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Western Civilization Final Exam

Name : Radika Mirna Niken

NIM : 5150511011
Studies : S1.English Literature

Question !
1. In what way’s Heidegger’s concept of Exsistentialism are similar with feminism?
2. Show the Exsistentialistic of femnistic accepts you found in the poem or song lyric work
that you have chosen and read!


1. Seemingly, one of Heidegger’ defenses against feminisms such as the one Chanter
purports is to be found in the way that gender neutrality positions gender in a place where
it is no longer of very much importance. Whereas Chanter argues that this is merely an
indication of the patriarchal nature of Heidegger’s philosophy, I argue that the gender
neutrality of Dasein may be read in a positive manner. If it has been necessary to discuss
gendered bodies in order to further the cause of feminism, then what, if any, is the final
goal of this discussion? Poststructuralist feminisms support the idea that a discussion of
gender difference has no other goal than its very discussion. Certainly, one could argue
that this is, in fact, the very nature of feminisms influenced by Post-modern sensibilities.

2. "Independent Women" by Destiny's Child”

The iconic girl group pays tribute to the self-sufficient, self-motivated and self-made
women who rock that "I depend on me" lifestyle. It is said that in life, we all strive in
some way or another to have power. Power in our jobs or at school; with our money, and
even with our relationships. And while power can be a great thing for some, throughout
pop culture the idea of power, especially gender and power, and the fight to gain it, has
been predominantly dominated by men having power over women,objectifying them both
domestically and sexually in things such as: movies, music, and especially music videos.
The lyrics of “Independent Women” suggest the power of a woman who doesn’t need a
man to depend on to buy her everything or control what she does and doesn’t do, stating:
“Question, tell me how you feel about this? Try to control me boy you get dismissed. Pay
my own fun, oh and I pay my own bills, always 50/50 in relationships. The shoes on my
feet, I’ve bought it, the clothes I’m wearing, I’ve bought it, the rock I’m rockin’, I’ve
bought it. Cause I depend on me.” It shows that the girls are making their own money to
buy their own things and won’t depend on a man to run their lives and control them.
This power and independence that Destiny’s Child exhibits throughout their song
“Independent Women” shows that women don’t need men to depend on and control
them, but that we can do it all by ourselves, which in turn gives them the power that they
all work so hard for and deserve so much.

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