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CONTENTS aa Crd ee rer yy oo paKistin | Pakistan, Before th Pear ora (som Pakistan. In October ere 2012, the Taliban shat her on het school bus Cesar becouse sve isa campalgner for girl education, Soars MALALA'S FINILY lve with her in Britain. ecard (Malla father ZIAUDDM,% —_Malala's mother, TOR PEKAL, ‘also 1a campaigner for rls didn't have much education ‘education. in Pakistan, he Schl, Now she is leaning to Swned a group of sco ead, write, and speak English SO Toad oer cr sk Years younger than her. years younger than her se e 9 Demeter mere) CMa Her brother, fl, isseven’ Her brother, KUSHAL, is two Tk Pads tana TRUER, Jean islamic politial ‘group. ts leaders want 10 lead Pakistan. 1 does not believe in [education for gis rina Lica wasthe leader ofan MINER} PRATER ors in Mingora, Malas father, SCN AMCCERINB | Zouadin, owns the schoo! and TEIN Malola went ner for many years the Pakistan alban ig i was October the 9th, 2012. Fifteen-year-old Malala Walked out of her school in Mingora, Pakistan, and onto the bus. As it drove her home through the busy streets of the ciy, she talked with the other girls on the bus about the test at echoo! that day. Then they started singing a song, ‘When they were buna five home, the driver stopped. There were two men with guns in front ofthe bus. They had long white clothes. They were Taliban! “The men walked onto the bus and shouted, ‘Whois Malala?” “The girls said nothing, but some gave Mal frightened look. That was enough for the men. ‘One of them walked close to Malala and shot her in the head, e CHAPTER 1 A GIRL IN SWAT VALLEY When Tor Pekai Yousafzat had her fist child, her friends were sad for her. The child was a girl. Ie was 1997 and ‘Tor Pekal lived with her husband Ziauddin in Mingora, the biggest city in Pakistan's beautiful Swat Valley: When theres anew litle boy in Swat Valley, the father asks feiends and family toa big lunch. People give the baby clothes and money. But when a litle girl arrives, the father doesn’t tell anyone. I's asad day for the family. [Luckily for Malala her father was different from other men in Swat Valley. He was very happy with his daughter. Aon, Kush, arrived two years late, and a second son, ‘Atal, five years after that, But her father always loved talking to Malala and teaching her things Alot of girs in Pakistan didn’t go to school “They're going to cook and clean for their husband when they're olde’ said thie fathers. ‘They dont need an ‘sducation.” Malala's mother, Tor Pekai, never learned to read or write as a child, But Ziauddin wanted more for his ‘laughter, Malala, and forthe other girls in Mingora. He ‘was the owner ofa school, and gies” education was very important to him. "Malla enjoyed her lesons at her father's school, and playing, games in the street with her brothers and fiends. ‘When she was eight, dhe family had enough money to buy TV. Malala loved it, but she and her brother Kushal alsvays wanted to watch different things. There were often a lot of people at their home: people from the other houses inthe street, frends of her father, tnd family, Her mother’s and father’s brothers al sisters ‘often came to stay there with their children, sometimes for days, sometimes for months. “The women were usually at the back of the house. ‘While they cooked, they talked about clothes, food and feiends. In town, they always had a lijeb over their head, for were in a burg. ijt aol burgas are an important part of life for women in Pakistan Itisn’t possible to go out without one Atthe front ofthe house, the men had tea and talked about politics. Malala liked taking tea to the men and listening to them. She loved hearing about the world away TIQUA KE) BITS SWAT VALLEY | ea There were often earthquakes in Pakistan, but the one in October 2005 was worse than all the others. Nothing terrible happened in Mingora, but in other places in and, round Swat Valley, 75,000 people died, Many more people ha im homes or food after the earthquake. They Waited for help from thei leaders in Islamabad, or from the American army not far away in Afghanistan, But for a Tong time, only one group was there to help: poltical group called the TSM, ‘The TNSM opened roads and helped to build houses, There were TNSM doctors, Other TNSM people gave food to hungry families and homes to chileren without mothers or fathers. They did a lot of good work. ‘But the-TNSM was an slamic* politcal group, and its people weren’tonly there t help. “This earthquake came from God they said He is ney with us, We need more Islamic laws in Pakistan, or something much worse is going to happen People were vary Wightoned afer the earthqnake, and any of them believed the TNSM. Ie was the start of a terrible time for Swat Valley erent bok an CHAPTER 2 THE LAWS OF GOD A few months after the earthquake, an Islamic lawyer ‘came to Malala's home with six other men. "Your school for gitls is agninst the laws of God,’ he said to Malala’s addin. “You must close it Ziauallin often read the Quran with his family and tried to follow the teaching of Moharnmad. He didn’t believe that there was anything in this great book against Biel education. He and the Islamic lawyer talked and talked. After a Jong Hime, the lawyer decided that the biggest problem with the girls’ school was the door. Girls went into the school through the ame door as men, “From tomorrow, the girls can use a different door’ said Ziaualdin, and the school stayed open .. for now @ ‘One day, afterschool, Malala heard a man om th ‘Don'tsmoke, he sai ‘Don’t listen to music. Don't dance ‘or watch films, God doesn’t like these things’ The man started crying, ‘Please live a good life, or there are going to be more earthquakes’ Malala knew from school that earthquakes did't happen because of smoking or music. But many people believed the man on the radio, When he cried, they cried His name was Maulana Fazlullah and he was in the "INSM, He talked on the radio every evening, each ime with more listeners. People liked his ideas, ‘Our political leaders in Islamabad only want tobe rich,’ they salt, They don’t eare about good laws. Maybe the laws of God are better for Pakistan, ‘But Faztullah wanted 2 lot of changes. “Women can only go out of the house when a man from thele family is with ther he said. “And girls mustn't go to school someone said something against Fazal, Fazlllah ‘on the radio, “He doesn't care about the laws of God said Faztullah “Ashe going tobe happy when more earthquakes come? Fazlullah asked people for money and bought guns forhis men, The TNSM was now partof the Pakistani ‘Taliban, an it wae stronger every month. Soon there were no women in the centre of Mingora, and al the music and DVD shops in town closed. Fazillah didn’t like TVs, and his men listened for them in people's homes. Malala and her brothers still watches their favourite things, but with, slmost no sound Malala’s school stayed open, but every month there vere fewer girls, Ifa girl decided to leave school, Fazlullah named heron the radi. “This girl's father is doing the right thing,” he said. “But God! is not happy with the girls silat school” Fazlullah’s gunmen often took men from their homes at night Family and friends found a dead body the next ‘morning, and the words: "This man died because he did follow God's laws.” Ziauddin decided to talk to politicians in Islamabad about the problems with the Taliban in Swat Valley He knew that it wasn’t safe. But it was important to do something against Fazlullah ‘After that, Ziauddin was often out in the evenings with, ‘other campaigners. When the Taliban followed him, he didn’t come home. He didn’t want to lead Fazlullah’s men to his family “Are we going to find his dead body tomorrow?" thought Malala in her bed as she tied 0 sleep, A BBC BLOGGER ‘We are at war withthe politician in Islamabad’ said the Taliban. But for a long time their only war was against campaignets like Ziauddin ‘Maybe the politicians don't care thatthe Taliban the laws in Swat, people thought ‘But when Malala was ten, the Pakistani Army arrived in Mingora They are hereto save us from the Taliban!” Malala and wake her fiends said happily ‘he Pakistan amy hing ove Mingra y Soon there were ny Taliban in the streets of Mingora. But they weren't faraway, and they still had guns, men and money. At night the army shot atthe Taliban and the Taliban shot at te army: Everyone in Mingora was frightened. Malala and her brothers often went into thelr, mother and father’s bed, but sleep was dificult, The war didn’t step for more than a year. But Zixaddin’s three schools - one for younger children, ‘one for older boys and a third for olcer girls stayed ‘open. Malala was now at the school for older girs, and she loved all he lesons, She hoped to be a doctor after she left school. Men diel most of the important jabs in Pakistan, but the country neeced women doctors. It wasn't possible for men doctors to eare for women, ‘When school finished forthe day, children did't p inthe streets, The stmets weren't safe. And life was boring. home, because Fazlullah’s men stopped everything fon TV. There was only Faclullah’s radio show ...and the bombs The Taliban bombed shops, roads and houses. They also bombed more than 200 schools —at night, when no one was there. Bu for Fazlullah, that wasn’t enough. At the fend of 2008, the Taliban said, "From January the 15th, there fre going to be ne girls at school. Follow this law, or your siris ae going to die” “The army was still in Mingora. But it was impossible to keep every schoulgitl safe from the Taliban. In afew days, Malla’ class went from twenty-seven gis to eleven. Those eleven girls waited sadly for January the 15th and the end of their education, SC! 1OOLGIRL } WRITES BLOG FOR BBC | SR Ziauddin and hs fiends campaigned against this new ln They talked to politicians in Islamabad and to reporters fom other countries, Luckily, the BBC* wanted to help. For is website in Urdu, Pakistan's most important languaige it wanted the blog of «Swat Valley schools “This was a great way to tell the world about the problems in Swat. Ziauddin looked fora writer, bul schoolgirl were frightened, They all said no MT can write it’ said Mala Ziauaktin and Tor Pe alata's blog started on January the Sed. She wrote about her bad dreams about the Taliban, Then she wrote Stout her walk home from school that day, when a man agreed. But dow't put your bbohind her said, "You're dead’ She was frightened, and walked faster and faster. Then she turned and looked at the man. He had a mobile phone in his hand. His words weren't for Malala ~ they were for someone on the phone. At school everyone loved the blog, and they wanted to know the blogger's name. Malala said nothing. Ziauddin talked to lots of reporters about the problems Swat, and sometimes Malala came with him. On the ‘morning before Fazlllah’s law started, an American TV reporter arrived at their house. He wanted to film Melala’s last day at school. Ziauddin wasn't happy about this at fist, but in the end he agreed Before she went to school, maybe forthe last time, Malala talked to the camera. “They can’t stop me. Pm going to have an education, if t's at home, oF school, oF any place They were strong words, but she didn’t feel very ston, Ashe thought about life without her lessons, her teachers tnd her schoolfriends, she started to cry CHAPTER 4 WITHOUT A HOME In the days after her schoo! closed, M her blog, It was now on Eg ‘Urdu one, and in a Pakistani newspaper too. ‘Sometimes Malala read her schoolbooks alone in her room, but it wasn’t much fun without her friends, She tas very happy when, after six weeks away from school, the Taliban and the Pakistan army agreed to end the war. ala wrote more of lish websites as well as the Girls’ education was part of the peace a irl’ schools opened again. IONS LEAVE ye HOMES IN SY AT ‘But people quickly started breaking the agreement, and iin May the war started again. This time, Tor Pekat dida’t want to stay in Mingora. She decided to take Malala and the boys to her family home in the country. More than two million people left their homes. Some wore in cars, with big bags of clothes and food. Others were on bikes or on foot. usually took a few hours to drive from Mingora to Tor Peka's family, but that time it took two days. They walked the last twenty-four kilometres with all their bags on their backs Ziauddin didn’t come with them to Tor Peka's family He lived and worked with other campaigners in the city but it was dificult for the children without their father. When Malala tured twelve, he forgot her birthday She was very angry with him. ‘Alter three months, the war ended and the people of Swat Valley went home. As Malala saw Mingors again, she thought about all her country’s problems, and her plans to bea doctor. Pakistan already had a lt of good doctors, but it needed beter political leaders. She decided tobe a politician The Taliban didn’t make the laws in Swat now but they still bombed schools. And they bombed one of Ziauddin's ‘campaigner friends and shot another. They wanted Ziauddin dead too. They also knew Malala’s face from the “American file, ‘But that's OK,’ thought hee mother and father. The liban kill men, but they never Kill children, When Malala didn't think about the Taliban, life was good. She talked a lot on TV about girls’ education, She as also in a new political group for children. Every month, young people from silferent parts of Swat Valley ne together and decided om the biggest problems for children. Malala, as the groups leader, then asked the Politician of Swat for change Street children must have more help with their ff Peshawar, The work was importa education’ the group said. “And afterall the Taliban, bombs, we need lots of new schoo! buildings.” ‘The politicians of Swat listened to the group's ideas, and sometimes changes happened, It was exciting to make ‘a dilference. ‘AN PEACE’) ars FOR MALALA_} Iwas exciting, too, when people remembered Malala’s hard work, When she was fourteen, a friend ran into class ‘one day. "You've gota prize, Malala” There were lots of reporters a the school, and they all wanted to talk to her ‘A fow weeks later, Malala went to Islamabad and a Samus polit the prize. It was Pakistan’ first ‘Young Person's Peace Prize, Every yeat after that, there was a peace prize fora young Pakistan. Its name was the Malla Prize CHAPTER 5 ‘WE CAN'T STOP NOW’ Malala Yousafzai must di.’ Malala and her family read the Taliban's words on the Internet, But Malala wasn’t the same gir as three years ago, when she was frightened of 4 man on. mobile phone. Her father wanted to stop the ‘campaign and keep her safe, But she didn’t agree “Some things are mone important than oui lives’ she told him. “We ean’ stop now. Malala wanted to bea politician in Islamabad one day ancl hve everyone in Pakistan a better edication, But before that happened, she wanted to do useful things in Swat Mingora’s poorest children worked all day in dificult Jobs, andl many of them lived on the streets, When she ‘as fifteen, Malala decided to help them, She talked 10 her schoolfriends about these children’s problems, and Malas father still campaigned against the Taliban, but he was frightened for Malla. A lot of his campaigner fiends were dead now. Who was next? Every night, he came into Malalas room to close the windows. “Now the fan can't come i. You're safe!” he said. But Malala lid’ feel safe. She often had bad dreams, ‘Soom it was ime forthe school test. Malla Liked to bbe top of the class, but the year before, because ofall her ‘campaign work, she only eame second, Her brother Kushal laughed. ‘You're the most famous ‘schoolgit in Pakistan,’ he said, ‘but you're not the cleverest! “This year Malala wanted to be top again. She ead hoe schoolbooks for hours before each test Cciober th ih was an excting day for or Pekan theafternoon, she planned toheve er frst reading and toriting lesson Malaa said goodbye tohher alter a quick breakin goon te busto sco), Her fst went wel She wae very happy ashe talked to her fends on the way bome ‘tn ca’t emember anything from ht day: She cant remomibes the Tabane the sont question, ‘Who Malla? She eat remember the gum athe ead ‘And she cont remember the moment when hen Sirf hooting CHAPTER 6 BIRMINGHAM Seven days later; Malala started to wake up. She saw some people, but who were they? And where was she? She tried foask, Butno sound came from her mouth, ‘Soon she saw that she was ina hospital So why weren't ther mother and father there with her? She was very frightened. Were they dead? A doctor talked to her in Urdu. “brought you here from, Pakistan, he said, "You are safe now? ‘She wanted to ask questions. But that wasn’t possible because there was a tube through her nose and the back of her Mouth, Someone gave her a pen and paper. She wrote ‘father’, and then ‘country’. “You are in Birmingham’ said the doctor, Dr*Javd, But Malala didn’t know that Birmingham was in Britain. And why didn’t the doctor say anything about her father? “Something terrible happened to my family’ she thought. ‘And the doctors are nly going to tell me when Tmstronger’ ‘The next day she met a different doctor, Dr Fiona "Your father is sae, the doctor told her. ‘He's in Pakistan’ She {gave her a picture of him from yesterday's newspaper. Her mother and her brother Atal were thereat the Back of the photo too. Malala started to fel beter ‘The day after that, one ofthe doctors said, “We're going to phone your mother and father. But don’t ery. Be strong for them? “Malala? Is that you?” said her father on the other end ‘of the phone, She said nothing because ofthe tube in the back of her mouth, but she was so happy to hear him again home from school. He shot two other girs too, Shavia and Kainat. They're in hospital in Pakistan, but they're going tobe OK? Shazia and Kainat were Malala’s fiends, but she dida’t remember them. She didn’t remember a lt of things Later, she learned more. After the gunman shot her, the bus driver took her to Mingora Hospital. She went to two other hospitals the first in Peshawar, the other ‘near Islamabad ~ and almost died. The doctors saved her life. But after that, she needest months of care ina safer country. Two of her doctors in Pakistan, Dr Fiona and Dr Javid, were from Britain. They took her to Dr Javid’s hospital, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Butthere was a problem for the family, Only Ziauddin had the right papers to leave Pakistan, He wanted to go With Malala to Birmingham, but Tor Pekai and the boys ‘had no friends near Islamabad. He didnt want to leave them alone. Ziauddin and Tor Pekal decided to go to Britain together in two oF three days, when they all had papers. But the papers disin’t come. They waited and waited ‘One day; Malala saw her face. It was blue and yellow around her left eye, and she had no hair on part of her fend The left of her mouth went down in a fury’ ay tyeosn’t pretty, but she didnt cry, She only wanted to ‘understand, "Who dl this to me she wrote, ‘Did someone shoot “Yes” said Dr Fiona sadly. ‘On the bus, on your way CHAPTER 7. TOGETHER AGAIN _Afte five days in Birmingham, the doctors took the tube Sut of Malala’s nose. Itwas possible to speak again! She tatked to her family on the phone .. but sill they didn’t come to Britain “After another five days Dr Javid had some good news. “Yous family is coming today’ he sai. ut Maala eld’ believe him She always hoped to se them. But they never came ‘A few hours later, she heard people behind the door. “The deor opened, and four people ran to her. Her family had their papers and they were her For the frst time in hospital, she cried. Anel she didn’t and cried and cried, stop. She cre ll wit fay spt [After the shooting, Malala’s left eye didn't close, and thee mouth didn't smile. But the doctors worked hard on those problems, and slowly she earned to smile again. ‘She rememered more words, too, and more things about her life And she learned to walk again, Itwas very lficult a fist, but every week it was easier, ‘One day someone from the hospital gave 3 hospital gave her a big bag of leters. Fantastic! They're from my friends!” she thought. But they weren’t fom her friends in Pakistan “They were from people all aver the world, Ths bag. was ‘one of many. kvl, she had more than eight thousand letters! “Malala learned that her shooting was in hundreds of newspapers. And lots of famous people talked about it— from Barack Cbama to Selena Gomez". People in Pakistan and many other countries campaigned against the shooting. Reporters called her the world’s most famous Malala thought about all those days alone in her hospital bedroom. But she wasnt alone. She had the love ‘of hundreds of thousands of people. The Taliban shot clfeent from Pakistan! Men and women in cafés talked together as friends. And how did the girls stay warm in their lite skirts and short tops inthe cold Birmingham | e ® CHAPTER 8 TAKING THE CAMPAIGN TO THE WORLD Malatadicin’t have much time to think about friend There was alot to do whe n't at choo. ‘When she wa in hospital, a group of people from around thew ‘anew charity, the Mala Fund, alata went t were there because ofa war in Syria, but there were only three schools for them all The Mala Fund helped to give jon In Kenya, Malala helped to build an hool, And in Nigeria, she campaigned against a group, Boko Haram, after it took more than two Fhundred girs from their school Malala wanted more help from the President of Nigeria to find the gil tari in Jordan, 60,000 Syrian children @ ‘Wialala ‘alks 1: United Nations The United Nations clecied to call her birthday, uly ‘he 12th, Mala Day. On the First Malla Day, nine months afte the shooting on the bus, she talked to oup of politicians and young campaigners atthe United Nations, ‘She talked of peace and love, and of children’s problems in diferent countries hil, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world, she The next year there was a very exciting email. ‘You've got the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, Itsaid, The prize was for both Malala and an Indian campaigner for children, Kailash Satyarth. Malala was only seventoen ~ the world’s youngest person with a Nobel Prize “You see onlyone gir in front of you,” sad Mala when she went ta Nonway for her prize. “But Iam not one gil am 66 million gris without an education. And today, am not talking. Those 66 million girls are talking ‘We children don’t understand our leaders. Why can the “strong” countres of the world easily bring war, but not peace? Why can they give guns, but not books? Why can they build bombs, but not schools “Most people in Pakistan were very angry about Malaia’s shooting, But when Malala and a British reporter wrote a book about her life, many Pakistanis did’ ike it “She thinks like an American, not a Pakistani said reporters “She isn'ta geod Muslim, said lenders of Pakistant schools. (Our childzen mustn't ead her book.” ‘Malala hopes to live back in Pakistan one day, but at the moment it is’ safe, The police found the gunmen from, the bus after two years, but they didn't find the men's leader, Fazlllah In December 2014, 141 chileren and teachers died when Taliban gunmen went into a school ie Peshawar: Many people think that those shootings were Fazlullah’s iden. And Fazullah still wants Malala dead Malala hopes tobe a politician, and maybe ane day the political leader of Pakistan. She wants to bring peace to her country: As she said when she heard about her Nobel Prize, ‘This s not the end of my campaign. This is only the Malala isn't the only teenager with big ideas for change. dgitls from around the world. CHAPTERS 1-2 CHAPTERS 3-4 Aetore you read Betore youre ‘You can in your siionay ‘ou can we your dcionay + Complete he sertonce wit hese words 1 Complete the sentnces ith these words, Sorce, campaign "God ender polics save. shoot army Bomb peace priae. reporter Ste oremareng a for beter ood sour schoo 2 Twanttobe a. fora nempaper 8) rk in beta twat changsin our county 5) I dort want tobe in the. Bees dont want to go to wa. © Pease Jott |cathelpyou Hm dead ‘9 Theresa £100. forthe ben pcre 15 Sheand have oppose en about everthing. We never. 4 There are too many wars the wri. Why can't we have ..? 9) Nevaung oe ating ann ©) There wasn the ty yertoray and hry people ld ‘Long ago in Eopt poopie bleed na, the. ofthe Son 7 Chapter dis called Without» Home, Whos going tobe without a 4} tara Obuna became the oF he USA 2003 rome doyou thang wmetssneg 2 Match the two halves ofthese sentence anes 2) People got schol because they want agin 1 When dd thse tings happen? Number then 17. 1) Wen sno countries Pah thee’ ian earthquake Ear ad el ot parle ‘9 Three ormore peope together ae tina group 1) Fash so, tom Jomury te ttt Toshoot someone you nee i an edvation Fanaa som onary he 10 ere aig tbe n> © Bulking sometimes a down Sanu eee 3 Read People and lace on pages 4-5 and answer the questions 4 thewor started sou and is of people left Mingo 1) were are Maal and hr far fem? © Matos school orc 1) ow many brothers and stereo Ma have? ‘The Pakistani army stved in Mingrs and war started ®} were do Molle and her fry Ive no? 4) Matai and her family came back o Mingra snd she decided to ber polticin [ter you read “Complete the sentences withthe correct names. 3) die’ learn to read and write as a hil 12) Why did Malla want tobe a doctor? 1) The. helped slot af propa afar an oartnquake BY Where aid people read Malla log? 19 Alot of people Istened to "ideas onthe radio, © Where dd Malala go wven the war tarted again? ‘Why was she angry with he father on er birthday? ©) Why were there reporters at Maal’ schol in 20117 '5 Tw or fae? Correct the fale sentences. 2) Malala was with her family when the Taliban shot he. 1) Women in Sat Valley always wear a hab or burg in own 10 What do you think? Wes Malala right to write a blog and campaign ‘9 When people gave Forillah money, he bought schoo! Books ‘on TV? Were her mother and father right to say yes to the ea? 4 Nhuvic and DVD shops cored beeaue of the earthquake SELF-STUDY ACTIVITIES CHAPTERS 5-6 Before you read 1 Answer the questions 12) Bo you help any charities? Which ones? How? 1) Where do yousee tubes? What sre they for? 12 In Chapter 6, Malala goes to Bimingham, England. Can you find it ‘onamap? Why does he go there, 3o you think? [After you read 8) wanted to stop Malala’s campaign ater the Taliban sid "Malala musta by laughed at Malla Decaue she wasn't top ofthe clas at shoot? 19 dil the Taibon on the bus shoo, a well as Malla? 4) took Mala to Mingora Wosptel? 1) took Mala rom Pakistan 0 England? 14 Write hese words in the sentences Campaign charity dead face family. frlonds hospital Ite” papers. shooting 83) Malai thought that her. wasmore important than her 1b) Malai and her. started a 19 hep poor eilren, 19 In Birmingham, Malala wa scared at fs that her was @) Malai wr ble and yellow after the 19) Her famiy werent at the =. Because her mother and brothers ‘it have the ight 15 what do you thine? 1) You are Molla You read the Tallban's words "Malala mas ‘Do you stop your campaign? Wry / Why not? 1b) Youre Shaci and Kainat the athe rls the shooting on the bus. Are you angry with Malla? Why Wy not? (9 You ere Maal’ father Zlavddn. You can go with Maala to Ealand bat your family can't go with you. Do you tay with your faily or go with Malai? hy? CHAPTERS 7-8 Before you read 3) What did Malla ike or hate about Birmingham when she aft hospital? 1) id she go to school again? Where? 1) Did she go back to Pakistan? Why J Why not? ‘After you read e ” “ate these sentences tru o false? Correct the fale sentence, |) Malala cred when she saw he family in he hosp 1) Because af the shooting, she cant ile nov {nha she had a big bag of eters frm her fiends 4) People in Pakistan were angry about the shooting €2) Mother counties, noone cared about the shooting. 1) Malalas mother hada good ob in mingham 19) Malla had better schoofiends in Birmingham than in Mingore Choose the correct place foreach sentence Jordan Nigeria Norway Pakistan Peshawar 2) There were alot of children without chants, because of 8 war In syria. by Anistamic group, Boko Haram, took 200 gi rom thet school ©) Someone gave Malala her Nabel Peace Prize. ) People aid ‘Our chilean mustn't read Malas book 19) The Taliban shot lots of children and teachers in a school, what do you tink? 2) Con you name any other Nobel Peace Prize winners? What did ‘hey to win thei pas? ') Malai sad, ‘One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world’ Do you agree? Why Why not? Ir Matala going tobe apolitical lade in Pakistan one day? Can She change her county? Why / Why not? NEW WORDS What do these words mean? agree agreement (0) nn acy () bomb (na) campaign (0) 1 campaigner (n) charity ‘earthquake (o) education (| Goo) p group (9) uno) 1900 0) Faeyer (9) lead Neader (0) peace () polities. 1 poitcian o) , political (ad) os 6 prize n) reported 1 eporter 0) save “ae Gat ‘shoot past shot ‘ube (n= war (n) ‘ shooting (n)

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