Bat-Folk: Languages: You Speak Common, Bat-Folk, and Can Communicate With Bats

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-I don’t have a good idea about where these creatures might live in Zem, but I imagine they live
in isolated communities in the Emberpeak Mountains in the East, or the Tache Mountains on the
west of the map. I have a feeling that they probably get along ok with dwarves, goblins, and
gnomes, but other surface races might fear them based on their appearance.
-Just like bats I’m sure there are several species. We’re going to stick to a small batfolk for this
template and we can speciate later.

Physical Description: Bat folk are small anthropomorphic bat humanoids with bat-like heads,
and thick wiry fur in patches across their body. They have a single pair of fully functioning arms
and hands, a pair of membranous wings extending from their back, and legs that end in feet
designed for grasping.
Age: Bat-folk are not long lived but mature quickly. Usually they are fully grown around the age
of 8-10. A 40-year-old bat-folk would be considered a wise elder.
Alignment: Alignment is dumb—we aren’t going to use it.
Size: Bat folk are size small, with the tallest of them reaching around 3’ in height. A healthy
individual weighs around 40 lbs.
Speed: All bat-folk are quick for their size. Their land speed is 30’ and their fly speed is 40’.
-darkvision 60’: You can see in dim light within 60’ of you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light. Dim light rules indicate that you only perceive colors as shades
of gray, that ability checks made with sight are at disadvantage, and that passive perception takes
a -5 penalty.
-Keen hearing: you have advantage on perception checks based on hearing, you are vulnerable to
thunder damage (you take twice as much damage).
-You may add a +2 to an ability score of your choice.
-Disorienting Shriek: You emit a high, piercing shriek designed to surprise and confuse
predators. You can use an action to scream in a 10ft cone. Each creature in the area must make a
Constitution saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Constitution modifier.
On a failed check, a creature takes 1d4 + your Constitution modifier of thunder damage and has
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn. Creatures than
can't hear you in the area don't receive any damage or effect.
Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Languages: you speak common, bat-folk, and can communicate with bats.

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