12 Rules

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1)pick your puddle

-you may return to your comfort zone but don’t stay there forever

The story behind this one is that when I walked home from school to my grandparent’s house we would
walk through a forest and powerline by Simons elementary there were lots of puddles and there were a
few that I would always want to see because after it rained lots, they would form a large puddle but
each one had a different amount of dirt that floated in it but didn’t mix so it looked like a mini ocean
that had seas with different salt contents.

2)what’s your favorite non-poisonous poison

-though other may dislike it it’s something you like

I had a conversation with my mom about how humans can consume several things that are supposed to
be poisonous and can benefit from the like chocolate, coffee, and capsaicin while other species may die
from it

3)choose your weed

- your choices depend on you

At my old house, the lawn was made of moss which was supper soft and felt great to walk on unless
there were sticks and while others consider moss in their lawn horrible it depends on your choice

4)what’s between the rocks

-curiosity can lead to funny things

At donkersly beach in Powell river by my grand parent’s house it had huge rocks that would keep things
between like one time we found an old hulk toy stuck in them

5)can you see the currents

-caution counts

In the creek behind my grandparent’s house, we had to be carful of the currents, rapids and wild
animals like bears, cougars, wolves, etc.

6)what is it to you

- perspective matters

During the summer when I was young my brother, cousins, and I would bring driftwood back and
pretend that they were whatever from spears to dragons.

7)is it understandable though

-it’s good to question

This is something I would often ask logan after he says something is understandable when someone
makes a random noise or comment out of the blue
8)because why

-effort isn’t always necessary

Another thing I would ask logan when we were doing random thing to pass the time

9)don’t leak the oil

-Patience pays off

When I helped my brother change the brakes on his car, we had to sit there for twenty minutes to make
sure the oil wasn’t going to leak and go into the storm drain

10)where’s the puppy

- make sure to pay attention

During the winter I would take my dog to the dog park after it had gotten dark and as he’s black I would
often lose track of him unless I was keeping an eye on him the whole time

11)is that it

-take your time to add a little more

When I was younger, I would often write the minimum number of words even more so than I do now so
when I would write homework my dad would check and ask if that was it before making suggestions and
getting me to add more

12)have you found the book

-one thing may make you very interested in a subject you otherwise hated before

When I was younger’ I hated reading but I found a book that I loved one time and it has made me love
reading since

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