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Academic 1 - Supplemental Materials

Verbs followed by an Infinitive

My sister agreed to lend me five dollars.
AFFORD= to have enough money - Usually used with the modal verb CAN
I can’t afford to buy a new car because I don’t have enough money.
APPEAR= to look like
He appears to be rich because he is wearing expensive clothes. = He looks like he is rich because he has
expensive clothes.
ARRANGE= to organize; to make preparations for
I told my mother I would arrange to visit the USA, so now I need to buy an airplane ticket and reserve a hotel
I will arrange to talk with them as soon as possible.
Tom hates it when his students ask to go to the bathroom.
BE SUPPOSED= be expected
William was supposed to teach Academic 2, but he decided to return to Australia instead.
Both Jim and John asked her to marry them, but I think she will choose to marry Brian.
CLAIM= to say that something is true
She claims to be famous in Scotland, but I’ve never heard of her.
They claim to make the best potato chips in the world.
Where did you decide to go on vacation?
DEMAND= to insist
The gringo demanded to eat salad with every meal.
DESERVE= to be worthy of; to be suitable for a reward
Jennifer is such a nice girl that she deserves to be happy. = Jennifer is such a nice girl that she is worthy of
Anna worked extra hours last week, so she deserves to be paid more for her work. = Anna worked extra hours last
week, so now she should earn extra money.
He deserves to get a promotion.
ELECT= to choose; to select
Shari elected to move to New Jersey because her job there was better.
ENDEAVOR= to try; to attempt
Isabel endeavored to make her class interesting.
EXPECT= to anticipate, to assume
Carlos expected to win the lottery but was disappointed. = Carlos thought he was going to win the lottery but be
I hope no one fails to pass Academic 1. = I hope no one fails Academic 1.
HAPPEN= unplanned coincidence; to occur by chance
Oscar happened to see his ex-girlfriend in Cuenca. = Oscar was not planning to his ex-girlfriend when he went to
Cuenca; he just ran into her there.
HESITATE= to hold back in delay or indecision; to delay momentarily
My sister hesitated to visit me in Ecuador because she had heard it was dangerous, but eventually she did come
down to see me.
I hesitated to bother her because I could see that she was busy.
Antonio hopes to find a job in Paris.
Ecuadorians learn to play soccer when they are very young.
MANAGE= to be able to
I know everyone will manage to memorize this list before the final exam. = I know that everyone will be able to
memorize this list before the final exam.
Alecia needs to go to the bathroom.
One of my students offered to buy pizza for the entire class.
My father plans to visit me this year.
PREPARE= to get ready for something
How do you prepare to run a marathon?
PRETEND= act like; imagine
Most children like to pretend to be Superman. = Most children like to imagine that they are Superman.
PROCEED= to continue; to begin and continue an action.
Jessica will proceed to study German after she learns Spanish.
PROVE= to turn out, especially after a trial
I thought I could tell her my secret, but she proved to be untrustworthy. = I thought I could trust her with my
secret, but when I told it to her, she told other people.
The new drug proved to be effective. = After testing the new drug, we discovered that it worked.
REFUSE= to reject; to say no to; to deny
Ana refused to marry Carlos, so his heart was broken.
SERVE= to function as; to be used for
This bottle serves to hold water.
That strong coffee served to wake her up at 3 in the morning.
SEEM= to appear to be
Alfonso seems to be happy. He is always smiling!
STRUGGLE= to fight; to work hard
Unfortunately, some students struggle to pass Academic 1.
SWEAR= to promise (when followed by an infinitive)
Oscar swore to do his homework, but I don’t believe him.
TEND= to have a tendency
Girls tend to do better at school than boys, don’t you agree?
THREATEN= to make threats; to pressure
My boss threatened to fire me unless I stopped hitting my students.
VOLUNTEER= to work without pay
Most tourists volunteer to work in Ecuador to improve their Spanish.
What do you want to eat for dinner tonight?
My sister would like to go to school, but she doesn’t have enough money.
Academic 1
Verbs followed by a Gerund

ANTICIPATE= to expect; to look forward to

I anticipate having problems with the Spanish subjunctive.
APPRECIATE= to be thankful for; to value
I appreciate [your] giving me extra help.
AVOID= to keep away from; to not do
You should avoid swimming right after you eat a big meal.
BE WORTH= to have value
Most people agree that it is worth studying Spanish.
CAN’T HELP= can´t stop; can´t prevent
It doesn’t matter how hard I try to wake up at 4 a.m., I can’t help sleeping past 5 a.m.
COMPLETE= to finish
You should complete taking your test in 20 minutes or less.
CONSIDER= to think about
You should consider visiting Paris. It is a beautiful city.
DENY= to refuse; to reject; to say something isn’t true
Jennifer denied cheating on her husband.
DETEST= to hate
Most people detest waking up early.
DISCUSS= to talk about
We discussed creating a new class, but most teachers decided against it.
ENJOY= to like
Not many people in Ecuador enjoy drinking coffee without sugar.
ESCAPE= to flee; to run away from
The criminal almost escaped going to jail.
EXCUSE= to forgive
I don’t excuse cheating on exams.
When will you finish studying English?
IMAGINE= to think of; to envision
I can’t imagine teaching a nicer class. My students are the best!
INVOLVE= to include
Moving to a different country involves applying for a visa, buying a plane ticket, and leaving family behind.
MENTION= to talk about; to state
Anita mentioned moving to China, but I think she will stay in Ecuador.
MIND= to object to
Would you mind moving your bag so I can sit down?
Will you miss going to English class every day?
PRACTICE= to rehearse
You need to practice speaking English as much as you can.
PREVENT= to stop; to avert
Even though my parents don’t like him, I can’t prevent [your] dating him.
POSTPONE= to delay; to defer
She had to postpone going to Argentina because she didn’t have enough money.
*QUIT= to stop doing something
Marisol quit eating healthy.
RECALL= to remember
Marie can’t recall dancing on the table in the bar last night.
RECOMMEND= to suggest
If you are sick, I recommend going to the doctor.
REGRET= to be sorry
You will regret drinking so much tomorrow.
RESENT= to dislike
My students really resent having to study so much grammar.
RESIST= to oppose; to exert force in opposition
Most people resist waking up before 7a.m.
I couldn’t resist telling him your secret. I’m sorry!
RISK= to take a chance
She risked crossing the street in front of a taxi, and now she’s in the hospital.
I need to spend more time studying Spanish.
Please stop making noise. I am trying to study.
If you have stomach problems, I suggest going to the doctor.
She suggested starting my own English school.

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