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Radika Mirna N/5150511011

The silence that we made

We need a way to understand how we don't shut down the world. We have
to figure out now how we’re going to past this, We are all in the same COVID virus
soup right now. People may want to try to limit their time in large crowds, but I
don’t think that a domestic limitation on travel is going to help at all.Now,silence
is everywhere and everyone is their own home.Just silence,peace,pray and hope
everywhere, then people support each other.Hope in their God if everything will
be okay,again,it is just hope…. No tears,no shouts of sadness,no lose. I'm a person
who doesn't like crowds, but now, I miss that,,,,, really, I miss jogja which is always
crowded, Malioboro with all its charms. Street vendors, tourists, or just sitting at
the 0 km point enjoy the beautiful night in the Sultan's city. who knows when it
will come true, and until when ..
My city is dead, my city is sick, he needs rest, I know and I realize, maybe I
have hurt my earth, without me realizing it or indeed I don't know myself ... Then,
when all this is over, I promise to be a better human being, my jogja will smile
again, it will become a city that many people miss so they don't want to go home
then, street music in malioboro will be heard again, people dance cheerfully, and
the sadness disappears instantly .... I wish ....

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