral limb were submitted to a twice-weekly,
lipid profile and insulin sensitivity [56–59], as well as progressive resistance training program (nine exercises, one
reduce blood pressure [60, 61]. Thus, resistance training has for each major muscle group), with initial workload at 60 %
been recommended for the prevention and treatment of of 1 repetition maximum. After 13 weeks of intervention,
obesity [62] and obesity-related diseases [3, 7]. we observed increases in muscle strength (30–75 %) [69]

Resistance Training and Musculoskeletal Disorders

and distance walked in 6 min (23 %) [70], reductions in the practicing in resistance training programs [50, 76, 77]. For
time of sit-to-stand (13 %) [70], to raise from the floor example, in a systematic review assessing the effects of
(13 %) [70], and to climb a flight of 15 stairs (16 %) [70], as exercise training on bone mineral density of older subjects,
well as improvements in unipodal balance [70]. Another progressive resistance training seemed to be a powerful
important finding observed in these patients was that the stimulus for improving and maintaining bone mass during
quadriceps muscle adaptation to resistance training in the the aging process [77]. Among the studies present in this
limb without arthroplasty (with greater strength deficit review, the best bone mineral density improvements was
because of osteoarthritis) was higher than that observed in achieved through high-intensity resistance training, with
healthy young and healthy older subjects (Fig. 2) [69]. three sessions per week and two to three sets per session
Thus, the results of this study may have important clinical [78]. This systematic review also showed that the efficacy
implications because sedentary patients undergoing total of the resistance training program is greater when it
knee arthroplasty, despite the marked reduction in joint pain extends for at least 1 year, although significant effects can
[71], do not show improvement in muscle strength and be observed after 4 or 6 months in some locations of the
functional capacity [72–74], even after a long period of body [77].
functional adaptation [75]. Randomized controlled trials have also shown that
resistance training increases spine and hip bone mineral
density of women with estrogen deficiency [79–82] or
5 Resistance Training and Osteoporosis under hormone replacement therapy [83, 84]. In women
with estrogen deficiency, greater improvements in hip bone
Although the major effects of resistance training on bone mineral density were found following high- than moderate-
mineral density occur early in adulthood, middle-aged and intensity resistance training [80, 81]. Moreover, one of
older individuals can also improve their bone health by these studies showed linear correlation between the bone

Fig. 2 Muscle strength (a) and relative resistance training workload presented as mean ± standard deviation. There was no significant
increases curves (b) of older women with total knee arthroplasty and difference between OG and YG muscle strength and workload
knee osteoarthritis in the contralateral limb (OKG), older women increase, whereas OKG had greater muscle strength and workload
without musculoskeletal limitations (OG), and young women without increase in all exercises. OA osteoarthritic limb, TKA total knee
musculoskeletal limitations (YG), submitted to 13 weeks of resis- arthroplasty limb, 1significant difference from OA (p \ 0.05),
tance training (two sets of 8–12 repetitions in nine exercises). significant difference from TKA and OA (p \ 0.05), 3significant
Training workload was increased by 5 to 10 % whenever two sets of difference from OG and YG (p \ 0.05), 4significant difference from
12 repetitions using proper form and avoiding the Valsalva maneuver YG (p \ 0.05). Adapted from Ciolac et al. [69], with permission
were performed in two consecutive exercise sessions. Data are

E. G. Ciolac, J. M. Rodrigues-da-Silva

mineral density increase and the amount of weight lifted may help to protect the low back (or minimize the effect of
during the progressive resistance training program [82]. injurious events) and to maintain the trunk motor control
Because the incidence of osteoporotic fractures in men by reducing fatigue during daily living activities, which
does not increase significantly until the eighth or ninth may thus reduce the risk of high levels of physical stress,
decade of life, studies analyzing the effect of resistance the development of injury, and symptoms in chronic low
training on bone mineral density of elderly men are scarce. back pain patients [49, 100].
In general, studies show that resistance training-related
bone mineral density increases observed in older men are
similar to those seen in women [50]. However, one study 7 Resistance Training and Rheumatoid Arthritis
showed larger increases in heart transplantation men who
underwent 6 months of resistance exercise [85]. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic inflammatory disease
Fractures associated with osteoporosis, especially hip that mainly affects synovial joints. Studies have shown that
fractures, have devastating effects on functional capacity, most people with rheumatoid arthritis avoid physical
quality of life, and mortality of older individuals [50, 86]. exercises and activities because of a fear of worsening their
There are no randomized studies analyzing the effect of pain or of causing pressure on their joints [101]. The pro-
resistance training, as well as any other type of exercise, in gressive degeneration of the musculoskeletal system pro-
reducing fractures. This lack of studies is probably owing duced by rheumatoid arthritis results in muscle strength
to the difficulty of developing a study with this purpose, deficits, and a reduction in quality of life and vitality, even
given the large sample size and duration of follow-up in patients with preserved function [101–109].
necessary to carry out the observations. However, there is However, several studies have examined the effects of
encouraging evidence from a study with a small sample of resistance training in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.
postmenopausal women, where 2 years of resistance These studies have a wide variation in the period of
training for the back muscles reduced the incidence of training, equipment, and protocol used, as well as in the
fractures during the 8 years post-intervention [87]. More- inclusion criteria of patients. However, they showed that
over, resistance training may also reduce the risk of frac- resistance training is a feasible and safe intervention for
tures in older individuals by improving several risk factor most of these patients, and promotes significant improve-
for falls, such as poor balance, muscle weakness, and ment in muscle strength, functional capacity, pain, quality
abnormalities in walking [34, 82, 88]. of life, psychological status, and fatigue, without exacer-
bating disease activity or joint pain [102–104, 108, 110–
113]. For example, a study comparing the effects of
6 Resistance Training and Low Back Pain resistance training plus drug therapy, therapeutic joint
exercises plus drug therapy, and drug therapy alone in
Randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and young individuals with rheumatoid arthritis found greater
medical guidelines, emphasizing the use of exercise in the improvements in pain, disease severity, and muscle
treatment of chronic low back pain, have been published to strength in subjects in the resistance training plus drug
improve physical function, reduce symptoms, and mini- therapy group [114]. In accordance with this, systematic
mize disability [89–99]. Among the recommended exer- reviews with meta-analyses have confirmed the efficacy of
cises for individuals with chronic low back pain, it seems resistance training alone [115], or in combination with
that resistance training associated with stretching have the aerobic exercise [116], in patients with rheumatoid arthri-
best results [92, 93]. A recent systematic review showed tis. One of these meta-analyses included ten randomized
that resistance training improves muscle strength, reduces controlled trials (totaling 547 patients), comparing resis-
self-reported pain, and increases functional ability in tance training-based therapy with interventions without
patients with chronic low back pain, and thus may be an resistance training for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
effective therapeutic modality in this common condition patients, and showed that resistance training significantly
[100]. This review also showed that the optimal resistance improved isokinetic strength (weighted mean differ-
training intensity, volume, and contraction type for chronic ences = 23.7 %), isometric strength (weighted mean dif-
low back pain patients is not known because of the widely ferences = 35.8 %), grip strength (weighted mean
differing resistance training methodology employed by the differences = 26.4 %), and disability (weighted mean
studies [100]. differences = 0.22) [115].
The positive effect of resistance training seems to result Health professionals may underestimate the workload to
from the increased muscle strength and endurance of back be prescribed in resistance training programs for rheuma-
and trunk muscles. To increase muscle strength and toid arthritis individuals, fearing a potential higher risk of
endurance through an effective resistance training program injury owing to the patients’ progressive joint deterioration,

Resistance Training and Musculoskeletal Disorders

sarcopenia, and loss of function. However, the multiple Compliance with Ethical Standards
comorbidities associated with this disease (cardiovascular
Funding No sources of funding were used to assist in the prepa-
disease, osteoporosis, sarcopenia) outweigh the potential ration of this article.
risk of injury over a properly executed resistance training
program. Moreover, it has been shown that resistance Conflicts of interest Emmanuel Gomes Ciolac and José Messias
training programs, even of high intensity, are safe for this Rodrigues-da-Silva declare that they have no conflicts of interest
relevant to the content of this review.
population [108–111, 114]. For example, a randomized
study analyzing the effect of 16 weeks of a three times-
weekly, high-intensity resistance training program
(75–85 % of 1 repetition maximum) in men and women References
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