Week 4 Discussion 1

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Educated: Week 4 Discussion

List present group members: Emily, Alivia, Fisher, Claire, Johnny and Isabella

There are some big claims made in this post. What do

you think? Agree or disagree? Why? Valid arguments?
Invalid? Share anything that comes to mind. Relate
your answers to your own experience and/or the
experiences shared in Educated.

Discussion Notes:

● She says that homeschooling is better but this is

because she has been conditioned into this certain
belief. Not everyone can learn by themselves so
governments should fund schools
● The idea that the government only exists to
brainwash your children is illogical and not true
● You are never going to convince someone to
think like this then you are never going to convince
them to think differently. This is like when she is trying
to convince her siblings about society and they don’t
want to believe it because they have grown up with a
different belief
● There are things that schools can’t teach you so
it was good that she was taught those things but
people do need math and structured education
● Educated has a pretty negative outlook on
● It depends on your goals and your values on
homeschooling so her goals have no use for society
and only for her house so her homeschooling was good
for her but she realizes that her goals are different and
so she needs more education
● They are fixing things in a way that they think that it is right so we cannot judge them because they did
the best that they could because they were living in the past

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