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Copyright © 2021 - Pratik Sinha, All rights reserved. 

Throughout  this  book,  we  refer  to  products  and  designs  which  are  not  our 
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Pratik  Sinha  Has  Established  A  Reputation  As  A  Successful 
Entrepreneur.  He  Is  The  Founder  &  CEO  of  DigiTecholic,  Inc.  & 
Talks  Mint.  Is  An  Indian  Youtuber,  Digital  Marketer  And 
Business-Man.  He  Knows  Very  Well  For  His  Work  Module  & 
YouTube  Content  Creation.  Is  A  Young  Entrepreneur  On  The 
Rise,  He  Himself  Owns  A  300K  Network  On  The  Social  Media 
Platforms  And  Spreading  Positively  Laugher  Through  Hits  Pages  On  The 
He  Owns  The  Pages  @ceodigitecholic  With  Many  Opportunities  That  Come 
With  His  Big  Number  Of  Followers.  On  Facebook,  Instagram,  Twitter,  LinkedIn 
&  Crunchbase,  He  Goes  By  “PRATIK  SINHA”  As  His  Name  That  Everyone 
Knows Him By. 
He  Uses  His  Platforms  To  Gain  Influx  In  Money  From  Promote  Brand  And 
Business. A Young Entrepreneur With Tons Of Potential And Possibilities. 

Core Modules  
1. An Introduction about digital marketing. 
2. What is the di erence between traditional and digital marketing? 
3. How digital marketing can help a startup to grow? 
4. Is Digital Marketing a good career in 21 Century? 
5. What is digital marketing and its benefits in the future? 
6. What is the scope of digital marketing? 
7. Is digital marketing a stable career? 
8. Is digital marketing in high demand? 
9. Is Digital Marketing Good or bad? 
10. Is Digital Marketing Easy? 
11. Is a degree in digital marketing worth it? 
12. Is digital marketing a technical skill? 
13. Is coding required for digital marketing? 
14. What skills do digital marketers need? 
15. Which field is best in digital marketing? 
16. Can you get a job after a digital marketing course? 
17. Can a digital marketer work from home? 
18. Can you go abroad after digital marketing? 
19. What is the salary of a digital marketer? 
20. How can you be successful in digital marketing? 
21. How do you become a digital entrepreneur? 
22. How do digital marketers make money? 
23. Which country is best for digital marketing jobs? 
24. How do you get clients for digital marketing? 
25. How do digital marketing agencies make money? 
26. What is the initial cost to start a digital marketing agency? 
27. How do you start a digital marketing agency with no experience? 
28. What are the disadvantages of digital marketing? 

Module 1: An Introduction about digital marketing.
Digital marketing is the part of marketing that utilizes the web and online-based
electronic technologies like desktop computers, mobile phones, and other digital
platforms and media to promote services and products.

The first step in our introduction to digital marketing is always to ascertain

exactly what it is. Primarily, it's a term that explains any advertising campaign
that takes place across the net or electronic device. You will find various different
channels which organizations use to entice clients in buying their products and

As we will see, you will find lots of elements that go into digital marketing,
together with the work of web hosting a variety of apparatus. A clinic that goes
out of refined to clear, plus it often takes a large selection of specialists operating
with each other to be more powerful.

With about 5.5 billion Web users around the world, the electronic promotion
gives organizations the chance to access platforms where they invest a great
deal of cash and time. Furthermore, it offers small companies the opportunity to
compete together with their big competitions, letting them employ insights and
data to a target client.

Digital promotion is many times a collective attempt, at which professionals

employed in lots of diverse areas unite their wisdom and tools to do their own
targets. The following point of the debut to electronic promotion would be to
summarize those numerous locations.

It's crucial to not forget that maybe not every business will probably utilize each
of those procedures. Nevertheless, every station poses a chance to get a
company to broaden its own new reach and raise earnings. One of the very
frequently used sorts of electronic marketing and advertising abilities and what
they've enlarged substantially. Consequently, this concludes our introduction to
digital promotion. Should you want to know more about employment in this
booming area, and then you've got to pay several key locations. It's obvious this
is an industry that's expanding and growing fast. With this specific advancement
arrives a whole lot of chances for proficient folks.

In case the expectation of operating digital promotion is thought of,

subsequently growing your wisdom and skills in associated disciplines might be
quite helpful. In Future Learn, we supply a broad scope of classes that may
certainly help you do so.

Module 2: What is the difference between traditional and
digital marketing?
The principal difference between digital and traditional marketing could be the
medium whereby an audience experiences a marketing message. While
traditional marketing uses traditional media such as magazines and newspapers,
digital-marketing utilizes social networking, such as social websites or media.

Obviously, traditional marketing means it is conventional. Traditional marketing

still has a significant part in improving life, using an increasing demand to depart
the virtual universe.

Now's experience of the tactile nature of an extraordinary television

advertisement and Rolling Stone magazine copy is vitally important as the
lasting impact in your memory of twenty years ago. Subconsciously you hook to
their new brand mentally, meaning that they are going to always be top of mind.

At the exact token, digital promotion is vitally important as not traditional.

Digital-marketing uses every approach of your daily use of the Internet to
accomplish you. In case you're performing a Google search for holiday tips for
your next weekend escape, it's likely that you'll see a focused sponsored
advertising from Chipper briefly afterwards.

Using the Internet for several hours each day is just a normal part of daily life.
Digital-marketing uses this to its advantage by cleverly weaving promotion and
sales communications to each digital station.

In addition to this, traditional marketing campaigns often have very defined and
limited platforms. They can only reach certain demographics, which means that
the information will never be shared with another group of people. Ultimately
both types of marketing have their own advantages and disadvantages, however,
the main element is understanding your particular advertising requirements,
considering your budget, and understanding your audience.

Conventional advertising channels are usually welcomed with the Baby Boomer
generation and Gen X - those who have TV and prefer to purchase papers such
as. But, digital promotion is a very appropriate path for all eras, and not merely
for millennials and General Z - Mer ne-ne all night via Facebook, sharing videos
of this Lad Bible and shopping online. In the end, traditional marketing
campaigns often require a large investment up front before you begin to see
results from your efforts. On the other hand, there are some great benefits to be
gained by engaging in digital forms of marketing. Digital marketing helps you
generate revenue much faster than a traditional marketing campaign, which can
help you avoid some of the pitfalls associated with traditional marketing.

Module 3: How digital marketing can help a startup to grow?
Every day, new brands are launched in the marketplace. These brands need to
contend with all long-standing companies and billions of marketing campaigns.
In fact, it has become one of the most popular internet marketing methods and
companies are sprouting up almost overnight.

For start ups, the only expectation to succeed is to market better and more
efficiently than elderly companies. Startups often have a restricted funding,
which means they have to take advantage of the limited financing in attaining
clients and developing revenue.

Digital-marketing may usually be done at a much cheaper price than traditional

marketing. While print and television advertisements can cost tens of thousands
of dollars, an internet advertisement can simply cost a few hundred dollars.
Furthermore, a site can reach thousands of subscribers to your own price of
fabricating a report and investing in a host. Digital-marketing allows startups to
reach new customers and develop relationships at a fraction of the price of
conventional marketing.

While a company like Dove has years of customer research to back each item,
startups are too fresh to understand exactly what their customers need.
Technology may be used to track, monitor, and translate buying behavior. During
technology, businesses can figure out which demographics and products work
well for their organization. Many startups believe that digital-marketing doesn't
work because they usually do not generate leads. Part of the challenge is that
these startups forget to maximize their conversion speed.

Through digital marketing, customers feel like they have a personal, one-on-one
romantic relationship with the provider. Once this relationship has been
developed, it requires a minimal quantity of effort for the startup to help keep
their clients. Other than engaging customers, social networking campaigns also
help to drive traffic to your organization's website and market fresh offerings.

When establishing a digital marketing strategy, organizations have to tailor their

approach carefully. Digital-marketing enables all parts of the advertising, emails,
and articles to be integrated into each other. From creating a website to posting
a training, all these methods must be planned out beforehand for them to work.

Startups can now customize their marketing approach to specific demographics

and areas. These sophisticated tools allow virtual marketers to discover about
the consumer's buying behavior and identify new opportunities. Also, digital
marketing makes it easier to find which offerings are of use and which products
should be intended to coordinate with the customer's needs.

Module 4: Is Digital Marketing a good career in the 21st
We’re going to start with the basics of a Digital Marketing Career and take you
through some advanced topics like career options in digital marketing, career
path in digital marketing and digital marketing job opportunities.

Traditional marketing methods such as direct mail, telemarketing, and cold

calling are becoming obsolete. Many people now use online marketing to reach a
much greater audience. If your business enjoys a solid online presence, it will
help boost your profits, while at the same time increasing your customer base.
This is one of the major reasons that digital marketing is becoming so popular

In the past, those who dabbled in marketing were considered "in demand."
Because of this, those without any experience with online or internet marketing
were forced to seek out someone who had more experience or a college degree
to get their jobs. However, times are changing. Today, those who do have
experience are quickly being put in a position of advantage when it comes to
digital marketing careers.

A college degree or an experience working in the marketing field will help open
the doors of opportunities for those interested in digital marketing. The best way
to get an education is by attending an accredited school that can provide a great
education. The world of business is always changing. Therefore, it is important to
be flexible and willing to learn new techniques and strategies. A career in this
industry will allow for growth and the ability to become a leader amongst your

Another type of digital marketing career is the business-to-business marketing.

The idea of this career is to market a business that you own or work for to a
specific niche of consumers. This type of marketing requires a strategic
approach. Since most companies are only online, the business-to-business
market will require that you build a network of other businesses through which
you can introduce new products to potential customers.

If you want to be successful, you will also have to be good at networking. Digital
marketing online has revolutionized the way people interact with one another.
You can join many networking sites to connect with other people who may be
interested in the products and services that you offer. Being an active member of
many networking groups and exchanging ideas with people who are interested in
the same business you are engaged in is a must.

Module 5: What is digital marketing and its benefits in the
The digital marketing trend will grow exponentially in the close future. Marketing
through the Internet has been around for a long time, but it has become a truly
mainstream marketing technique since the Internet took off about three years
ago. There are many ways you can market your product or service via the
Internet. One of these ways is to use search engine marketing, also known as
SEM. Search engine marketing uses keywords or phrases to help you draw
attention to your website. This can be done by paying for a sponsored listing at
the top or bottom of the search engine results, which means that people who are
searching for products or services will find your website.

The Internet is by far one of the best places to advertise for a number of
reasons. It costs less than TV ads, radio spots, and even print ads, and you don't
have to spend money on mailing costs. Another advantage to digital marketing is
that you can target a specific audience quickly and easily. Unlike other forms of
advertising, which take hours to put together, digital marketing can be done
within minutes.

Since search engine marketing is so effective, more businesses are starting to

take advantage of this form of online marketing. They are using it to advertise
their products or services, and they are also using it to market themselves
online. This is not an unusual thing. Almost all businesses know how to use
digital marketing and are simply taking advantage of new technology that is
sweeping the Internet.

It has become quite popular for many reasons, and this is why more people are
becoming interested in what is digital marketing and its benefits. The use of the
Internet as a marketing tool is growing exponentially. More businesses than ever
are realizing the importance of being online, and they are taking full advantage
of it. Because the Internet is becoming such a huge part of our society, it is vital
for online marketing to be incorporated into any marketing plan that a business
may have.

One of the most important things to know about digital marketing and its
benefits is that it is not as hard as it seems. Anyone can become involved in
digital marketing, and it does not take special coding knowledge to get up and
running. Anybody can become involved with online marketing. It is actually
much easier to create a website, update it regularly, and start getting clients
than it would be to try to do all of this in the traditional way. Because the
Internet is such a powerful marketing tool, more people are trying to take
advantage of its power.

Module 6: What is the scope of digital marketing?
A digital marketer can take up multiple roles and use various digital channels
such as digital advertising, social media, email marketing, blog content, etc., to
reach out to the customers. For each digital channel, a digital marketer focuses
on a unique objective to measure the company's performance across channels.

It is the latest form of online marketing and it helps in getting your product
noticed in the online world. The scope of marketing lies in reaching out to the
maximum number of people through the best possible means. If you do not
reach out to the customers, then you are not going to get much business at all.
However, if you reach out to the customers and satisfy them with what you have
to offer, then there is every chance that you will be able to sell a lot of products

Well, you need to find a digital marketing company which has a good reputation
in this field. There are a number of companies that are in this industry and you
need to find out the best one for your business needs. You can search on the
internet for such companies and you would also be able to find out what their
service and cost are.

This is something which is completely new to you might not be aware of the
potential it has. With the help of digital marketing experts, you can reach out to
a larger audience and you can use the same to your benefit. Since the internet is
the place where you can get anything you want, you need to make sure that you
take advantage of this medium and make it yours.

This is the modern era, where you can reach out to your customers at any time
of the day. If you are able to provide the perfect solution to your customers,
then you will be able to make sales. However, this is not possible unless you
have a good online marketing strategy and the right content on your website.
You need these experts if you want to take your business to the next level. If
you have a well-developed website but nobody knows about it, then you will not
be able to get much traffic. In fact, if you do not do anything, then no one would
know about your website and you might be losing lots of money.

This is something you cannot afford to ignore at any cost. The world is going
digital and the only way that you will be able to survive is by incorporating it in
your business. You should ensure that you always follow the latest trends and
this can only be done with the help of digital marketing experts. If you want to
take your business to the next level, then you need a good reputation in your
niche and you need to be very competitive in your business. Once you do that,
you will never look back and your business will grow in a big way.

Module 7: Is digital marketing a stable career?
We live in a time where people use the Internet for everything. Whether it is
paying bills online, buying groceries for the week, shopping for a gift, planning a
vacation, or just about anything else, people are logging into their laptops,
smartphones, tablets, and home computers to conduct their business online
each day.

The first thing to consider is where you currently stand in your career. What
position do you find yourself in at the moment? If you are looking for a new
career, then there is little need to look further into online marketing because you
are already on your way. However, if you have been at the same job for years,
then you may be in need of something new or a slightly older method of
advertising. It is important to make sure that the online marketing path you
choose is one that you are comfortable with. If you are not happy with the
position you are working in, it is unlikely that you will find a suitable and
lucrative online marketing career. This is even more true If you are unhappy with
your current income. You need to realize that an online marketing career is just
that: a career. While it is important to make a lot of money, It is also just as vital
to make a reasonable amount of money and be happy with your work. If you can
find a balance between being profitable and being happy, then you know that
you are on the right path!

Another question that you should ask yourself before choosing a career path in
digital marketing is how much time do you want to spend online. If you are just
beginning with your online marketing endeavors, then there is no need to worry
about the amount of time required. Just take baby steps until your site is making
enough money to justify your time. The same can be said of making money
while still learning the ropes. Do not get overwhelmed if you start out a little
slower than you would like.

If you are asking yourself, "Is digital marketing a stable profession? ", then you
should know that the answer is a resounding yes! Digital marketing is a very
stable profession because you are marketing the same products over again, day
in and day out. In this industry, you cannot let go of your old customers'

Even If you do decide to sell your old information products, digital marketing will
continue to give you steady work and the opportunity to improve yourself as an
online marketer. In order to do this, you have to stay relevant to your target
audience. By constantly making changes, you will find that no matter what
products you sell, your customers will keep buying them. You also have to make
sure that you are always providing value for your customers. They will come
back to you in the future, thanks to the hard work you put into digital marketing.

Module 8: Is digital marketing in high demand?
As the industry evolves, the role of a digital marketer is constantly changing to
adapt with the latest tools, strategies, and best practices. With digital marketing
now spanning across such a diverse range of core areas, it can be difficult for
marketers to understand which key skills they should focus on throughout their

The truth of the matter is that it can be quite beneficial if you know how to use it
properly. However, there are plenty of people who don't really understand the
concept behind this form of marketing. So, to help you get to know the basics,
we have listed some of the top benefits of digital marketing.

The fact that everyone has access to the internet is something that everyone
loves. This is one reason why it is so popular, especially for people who run
businesses. You can reach out to a much greater audience without spending as
much money. Since almost all people have computers, the world is your

Many people are also wary of online businesses because they feel like it is a
place for scams and frauds to flourish. However, if you carefully look at
everything that goes on, you will find that it is completely legitimate. There are
no shady operators taking advantage of innocent people. Everything is
completely above board, which is another reason why it is so popular.

Everyone knows that getting into social media marketing is not very hard at all.
However, most people do not know the best ways of going about it. They just
jump in head first and do it. You need to have a plan and a strategy. You should
try to figure out who your target audience is and then focus on communicating
with them in the best way that you can.

Another benefit of digital marketing is that you do not have to spend a lot of
money on advertising. The costs can be kept low as long as you play by the
rules. You don't have to spend thousands on print or electronic ads. All you have
to do is focus on the right kind of content and send it out to the right people at
the right time.

People are now realizing that they can get their message across using a digital
platform that has low costs involved. This makes it very easy for people to do it
is something that can be done from the comfort of your own home. There is no
need to spend hundreds of dollars on advertisements, when a single post can
get thousands of views in a short period of time. It is a great way to market your
business, so is digital marketing.

Module 9: Is Digital Marketing Good or bad?
Before we try to understand if the digital marketing career is good or not, we
need to learn what it actually means. So, in very simple words, digital marketing
is basically a marketing strategy that is carried out through digital media. Digital
marketing career still holds a lot of space and capacity for newcomers but is
crowded with highly competent people and organizations with heavy potential.

Digital Marketing has become very much part of Business. It has helped
companies to be visible and attain the targets that were difficult to be achieved
in earlier days. It has changed the way Business is conducted. The need for a
Marketing Consultant has become common these days as Companies do not
have the time to understand all the nuances of Marketing and choose the best
ones for their business needs. Nowadays, Marketing Consultancy can help to
conduct a proper Marketing Campaign and bring it to the optimum level.

Nowadays, there are many types of Marketing Strategies available and they are
usually grouped into two sections. One of them is Online Marketing which is
using the medium like the internet for advertising and the other one is offline
Marketing which is using the traditional way of marketing like advertising in
newspapers, magazines, etc. In order to understand what digital marketing is, it
is important to know what is the new medium that is being used by Companies
these days. Most of the Companies are aware of the fact that the World Wide
Web has revolutionized the way Marketing was done. Since the internet is a
global platform, a Company can reach out to the customers around the world

There are many ways in which a Company can market its products and services
through the internet. In fact, this medium is considered to be very effective and
saves a lot of money. The good thing about digital marketing is that there are
various ways to do digital marketing and only choose the one that best fits your
business requirements. Usually, Companies conduct an online marketing
Campaign once the company gets over the trial stage of their product or service.
Apart from the expensive cost of media commercials, there are some other
methods of digital marketing that can be very cost effective such as Email
Marketing, Pay per Click, etc.

If you want to earn more and improve your business, then this is the best
marketing channel that you can opt for. If you have a new product or service
that you wish to market, then the internet is the best place for you to promote
the products and services. However, there are also a few downsides to using this
strategy. For example, if you are using an outdated platform, chances are, your
website may not appear on the top page of the search engines which will mean a
loss of potential customers.

Module 10: Is Digital Marketing Easy?
Digital marketing, online marketing, internet advertising…whatever you call it,
marketing your company online is a big deal these days. It's no secret that for
many small and medium-sized businesses, digital marketing is the future. More
companies want to reach customers this way, and they're willing to pay good
money to get it. But is traditional advertising still effective, or are the ads just
getting too expensive? Unfortunately, the answer may be a bit complicated. Here
are some pointers to help you choose the best digital marketing course from a
reputable government institute.

The fact is that there's no one right answer. Just about any marketing campaign
could be classified as "digital." Whether it's using email, social media, text
message, or a combination of all of these tools, every marketing campaign
should be evaluated on its own merits. Traditional advertising tends to make use
of a single method, such as newspaper, TV, radio, or coupons. These methods
are all very effective when used in isolation, but what about when combining

The first thing to consider when considering digital marketing is how the various
approaches will be able to serve the needs of your business. Once you've
determined your goals, the best way to find the perfect marketing course is to
research what's already out there, both in the brick-and-mortar world and

The Internet is home to a number of helpful resources that can help you get the
answers to those questions before you invest your money in any specific digital
marketing class. Take Google's AdWords, for example. How is it able to provide
the best digital marketing course? Basically, through an increased amount of
traffic. The more traffic you have visited your website, the higher your
conversion rate. You'll get an idea of what you need to do and how to go about
making it happen.

It's also smart to take a look at AdWords' competition. This will give you an idea
of exactly how well your website is doing compared to the other websites in your
particular niche. By researching this information, you'll be able to determine
which advertising method to use to get the most customers - and ultimately, the
sales that you want to make.

Finally, don't forget to consider your budget and how you plan on paying for your
marketing classes. If you're not on a tight budget, don't hesitate to simply
advertise for free! This is the best way to find the right course and the perfect
marketing approach. While advertising might seem like a huge expense for your
business, it's really only a drop in the bucket once you compare it to what you
can save in the long run.

Module 11: Is a degree in digital marketing worth it?
The short answer to the above questions is Yes, digital marketing courses are
worth it. I’ve been a digital marketing professional for many years and during
my career, I’ve been involved deeply in digital marketing training. We have
reviewed several courses, talked with a lot of students, and eventually created
my own courses.

There are several advantages from following an online course, classroom

training, or even eBooks, and these are not limited to digital marketing courses
but are applicable to all types of structured learning. If you don’t know what
digital marketing is, enrolling in a course is a great place to start. There are
many courses aimed for beginners that will teach you the basics and help you
get a very good idea of how digital marketing works.

Although a certification alone does not make you a digital marketing specialist,
it’s good for your career. Employers like and encourage their employees to build
new skills and getting a digital marketing certification can open up new career
opportunities. When you are a beginner and have no experience, one of the
ways to prove to your future employer that you have the digital marketing skills
needed for the job, is to get a digital marketing certification.

Courses created by industry experts will help you not just learn the theory of
digital marketing but how to use it in practice. Through the course, you can learn
tips, tricks, and secrets that they only share with their students. After surveying
our students on what was their goal from taking our digital marketing course, a
large percentage replied that they wanted to build the skills to eventually start
their own digital marketing agency.

Digital marketing is a huge topic and usually something that cannot be covered
in a single course. It’s a common practice for an academy to offer a digital
marketing bundle, consisting of one or more courses. While this is a good option,
you should check that the different courses are related to each other. In cases of
big training providers like LinkedIn and Udemy, they group several courses
together to form a bundle but those courses are written by different instructors
and this makes learning difficult.

Digital marketing courses are worth it. Taking a course or multiple courses (in
the case of digital marketing) is a fast and effective way to build new skills or
enhance your knowledge about a topic.

From my experience, some companies tend to over-price their courses. A good

price for a digital marketing course is below $500. Anything above that range
does not add anything to your learning but you’re paying the extra money to
cover their expenses and increase their profit.

Module 12: Is digital marketing a technical skill?
When you’re learning what digital marketing is all about or searching for a
marketing job, it’s smart to hone your tech skills. The first question you should
ask yourself when thinking about a degree in digital marketing is, "Do I have
what it takes to be successful in this exciting and rapidly changing field?" The
answer may surprise you. Digital marketing is not just for the young and
experienced marketer but can also greatly benefit those with a bachelor's degree
or higher. A digital marketing degree is not just an advanced degree. It is truly
the foundation for launching a successful career in advertising and promotions.

Today, much more is at stake when it comes to spending our time and money on
advertisements. Every minute of every day millions of new ads are viewed
online, and more are being created every minute. This makes choosing the right
digital marketing company very important. You need to hire a digital marketing
agency that will give you the best chance at succeeding at advertising on the

If you are just starting out with your online career, it may seem that a digital
marketing internship may be a good idea, especially since these internships
allow you to learn the digital marketing business side of things from the experts
themselves. However, as you become more experienced you may wish to take a
longer vacation from work, or at least devote more time to your studies. The
time spent on the road doing digital marketing is not necessarily a waste of
time, since the real work of running a business is really done while you are
traveling. You may actually find that you enjoy it more than the traditional
workplace. For this reason, if you have the time to spend before you land a
full-time position, consider taking an internship prior to signing up for your
digital marketing course.

After your education is complete, you will likely find yourself working full-time in
either an internship setting or on your own. If you had the opportunity to return
to school, you might want to think about attending a university or community
college, since it generally costs less and requires far less study time than a
traditional campus setting. Since you will be spending so much time working,
make sure to spend some time on your own, too. This will help to keep your
mind sharp and give you a sense of accomplishment.

With a digital marketing degree, you can have a successful career in almost any
field you choose. The key is to be dedicated to your education. Many people who
attend classes online are often encouraged to set themselves up with an
individual mentor, which can help them take control over their career. Make sure
you find this person and work well with him or her. This could be your ticket to a
fantastic and fulfilling future!

Module 13: Is coding required for digital marketing?
Many people often ask themselves the question "Is coding required for digital
marketing?" The reason why this is asked is that many websites have not been
created or designed as they would normally be. With the help of a professional
graphic designer, it will be possible to create an appealing website for your
business. The problem comes in when you realize that the website is static and
there is no interaction.

The first step is to create a blog with a shopping cart option on it. This is the first
step to digital marketing. It is best to have a separate domain name for your
blog and website. The site will need to have all of the necessary code to connect
with the shopping cart. Once the blog and website are online, it is best to go
back and add some graphics and videos.

If you already have a website that you are promoting and you want to make it
more attractive, then you should add a few banners. These banners should be
placed strategically around the page. They will capture the attention of a visitor.
If you want to add a video, then there is a specific code within your template
that you will need to insert. Once you have inserted the code, it is best to read
over the guidelines before starting the video so that you do not get caught off

A website also needs to contain content that is specific to what you are
promoting. This content should relate to the business that you are trying to
build. Create articles that are keyword rich and place them in article directories.
There is a specific template that these directories have set up for them. Search
engines will generally rank these articles higher and can send people to your

When you design a website, be sure to include the use of coding whenever you
can. Do not think that you can just throw up some graphics. If you can, try to
find an image editor that has a coding option. This way you can include the code
on the image that you are designing without having to rewrite the code in
another place. Every single bit of the coding should be included on the website.

In the past, the best that someone could do to ensure that they had the best
chance at succeeding when they were creating a website was to hire a
professional. There are plenty of places where someone can learn coding
techniques, but many of them do not offer it as part of their training. It is best to
take every step possible towards making sure that the website is as good as
possible. If you are thinking about adding coding to make your digital marketing
efforts more effective, try to find someone with knowledge in the field. Your
chances of success are much higher if you have the best person possible
handling the coding for you.

Module 14: What skills do digital marketers need?
The digital industry is vast, and it can be difficult to navigate for newcomers or
those looking to find their niche. So, how do you set yourself apart from the
competition and fast-track your way up the corporate ladder? A digital marketer
needs to be good at social media. It is an essential part of his or her job. Social
media marketing involves the use of social networking websites such as
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. There are a number of social media platforms
that a digital marketer can choose to optimize his or her efforts in terms of
online visibility. Being adept with this particular skill will give the digital marketer
with an advantage over other online marketers because it helps a digital
marketer get more people to his or her website.-
Networking - This is probably the most important skill that a digital marketer
should have. A network is someone who is willing to extend and promote to
other online marketers, which hopefully results in the creation of business
contacts. Digital marketing online is all about creating contacts and networking
with them to be able to expand one's business. Thus, if a person is not willing to
extend to other digital marketers, he or she will not succeed.

Search Engine Optimization - SEO is very important in the world of online

marketing. SEO is the process of improving or enhancing the ranking of a
website in the search engine result pages (SERPs). If one's site is not present in
the first page of the SERPs, there are chances that the website could end up on
the third or fourth page. Thus, the content and the design of the site have to be
of top quality. This will help attract more visitors and prospective customers to
the site.

Google Places - People these days to search for local businesses on Google. A
digital marketer can use this particular venue to be able to market online. All a
marketer has to do is create a profile in the website and offer services related to
that place. There is a wide range of categories in which a person can offer his or
her expertise and choose from among those to post his or her profile.

Link Building - Online businesses usually do not rely on traditional methods of

attracting traffic. Instead, they resort to online media and social networking sites
like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Social media is very effective when it comes
to creating buzz and getting the attention of people. Thus, it is used to promote
and spread news online.

These are just some of the questions that are posed by people who would like to
become successful in the field of online marketing. Being a good digital marketer
does not only call for the knowledge of technical know-how. It also requires
creativity, motivation, perseverance, and the willingness to learn new skills along
the way.

Module 15: Which field is best in digital marketing?
As computers, smartphones, and other Internet-capable devices become
increasingly popular, so do the number of jobs requiring digital marketing skills.
A focus on digital elements is now at the center of many companies’ marketing
strategies. Check out these top digital marketing jobs.

Digital Marketing Manager: Digital project managers play a critical role in

overseeing and implementing digital campaigns. They’re responsible for laying
out a project, creating a timeline, setting milestones, and managing budgets,
among other tasks. Digital project managers need to have excellent
organization, communication, and collaborative skills. The average digital
marketing manager salary in the United States starts at $85,450.

Content Strategist: Content strategists are responsible for developing content

tailored to a company’s objectives and target audience. They must be able to
use analytic tools to find out which topics engage the audience and drive traffic
to view the company’s digital media. Content strategists have strong writing
skills and a grasp of search engine optimization (SEO).

Virtual Reality Developer: Virtual reality (VR) products are still in their infancy
but are becoming increasingly popular. Thus, many companies incorporate VR
into their digital marketing campaigns. This is a high-tech job that attracts
people who have strong backgrounds in technology and creative arts.

SEO and SEM Specialist: In order to get maximum traffic to their websites,
businesses need to rank highly on search engine results pages. Though search
engine algorithms are always changing, SEO and SEM specialists know how to
create content that ensures a company’s website gets seen by the target
audience. These roles can also lend themselves to freelance marketing positions
and are good for people who enjoy working remotely.

User Experience Designer: User experience (UX) designers not only have
backgrounds in technology and design but also have a firm grasp on human
behavior. They develop websites, products, and apps in a way that encourages
consumers to follow through with purchases. They operate with the entire
experience in mind, with the end goal of improving sales, customer retention
rates, and lead generation.

Data Analysts: With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of
Things (IoT), there’s an enormous amount of collected data and information to
categorize and analyze. Data analysts create systems to organize and examine
this data so that companies can interpret it and apply it to their digital marketing

Email Marketing Specialist: Email marketing specialists are responsible for
creating and launching email campaigns in addition to maintaining databases
with customer information and various lists. Email marketing specialists have
strong writing and editing skills, particularly in persuasive writing. Email
marketing is a digital marketing strategy based on sending emails and
developing relationships with prospects and customers. An effective email
marketing strategy converts prospects into customers, and turns first time
buyers into recurring customers.

Internet of Things Marketing Specialist: People use tablets, smartphones,

smartwatches, and other devices for various web-based activities. IoT marketing
specialists use the data collected from these devices to create campaigns that
work for people who use the devices.

Bot Developer: The use of virtual assistants and AI is a popular form of

customer service. Bot developers and AI specialists know how to create and
program these chatbots to enhance the user experience and encourage
customers to complete a sale. Many major marketing companies are starting to
use bots to support their businesses.

Social Media Marketer: Social media managers help companies communicate

with their customers across various social media platforms. They use analytics to
understand how customers interact with brands. Social media marketing
managers also create content campaigns that attract and engage new and
existing customers.

Module 16: Can you get a job after a digital marketing
You probably think that if you have spent money on a digital marketing course
that you cannot get a job. That is a common myth. Even though a digital
marketing course will teach you certain skills which you will need to be
employable in the internet world, there are still many jobs available. The key to
getting a job after a digital marketing course is to create a portfolio of work that
shows the potential company that you are serious about pursuing a career. A
portfolio should also show off your creativity and how much skill you possess. It
should show that you can be successful in this type of career if given the

The first thing you want to do is to start networking with other people who have
the same goals as you. You can do this by joining groups on social media sites
such as Facebook or LinkedIn. These will give you the chance to network with
people who are in the same field as you and who may be able to help you land
your first digital marketing job. Be sure to fill out your profile honestly so that
the people you know in real life can contact you if they are interested in working
with you. You can even post your resume online so that anyone who is
interested can see it.

If you want to have a better chance of landing your first digital marketing job,
you should join a freelance website. There are many freelance websites online
which can be very beneficial to those who are looking for work. Some of them
will pay you per project, while others will pay you on a regular basis. Either way,
this will benefit those who are interested in digital marketing courses and will
allow them to build a client list.

If you have already joined a freelance site, then you may want to create a blog
about your favorite subject. You can use these blogs to advertise your services.
If you have already put up a blog, then you can monetize it using Google
AdSense. This is a free service, but if you sign up for the service through a
digital marketing course, you can benefit from the higher ad rates. This will bring
in more money for you so that you can afford to pay for the services of a good
digital marketing course.

It is important to note that if you do not use the services of a good mentor, you
can waste a lot of time and money. Sometimes you have to pay for a one-on-one
mentoring, but you can also take advantage of free video tutorials that will help
you learn digital marketing more quickly. It is a personal choice whether or not
you go with a digital marketing course. However, there are more benefits to be
gained than drawbacks, so if you think that you need some help with your
career, then make sure that you find a good course to work with.

Module 17: Can a digital marketer work from home?
Digital marketing jobs are hot right now, and this trend isn’t expected to go
away anytime soon. Part of the reason for this is that companies of all shapes
and sizes are looking for people with various digital marketing skills. Digital
marketing skills are so in-demand right now that many people in the industry
claim there's a skills gap - in other words, there are a lot of jobs available, but
not enough readily-skilled people to fill them.

Well, without wasting your time, let us tell you that - YES – digital marketing is a
location-independent field that allows anyone to work or learn the subject from
any location regardless of the location of your clients or training providers. In
fact, if you go through the requirements of most of the online job or freelancing
job portals, such as, Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, UpWork, etc. you will
find many digital marketing jobs flooding the sites.

From freelancing to agencies to in-house professionals, companies will always be

looking for people who are specialized in digital marketing, from content creation
to email marketing to analytics. And when you do pursue a digital marketing
career, you’ll probably work with many departments and even industries, if you
work for an agency.

Digital marketing is one such field with immense career opportunities that too
with the best positions and lucrative incomes. You must have seen many such
avid travellers, constantly bragging about their jobs and the traveling
opportunities they get. Well, they are mostly blogging or YouTubing about their
travels, experience to be shared with many people, etc. Now, blogging,
YouTubing, is nothing but a form of or a career option that you can select with
digital marketing as your forte.

You can also choose to be an entrepreneur in this field by opening your own
digital marketing company or agency that is established just to help businesses
or individuals with your expert digital marketing solutions. Now, with the
increasing demands from businesses you can certainly pursue jobs in this field,
which can also be done from home, such as SEO experts, SMM experts, content
marketing experts, etc. which are available as freelancing jobs on the various
popular online job portals.

Thus, with so many work from home opportunities apart from simple jobs in this
field, digital marketing has truly become one of the most sought-after job
profiles and career options in the entire world these days. With that being said,
you would thus find many aspirants also trying their best to achieve the best of
the expertise from the best industry experts themselves in this field. And thus,
many training providers, course providers have started investing in this field and
coming up with the best possible quality courses to help these needy aspirants.

Module 18: Can you go abroad after digital marketing?
There is a good scope of Digital Marketing in India and Abroad. If you are like
us, then the words' digital marketing course may have thrown you in the mix.
You may have heard of them but not really familiar with either term. It is the
type of marketing you see in a lot of other countries. However, we’re sure that
you will want to know if you can take a digital marketing course and work while
you are learning it. There are many advantages to doing this and We’re going to
explain them to you.

First off, taking a digital marketing course while you are still at school actually
lets you learn while you are being busy. You have more time to do all the other
stuff around the house and school. We know that we didn't have much time
when we were in high school, so we had to take care of all of the homework and
study. So, if you are still in school, then by all means, take a digital marketing

Second off, if you take a digital marketing course while you are still in high
school, you will save a lot of money. The prices for education are all dropping
today, so there is no reason to think that you have to pay a lot of money to get
educated in digital marketing. This is especially true if you take a digital
marketing course while in high school. Since colleges are lowering their prices,
you will be able to afford a college education.

We’re sure that you don't want to spend years of your life studying something
you don't really understand. This is where a digital marketing course comes in.
There are many different types of programs available and they allow you to learn
at your own pace.

Third off, it allows you to build credibility with the people in the market. In this
day and age, it is very easy to make friends online. You can do this through
forums, blog comments, and more. By building up a relationship with them, you
can easily sell to them down the road. This builds up your customer base and
gives you more customers than you could possibly deal with at any one time.

If you want to take a digital marketing course, the answer to that question is
yes. This will allow you to go on to achieve incredible success in the internet
marketing world. You will be able to travel the globe while learning the skills you
need to succeed. Now, you may ask yourself, how long do you have to plan your
vacation before you take one?

At last, we would attract your attention to the scope of digital marketing at the
present time. But don’t forget that in the coming day’s career in digital
marketing will be good.

Module 19: What is the salary of a digital marketer?
The digital marketing industry is searing hot with opportunities right now as
every company and individual seeks to leave a digital impact on the humongous
world-wide web. Online spaces have become effective branding, advertising, and
marketing platforms, and simultaneously, the need for ninjas who can navigate
this space is also on the rise.

It depends on many factors such as the company you are working for, how much
experience you have and other such things. But one thing is true, the starting
salary for a digital marketer is lower compared to others. But this doesn't mean
that it's impossible to make a decent amount of income from home.

In fact, anyone who has enough drive and determination can become successful
in the digital marketing world. There are many online courses that will help you
learn the ins and outs of digital marketing. You'll learn about how to create your
own websites, how to use keywords in the right way to promote your business
and how to write press releases, articles, and blog posts in order to attract
readers. You'll be trained how to make use of social media tools like Facebook
and Twitter. All this will come at a price, of course.

You may ask: "What is the salary of a digital marketer?" And We’ll say: "If you
are good, you will make a lot more than a mediocre one. And it won't be easy
either." A digital marketer with a mediocre skill will only make enough money to
live off of, maybe cut in half or even worse, get laid off from his/her job.
However, a digital marketer with great skills will be able to quit his/her job and
start working full time in order to make more money. If you are interested in
making digital marketing your full-time career, here are the things you need to

Starting out in the digital marketing field, you need to have a strong work ethic.
A marketer can only be as good as the work he/she puts in. Marketers should
understand that to be successful, they should be willing to take calculated risks,
learn new things constantly, and never stop learning. A digital marketer should
be willing to educate himself and do whatever is required of him/her no matter
the cost. Marketers should always think on their feet and should always push
themselves when it comes to learning new things.

In order to truly figure out what the salary of a digital marketer is, you need to
consider factors other than just the job description. Aside from skills, consider
the industry that you are in and the type of clientele that you cater to. These are
important questions to ask yourself when you are thinking about a career in
digital marketing. We hope you've learned a lot. It's not easy, but in the end, if
you do your job well, it can be very profitable.

Module 20: How can you be successful in digital marketing?
In the modern world, our lives are much more intertwined with the digital world
than they were even ten years ago. In fact, over half – 53% – of the world’s
population can currently access the internet from various mobile devices, with
42% of people having access to the internet.

So, you want to start working with digital marketing experts, huh? Don't let that
scare you. In fact, it's actually a pretty smart move. As I'm sure you're well
aware, the competition is fierce these days, and any sort of help could prove to
be very helpful indeed. Let us explain.

Many digital marketing experts will tell you that in order to get ahead, you need
to have an army of affiliates - people who promote your site for you by driving
traffic to it. In turn, you pay them a commission per sales transaction that
happens via their effort. While this is true, it's not the only factor in getting
ahead. In fact, you can do without the affiliates if you so choose. And we're not
just talking about giving up the benefits of digital marketing for a few dollars.

There are many digital marketing experts out there who charge nothing for their
services. They provide value to those who seek their expertise. This doesn't
mean they're cheap. It simply means that they know what they're talking about.
And most importantly, they're free to use.

Speaking of free, another thing you can look for in digital marketing experts is
those who don't charge you anything to join their program. If you truly believe in
the power of the internet, then you don't need to be concerned about spending
money. However, you should still take care to research the company and the
product inside it before making any final decisions. Many times, companies will
try to sell you on their program, but when you realize that what they're offering
is not what you really need, you'll have wasted your time and money.

Lastly, don't discount free as an option when searching for answers to your
digital marketing questions. Some digital marketing experts offer free courses or
free advice. This doesn't always mean you won't have to pay for other services
or products. In fact, you can find out everything you need to know by getting all
of their advice in the course. This way, you can see if you'll benefit from their
services before actually paying for them.

There are a number of things you can do to succeed with digital marketing. But
the key to finding your perfect strategy is to first learn more about it. You can
read articles about digital marketing, talk to digital marketing experts, and check
out free courses. If you follow these simple tips, you'll be off to a great start!

Module 21: How do you become a digital entrepreneur?
Not everyone is destined to become the next Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or
Elon Musk, but applying an entrepreneurial mindset to your work can work
wonders even if you work in a large company or are a freelancer with a steady
client base. You might already have a set of strong digital skills but polishing
them and adding a few more can take you to the next level. The term "digital"
means, "existing online," but the idea goes much further than that. In fact, the
definition of an entrepreneur is much broader than simply someone who creates
products or services in order to make a profit. The term also includes someone
who leverages technologies to create new digital opportunities.

Technological change has occurred so quickly and dramatically that it has

created many opportunities for those who are skilled in using technology and
networks to reach millions of consumers, many of which are not yet
technologically savvy. The key is gaining access to the internet as often as
possible, by any means necessary. A digital marketer leverages existing
networks, such as social media, mobile devices, and the web, to promote
products and services. Because this requires access to high-speed internet and
other digital infrastructure, this position requires knowledge of multiple
technologies and a comprehensive understanding of how each technology can be
used to its fullest extent.

As one of only a few people with the skills and the training to help others
succeed in the digital world, a digital marketer can help companies both large
and small launch new web sites, develop advertising campaigns, and get their
names and businesses out in front of the millions of people who regularly use
the internet. A successful digital marketer is a true "techie" whose work revolves
around creating innovative ways to leverage technology to increase business
revenues and improve a company's bottom line. In order to be a successful
digital marketer, it is important to think like an internet user when attempting to
solve a problem. That way, you will be able to think logically about the problem
and explore all possible solutions. This mental acuity will give you an edge over
other internet users and the professionals who have been hired to do internet

Finally, you should consider becoming a digital marketer because you have the
ability to reach a large cross section of the world, which is typically more
expensive than marketing to a local audience. The world is simply a much
smaller place. If you can successfully tap into the world of the internet, then you
have the potential to increase sales and income. Many entrepreneurs start out
focusing on one area of the internet, like advertising, and then expand later.
Becoming a digital marketer can be one of the most lucrative ways for you to
start a home-based business and it is definitely worth the time and investment.

Module 22: How do digital marketers make money?
Digital marketing is the leading edge of doing business, and it can be a great
way to make money from home. While there are a lot of options to make money
online, digital marketing is one of the best. In this module, you'll figure out how
to bring in cash from advanced promoting in 14 different ways regardless of
whether you haven't had insight in the business previously.

Affiliate marketing is probably one of the best places for people to get started
making money from digital marketing. Typically, you can get started in affiliate
marketing with a minimal investment simply for marketing tools to run your
affiliate marketing business more efficiently. Most affiliate programs are free or
have a small investment depending on what you are promoting to get started.
One recommendation though is that if you are going to participate in affiliate
marketing, it is helpful to use the products or services yourself before trying to
promote it.

Creating your own digital marketing course or digital product is turning

your knowledge into a product you can sell and build an income online. This is a
great way to make money from home because you can spend time making a
digital product once and continue to sell it forever. It really doesn’t matter what
industry you are familiar with; you have knowledge that people would pay for.
The key is to take your expertise and format it into a digital course that can help

Content marketing is really the foundation of attraction marketing, which in

many cases is the best form of selling through digital marketing. Instead of
talking about how great your products and services are or the features of your
business, you lead with value and content first. There are many methods of
content marketing, such as video marketing, blogging, podcasting, and more.
Every company should be doing this to market their brand, but often they don’t
know how, or they don’t have the time to do it.

YouTube marketing is so powerful because it can work passively to earn

money 24/7. The time you spend on creating content on YouTube can eventually
be monetized and the work you do once can continue to pay you forever. Now
understand that you don’t need to “go viral” to make money on YouTube. In fact,
that is really the exception, not the rule. Very few people ever go viral on
YouTube, but if you stay consistent, and build an audience, you can make

The reality is that SEO is a process that works when you work it. Certainly,
aspects of SEO are always changing and you want to stay abreast of the latest
trends, but the foundation of SEO doesn’t seem to change much.

When you focus on creating quality content that is focused on what a business’s
ideal customers are looking for, SEO can work to bring in targeted traffic, leads,
and sales. Providing SEO services to businesses and using it yourself to promote
products you sell is one of the best long-term strategies to make money with
digital marketing.

You might have other services you provide or offer as a business, but you could
outsource the website design aspects to an expert and then just charge your
clients a bit more to earn a small profit on the services. Another option you could
make money with digital marketing is to design sales funnels for people. With a
sales funnel system, you could build out simple website funnels that look
professional without needing to know how to code or any advanced website

You can use social media marketing to grow your own business and to
promote affiliate products, or you can provide social media marketing as a
service to other businesses. If you are using it to promote your business or
another, your content should follow the 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of your
content is value-based that serves your audience and only 20% is selling.

Unfortunately, most business owners struggle to get leads and don’t know the
first thing about lead generation. The basis for generating leads for a business
is to develop a lead magnet. This is something of value that an ideal customer
will want and you exchange it for their name, email, and phone number.

Email marketing should really be included in any method of making money

with digital marketing, but it can be a stand-alone method as well. An email
marketing strategy is very powerful because it gives you massive leverage in
building a business. This is really the process of effective email marketing. The
beauty of email marketing as a method to make money from digital marketing is
that it can work for you 24/7 once you set it up.

Another great option is to provide group coaching. This gives you the ability to
only spend an hour or two a month while coaching multiple people at the same
time. Even if you charged something small like $100 a month for group coaching
and had 10 clients, that’s an extra $1000 a month while working only a few
hours a month!

The reason why done-for-you marketing services like a digital marketing

agency are so profitable is that when people try and do digital marketing
without knowing what they are doing, it can waste a lot of time and money.
Combine that with online marketing having a learning curve most people don’t
want to go through, you can grow a very sizable income providing digital
marketing services.

Module 23: Which country is best for digital marketing jobs?
Around the world, the ways we access information, communicate with one
another and carry out day-to-day tasks such as banking are increasingly taking
place solely online. With over half of the world’s population using the internet,
it’s no wonder that the demand for highly skilled digital marketers is growing.

However, not all internet usage is shared equally around the globe. For an
example, according to Internet World Stats, 95% of North Americans access the
internet regularly while only 35% of Africans use the internet.

For digital marketers and marketing graduates, this rate of internet usage can
significantly impact where their skills are needed most around the globe. In a
career that thrives on connections, it’s vital that digital marketers focus their
efforts on the right population and the right service or product.

Although the skills gap and the demand for digital marketers compared to the
number of specialists available for the jobs is equal around the world, the
average salaries of digital marketing specialists vary between countries.

(In 2021).

The Australia, Netherlands, USA, Canada and UK are the Top five countries in
terms of salary offered to Digital Marketing experts and SEO skills, Therefore You
can choose among these three countries, there will be Much better opportunities
compared to other countries, So You can consider this country.

Module 24: How do you get clients for digital marketing?
You already have a process that works for your other clients. Starting today, take
the time out of your schedule to do the same for your own business. Go through
every step as you would with your other clients. Develop your brand guide,
collect data, create a data-driven marketing plan, and follow through with each
step. Don’t forget to use all the advice and strategies you give to your clients,
too. Use storytelling practices to build a trusting bond with your audience.

Digital marketing is the first thing that comes to most people’s minds in our
technological era. You can’t ignore the digital world, but sometimes you need to
step out into the “real world” too. Start building a presence at local events where
you’ll find business owners and other decision-makers. That should include
networking events, business expos, trade shows, you name it. The goal is to
make yourself a known part of the local business community. Get to know your
fellow business owners and potential clients. As you build your rolodex, start
referring people to the businesses you know when the opportunity arises.

Your website is far from the only place to build your web presence. One of the
most overlooked strategies is to get onto as many online directories as you can.
It’s the easiest way to reach companies looking for digital marketing. There are a
few routes to take. Of course, you want to be on the general, widespread
directories like Google and Yelp to start. Next, focus on industry-specific online
directories like marketing agency directories. You can tell prospective clients all
day about how great you are at your job, but they won’t know until they see it

Your online portfolio needs to have a few key qualities. First, it needs to show
variety. Clients want to know if you can capture their voice, so by displaying a
broad range of brands you’ve already mastered, you’ll show your ability to take
on any voice necessary. Second, you want your portfolio to reflect the work you
want to pull in. If you want more clients in the healthcare industry, for example,
prioritize your work for past healthcare clients on your portfolio. Social media is
a cornerstone of so many digital marketing strategies, but most brands fall short
on the “social” aspect. They spend plenty of time posting their own content, but
little time-sharing, commenting, and otherwise engaging online. Local
businesses are always on the hunt for ways to improve their companies and
build their revenues.

As a marketing agency, it can be difficult to find the right balance between

working on your clients’ businesses and your own. Too many agencies put
themselves on the back burner. Then one day they lose a critical client and have
little hope of pulling in a new one because they haven’t marketed themselves in
months. The key is a varied marketing strategy that combines your staple of
digital marketing with old-fashioned methods as well.

Module 25: How do digital marketing agencies make money?
Have you ever wondered how marketing agencies get paid? Do all agencies
charge their client the same way? If you’ve been in or around the advertising
business for a while, you have probably heard stories of major clients bringing
their advertising agencies to task for not being very transparent about their
pricing. Advertising agencies in the 1990s got a bad reputation for “padding the
hours” or otherwise not being very accountable with their clients’ marketing
dollars. A similar issue has been brought up in more recent years with Internet
marketing agencies, especially SEO agencies. Generally speaking, there tends to
be confusion about how marketing agencies charge their clients.

If you’ve worked with marketing agencies in the past, you’ve probably

encountered several different pricing models. It’s important to understand the
various ways agencies charge in order to make an educated comparison between
them. It’s also important to understand the true costs involved with the different
pricing models. Each model has its pros and cons and they can make a
significant difference in the performance of the agency.

Charging by the hour is the original method advertising agencies used with their
clients. The agency charges a fixed hourly price and keeps track of the amount
of work-hours required to complete the project. The profit is built into the hourly
rate, and the client is usually charged after the work has been completed.
Another variation may be that the agency quotes a certain number hours and
the client pays them in advance with overages invoiced after the project is

Another traditional method of charging clients involves the agencies receiving a

fixed percentage of the money the client spends on media as a fee. This is called
the “Agency Discount” which averages 15% of the media budget and is
essentially a commission. Fixed-pricing, or project-based pricing, refers to a
pricing model where the agency charges the client a fixed price for a specific
advertising campaign. By charging a fixed price, the agency estimates the
amount of time, effort and other costs necessary to accomplish the campaign.
They factor in a profit margin and then sets the price.

All of the above pricing models are traditional cost-based pricing models which
involve calculating the costs of the project and adding margins to calculate the
price you charge. A value-based is different in that it calculates the value of the
campaign based on benefits that a client receives in terms of its own
profitability. These benefits can be numerically tangible and/or intangible in
nature. A hybrid method uses two or more of the previous methods in
conjunction. Since many of the aforementioned payment methods are more
advantageous to either the client or the agency, using a hybrid model can allow
for a balanced agreement.

Module 26: What is the initial cost to start a digital marketing
It's not always MONEY which is needed to start something Big and Great. You
just need to look after yourself and realize that you can do it. You don’t need
money to start your agency if you are skilled with all the modules present in the
Digital marketing Sector or the Module you have decided to serve in.

We have been a part of quite a few ventures in the past and starting a digital
agency was no different. Whenever we have to start a business or help someone
start one, we look at the expenses and plan it for the next six months initially in
the form of a simple plan.

In our agency, we are starting with SEO and Social Media Marketing. We are not
offering PPC, etc. as a service initially. Since we know our SMM, we have hired a
few juniors to help us. For SEO, we have hired a Team Lead. We won’t go to
financial details of how much it costs us to hire these guys. You can quickly look
at any of the job portals to get an idea of the salary range.

1. How much space do you need to run your company? We’re assuming you will
take the area on rent. Please do not start a company from home. There is a
difference between Freelancing and running a company. Running a company
requires a proper space; Freelancing does not.

2. What kind of internet connection do you require? You will need a good
internet connection as your business is internet dependent and laptops/pc for
your staff.

3. How much are you willing to spend on digital marketing tools? You will need
access to a few useful Digital marketing tools like MOZ, SpyFu, WordAI, Canva,
SEMRush to run a proper agency.

4. Rest is your typical day to day expenses for running a company. We think you
can easily make a rough estimate from the points we mentioned above to build a
simple financial plan. If you need more help, do not feel shy away from dropping
us a message on LinkedIn. We will share a simple business plan with you to help
you plan your financials.

This initial cost to begin a digital marketing agency is a hefty one but if you are
committed to making it work you will find it can be made up over time. The key
is finding the right team to work with and learning how to maximize the potential
of your efforts. Most agencies out there are willing to help you set up a website
and train you in the various methods of digital marketing.

Module 27: How do you start a digital marketing agency with
no experience?
If you are wondering how to start a digital marketing agency with no experience
is difficult but not impossible, fear not - starting any sort of business is not
always that simple. However, there are steps that you can take to ease the
process of learning the ropes and getting your first client under your belt. It’s
not easy but there is nothing stopping you from making it a reality and entering
the exciting world of digital marketing as a service provider. In this topic, we will
discuss 3 steps you can take to get your business off the ground, even if you
have absolutely no prior experience with digital marketing.

The first thing that you need to do is find a niche. For you, this may be a
particular niche within the realm of digital marketing. For example, if you were
interested in starting a health food store, you would want to research what types
of foods are in demand right now. Then you would research the demographics of
those who are most likely to purchase those foods. After you have determined
which products are in demand, you could start to build your team. You might
need to do some hiring, but it will be worth it once you start seeing the positive
returns on your efforts.

Next, you will need to set up a company Website. Your website should make it
clear that you are a professional digital marketing agency, that you have a
mailing list, and that you are willing to work for the companies that you identify
as having a need for your services. You will also want to prominently display
your rates for your services. Customers appreciate transparency in their
businesses, so anything that makes them feel like they are getting a good deal is
going to be a positive step forward.

Once you have the Website up and running, you can start thinking about which
customers you wish to target. Your best bet is to start out with a local focus, but
you never know until you try! Focus on finding the customers who live in your
service area, and be sure to send them an email or call them on the phone as
soon as you can. Once you have their attention, you can turn to other parts of
the digital marketing agency puzzle.

In order to get new clients, you will need to be doing some follow up. This is
where a lot of agencies fall short, and it's where most digital marketing agencies
are lacking. If you think about how you are going to market yourself, you will
realize that you don't need to be the nicest person in the world. If you say you're
down to earth, approach people you know well and offer them something they
may be interested in- like a discount or a special deal. If you can set up a
relationship with someone in a local business community, you may find that you
have enough of a relationship to continue building from there.

Module 28: What are the disadvantages of digital marketing?
Before you start working on the digital marketing area, you should know about
its limitations also. Otherwise, you may regret afterward. So, before you work on
digital marketing, you should be well aware of its limitations also. First of all,
digital marketing involves using the Internet. The good news is that because of
this, your target market is very likely to be global. But this also means that you
cannot target your marketing efforts to a specific geography because there are
no proper directories for the distribution of files. Furthermore, even if such
distribution services do exist, you cannot expect them to cater to all types of
needs of your target market.

Why do we say that there are no directories for digital marketing? Because
directories only list website addresses. That's it. The truth is that there are many
more advantages than disadvantages of digital marketing. So, here are the top
three advantages of digital marketing.

First of all, you do not have to pay any fees for using digital marketing. Usually,
when you think about paid advertising, you think of paying fees to a third party
who is going to manage your ads or to a company that will create the content
that is going to advertise your products or service. However, you can do both
yourself and save a lot of money. You do not have to pay anything to anyone.
And of course, you save money because you do not need to pay for marketing.

Another advantage is that you can easily reach millions of people globally in a
very short amount of time. As a matter of fact, there are some online marketers
who reach millions of subscribers within a month or two. There is no need to
build a big database. You do not need to wait for months just to launch your
advertising campaign. All you need is a website or an online platform, and you
can be able to reach thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of people
almost instantly.

Finally, one of the disadvantages of digital marketing is that you need to work
with a team. If you are not computer savvy, then you will find it difficult to
manage your own campaigns and manage your promotions. Of course, if you do
not want to work with a team, then you might not be able to earn big with digital
marketing. It takes more than just having a great idea.

However, there are many advantages, as well as disadvantages, of digital

marketing. You need to consider carefully what you want to get out of it, before
you start using it. But if you are willing to invest your time and effort, then you
might just end up reaching your goals faster. Just make sure that you know
exactly what you are doing before you get into it. There is no doubt that digital
marketing can help you sell more, but it also has some disadvantages, too.


Th En  

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Learn Digital Marketing Strategy 
by Top Digital Marketers 


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