CB3 H Paper Questions and Answers

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CB3 H paper questions and answers

1. Bj
2. Sex is determined by the pair of sex chromosomes you have. If you have
XX you have the female phenotype and if you have XY then you have the
male phenotype.
3. A) Gametes are formed through meiosis.
B) Gametes have to be haploid because they are joining with another
haploid gamete to produce a diploid daughter cell.
4. A) A genome is the base sequence of all the DNA in an organism
B) Alleles are different versions of the same gene. For example, the gene
for eye colour has an allele for blue eye colour and an allele for brown
eye colour.
C) to tell what someone’s child will look like. If they inherit and show
specific genes from their family.
D)ff or Ff
E) because he Is heterozygous which means he carries the gene but it is
not dominant so he doesn’t have the disease.
F) because he has one dominant and one recessive allele.
5. A) rr
B)because the disease only happens when 2 copies are present in the
C)usherin is a protein
D) they have a lack of usherin so if the cells don’t stick together it can
lead to eyesight problems
6. A a
a Aa aa
A) they have a child who is aa so they do not carry the gene
B) 1:2:1
7. A) the people who are homozygous are more likely to gain the allele H
B) it is less frequent for them to have the allele H
8. DNA Is made up of a double helix structure. A gene is a short piece of
DNA that codes for a specific protein. There are 2 strands of helix that
are joined by complementary pairs of bases; A and G, C and T. there are
weak hydrogen base pairs that hold the DNA strands together.

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