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studios atair

Business Plan
Dated: 17/03/21

 Executive Summary- pending
 Mission statement
 Vision
 Objective(s)
 Service(s)
 Company
 Team
 Strategies
 Financial plan- pending
 Implementation- pending

Executive Summary to be done

Mission Statement
Towards an egalitarian design
Although the machine age has contributed to the efficiency of the design market but it has also distanced
the manual engagement with the design process. And as a result, the market has gravitated in producing
designs of a monotonous appeal. Where contextual irrelevance is factor a, the strangling corporate chains
are factor b. Issues of social discrimination, environmental sustainability or economic feasibility are
seldomly questioned. The current Pakistani market dwells on a trendy capsule of foreign aesthetics;
bearing irrelevance to the geographic or the cultural radar. The question of design as a democratic right is
stranded on the threshold.
Our aim tends to project design as an inclusive and interdisciplinary realm. For if it isn’t for the public,
how does it strive to sustain communities. The belief that micro incentives uphold the essence of bearing
major changes has to be implemented. Whether it be through any form of visual vocabulary, it has to bear
a cause for people at large.
Indicators of urban- rural deterioration and economic disparity is evident enough to validate the need for a
humanitarian approach. Ignorance has led us to current circumstances, and drags down further if there be
no alternative.
- Integrating inclusivity for the betterment of Society
- Adopting an inter-disciplinary tangent to exercise the realm of design
- Questioning the current paradigm of social-economic discourse
Architecture Studio- Design, Interiors, Landscaping, Storyboarding, Installation
Art & Design Studio- Drawing, Sculpture, Furniture, Photography, Film, Clothing, Textiles, Print-
Creators-Architect, Fine-artist, Sculptor, Wood/ Metal worker, Photographer, Animator, Designer,
Administrator- Manager, Financer

- Strengths (Multi-disciplinary, diverse projects, wider economic bracket, target audience)
- Weaknesses (company size, employment margin)
- Opportunities (Multi-tasking, expos, biennales, design processes)
- Threats (clientele)
- market research (competitive market groups, software implementation)
- Recognition through competition projects (Globally)

Financial plan: to be done

Implementation: to be done

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