Second-Term G7 ENG Skills Final Exam

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Second- term / English skills/ Grade7 / Final exam /Date: Monday, April 26, 2021

I: Writing
You recently watched Tom and Jerry film. You have now decided to write a review of
the film for the school magazine.
1. Write a film review for the school magazine. Answer the questions below to write
your own film review.
1. What is the title of the film
2. What genre is it?
3. What is it about?
4. Is it based on a book?
5. Where is the film set?
6. When is the film set?
7. Who stars in the film?
8. Who plays the main role(s)?
9. Who is your favorite character in the film? (Why?)
10. What kind of person would like this film?

Film review

II.Para jumble: Question 11-15:
Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct
a coherent paragraph.
11. A. A famous Japanese rock garden is at Ryoan-Ji in Northwest Kyoto, Japan.
B. The rocks of various sizes are arranged on small white pebbles in five groups,
each comprising five, two, three, two, & three rocks.
C. The garden is 30 meters long from East to West & 10 meters from north to south.
D. The garden contains 15 rocks arranged on the surface of white pebbles in such a
manner that visitors can see only 14 of them at once from whichever angle the
garden is viewed.
E. There are no trees, just 15 irregularly shaped rocks of varying sizes, some
arranged by gravel/sand that is raked every day.


12. A. People started fearing a famine.
B. Monsoon turned out to be unusually abundant and the danger was averted.
C. The monsoon failed and water tanks became almost empty.
D. So, no grain could be sown by the farmers in their fields.
E. Farmers looked anxiously for the next monsoon.


13. A. Economists all over the world have expressed anxiety in this regard.
B.As a result, Indian people have been subjected to high cost of living and inflation.
C. Indian economy has not shown desirable growth in the recent years.
D. Grim global economic scenario has also contributed to this problem and it
seems a quick fix solution is yet far away.
E. But, one of the primary reasons for such a situation has been Indian
government's inability to take tough decisions.


14. A. They fled to the higher ground.
B. Soon the floods retired and the villagers were able to return.
C. The river overflowed its banks.
D. The rain fell steadily for several days.
E. The terrified villagers abandoned their homes.


15. A. People started fearing a famine.
B. Monsoon turned out to be unusually abundant and the danger was averted.
C. The monsoon failed and water tanks became almost empty.
D. So, no grain could be sown by the farmers in their fields.
E. Farmers looked anxiously for the next monsoon.


III. Listening: Question16-19:

Listen to a conversation about the university library twice; then write a number (1–4) to put the
following events in the order you hear them.

16________. The student asks someone for directions.

17________. The student asks to borrow some books.

18________. The librarian gives the student an application form.

19________. The librarian explains the rules.

Context clue: Questions from 20-30:-
Write the contextual meaning of the under lined words on the space provided.
20. Bill felt remorse, or shame, for his harsh words.
21. This situation is a conundrum, a puzzle that’s difficult to solve.
22. With my working - class background I feel like a fish out of water among these
high - society people.
23. Their argument doesn’t hold water, it has some flaws and is probably not
completely true or correct.
24.  I am in a dilemma whether to do Math or English.
25. As a teacher, I am a strong advocate for parental involvement in schools.
26. She rarely capitalizes her name when she signs her e-mails.
27. The picturesque postcard made me dream I was on the beach.
28.  Some journalists have cast doubt on the authenticity of the official version of
29. The plan to build the city was originally conceived in the early 1900s.
30. The more lethargic, weak and ill the infant, the greater is the urgency and need for
expert advice.

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