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Creative Writing for Literary Work

Name : Radika Mirna Niken

NIM : 5150511011
Studies : S1.English Literature

1. Example of Metaphor
- You are my sunshine
- She is shining stars in her class

2. Example of Personification
- The angry sky roared and threw lighting around
- The tree danced back and forth in the wind

3. Example of Simile
- My love it’s like a red, a red rose
- Robin laughs like a hyena

4. Example of Irony
- The “trip of our dreams” was, in fact, our worst nightmare
- With dawn breaking the “beautiful view” revealed itself to be a scrap-yard and rubbish

5. Example of Paradox
- Youth is wasted on the Young
- The more we know, the less we understand

II. Short poetic

♥♥ Marriage ♥♥

Marriage is caring and sharing,

Giving and forgiving,

Loving and being loved,walking hand in hand,

Talking heart to heart,to give and to take

And to see through each others eyes

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