Lesson 5 - Worksheet

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Lesson 5: The Hate U Give

1. A book

[ CITATION The3 \l 2067 ] [ CITATION The4 \l 2067 ]

1. What do you think the writer, Angie Thomas, means when she says that Starr lives in two









2. A movie

[ CITATION The5 \l 2067 ] [ CITATION The6 \l 2067 ]

1. Watch the video and answer the questions.

a. Why do you think they need to know these rules? 



b. Have your parents taught the same rules? 



c. If no, why do you think you weren’t taught these rules? 



2. Watch the video and answer the questions.

a. How would you react if you were Starr?  



b. How would you react if you were Khalil? 



c. How would you react if you were the police officer? 



3. Watch the video and answer the questions.

a. What does Starr mean with ‘It’s not so complicated to me.’? 



b. Why do you think he thinks and acts this way being a police officer of colour? 



4. A poem

1  When day comes we ask ourselves,  We: the American people, and more

2  where can we find light in this never-ending shade?  broadly the citizens of the contemporary
3  The loss we carry,  world 
4  a sea we must wade.  Shade: dark moments in our recent
5  We've braved the belly of the beast,  history 
6  We've learned that quiet isn't always peace,  Belly of the beast: The horrors that black
7  and the norms and notions  people have endured in the past 
8  of what just is  6-9: everything from economic and
9  isn't always just-ice.  racial injustice to the Coronavirus and
10  And yet the dawn is ours  the more recent unrest in the United
11  before we knew it.  States in the years of the Trump
12  Somehow we do it.  administration.  
13  Somehow we've weathered and witnessed  Just-ice: echo of ‘just is’ (not just ice) 
14  a nation that isn't broken,  14-15: This simple phrase is at the heart
15  but simply unfinished.  of Gorman’s poem. The country, she
16  We the successors of a country and a time  says, hasn’t failed or broken, it is simply
17  where a skinny Black girl  still on its way to its full
18  descended from slaves and raised by a single mother  potential. (link w/ current police
19  can dream of becoming president  injustice) 
20  only to find herself reciting for one.  17-20: reference to A.G.’s life 

[ CITATION Ama21 \l 2067 ]

1. First listening: 

a. Who is Amanda Gorman? 



b. Who else did you see in the video?  



c. Do you know the name of the previous president? 


d. Why did she write this poem? For what occasion? 





2. Second listening: 

a. What is the general message? 





b. Explain the title. 



3. Glossary

to wade
to brave
the belly of the beast
a notion
to weather
a successor
to descend from sb
to recite

5. A small step
1. Read the tweet and answer the questions.

[ CITATION Joe21 \l 2067 ]

a. Who is George Floyd? 



b. What is the tweet about? 





Biden, J. (2021, April 21). President Biden. Opgehaald van Twitter:

Gorman, A. (2021, January 21). Amanda Gorman's Poem Stole the Show at the Inauguration. Read It
Again Here. Opgehaald van Town & Country:

Los Angeles Times. (sd). Opgehaald van Amanda Gorman, inaugural poet, says security guard
questioned if she lived in her own building: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-

The hate u give. (sd). Opgehaald van Standaard Boekhandel:


The Hate U Give. (sd). Opgehaald van Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hate_U_Give

The Hate U Give. (sd). Opgehaald van Bol.com: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/the-hate-u-


The Hate U Give (2018) : Front. (sd). Opgehaald van Cover Century:

WATCH: Amanda Gorman reads inauguration poem, 'The Hill We Climb'. (2021, January 20).
Opgehaald van Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ055ilIiN4&t=31s

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