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2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

Learn How The ATB Sniper Indicator

Could Earn you $10k (or more) of extra profit returns per month by
following the huge price action surges which signals over 100 times a day -
Guaranteed! 1/48
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2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

Buy Now!

Hello everyone! This is the team here at Trading Strategy Guides.

Every day, we come to work we all have a couple goals in mind for our traders.

The first goal is to help market traders find a strategy that works best for them

The second goal is to then help that trader execute that strategy once the trader find this strategy to implement into his trading plan

With that in mind, we want to tell you a short story… 3/48
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The other day our team were brainstorming what we think is the most powerful price action pattern that occurs on any chart so that we can develop a new
system so our traders can crush it in the markets.....

Pretty simple topic to discuss right? two traders are not alike

Each trader has their own strategy and their own strong points that make them successful.

Many of our team members chimed in and discussed why they think patterns like channels are powerful

while others prefer trends reversal and pullbacks. Others think pin bars and Fibonacci sequences do the trick consistently….

As we were going about our business and discussing this subject extensively one particular pattern seemed to keep coming up in the conversation.

Triangle patterns .....

It was incredible to us that in just a short conversion we all realized this pattern alone is responsible for most of huge moves you see happening on charts... 4/48
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This single pattern alone is responsible for some of the highest winning strategies ever created by pro traders around the world.

Once we figured this out we went ahead and tried to find a tool that could help us figure out a better way to accurately trade the patterns and put all our
strategies together to form a unified and highly accurate strategy.

To our surprise there was not one single tool out there that can help a trader with these patterns…
So what did we do?

Well this particular occurrence is not new to us and actually happened to us before…

We developed one of the highest quality Fibonacci Indicators ever created due to there being no helpful tools for any platform. And traders all around the world
currently use that tool daily to trade with the Fibonacci Strategy

So just like we did with that tool and the other systems we have created this is what happened….

We pushed forward and developed a laser sharp system that shows the trader the best and most consistent pattern only any chart and any market that will occur
50, 80, sometimes even 100 times in a given time frame per day!

We like to look at Market movement as in a huge game of tug of war...

Tug of war is basically a contest in which two teams pull at opposite ends of
a rope until one drags the other over a central line and becoming

We are going to show you how to make consistent money immediately when
the buyers and square off at one another... 5/48
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Like you see in this image... 6/48
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This Specific Game of Tug of War Means Exponential Profits for Every
Market Trader Serious About Trading Profitably
So what does tug of war have anything to do with trading you may ask? Well if you think in terms of price action it means everything for market traders!

When the price is going up the BUYERS are winning this very pricey game of tug of war.

Conversely, when the price is going DOWN the sellers are winning.

But what if there is a stand off in buyers and sellers?

When this happens this is what you will see: 7/48
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And do you know exactly what happens when a winner is determined?

BOOM! Price surges to the upside or downside immediately.

Take a look at this below:

Price surges immediately up or down in a flash which will result in quick profits and rapid account growth. 8/48
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Still want to see more proof? Check these chart images out: 9/48
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2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

So now you see just how powerful these patterns can be in any market condition and time frame?

Each of the above chart images we just showed you happened in Forex, Stocks, Bitcoin, Futures, and Options

But most of the time they are missed by traders because it is hard to keep an eye on your charts for hours in a given day...

Never Miss a potential $10,000 Trade Again With the New ATB Sniper
Indicator designed to Make you a MASTER Triangle Pattern Spotter
If you desire to become not just a decent trader, not even a good trader, but a GREAT trader then you are in for a treat with this pattern recognition system… 12/48
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What make this indicator stand out from any of the other tools you will come across as a trader is the mathematical algorithm specially crafted in such a way it
will show you the most up to date signal.

If we were to try to explain this mathematical system you may be here for sometime because there is literally thousands of elements we looked for to draw these
signals on your chart with the ATB Sniper Indicator.

So by now you are probably chomping at the bits waiting to see this indicator in action...

And we know for a fact that there is nothing out there like this for sale anywhere in the marketplace because we looked and we found nothing but junk!

So let's unpack this indicator now with you and check out all the fine details that make this state-of-the-art indicator a must have for any serious trader who
wants to make a living by following these huge price action surges the ATB Sniper will spot in any market condition…

Here is an Inside Look at the Specifications that Make ATB Sniper

Produces Never Seen Before Accuracy Signals
Featured Component #1 Triangle Designing Software
The first feature we want to show you is the biggest part of the indicator: the triangle itself built automatically 13/48
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2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

As you can see above, the triangles are drawn for you on your preferred time frame. The battle between buyers and sellers
happens on any market so this pattern will be laser sharp in Forex, Stocks, Options, Futures, and Bitcoin!

Meaning, yes, this indicator is designed for every Market Trader!

This triangle can adjusted in color and appearance so it appears exactly how you want it to look: 15/48
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So if your favorite color is Green, then make your triangle patterns green!

Or maybe some of you like pink....

Not a problem...

All Traders are different, so we made sure that we covered everyone with our ATP Sniper Indicator. 16/48
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The amount of calculations that went into making this triangle appear makes this indicator one of the most advanced
indicators ever built for traders!

Our development team even mentioned this is without a doubt the most complex indicator we have ever created on the
back end for traders.

Which means, there were countless hours put in fixing and ironing out the bugs we came across to get you one of the most
simple indicators to trade with.

So we are doing all the grind work, we are doing all the calculations, and we are determining if there is a valid triangle
forming so that all you need to do glance at your charts and follow the rules of our system.

Featured Component #2 The False Breakout Software Calculation

Triangle breakout are powerful, most traders could agree on that. But what if there was a false break?

False breakouts can be defined as:

“When price temporarily moves above or below a key support or resistance level, but then later
retreats back to the same side as it started.”
This was a huge hurdle we had to jump since this does occur from time to time.

Our software development team put their heads together and integrated a complex algorithm that will determine if the
breakout is legit or just a false breakout.

Check it out: 17/48
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Featured Component #3 Trading Alerts Dynamic Placement

One of the most powerful features that this indicator comes with is the trading alerts.

These will happen immediately when critical part of strategy has been completed. 20/48
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Featured Component #4 Previous Triangle Builder

Not only will you see the current triangle being built you will also see the previous ones drawn on the charts!

It will look something like this: 21/48
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Then, we also added in the ability to see the pre- previous triangle signal. 22/48
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As you can see it will show you previous signals and the pre-previous signals so that you can keep track when the pattern

Sometimes you can get lost with these patterns if this feature was not implemented so that is why we built this into
the software.

Featured Component #5 Manual Triangle Detection Builder 23/48
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Say you are looking back in time and you want to see exactly where the triangle would have been drawn..

Well... instead of messing with those drawing tools on your platform we gave you the ability to automatically place these on to your

Here is how it works: 24/48
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SImply click “Detect Triangle” and click on an area on the chart you wish to see a triangle built (if applicable)

Featured Component #6 Automatic Take Profit, Stop Loss

The ATB Sniper Indicator will automatically place a stop loss and take profit target for you instantly!

When there is a break of a triangle pattern it will instantly alert you and let you know where the best Stop loss level is and where
you should be targeting.

It will look something like this: 25/48
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The stop loss is automatically determined and placed at the best location and you can then adjust the Risk/ Reward Ratio depending
on you.

Learn How you are going to Save 1,825 hours a year of chart analysis with
the ATB Sniper Indicator
When you sit down and think about how much time you have spent in your trading drawing line after line on your charts you might be surprised.

Think about this...

If you have been trading for 5 years.

And you have spent let’s just say 1 hour a day drawing triangle patterns on all the markets you trade… 26/48
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You would have spent 1825 hours or 109,500 minutes drawing, deleting, redrawing, triangle lines on your charts. Not bad if you have that much time in your
busy lives.

And we aren’t that busy so this amount of time drawing on your charts is fine right??

Not exacly…

Check this Study out: 27/48
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Credit to:

So, yes, we are all busy and we need time savers!

The ATB is designed to save you more time than you ever could have imagined…

So let’s use the same time example as above, but now instead if doing it manually you throw on our ATB Sniper Indicator.

Say you have been trading with the ATB Sniper that required no drawing but simply just adding it to your charts for the next five years...

According to our calculations you will spend a total of 1 minute and 30 seconds drawing, redrawing, deleting, etc. Triangle patterns on your charts.

Meaning that the only time it took for you to do all these tasks was implementing the indicator on to your charts!

That means you would have saved a total time of 109,410 Minutes by using the ATB Sniper!

Now if you are that dedicated and have spent that much time you must be a master of drawing triangle patterns right?

Well, you may be good but are you 100% accurate good?

Out ATB Sniper is right around 100% when it comes to detecting triangle patterns.

Its simple to follow and is going to add so much success to your trading career you may get tired of winning so much :)

Success adds so much value to a trader’s life 28/48
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It’s easy to get stuck in the “stuff” mentality: Defining success with fancy cars and big houses. But, as we all know deep down, that’s not the mark of a
successful trader or a successful person.

Some of the people showing off their “success” are in debt up to their eyeballs.

Success is spending the majority of your time focused on work that is fulfilling, while maximizing your potential and helping other people in a meaningful way.

Of course, the first part of success as a trader is growing your account....

A growing account is the most powerful tool on earth. It means you can create money out of thin air to do what you want.

And you can do it wherever and however you want.

Like at this luxurious palace:

When you want...

If you want long weekends and want friday's completely free…. Then skip them! No more work on Fridays

With whom you want…

If you want to be your own boss, then be your own boss. The freedom is almost limitless when it comes to a fulltime trader!

And once you are successful, you can help others trade too...

Teaching someone something so powerful, like becoming a successful trader, has a huge value and you’ll be able to share that value with whomever you choose. 29/48
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That, my friend, is TRUE success. And it’s what we designed the ATB Sniper indicator to do
To help you become a successful, confident and financially free trader in the shortest amount of time possible without killing yourself to do it (or paying us your
life savings either).

That is something we wish for each and every trader that we meet, Which is why we are so excited to give you this powerful new tool.

We are so confident that the ATB Sniper gives traders, regardless of their current situation, an instant boost to become successful at trading for a living.

How great would it be to find an indicator that would enable you to be in total control of your trading success?

And do this by using little to no effort..

Now, to be clear, you are still in control of the ATB Sniper indicator.

Yes, it gives you the exact details of where and when to enter and exit trades… But you still need to take the action to follow the ATB Sniper Trade calls.

The indicator is simply a tool for the job..

It will take the stress completely out of trading and will make you feel in total control of your charts!

We are Highly Trusted by our Members: Here is what Real Live

Traders have been telling us
I'm constantly losing and waiting for this Indicator. I have read and learned all your systems /Bollinger B., The Big
Three, Asian Fractal S., Pin Bar S., but Fibonacci is a No 1 - for me/. I'm very grateful for your help.Thanks.
-Irena D.

I've been backtesting this strategy on it's own the past few days and the profit potential is fantastic. Having this
indicator to go with the strategy would take the strategy to stratospheric levels! Great job! Looking forward to
putting it to use!
-Edward K. 30/48
2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

"I have been using both the EFC and the Big Three indicator in my trading. If they Both Trigger at the same time in
the same direction it is Phenomenal Trade..."
"Thank you Trading Strategy Guides for providing such an in depth website giving members a large array of
strategies to assess and try.

We are all different in our approach and numerous ways are shown to us by TSG. Turning the strategies into
indicators is a fantastic aid to add to market analysis. Keep up the great work guys, thanks Damian"
"I have had tremendous improvement in my winning trades over these few days that I have been testing it on my two
Demo accounts."
"Thanks also for such indicators, I really appreciate"
-Onyedika E
"you guys are always a step or two ahead of the others..keep up the great work"
"Great Indicator ! I already bought 2 of your products - EFC indicator with scanner and the Fibonacci Golden Zone
with Dashboard and bought of these producst are great and excellent for Newbies & experienced Traders. I started
making more money after buying these 2 products - keep up all the good work guys. Cheers! "
-Kalapiș F
"To Forex success and ...beyond with Trading Strategy Guides !"
-Leon SK 31/48
2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

"Hey guys must say it's a another hit of indicator clean and precise and most importantly with a strategy having
bought all indicators I definitely will be honored to be the one of few to try this indicator. Keep on doing the good
working. "
-Chambers O.

Will Be Available on the most Trustworthy and Popular Trading

Available Immediately NOW ON:

Meta Trader 4

Meta Trader 5 32/48
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Trading View 33/48
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2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

Note** Our Tradingview version is slightly different then the other platforms, however, this one will show you a quick backdated strategy that is a
good indication of how it performed.

It also identifies many chart patterns like you see below:

You also get friendly alerts that you can set for any market! 35/48
2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

This is a huge addition added to the ATB Family and we know that if you are not using Tradingview, you should be! We will show you exactly how to
get signed up in your membership area and most importantly how to get access :)

Ninja Trader 7&8 36/48
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More Platforms coming soon....

We want as many traders to test and use this system so that is why we chose to develop this on all of these popular trading platforms!

The Benefits are endless, but here are a few of the most powerful
benefits you get with the ATB Sniper 37/48
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Entry point Triggering signal==> value $179

Benefit: You do not have to stare at charts 24/7

Multiple time frame analysis function==>value $297

Benefit: Using this will result in a higher winning % in any market condition.

support value==> $1499

Benefit: Having a friend near by to help you trade the market is priceless. This is a huge value we always throw in
for our members :)

Updates value==> $997

Benefit: If you have ever bought an app, a software program, a video game, etc. you know that sometimes they
need updated. Indicators are the same way. We take in your feedback and update our indicators accordingly

Future members discounts value==> $797

Benefit: We give our members exclusive discounts from time to time since we value their effort to become not a
good trader, but a great trader. So we do this for them many times through out the year

Multiple settings adjustment value==> $297

Benefit: Every trader is different so why keep the same settings for everyone. We offer over 20+ settings to adjust
inside the Indicator! 38/48
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Auto Triangle builder value==> $1449

Benefit: Having a triangle built automatically has really never been done before for traders and it will change the
way you will trade. To our knowledge this is the first of its kind with all of the unique abilities to tweak it.

Triangle scanner dashboard Hint see Bonus Below :) value ==>$2199

Benefit: The scanner will allow you to sit back and scan many different aspects of the market in just seconds.
Scanner are a must have and this one tops them all in terms of quality

Signal alerts value==>$1099

Benefit: You will instantly trade more and make more money by using these trade alerts. They are easy to use and
highly effective...

False breakout software (built in) value==> $797

Benefit: Breakouts are tough because the big fish in the markets want your money and will do what they can to get
it. Our false breakout software is their worst enemy because this allows us to spot false patterns forming.

Previously signaled pattern recognition value==> $399

Benefit: The ATB Sniper will show you the exact previous patterns that were drawn. This will help see what has
been going on recently with that specific market pair.

Add that up and you get a total value of $10,009! 39/48
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This value is an estimate with the amount of time and resources we put in to make the ATB Sniper System what it is today!

We take pride in all the work our team put into this ATB Sniper Indicator and since we know that most of you will not afford a $10,009 indicator we will knock
of 80% right now…

So you pay only a one time charge for just $1,999

But wait..

Even though this system would be 1000% worth that price because you could potentially make that back the very first trade, we are actually going to take off
over 90% off that price point for you today just because we feel this needs to be in the hands of every trader!!

Not $1,999
We will knock off a near 90% of that price today

By doing this, each of you can use this indicator in your trading and most importantly will add value to your trading system by giving you the high quality trade
entries you will find with this indicator .

We will give you a Platinum Gold Card Money Back Guarantee Upon
Signing Up. Its free and Puts all the Risk on us!
This card is something we want to add in as a special bonus for you today..

We always guarantee our products because we want to make sure you are confident in us. 40/48
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So that you will take the step you need to take to succeed.

We do not pull out our Platinum 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Gold Card we offer for traders unless we know for a fact that what we have to offer is not
just good, not just okay, but GREAT....
It’s something that puts all the risk on us and leaves you, the trader, the one that will decide if this system is 100% worth it.

If in the first thirty days after purchase you are not satisfied with our ATB Sniper Indicator with the Dashboard, simply tell us what we need to improve on and
we will give you a refund, no questions asked!

Simply hand us back your platinum gold card and we will give you your money back…

However, once you hand us back this card, there is no guarantee that you will ever be handed this card again for this or any other product we will offer to you.

Free Limited Time Bonus Membership Passes

Bonus #1: Did we mention This super Delux Bonus Scanner
Dashboard Saving you 7+ hours a day of chart analysis! 41/48
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2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market

This indicator is great by itself but we always go above and beyond the call of duty by offering you extra features that you will not find anywhere else on the

Arguably the most popular feature that will come with the ATB Sniper is the signal dashboard.

The reason why is the signal dashboard is going to be equipped with many unique features that will show you instantly what the current market is doing with
each specific time frame.

It’s make trading with the ATB Sniper indicator 100x easier and effective!

It also comes with friendly alerts:

Timing is everything and this particular tool will not only save precious time but it will also allow you to scan the markets like never before.

This Triangle scanner dashboard is valued at $2199 but you pay nothing for it because we are giving you this 100% free of charge! 43/48
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Scanners are the most time saving tools you can find simply because they can show you multiple time frames and multiple currency pairs, stocks, commodities,
bitcoin, and so on.

Whatever you trade the scanner will provide that data for you instantly :)

Note** This Bonus Scanner Dashboard available now on Meta Trader 4 & 5 Only!

Bonus #2: Trading Guides Report Vault

Special Strategy Vault Access that includes strategies that trades with RSI indicator, MACD Indicator, Parabolic SAR, Moving Averages, Bollingerbands,
Pennant Patterns, Bitcoin, Stocks, Price Action, Options, Forex, ATR, Fractals, Flag Patterns, Pin Pars, Support and Resistance, Triangle Patterns, Short Terms
Trading, News Trading, and Much More to come! It's constantly being updated… And you get this… FREE!

Bonus #3: Support Knowledgebase

We will offer you support! Meaning 5 years from now if you have a question about trading, we will answer it. Do you see just how valuable that could be to
have a trading mentor at your fingertips to help you on your trading journey? This is free and is our favorite bonus simply because we get to interact

Our knowledge base is loaded with Q/A’s for traders because we know that most of you may still have questions.

Bonus #4: Free PDF Guide/ Video tutorial

We will throw in a free PDF guide and a video tutorial in your members area that will explain exactly how we trade with the ATB Sniper. It’s all free for you to
review and talk to us about. You will also get a video tutorial that will show you how to use the indicator on the selected platform of your choice :)

We don't think you will give up a system that earns big money- You
would be a fool to do so. 44/48
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This is For you If:

You are a beginner trader who wants to learn how to trade the market.
You desire to make a good living trading.
Time is critical- you have an extremely busy schedule!
You enjoy custom indicator dashboards.
You need trading alerts to keep you notified.
You trade any market.
For traders who have been struggling to find a winning system.

Now… This offer IS NOT FOR YOU if:

You have no desire to succeed in trading.
You do not want to learn the strategy used with this indicator.
You will try it one time and say “nope not for me.”
You are searching for a “get rich quick scheme”
You think that growing a trading account is all fake.
This is not for people who are not willing to put the time and work into learning the trading techniques that
we offer to you.
You go from trading system to trading system and have no desire to stick with something that works for you

Ok... you heard the offer, you saw the bonuses, but you still have a few things left to do.

Right now go ahead and secure this offer by clicking the button below.

This price point will only be this low for a limited time before the price of this indicator + dashboard goes up for good and you will miss out on our special
pricing forever :(

If you have any questions about this indicator and dashboard please email us at 45/48
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The Team @ Trading Strategy Guides 46/48
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P.S. If you are skimming here is what you get today in this special offer. You get the ATB Sniper Indicator that will show you 100+ entries a day in any market
condition. You get the scanner dashboard that will immediately show you 7+ hours of chart analysis in just seconds. Lastly, you get all the special bonus offers
we will throw in for you at no additional charge.

2/19/2019 ATB Sniper- Best Triangle Builder Trading Indicator on the Market


Disclaimer: Trading carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to invest you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility
exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading,
and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts.
Privacy Policy - Disclaimer - Terms of Service 48/48

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