CISP 600 Syllabus PtII - 2020

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CISP600 Information Systems Planning

Credit Hours: 3

Contact Hours: 45




Course Description

This course reviews the major content areas of information systems management that will be examined at
various organizational levels of MS Technology Management. The major content areas (IT domains) to be
covered include information technology management, networking, Web, database, programming and systems
development. Upon completion of this course, students will be prepared to analyze, define, and research the
unique management considerations of each domain within various organization levels.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze the use of different types of information systems to drive organizational and societal change.
2. Identify and analyze how information management relates to decision making and how it contributes to the
success or failure of organizational goals. By discerning the differences among strategic, tactical, and
operational levels of IST in organizations.
3. Analyze how cultural and political differences present across international borders can alter information
systems decision making
4. Demonstrate knowledge of using networking technology for globalization.
5. Assess the strategic implications of database management systems. The organizational and societal
implications of private ownership of public databases
6. Demonstrate knowledge of managerial perspectives on design and use of information systems.

Required Textbooks and Additional Materials

All Courses
Fundamentals Of Information Systems Loose-leaf
By Stair, Ralph, Reynolds, George
ISBN-13: 9781337598507
ISBN-10: 133759850X
Publisher: Cengage
Edition: 9th
Pub Date: May 11, 2017
Binding: Looseleaf

Library Guides (friendly URL)

Effective Fall 2012, Davenport University implemented a print management system in which students are
allotted a quota of free prints and copies based on enrolled credit hours. Review the guidelines and FAQs on
the DU website under Print Management.

DU Excellence System
The Davenport University Excellence System consists of nine learning outcomes that demonstrate
professional competencies necessary for graduates to engage in life-long learning and succeed in their chosen
profession. These learning outcomes are reinforced throughout the curriculum of each academic program and
are assessed at the course and program levels, where appropriate. The Excellence System covers:

• Global and Intercultural Competence

• Civic and Social Responsibility
• Ethical Reasoning and Action
• Critical and Creative Thinking
• Analysis and Problem Solving
• Leadership and Teamwork
• Information and Technology Proficiency.
• Written Communication
• Professional Communication

Academic Integrity
Davenport University recognizes the principles of honesty and truth as fundamental to ethical business
dealings and to a vibrant academic community of faculty and students. All members of an academic
community shall be confident that each person's work has been responsibly and honorably acquired,
developed and presented. The work that a student submits shall be a fair representation of his/her ability,
knowledge and skill. The University expects students to respect and exhibit these principles as they form the
basis of the quality of the institution and the quality of Davenport’s graduates.

As stated in the Student Code of Conduct, the University may discipline a student for academic dishonesty
which is defined as any activity that tends to undermine the academic integrity of the institution. Academic
dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: cheating, fabrication, facilitating

academic dishonesty, interference, plagiarism, or violation of course rules. Definitions, procedures, and
sanctions for these violations may be found in the Student Code of Conduct.
A minor violation occurs the first time the student has a breach of academic integrity and typically involves
an assignment or activity that does not represent a significant part of the course grade. For example, the
student knowingly and intentionally cheats on a weekly assignment; copies a source without proper citation;

A major violation occurs as a first violation on an assignment or activity that is a significant part of the course
grade, such as an exam or major paper, or as the result of a second minor violation.
Students are expected to review the complete Academic Integrity policy in the University catalog under
Academic Policies and Procedures.

The University utilizes plagiarism detection software. All papers will be submitted to where they will be compared against the entire Internet and against a database of previously
submitted student papers.


• Participation is required every week for this class. The professor will post two discussion questions
on weeks 1 to 6.
• Each answer to original questions must be at least 150 words in length and have 3 references.
• To get full credit for discussions, graduate students must post at least 2 substantial comments each
week. This is a minimum of one response per Discussion question.
• Each week there are 30 discussion and participation points.

The policy for your class is to participate actively in the Weekly Discussion topic.

Late Assignments:
Late assignments will be accepted past the stated date/time in your assignment with a penalty. There may be
extenuating circumstances. However, these circumstances must be discussed individually with the instructor
and well documented by the student, and it is the sole discretion of the instructor to allow these written
assignments to be accepted past the due date. Assessments, quizzes, tests, final assessments, and final
projects will not be accepted late.

Late Assignment Penalty:

Late assignments will be assessed a 10%-point penalty per day (or fraction of a day). Any assignment more
than seven (7) days late will automatically be scored as a zero (0). Week #7 assignments cannot be accepted
late due to DUO final grade submission requirements.

Extra Credit:
No extra credit is available in this class. Please make sure that you use your study resources and time to your
best advantage.

Quality of Work:
All work submitted is assumed to be quality work. You need to do research for each of the reports assigned for
the class BEYOND the text book and library guide.

Originality of Work:
All students will submit work to be reviewed and graded by the instructor using Blackboard. All reports need
to follow APA 6 format. With the required report students need to submit their SafeAssign report.
Assignments set up for SafeAssign Submission will not be accepted in any other form.

Note, SafeAssign is used to flag for possible plagiarism. Anything that rates high on the similarity
rating could be subject to no credit as well Academic Misconduct submission. Please check your
similarity rating. It is suggested to give yourself sufficient time if needed. SafeAssign will allow you
multiple submissions but there may be a delay between submissions. Most, if not all, of your work should be
paraphrased and cited.

Also, be aware that if there is any question on originality either in your DQ or paper submissions, not only
will the assignment receive a zero, but an Academic Misconduct form will be submitted to DU Academic

APA Guidelines:
Because most of Davenport’s graduate Capstone Courses require complete adherence to all the APA
guidelines, it is to the student’s advantage to learn the proper formats as soon as possible. Point reductions for
non-adherence to the APA Guidelines will be at the discretion of the instructor. Please see assignment rubrics
for more details.

Please review the APA sample paper provided as well as review the assistance offered by Davenport. These
are the links: and If you need
additional tutoring, please visit:

Course Grade Determination:

Assignments Number Point Value Total Points Assignments

Discussion Boards 6 30 180 Discussion Boards
Case Study 1 140 140 Case Study
Written 4 70 280 Written
Assignments Assignments
Team Assignments 2 70, 30 100 Team Assignments
Journals 5 20 100 Journals
Final Exam 1 200 200 Final Exam

The instructor reserves the right to adjust this syllabus as needed. This is a high-level overview of the course
assignments. Please check the Weekly Materials and Help Desk areas of the course for detailed information
or changes to assignments.

1. Participation is required every week for this class. The professor will post
two discussion questions on weeks 1 to 6.
2. Each answer to original questions must be at least 150 words in length
with a minimum of 3 references.
3. To get full credit for discussions, graduate students must participate in
classroom discussion
4. Discussion questions must be cited and referenced.
6. Comprehensive forum topic response contributions will be critically
graded on the thought quality of the response, work effort, research, APA
format, and analysis.

Late Assignment Penalty:

Late assignments will be assessed a 10%-point penalty per day (or fraction of a day). Any assignment more
than seven (7) days late will automatically be scored as a zero (0). Week #7 assignments cannot be accepted
late due to DUO final grade submission requirements.

Weekly Assignments
Week 1: Networks & Telecommunications

The requirement is for a cohesive paper addressing each of the items noted below. The paper should flow
logically from section to section. The paper should also include an introduction of the topics being discussed,
the content, and a conclusion summarizing the key points of the paper.

Using 1500 words and APA format:

1. Discuss telecommunications and distributed connectivity systems as used by local and global teams.
2. Cover the basic concepts related to networks and telecommunications, such as components of the network,
network structure, local organization and types of networks depending on the geographical area that they will
3. Discuss the impact of telecommunications in today’s businesses and in team performance and

These concepts should flow together into a cohesive paper discussing how several types of teams depend on
telecommunications and distributed connectivity, what is needed as part of the networks used by these teams,
as well as what kind of impact does this technology have on business and team performance.

Note: The paper must demonstrate critical thinking and additional research. The textbook will only be one of
your sources. Remember all information gleaned from research must be cited. Also, all assertions must be
supported. This paper is not based on opinion or experience but rather on research. All research papers must
be written in third person as per the APA Guidelines.

Week 2: Globacom Case Study

The requirement is for a cohesive paper addressing each of the items noted below. The paper should flow
logically from section to section. The paper should also include an introduction of the topics being discussed,
the content, and a conclusion summarizing the key points of the paper.

Chapter 4 Case 2 p. 210. Write a 1200-word report answering the questions below. The paper must be in
academic paper format and APA compliant.

Case 1 Questions to guide the report for discussion:


1. What incentives does a mobile network operator have to make ongoing, expensive investments in its
network infrastructure? What have been some of the benefits to Globacom’s subscribers of the company’s
investment in its mobile network?
2. Big data applications and techniques allow network operators to make use of large quantities of network-
related data, which was previously discarded due to the time and resources required to effectively analyze the
data. What are some data points that you think would be most useful for a communications company to
analyze when looking for ways to improve their network performance? What data points related to network
activity and performance might be useful from a customer service or marketing standpoint?
3. Do research online to learn about some of the other factors that have impeded Internet access for most of
the population in Africa and other parts of the world. What factors besides the level of network infrastructure
investment might affect Internet access rates in a given country?

NOTE: The questions for Case 1 should not be included in the paper. The suggestion is to use the questions
as a guide to set up the paragraph headings so that each section is specifically addressed. Also, the book will
be one of the references, but other resources should be used for research. Please remember to cite and
reference in APA format. As this is a case analysis, you will be analyzing the information to demonstrate
critical thinking. Remember that all information should be coming from your research and supported with
citations and references.
This paper is not based on opinion or experience but rather on research. All research papers must be written in
third person as per the APA Guidelines.

Week 3: Data Mining Paper

The requirement is for a cohesive paper addressing each of the items noted below. The paper should flow
logically from section to section. The paper should also include an introduction of the topics being discussed,
the content, and a conclusion summarizing the key points of the paper.

1200 words and APA format. Using the Internet, find out information about two current data mining projects
being conducted by either a corporation or the government.

 Determine the possible benefits that these projects offer.

 Find out if there are any criticisms of these projects, such as privacy concerns.
 Summarize findings in a report.

Note: The paper must demonstrate critical thinking and additional research. The textbook will only be one of
your sources. Remember all information gleaned from research must be cited. Also, all assertions must be
supported. This paper is not based on opinion or experience but rather on research. All research papers must
be written in third person as per the APA Guidelines

Week 4: CNET Review of Web Tool Supporting Team Performance

The requirement is for a cohesive paper addressing each of the items noted below. The Review should flow
logically from each of these areas.

1. Conduct a CNET style review ( of a major Web tool supporting team performance.
2. Write a 3 – 5 content page minimum paper review researching and applying CNET format.
3. Be careful not to use an existing CNET review without proper citation.

Week 5 Business Requirements Analysis

The requirement is for a cohesive paper addressing each of the items noted below. The paper should flow
logically from each of these areas. The paper should also include an introduction of the topics being
discussed, the content, and a conclusion summarizing the key points of the paper.

Using 1500 words and APA format:

1. Describe business requirement analysis methods
2. Describe at least three programming frameworks as used by development software teams.
3. Discuss changes in businesses and technology making it more complex for software development teams to
determine and satisfy user requirements.

These three concepts should flow together into a cohesive paper discussing how to do a business requirement
analysis, what are the framework (programming methodologies) options, and how do these tie into challenges
for developers.

Week 6 Team Report

This is a team project. Project teams will be assigned by the instructor on Week 2. The team project includes
a research paper and team presentation (option either to do a live session in collaborate or to present a
PowerPoint presentation). The project will also include a team contract, team evaluation, and an individual
member evaluation. The Team Contract is due on Week 3, day 7. All teams must submit a team contract.

Project Scenario:

Consider organizations such as, Target, and Wal-Mart as implementers of information systems
that have revolutionized their respective industries. All these organizations have used information systems to
change their organizations, industries, and the societies in which they operate. Consider yourself working at a
strategic level as part of a project team in an organization and with the task to integrate the information system
in the company. As a project

team, your goal is to get the competitive advantage that companies such as Target, or Wal-Mart
have accomplished. You are to implement an ERP system for the company. Review ERP systems in the

The requirement is for a cohesive paper addressing each of the items noted below. The paper should flow
logically from section to section. The paper should also include an introduction of the topics being discussed,
the content, and a conclusion summarizing the key points of the paper.

Assignment Requirements:

Create a 2000-word plan for integrating your organization's information systems. Students must address all
these areas in the research paper:
 Determine and discuss the needs of your organization to meet the competitive advantage as researched
for any of the companies noted above
 Discuss the ERP systems the best fits the needs of your organization based on your research from the
Top 10 ERP org. website
 Discuss system analysis to include:
o How the integration can be implemented
o o Discuss different approaches in implementation and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages to using these approaches
o o Discuss the constraints and challenges to implementation
o o Discuss the build versus buy, and costs associated with either option.

The main determinants of the final grade are the Discussion Questions and Peer Responses, the written
assignments, journals, and the Final Exam. Although points are assigned to all assignments, these three
assessments will be given the most scrutiny by the instructor. Expectations include the following:
 Graduate level writing demonstrating critical thinking, proper grammar and correct spelling
 Original writing or citations for all non-original work
 APA for academic paper, references, and citations

Detailed Assignment Description

A. Case Studies and Reports

There are 8 written assignments for this class. 6 Individual assignments and 2 team assignments. Weeks 2 – 6
are individual research papers covering the various sections of the textbook. The team assignment entails a
Report and presentation covering a software implementation. See Case Study and Reports section of this

Final Exam
Total Points: 200 points

The finals are standardized tests across the university. We use the results of these tests for accreditation
purposes. It is essential that each of the students take the test under the same conditions (time, open book,

C. Journals – This is worth 100 points total. Journal submissions are required for Weeks 2 through 6 for a
point value of 20 points each. APA, grammar, and spelling will count toward grade. A minimum of 2
paragraghs is required in summarizing key points learned during the week.

D. BB Discussion Questions
Discussion Question/ Participation:
The discussion question postings will be listed in the discussion board each week. You must answer both
discussion questions and reply to at least two of your peers posting. Students’ answers should be thoughtful
yet concise and to the heart of the matter. Students need to explain why they are answering the way they are.
As you are aware in the online learning environment asynchronous communication is vital to your
assimilation of the material. Your original post should be 2 – 3 paragraphs and demonstrate outside research
on the topic. Responses should be in-depth and represent additional research on the topic. A minimum of 3
references is required for the initial DQ response. APA compliance, grammar, and spelling will count as part
of the grading.

Discussion Questions

Week 1

DQ1: Organizational Goals Alignment to IS

What steps would you take to align the IS functions of an organization with its organization’s goals?

DQ2: Strategic Planning

Should technology drive an organization's strategic planning, or should strategic planning drive an
organization's technology adoption plans?

Week 2

DQ1: Personal Productivity Software

Describe three personal productivity software packages you are likely to use the most. What personal
productivity software packages would you select for your use?

DQ2: Telecommunication & Network Applications

Choose one of the applications of telecommunications and networks mentioned in the text, such as
videoconferencing or distance learning. Find out more information about this application using the Internet,
such as the requirements for setting it up, its benefits, any potential risks associated with its use, etc.

Describe the application and provide details on the requirements for setup, the benefits and the risks
associated with this application.

Week 3

DQ1: Data Mining

Discuss some of the ways in which data mining can help a company generate more business.

DQ2: Database Design

What are some potential problems of poor database design?

Week 4

DQ1: Expert Systems

Choose a particular field that interests you, such as medicine, and research how expert systems are currently
being used in this field. Find information about at least one actual expert system that is available for use in
this field. Summarize your findings.

DQ2: Internet Applications

Describe your top three Internet applications in terms of usefulness or usage

Week 5

Use the Internet or other resources, to conduct research on joint application development (JAD). What are its
benefits and what type of projects are good candidates for this approach? Summarize your findings.

DQ2: Antivirus Software

Research two software antivirus products. Determine the functionalities of these products and if you would
personally use them. Summarize your findings.

Week 6

DQ1: Privacy Laws

Using the Internet, research two federal privacy laws and their provisions. Decide if you personally agree or
disagree with the law’s provisions. Summarize your findings.

DQ2: Privacy Policies

Most Web sites of major companies or other organizations have a link that allows users to read their privacy
policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of user data. Go to a Web site that you regularly visit and
follow the link to the privacy policies. Read the policies and summarize the main points.
Team Contract

To prepare you for teamwork in the business world, you will be assigned to a project team. Your team

will work together to complete the team project required in CISP 600. Submit to your instructor a

completed contract with all team member signatures.


To accelerate a team’s development, a team contract is generated to establish procedures and roles in

order to move the team more quickly into the performing stage. This process of generating a team

contract can actually help jump-start a group's collaborative efforts by immediately focusing the team

members on a definite task. The group members must communicate and negotiate in order to identify

the quality of work they all wish to achieve, and the level of group participation and individual

accountability they all feel comfortable with.

Successful team performance depends on personal individual accountability. In a team environment, individuals
are usually effectively motivated to maximize their own rewards and minimize their own costs. However, conflicts
can arise when individualistic motives or behaviors disrupt team-oriented goals. For example, conflict can stem
from an unequal division of work. "Free riding" (i.e. slacking) occurs most frequently when individual
contributions are combined into a single product or performance, and individual effort is perceived as unequal.
At this point, some individual team members may take on extra responsibilities while other team members may
reduce their own efforts or withdraw from the team completely. These behaviors may engender anger,

frustration, or isolation—resulting in a dysfunctional team and poor quality of work. However, with a well-
formulated team contract, such obstacles can usually be avoided.

Team Contract Assignment

Your team contract template is divided into three major sections:

1. establishing team procedures

2. reviewing team expectations

3. assignment of tasks and deadlines

Since the basic purpose of this team contract is to accelerate your team's development, to increase

individual accountability for team tasks, and to reduce the possibility for team conflict, make your

contract as specific as possible: (a) specify each task as detailed as possible, (b) specify each step in a

procedure or process as detailed as possible, (c) specify the exact person(s) responsible for each specific

task, and (d) specify the exact time for completion or submission of each task. The more specifically you

describe your team expectations, roles, and procedures, the greater chance you have for a successful

team experience.

Use the Team Contract template to discuss and finalize your team roles, procedures, and standards.

Complete, sign, and submit a copy of the finalized contract to your instructor by the deadline noted in

the Course Schedule.

Team Difficulties

Once your team contract has been developed, your team is ready to begin work on collaborative assignments.
However, you may soon find that your team is not working as well as you had hoped. This is normal but needs to
be attended to immediately. Perhaps your team is simply not following the established contract procedures or
roles as strictly as you should be, or perhaps you need to change some of the procedures or roles as outlined in
your contract. Call a team meeting immediately to discuss and resolve the challenges your team is facing; do not
delay. Most importantly, be sure to communicate (openly) with the member(s) who are perceived as not
adhering to the team contract

Team members who do not meet their deadlines risk the possibility that other team members will complete their
tasks. In cases such as this, the offending team member assumes full responsibility for the individual loss of team
project points and reduced peer evaluation points.

Uneven completion of work or unacceptable work quality should be reflected in the Peer Evaluation. A negative
rating trend by other team members will adversely affect the project grade of the offending member. A student
will be unable to pass the course without an acceptable grade on this group assignment.

Team members removed (fired) by their team members for not adhering to team procedures and task
assignments assume full responsibility for completing the assignment individually. With instructor approval
members fired from their groups can form a group and receive a new assignment.

The project requirements will not be altered as a result of member removal or non-responsiveness.
Consequently, remaining team members would be required to complete all sections of the project. Therefore, it is
in the interest of the team to establish a working relationship that fosters mutual accountability and support.


CISP 510/600


Company Name ______________________

Team Members:

1) _______________________________

2) _______________________________

3) _______________________________

4) _______________________________

Team Procedures (with team consensus, complete the sections below)

1. Will there be regularly scheduled team communication? If so, identify the dates/times:

2. Preferred method of communication (e.g., individual e-mails, , Blackboard Discussion, telephone calls,) in
order to inform each other of team meetings, announcement, updates, reminders, problems:

3. When inquiries are made by members what will the expected turn-around time be for responses from team-

4. Identify what if any, time extensions will be given to team members who do not meet their task due dates…
Also identify at what point other team members will accept the additional task responsibilities from the
offending team member, thereby, effectively REMOVING the member from the team

5. Decision-making policy (by consensus? by majority vote?):

Team Expectations (review and discuss)

 Expectations: Team based work assignments provide students with the opportunity to learn methods of
collaboration to complete projects; interacting in much the same way as the work environments. Therefore, team
members must take very seriously, their individual role and contribution to their team’s success.

 RESPONSIVENESS: Each member is expected to participate in agreed upon group

discussion/collaboration meetings (includes returning e-mails/phone calls promptly).
 TIMELINESS: Each member is expected to complete their assigned tasks by the dates set by the
 QUALITY/QUANTITY: Each member is expected to submit work in the quantity and quality expected
of a senior-level course. Member final submissions requiring significant re-writes should be copied
by team members and submitted with peer evaluations. The instructor may reduce the student’s
points based on the seriousness of the lack of quantity or quality.
 COOPERATION: Each member is expected to adhere to the decisions of the majority.
 ACCOUNTABILITY: Members MUST make the instructor aware of members who are not adhering to
the expectations.
 UNDERSTANDING: Any questions concerning the group work expectations and point system must
be discussed with the instructor PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF PEER EVALUATIONS.
 ACCOUNTABILITY: Under no circumstances will a student be able to pass this course without being
an active contributor in this assessment assignment since this project represents the final
assessment of course learning outcomes.
 ACCOUNTABILITY: At the conclusion of the assessment assignment each member of the team will
complete a peer member evaluation. Any member evaluation exhibiting a higher or lower trend
THE TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS EARNED ON THE ASSESSEMNT. This is in additional to the separate
points awarded via the PEER EVALUATION process.

Consequences for Failing to Follow Procedures and Fulfill Expectations

The consequences for failing to fulfill expectations can range from a low point score on the averaged Peer
Evaluations up to and including removal (firing) from the team.

 Poor Peer Evaluation ratings

 Removal from the Team
 A reduced grade on the team project for the offending member

Task Assignment

During the first team meeting members should decide on individual assignments. While the task list below
identifies the various sections of the project assignment, the team may elect to divide the work in whatever
manner the majority chooses. Simply reformat and submit.

Task Assignment Member Draft due Final due

[Type a quote from the document or the

summary of an interesting point. You can
position the text box anywhere in the
document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to
change the formatting of the pull quote
text box.]
a) I participated in formulating the procedures and task assignments as stated in this contract.
b) I understand that I am obligated to abide by these terms and conditions.
c) I understand that if I do not abide by these terms and conditions, I will suffer the consequences as stated in
this contract.
d) I understand that the Required Assessment project MUST be completed and submitted by the deadline. I
further understand that members are expected to reassign tasks not completed by the originally assigned
members to ensure that all the project components are submitted.
e) I understand that the project MUST be submitted in its entirety.

1) ___________________________________________________date_________________

2) ___________________________________________________date_________________

3) ___________________________________________________date_________________

4) ___________________________________________________date_________________

5) ________________________________________________________date_________________

I. SPECIFIC ONLINE / WEB BASED REQUIREMENTS (such as eBooks, simulations, homework management
system, etc.)

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