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Covid -19:

“Due to population explosions everywhere and the Average Population

Density Reaching a Critical Ratio Our planet simply not designed to
accommodate !Therefore this current pandemic of Covid-19 is only precursor
of many more yet to come just as we are witnessing substantial increases in
the frequency of natural disaster e.g. Floods ?Famine !!etc(All Connected).
Hence the following guidelines should not ne seen as temporary but Semi
Permanent guidelines !As the New Black! The New Normal:”
What Does Not Work ?
1-Total or hard Lockdowns only weaken the economy not any
2-Track &Trace :Not only does it not work but its utterly Stupid
because its disruptive !Intrusive !An expensive exercise in wishful
thinking !Obviously government scientists only thought about it
superficially or just not deep enough !Unless off course as usual
the Police State within the British state has ulterior motives .
What Does Work?
2-Social Distancing This will artificially reduce that Average
Population Density Indicated above.
3-Face Covering (Only in similar respiratory pandemics )
4-And Most Significant of all deterrents is Hygiene (Personal and
communal)So Wash And Scrub Like mad bathing every night until
it become more than just habits ?Until its an obsession.

The Red Monk. 17/May/2021

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