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• At start of turn, Active Player (offense) must discard all cards &
draw new hand if they have no encounter cards.
1.REGROUP - Move 1 ship from warp to any of your colonies.
2.DESTINY - Draw destiny card.
• Color: Attack that color. Own color: draw another card or attack
SETUP foreign colony on home planet.
1.Place warp in center with each player’s colony marker at 0. Give • Wild: Target any other player. (Color is chosen target)
planets and ships to each player. • Special: As card describes. (Color is specified target)
2.Each player places 4 ships on each of their planets.. 3.LAUNCH - Point hyperspace gate to target planet. Add up to 4 ships
3.Remove unused colors from destiny deck and shuffle. from any colonies. Any colony left empty is lost.
4.Shuffle flare cards and deal two to each player. Player then takes 2 4.A LLIANCE - Offense invites players, then defense. After all invites
corresponding alien sheets. Choose 1 secretly. Alert Lamp Colors given, each player clockwise from offense responds. Allies place
(Green=Beginner, Yellow=Intermediate, Red=Advanced) 1-4 ships to assist.
5.Add flares dealt to players to cosmic deck. If < 5 players, add extra 5.P LANNING - Offense and Defense secretly choose an encounter
randomly until add 10 total. Choose only 1 version of Filch card. card. If defense has none, they discard hand and draw 8 new
6.Deal 8 cards to each player. cards, then choose one. If offense has none, turn ends immediately.
7.1st player is 1st color drawn from destiny deck. Shuffle deck. 6.REVEAL - Show cards, then may add reinforcement cards.
• Both Attack: Each side add # on card + # of ships. Higher
OTHER RULES number wins, defense wins on ties.
Victory - First player to have 5 foreign colonies • Attack and Negotiate: Negotiate card loses encounter, but gets
Losing Alien Powers - Occurs if player has < 3 home colonies. compensation - take 1 random card from opponent’s hand for
Zapping Powers - Can only cancel alien power after use keyword. each ship (not allies) lost to warp.
Timing Conflicts - Resolve in order: offense, defense, then • Both Negotiate: Must reach a deal within 1 minute or each lose 3
clockwise from offense. ships to warp. May trade cards and/or allow a colony to be
Empty Home Planets - Defense is still home planet’s owner. added anywhere player already has a colony.
Card Types - Attack, Negotiate, Morph, Reinforce, flare, artifact. 7.R ESOLUTION - Determine result
Artifact Cards - Played as specified, discard after use. • Offense Won: If 1st encounter, may do another.
Reinforcement Cards - Add to Attack after Reveal. Add in order: - Offense + Ally ships added to planet
offense, defense, allies until everyone has passed. - Defense + Ally ships moved to warp.
Flare Cards - Played as specified, return to hand after use. • Defense Won:
•Use wild effect if any are true: (Otherwise must use super effect) - Offense + Ally ships moved to warp
- Card does not match your race - Defensive allies return ships to any of their colonies.
- You have < 3 home colonies Additionally, for each ship contributed, they draw a card or get
- Your alien power has been zapped. a ship back from the warp.
•May only use one per encounter. • Deal Made: If 1st encounter, may do another.


• Setup - Shuffle tech deck, deal 2 cards to each player. Each player offense player currently taking turn
places one face down, discards the other. defense player whose planet is being targeted
• Using - At start of Regroup may do one: main player offense or defense player
- Research: Move ship from colony to tech card. bystander player w/ on-planet ships not involved in combat
- Complete: Turn over card. Return ships to colonies. If # offensive ally player assisting offense
ships=research #: tech now usable. If not, discard tech. defensive ally player assisting defense
• More Cards: Instead of taking a second encounter, may draw tech home colony player’s ships on their own planet
cards = # of foreign colonies + 1. Pick 1, discard others. Turn Ends. foreign colony player’s ships on opponent’s planet
Cosmic Encounter Reference v1.1 by RangerRob

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