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English version by HLT. Chorley Revised by Theodore Baker Recit. Scéne et Air des Bijoux Jewel Song Aria di Margherita from the opera “Faust” Charles Gounod @ piacere J b Voice Giz 5 75 2S SSh e sas I ¥ Les grands seigneurs ont No-bles a -lone can seuls des airs si ré-so-lus, bear themwith so bold a mien, gran si- gno - ri sol han quell’ al - te-roandar, Rilparlar_ — lu- sin- A-vec cet-te dou- So ten-derstooswith- == Piano Moderato ceur! al! ghier! 4oase == — Andante nly pen-sons plus! dn indie dreamt non ci pen-siam! Copyright, 1944, by G. Schirmer, Ine. Copyright, 1902, by G. Schirmer, Inc. Copyright renewal assigned, 1930, to @. Schirmer, Inc. Printed in the U. 8. A, Cher — Va-len- Dear Val-en- Buon —_Va-len- Andantino = tin! siDieu m’é-cou-te, Je te re-ver - tine! May heav-en bless thee, bringtheehomea - tin! ‘seileiel m’a-scol- ta, an-eor___ ti. ve - Me voi-la tou-te I amléft here so _Masonqui 0 -1a, (noticing the flowers) __ Rect. Un bou-quet... Cest de Sie- lone - ly! A bou-guet— T know it so = dal Que-sti fior— Son di wae — Pau-vre gar-con! poor faithful boy! gen-til! bel,sans dou - te! ts from Sie ~ bel, Sie - bel al certo! Com” & (Tempo della canzone) SSS SSS SS eS ue vois- je 1a? Diot ce ri che cof-fret peut-il ve-nir? rut what is this? Who has left such a love-ly cas-het here? Che veg- go 1a? On-de quel rie -co seri-gno pud ve-nir? — = 4 d. PP alef, key, 1a Je crois! L think! mi par! Je nose 7, touch er, et pour-tant Voi-ci la I hard-ly dare touch it, Tho’ may -be— and here’s the Non To - so toe - car, Ma chi sa! la chia-ve& Je You - vrais! T should try. deg-gioa - prix? Pour - But per - ma main trem -ble! My hand trem-bles! la man tre - ma! qj % ts a: a S32 ee ca aa 7 Pe 7 ia quoi? Jé ne fais, en Youvrant,rien de mal, je sup-po-se! O Dieu! why? To un-lock it, I think,can-not harm an- ody! O heav'ns/ che? ‘A-pren-do-lo non fo" al-cun ma-le, mi pa-re! z 0 ciel! ié = — a st ¥ = poy orese. tf ; — Be = = t + rs otk zs. 3S SS SS Ss == SS SS SS que de bi-joux! est-ce un ré - ve char-mant Qui mé - blou- it, ou si je How man-y gems! Is't a dream of de -light that charmsmy sight, or am I quan-ti gio-jel! Eunso-gnoin-can-ta - tor e men - ti- tor. Op- pur son — — 7 2 e fe 4 <= = i 3 SSS” ae - = = 2S a =| = veil - le? Mes yeux n’ont ja-mais yu de ri-ches - se pa- wak - ing? Oh, “nev. er “in my life have TI seen aught so de - sta? Non vi-diin vi-ta mi - a ric-chez-zae-gual a rl 5 E - — = == ¥ = = = ig + = — i = f f = — = = 2 = + — es Allegro non troppo reil-le! tove-ty! (Pats down the casket,and kneels to adorn herself with the jewels) que-sta! : ia Ai asthe Penn seu-le-ment Me pa-rer un mo- only dared for a mo- ment to co-mefar! "Pos-soal-men at tac. i Jo-sais If I dared, NonvGaleun; De ces pendants d’o - reil - Ie! this love-ly pair of ear = rir Ques-ti be = glio-ree - chi - mn Ant Noici jus-te- ! Ah! and herejust at Ah! V6 qui bell’ e try a> = 5 qa Sas ment, au fond de la ae te, Un mi- soir! Com-ment © né-tre pas co- Fund with'tn' the [tie eae ||P Ah! vil 6 - tait 1 - ci! Sil me yoy - ait ain-si! Ah, might it on-ly bel Were he but here to see! Ah! ste-gli qui fos "- se per co-si ve - der - mi, Il me trou-ve-rait bel - le, He wouldin-deed a -dore me! mi tro-ve-reb-be bel - la! Comme u- ne de-moi- For as a. roy-al Co-men-na da-mi- 43 — ts a $a = SSS selle I " me trou-ve-rait bel - Ie, Comme u- ne de- moi - la - dy _ he would now a - dore mes for as a royal gel - la, mi tro- ve - reb-be bel - _la! Co-meu-na da-mi- ( ig S> — SSS = selle Il me trou-ve-rait bel - Je! la-dy — hewouldnow a - dore— me! gel-la, mi tro-ve - reb-be bel - —_ Jal. ate cotta voce RO A-che- vons 1a _mé-ta-mor-pho - se. Here are more,read-y to a-dorn met Pro-se- guia - mo l'a-dor-na- men - to, _—_—————__ sous 1a Tl me tarde en - cor d’es-say - er Le bra-ce - let et le col- I can hardly wait to try on thisbracelet here, the neck-lace Vo' pro - va-re_an-cor, se_mi_ stan lo sma-ni - glioedil mo- Poco pit lento tornando lier!, yon: nil! trem. a poco a poco al tempo 12 cest comme u - ne qui sur mon it is likea laid on mj B co-men-na che —_sul @ poco a poco| al tempy 10 po - se! press me! po- sa. _Tempo 1° Je tis de me voir Si belle en ce mi-roir! the joy — past compare, These jew - els bright to wear! To Ti - doin po-ter me stes - sa qui ve-der! leggero SS SS Est - ce toi, __ ds it thou, Non sei tu? 3 S —+-= igi eS — de me voir Si belle en Ce mi- = past compare, These jew - els bright to = doin po-ter me stes - sa qui ve- 6a SS 4, == Gaff ape == Mar - gue - ri - te, Est-ce toi? Réponds-moi, ré.ponds-moi, Mar - ga - ri-ta, is it thou? Now re - ply, now re- ply, Mar - ghe - ri-ta, Non sei tu? dim-mi “sit, dim-mi ‘sit, réponds,réponds,réponds vi - te! non! st plus toi! tell me, tell me, tell me tru -ly! nol this is not £1 dim-mi,dim-mi, di sii pre-sto! No, no, non sei pit sosas non! Ce nest plus ton vi - sa : Cesta sure-ly en - chant-ment is oer Some king's no, non 8 pitil tuo sem - bian Bla ihn je dun Cest ta laugh- - —‘ter some king's daugh ~~ >t glia aun Bee eo le d'un Ce n'est plus toi, Ce mest plus ter I This is not I, this is not glia dun Non sei pit tu, Non sei pitt Crest la, fil - le dun roi,Quon sa - Ine au pas = Someking’s daughter I spy, All are bend-ing be ee ge cia dun “réche.o-gnun dee sa- Iu = sil é - tait i - cit sit me voy - ai Ah! might it on-ly be! Were he but here to see! Ah! s’e-gli qui fos = se Per co-si ve-der - mi, oe Ba: = te ——— Comme u-ne de-moi-sel - le Il me trou-ve-rait bel - Ie, ‘Now as a roy-al la - dy he would indeed a - do Co - meu-na da-mi - gel - la, mi tro- ve - reb-be = as = Ss fe boo 3 Comme u-ne de-moi-selle I!” me trou-ve-rait For as a royal la-dy — hewouldnowa- , Co-me u-na da-mi - gel- la, mi tro - ve - reb-be dim. 4 - rit, a tempo x = I SSS = = i sss - bel - te, Comme u- ne de-moi-selle me trou-ve-rait bel - Ie! dove” me, “for as a roy-al la-dy ‘hewouldnow a - dore— mel ‘el - Tat’ “Co-me-u-na da-mi - gel-la,mi tro-ve-reb-bo bel - iat 18 Mar - gue- ri Mar ~ ga - ri Mar - ghe - ri Iue au pas - sa bend-ing be ~ fore sa-lu - ta dee Ce Some Non te, Ce n'est plus mest plus ton vi - sa en-chant-ment is @ piiil tuo sem- tal This is not ta, non sei pitt cest la fil - le dun some king's daughter I EB la fi-gliadun roi, Py rel re.

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