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EN PJ – Minorities: paving the way to equality

LESSON 5: The Hate U Give

- LPD 7 De leerlingen verwoorden mondeling en schriftelijk boodschappen, feiten, gevoelens en

- LPD9 De leerlingen nemen actief deel aan mondelinge en schriftelijke interactie.

- LPD 10 De leerlingen tonen interesse in culturele contexten met het Engels als officiële taal.

- LPD 13 De leerlingen verwoorden hun gedachten, gevoelens en beleving bij het lezen, beluisteren
en bekijken van literaire teksten.

- LPD 14 De leerlingen analyseren literaire teksten met ondersteuning van literaire concepten.

- LPD 17 De leerlingen treden in interactie over de meerwaarde van literaire teksten voor zichzelf of
voor het verruimen van hun leefwereld.

- LPD 20 De leerlingen gebruiken het inzicht in de regels en de kenmerken van het Engels als
taalsysteem in functie van doelgerichte communicatie met aandacht voor adequaatheid,
vormcorrectheid en vlotheid.

- Smartboard/ projection screen + projector.

- The T can rearrange the classroom into a U-form.


Lesson Objectives The SS can present a chosen country from the Commonwealth. (creating)
(LPD 20)
Skills Spoken production
M. I. Linguistic, interpersonal
Format Type of activity: presentation
Media PPT SS
Organisation Pair work/groupwork
Timing 2-3 minutes

Teacher’s Instruction:
The teacher picks a pair/group to present their country.

The assignment:
Students pick a country from the Commonwealth.
They have to present this country.
- Include at least five pictures.
- Tell us some fun facts about culture, food …

EN PJ – Minorities: paving the way to equality

- Tell us something about when it was colonised by the British.

- Include what type of government it has.

Divide the class into groups of 2-3.


Lesson Objectives The SS can explain what the movie/book is about. (understanding) (LPD 7)
The SS can give their opinion about the movie/book. (analysing) (LPD 13)
Skills Spoken interaction, listening comprehension
M. I. Linguistic, Logical
Format Presentation technique: storytelling, type of interaction: whole-class
Media PPT, Book
Organisation Whole-class
Timing 7’

Teacher’s Instruction:
1. The teacher asks the SS if they know the book/movie. If they know it, they give some
2. The teacher reads aloud the back of the book and gives some explanation about it.
3. They talk about the different opinions on the book.

EN PJ – Minorities: paving the way to equality


Lesson Objectives The SS can answer the questions about the scenes from the movie.
(understanding) (LPD 9)
The SS can re-enact a scene of the movie. (applying)) (LPD 9)
The SS can express an opinion about the present-day situation concerning
BLM in the US. (analysing) (LPD 7)
The SS can give their interpretation of a poem. (understanding) (LPD 14)
Skills Spoken interaction, listening comprehension
M. I. Linguistic, visual, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal
Format Type of game: simulation, type of interaction: whole-class dialogue,
Socratic questioning
Media PPT
Organisation Whole-class
Timing 35’

Teacher’s Instruction:

The teacher shows three movie scenes and will ask some question about these scenes.

1. VIDEO ONE: Opening scene – Ten-point program
[ CITATION Mav20 \l 2067 ]
T explains what BP is. Show the ten-point program.
à BP = Black Panther Party began as political organisation in the 1960s and 1970s.
It is a revolutionary movement with an ideology of Black nationalism, socialism, and armed
self-defence, particularly against police brutality.

- Why do you think they need to know these rules?

à Because this way they are prepared when they encounter a police officer. They have more
chances of ‘surviving’ this encounter if they stick to these rules.
- Have your parents taught the same rules?
à SS own answers.
- If no, why do you think you weren’t taught these rules?
à SS own answers.

2. VIDEO TWO: Khalil’s death scene
[ CITATION The203 \l 2067 ]

The SS will have to re-enact this scene according to their opinion and their point of view.

- How would you react if you were Starr?

- How would you react if you were Khalil?
- How would you react if you were the police officer?

EN PJ – Minorities: paving the way to equality

à The T appoints three SS who have to act out this scene.

3. VIDEO THREE: Kitchen Scene

- What does Starr mean with ‘It’s not so complicated to me.’?

 She doesn’t find it complicating because she thinks there is no difference between
black people and white people. Everyone should be treated the same and equal.
- Why do you think he thinks and acts this way being a police officer of colour?
 SS own answer.


1. T asks SS the following questions:

- Where do you think we’re going with this? What movement?
T (tries to) elicit the information from the SS about BLM.

From demonstrations against police brutality to survival ten-point programs. The legacy of the Black
Panther resonates today. Half a century later, another generation of young black activists - The Black
Lives Matter movement - continues to fight the issues that brought the Panthers into existence. The
world-wide hashtag #BLM gives the activists a safety net, access and exposure that Panthers never
had and creates a chance for the new generation to take the movement even further. The movement
was started to fight against and dismantle the colour-blind racism. The overall goal is to change the
structures and systems that treat black lives like they don’t matter. Its aim is to end the racial
oppression that the United States was founded on.

To close off the lesson with a poem T lets SS listen/watch two times and the T asks the following
Video: s [ CITATION PBS21 \l 2067 ]

2. Questions first time listening:

- Who is Amanda Gorman?
 Amanda Gorman is the writer of the poem. She celebrates the fact that things
are changing regarding race in the US and that she is able to recite this for the
current president. It means a lot for the black community.
- Who else did you see in the video?
 => Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, who are they, why are they so important?
Joe Biden = the president of the US.
Kamala Harris first female of colour who is the vice-president.
 => Do you know the name of the previous president?
Donald Trump
- Why did she write this poem? For what occasion?
 She wrote for the inauguration ceremony of Joe Biden. She is the youngest girl to
have ever made such a statement at such an important historic moment. With
her poem she reflects on the country’s difficult past (= slavery, segregation) and
how they are currently tackling the issue of police brutality. There is still a long
way to go, but progress is being made. The murder on George Floyd led to the

EN PJ – Minorities: paving the way to equality

mass protests in the US which stand against police injustice. This news has
spread the world followed by demonstrations against racism everywhere.

3. Questions second time listening:

- What is the general message?
 In ‘The Hill We Climb,’ the poet focuses on themes of the future and the past, as
well as hope. The past is about the atrocious circumstances that black people
have experienced in times of slavery and segregation. Her idea of the future is a
united United States where racism and inequality have no place. Her theme of
hope goes hand in hand with the theme of future: minority groups should never
give up fighting for their rights.
- Explain the title.
 To get through this dark period. It symbolizes the hill that the US is currently
climbing – a rough path to racial equality – and how Americans still have a long
way ahead of them. The progress is not an easy one: a triumph requires defeat.

1 When day comes we ask ourselves, We: the American people, and more
2 where can we find light in this never-ending shade? broadly the citizens of the
3 The loss we carry, contemporary world
4 a sea we must wade. Shade: dark moments in our recent
5 We've braved the belly of the beast, history
6 We've learned that quiet isn't always peace, Belly of the beast: The horrors that
7 and the norms and notions black people have endured in the past
8 of what just is 6-9: everything from economic and
9 isn't always just-ice. racial injustice to the Coronavirus and
10 And yet the dawn is ours the more recent unrest in the United
11 before we knew it. States in the years of the Trump
12 Somehow we do it. administration.
13 Somehow we've weathered and witnessed Just-ice: echo of ‘just is’ (not just ice)
14 a nation that isn't broken, 14-15: This simple phrase is at the
15 but simply unfinished. heart of Gorman’s poem. The country,
16 We the successors of a country and a time she says, hasn’t failed or broken, it is
17 where a skinny Black girl simply still on its way to its full
18 descended from slaves and raised by a single potential. (link w/ current police
19 mother injustice)
20 can dream of becoming president 17-20: reference to A.G.’s life
only to find herself reciting for one.

(Gorman, 2021)

Glossary (underlined words)

to wade waden, door water gaan

to brave trotseren
the belly of the beast het hol van de leeuw, groot gevaar
a notion een begrip
justice gerechtigheid
to weather doorstaan
a successor een opvolger

EN PJ – Minorities: paving the way to equality

to descend from sb afstammen van iemand

to recite opzeggen, voordragen
inauguration inauguratie, inhuldiging


Lesson Objectives SS can interpret a tweet. (understanding) (LPD 10)

SS can express their opinion. (applying) (LPD 7)
Skills Spoken production
M. I. Linguistic, visual, intrapersonal
Format Socratic questioning
Media PPT
Organisation Whole-class
Timing 5’

1. The T shows the following tweet and asks the SS some questions:

- Who is George Floyd?

 George Floyd was the black man that was brutally murdered by the police. His
last words were ‘I can’t breathe!’
- What is the tweet about?
 The tweet is from Joe Biden. It’s about the final sentence that the police officer
got. Joe Biden also explains that this is not justice yet, but that it is a step in the
right direction towards justice in America.

[ CITATION Joe21 \l 2067 ]


EN PJ – Minorities: paving the way to equality

Baldwin, E. (n.d.). The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman. Retrieved from Poem Analysis:

Biden, J. (2021, April 21). President Biden. Retrieved from Twitter:

Charles, C. (2021, February 4). From Black Panthers to Black Lives Matter: The fight for equality
continues. Retrieved from Fox KTVU:

Mavrick s Advice Opening Scene The Hate U Give 2018 Mpgun com. (2020, January 2020). Retrieved
from Youtube:

NewsHour, P. (2021, January 20). WATCH: Amanda Gorman reads inauguration peom, 'The Hill We
Climb'. Retrieved from YouTube:

The Black Panther Ten Point Program. (n.d.). Retrieved from Collective Libertation:

The Hate U Give. (n.d.). Retrieved from De Standaard Boekhandel:

The Hate U Give. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

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