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1 Warm-up

What do you think is important for a long healthy life?

2 Health and well-being

Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

1. longevity a. extremely fat

2. premature b. happening too soon

3. life expectancy c. having more body weight than normal

4. overweight d. how long you are likely to live

5. obese e. living for a long time

6. well-being f. rich

7. neighborhood g. the area of a town or city where you live

8. wealthy h. the state of feeling happy and healthy

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3 Find the information

Complete the average number of years that each of the following lifestyles and behaviors add to a
person’s life expectancy according to the ‘research’ in the article, and write down the reasons given:

a. Eating chocolate

1 year (antioxidants in dark chocolate)

b. Eating less meat

c. Keeping active

d. College education (men)

e. Education (women)

f. Golf

g. Not smoking

h. Marriage (men)

i. Marriage (women)

j. Living in the right neighborhood


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How to live to 114 (in theory)

Doctors can now tell us which habits may extend our lives - and just how much extra time they give

By Roger Dobson, Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

New research shows exactly how many years longer 40 percent reduced risk of a premature death. The
people can live by adopting healthy behaviors - from health benefits of exercise and companionship may
stopping smoking and losing weight to eating less be the reason.
meat and being positive. 7.
Losing weight can add as much as seven years to a
Studies have suggested that dark chocolate is good person’s life. A team at Oxford University showed
for the heart and may boost longevity. Research that people who are obese at the age of 40 died, on
based on Harvard graduates showed that people who average, seven years earlier.
eat chocolate lived a year or so longer than those 8.
Not smoking adds up to 10 years to life. A team at
who do not. Those who ate one to three bars a the University of Helsinki found that those who had
month came out best with a 36 percent lower risk never smoked lived an average 10 years longer than
of premature death. Antioxidants, especially in dark those who smoked more than 20 a day. Research
chocolate, may be responsible. on men in New Zealand showed that 50 percent
Diets with low levels of meat and vegetarian diets of smokers die prematurely, and that they die 14
have been linked to lower risk of premature death. years earlier than non-smokers. Heart disease and
A review of research by public health specialists at cancer are among the biggest killers. The good
Loma Linda University in America looked at the life news for smokers is that it is never too late to give
expectancy of those who rarely ate meat and found up, According to the US National Institute on Drug
that sticking to such a diet added 3.6 years to a Abuse, a 35-year-old man who quits smoking will
person’s life. The health effect may be due to lower increase his life expectancy by 5.1 years on average.
saturated fat intake and higher antioxidant levels as a 9.
According to a Chicago University report, married
consequence of eating more fruit and vegetables. men live, on average, 10 years longer than non-
Moderate to high levels of activity can extend life by married men, while married women live about four
between 1.3 and 3.7 years. Researchers at Erasmus years longer than non-married women. One theory is
University in the Netherlands say the main reason is that married men adopt less risky and more healthy
the beneficial effect that physical activity has on the lifestyles as a result of the commitment that marriage
heart. People who do exercise are also less likely to brings. Married women may live longer due to
be overweight and more likely to have a better quality improved financial well-being. However, one Swiss
of life. study found that being married shortens a woman’s
Highly educated women can expect to live more life by 1.4 years, possibly because of the stress of
than five years longer than less educated women, living with a man.
while men with a college degree have an extra 7.8 10.
Wealthy people live longer than the poor. One
years, according to a Harvard University study. One of the clearest contrasts was found by Baltimore
explanation is the adoption of healthier lifestyles, and health officials in the US. In poor neighborhoods, the
one of the biggest differences was in heart disease
average life expectancy was 63 years, in contrast to
83 years in wealthy suburbs.
Research at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden shows
that golfers live five years longer. The study shows a

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4 Lifestyle phrases

Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right to form phrases from the text:

1. stick to a. a healthier lifestyle

2. adopt b. a healthy diet

3. quit c. exercise

4. be d. married

5. lose e. positive

6. do f. smoking

7. get g. weight

5 Explaining and speculating

Look at the following sentence from the text:

Antioxidants, especially in dark chocolate, may be responsible.

The underlined structure is used for speculating on the reason for something. Find similar expressions
in paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9.

Complete the following sentences using the expressions from this exercise:

1. Research shows that older adults perform better at college than younger adults.
that older people tend to have more motivation because they have had to experience life’s difficulties.
2. Traffic accidents tend to happen more often on Fridays than other days. This
end-of-week tiredness and heavy traffic.
3. Sharks do not often eat the humans that they attack. that the human body does
not provide the high-energy fat that sharks need.
4. James failed his driving test poor preparation.
5. Many people lose their memories when they get older. The loss of "synapses" or connections
between brain cells .
6. The average sea level around the world is rising. global warming.
7. Mark’s computer has been operating very slowly recently, a virus.
8. People from southern Europe are often very cheerful. the warm and sunny
9. Some people are obese despite not eating too much. Genetic factors .
10. The economy is doing badly this year the financial crisis.

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6 Talking point

What do you think of the research findings in the article?

Is the life expectancy in your country high or low? What are the reasons for this?
Is it good to live to a very old age?

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1. Warm-up

Possible answers include: keep active, have a healthy diet, reduce stress, live in a country which has a high standard
of living, have good genes, etc.

2. Health and well-being

1. e 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. h 7. g 8. f

3. Find the information

a. -
b. 3.6 years (lower saturated fat intake, higher antioxidant levels)
c. 1.3-3.7 years (good for the heart, less likely to become obese)
d. 7.8 years (adoption of a healthier lifestyle)
e. 5 years (adoption of a healthier lifestyle)
f. 5 years (exercise and companionship)
g. 10 years (reduced risk of cancer and heart disease)
h. 10 years (adoption of less risky and healthier lifestyle)
i. 4 years (financial well-being)
j. 20 years (wealthy people live longer)

4. Lifestyle phrases

1. b 2. a 3. f 4. e 5. g 6. c 7. d

5. Explaining and speculating

... may be due to ...; ... as a consequence of ... (formal) (P3)

the main reason is ... (P4)
One explanation is ... (P5)
... may be the reason (P6)
One theory is that ... (P9)
... due to ...; ... possibly because of ... (P9)

Possible answers:
1. One explanation is/One theory is
2. may be due to
3. The main reason is/One explanation is/One theory is
4. due to/as a consequence of
5. may be the reason/may be responsible
6. The main reason is
7. possibly because of
8. The main reason is/One explanation is/One theory is
9. may be the reason/may be responsible
10. due to/as a consequence of

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