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An Empirical Investigation of the Spillover Effects of Advertising and Sales Promotions in

Umbrella Branding
Author(s): Tülin Erdem and Baohong Sun
Source: Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Nov., 2002), pp. 408-420
Published by: American Marketing Association
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Accessed: 28/01/2010 14:58

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Journal of Marketing Research.

The authorsinvestigateand findevidencefor advertisingand sales

promotion spillover effects for umbrella brands in frequently purchased
packaged product categories. The authors also capture the impact of
advertising (as well as use experience) on both utilitymean and variance
across two categories. They show that variance of the random compo-
nent of utility declines over time on the basis of advertising (and use
experience) in either category. This constitutes the first empirical evi-
dence for the uncertainty-reducing role of advertising across categories
for umbrella brands.

An Empirical Investigation of the Spillover

Effects of Advertising and Sales
Promotions in Umbrella Branding

Many companies widely practice umbrella branding. may be insufficientfor umbrellabrandingto generate sav-
Also, a fair amount of managerial research argues that ings in marketingcosts and enhance marketingproductivity
umbrellabrandinggeneratessavings in branddevelopment over time. To increasesavings in marketingcosts over time,
and marketing costs over time (e.g., Lane and Jacobson the marketingmix, such as advertising and sales promo-
1995; Tauber 1981, 1988) and enhances marketingproduc- tions, must be more effective for umbrellabrandsthan for
tivity (e.g., Rangaswamy,Burke, and Oliver 1993). other brands. For example, Tauber (1981) suggests that
Wernerfelt(1988) has shown analytically that a multi- umbrellabrandingcan create advertisingefficiencies. Leigh
productfirm can use its brandname as a bond for quality (1984) finds some experimentalevidence for better recall
when it introduces a new-experience product. Umbrella and recognition performance for umbrella branding than
brandingis posited to both increaseexpected quality(Wern- other branding strategies. Yet there is surprisingly little
erfelt 1988) and reduce consumer risk (Montgomery and empirical work on advertisingand/or any other marketing-
Wernerfelt1992). Consumers'use experience in one prod- mix synergies for umbrellabrands.
uct category needs to affect their perceptionsof quality in The objectives of this study are twofold. First, we test for
anotherfor umbrellabrandingto serve as a credible signal marketing-mixstrategyspillover effects of umbrellabrands
of a new-experienceproduct'squality,becausea false signal in frequently purchased packaged product categories. We
would be costly if the quality of the extension turnedout to are especially interestedin testing for own- and cross-effects
be poor. Experimentalresearch has shown some evidence of advertising,that is, whether advertising in one product
that the parent brand'sperceived quality affects the exten- category affects sales in another product category for
sion evaluations (Aaker and Keller 1990) and vice versa, umbrella brands. However, we investigate the cross-
which indicatesthatbrandequity dilutionmay occur (Loken category effects of all marketing-mix effects, including
and RoedderJohn 1993). price, coupon availability, display, and feature. Another
Although the cross-categorylearningeffects for umbrella relatedobjective is to shed some light on the magnitudeof
brandsare a necessary condition for umbrellabrandingto any effects that may exist. We seek to answer the following
functionas a signal (Erdem 1998), the learningeffects alone questions: (1) What is the impact of the cross-effects on
sales? (2) How large are the cross-effects of the marketing
mix elements in relationto the own-effects? and (3) Which
*TulinErdem is an associate professor,Universityof California,Berke-
ley (e-mail: Sun is an assistant pro-
marketing-mix elements seem to reveal higher cross-
fessor, Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina, effects?
Chapel Hill (e-mail: authorsthankthe three Second, we explore the dynamics behind the advertising
anonymous JMR reviewers for their constructive feedback. The authors spillover effects. Similar to use experience, advertising
also thank Andrew Ainslie and Michael Keane for their suggestions in
spillovereffects occur for variousreasons,but they may also
regardto the updating mechanism of the stochastic component of utility
employed in this article. This researchwas supportedby NationalScience transpirebecause of the uncertaintyreduction.More specif-
FoundationgrantSBR-9812()67 grantedto Tiilin Erdelm. ically, we examine whetherthere is a reductionin consumer
uncertainty in one category due to advertising of the
o1!f Marketing Research
Vol. XXXIX (Novcelbhcr 200(2), 4()8-420 40()
Advertising and Sales Promotions in Umbrella Branding 409

umbrellabrandin anothercategoryover time. If uncertainty allows for both learning effects and other sources through
exists and advertisingreduces consumer uncertaintyabout which use experience may affect currentchoices. Further-
products,advertisingis expected to shift both utility mean more, the approachErdemtakesto incorporatethe impactof
and variance.To model and test for both utility mean- and use experienceon utility varianceis difficult to apply to set-
utility variance-shiftingcross-effects of use experience and tings in which cross-categoryvariancereductioneffects can
advertising,we develop a novel and parsimoniousapproach. be due to other variablesas well (such as advertising).The
Our approachenables us to test whether there is any evi- approachtaken in this articleprovidesa more parsimonious
dence for the uncertainty-reducing role of advertisingacross and novel way to incorporatesuch effects. Finally,we allow
categories. for more complex heterogeneity structuresin this article
We use ACNielsen scanner panel data on two cate- than Erdemdoes.
gories-toothpaste and toothbrushes-to test for marketing- Manchanda,Ansari,and Gupta(2000) also find some pre-
mix synergies for umbrellabrands.For the first time in the liminaryevidence for spillover effects in store promotional
literature,on the basis of our analysis of revealedpreference activity for umbrella brands;however, they have not ana-
data, we find evidence for advertisingspillover effects for lyzed advertising and they have not allowed for choice
umbrellabrands.Furthermore,we find that advertising(as dynamics.
well as use experience) in one category serves as a mecha- THEMODEL
nism of reducing uncertainty in the other category for
umbrellabrands.In addition, our results indicate that there UtilitySpecification
are spillover effects of price, coupon availability,and dis- Considera set of consumersI = {ili = 1, 2, ..., I that,on
play. Feature cross-effects exist only in the toothbrush each purchaseoccasion, makes purchasesfrom none, one, or
category. both of two distinct productcategories m = 1, 2, where I is
The rest of the article is organizedas follows: In the first the numberof consumers.A nonemptysubset, but not nec-
section, we briefly discuss the relevantliterature.In the sec- essarily all, of these consumersmakes purchasesfrom both
ond section, we outline the proposedmodel and the estima- of the categories. Suppose that for both productcategories,
tion method. In the third section, we briefly describe the the purchasesof the consumersare observedover the period
data. We then outline the results and conclude the article T = tit = 1, 2, ..., T}, whereT is the time span of the period
with implicationsand a discussion of furtherresearch. and t denotes the week. Let J = (jlj = 1, 2, ... J} be the set
of brand options available, where j = 1 ..., J brands are
REVIEW available in at least one of the two categories and J is the
numberof brands.Note that we set j = 0 to indicatethe no-
Previous researchin marketinghas studied the effects of
sales promotionsacross categories for complementaryand purchaseoption (choice).
Let Knj,m = 1, 2, be an indicatorvariablesuch thatK,-j =
substitute products (e.g., Mulhern and Leone 1991) and I if brandj is available in category m, and K,n.= 0 other-
multicategory choices (e.g., Bell and Lattin 1998; Man- wise. Also let Dmijt,m = 1, 2, be an indicatorvariablesuch
chanda,Ansari,and Gupta 1999). A separatestreamof liter- that if consumeri purchasesbrandj at time t in categorym,
ature focuses on cross-categorytraitsof consumerbehavior
and finds that consumer price sensitivities (Ainslie and D,iji = 1, and D,,jt = 0 otherwise.Finally,denote the utility
consumeri derives from purchasingbrandj in categorym at
Rossi 1998; Erdem 1998) or sensitivities to state depend- time (week) t by Uijt, which is postulatedto be
ence (Erdem 1998; Seetharaman,Ainslie, and Chintagunta
1999) can be correlatedacross categories. (1) Umijt
= (tmij +
+ ymiADmiit + XmiDlSPmijt
However, there is surprisingly little published research
with respect to cross-categoryeffects in choice for umbrella + TmiFEATmijt + OmiCAVmijt+
brands. Erdem and Winer (1999) have shown that brand
preferencescan be correlatedacross categoriesfor umbrella + K3-m,j(miPR3- m,i,j,t + tmiAD3-m,ij,t
brands.Erdem (1998) has studied how consumers'experi- + lmiDISP3 m,i,j,t + VmiFEAT3,- ,i,j,t
ence in one category may affect theirquality perceptionsin
another category for umbrella brands. In a two-category + ,nmiCAV3
- m,i,j,t +(On, i UE3 m,i,j,t) + ?Emijt,
context, Erdem has shown that consumer mean quality
beliefs, as well as the varianceof these quality beliefs, may where PR,,ijtis the price paid for brandj in category m by
be updated through experience in either category for consumer i at t, AD,n,jtis the advertisingstock variablefor
umbrella brands.Thus, Erdem studied only cross-category consumer i with respect to brand j in category m at t,
use experience effects. DISP,nijtis the display dummy, FEAT,nitis the in-store ad
Specifically, Erdem(1998) does not study any promotion dummy, CAV,ijt is the coupon availability variable, and
or advertising effects, neither own-category nor cross- UE,nijtis the use experience of brandj in category m con-
category, which is the topic of this article. Therefore,she sumer i has at t. Equation 1 suggests that if brandj is avail-
does not study and answerany questionsaboutthe existence able in both categories, the utility of purchasingbrandj in
and magnitude of cross-advertisingand promotioneffects one of the categories will also depend on the price, coupon
for umbrellabrands.Furthermore,her model does not incor- availability,advertising,display,feature,and use experience
poratepurchaseincidenceand coincidence in choice, thatis, associated with the same brandname in the othercategory.
the possibility that the stochastic component of the utility
function could be correlatedacross categories. In addition, INote that in Equation I, cross-effects are specified for umbrellabrands
only. In the empirical analysis, to ensure that the effects exist for only
Erdem'sapproachonly allows for use experienceeffects due umbrella,we also tested whethersuch effects exist for otherbrandsas well,
to learning, whereas the approach we take in this article and we did not find evidence for such effects.

The parametersin Equation I are as follows: a,ij is the ufacturer'scoupons availablefor brandj in categorym in the
consumer- and brand-specificconstant (brand preference), store thatconsumeri visits at t. It includes the zero value for
and imi is the consumer-specific price coefficient. More- nonavailable coupons (Keane 1997b). We introduce this
over, Ymi,Xni, tmi, Omi, and Kmi are the consumer-specific variableto avoid the endogeneityproblemcaused by includ-
advertising, display, feature, coupon, and use experience ing coupons redeemedin the utility specification.Last, Emijt
coefficients in category m (we label these own-effects in Equation 1 denotes the time-varyingstochastic compo-
response coefficients), whereas, ini, tmi, mi, Vmi, cmi, and nent of utility that is knownby the consumerbutnot observ-
()mi are the price, advertising,display,feature,coupon avail- able by the analyst.
ability, and use experience coefficients of the price, adver- We should note that the cross-effects specified in Equa-
tising, display, feature, and use experience variablesin the tion 1 may exist for several reasons. First, price cuts,
other category, respectively (we label these cross-effects coupons, advertising,displays, and featuresin one category
response coefficients). Similar to Erdemand Keane (1996), may remind the consumer about the umbrella brand and
we specify i's utility from not purchasingany brandin cate- thereforeincreasethe likelihoodof theirchoosing thatbrand
gory m at t as2 in anothercategory, conditional on productcategory deci-
sion. In the case of promotionaltools such as displays, the
(2) Umi0t = (mo + TRENDmt + emot, promotionof the umbrellabrandin one category may help
where TRENDMis the time trendcoefficient, and for identi- promote the umbrella brand in consumers' consideration
sets in the second category, in which the brandis not pro-
fication purposeswe set
moted, as well. Advertisingcan be expectedto increasegen-
(3) (mO
= 0, m = 1,2. eral brandawareness of individualproductsthat share the
same brand name. Cross-category use experience effects
The use experience variable, UE,ijt, in Equation I is may be due to habit formation.
defined as the exponentiallysmoothed weighted averageof Second, the effects of use experience and advertisingon
past purchases, as in Guadagni and Little's (1983) brand consumeruncertaintymay cause use experienceand adver-
loyalty variable. Its decay parameteris denoted by DUm. tising spillover effects. If use experience affects quality
Similarly,AD,nijtis defined as the exponentially smoothed beliefs, both the mean and variance of these beliefs may
weighted average of past aggregate gross rating points change on the basis of use experience. Therefore, if use
(GRPs).3 Its decay parameter is denoted by DAm. The experienceaffects consumeruncertainty,we shouldexpect it
AD,,,ijtis updatedon a weekly basis. Note thaty,i (andr1mi), to affect both the utility mean and variance in a reduced-
the coefficient on the advertising stock variable, embeds form model. The same rationale holds for advertising.
both a consumer'stelevision commercialviewing habitsand Erdemand Keane (1996) have shown that in the context of
responsivenessto the advertisements,conditionalon having one category, both use experience and advertising affect
seen them. Because advertisingeffectiveness in the context both mean and varianceof qualityperceptions.Therefore,if
of television advertisementsdependson television and com- advertisingspillover effects are partly due to the effect of
mercial viewing habitsof consumers,we can justify thaty,, advertisingon consumer uncertainty,we should expect util-
(and tl,) representsadvertisingresponsivenessat the indi- ity variance(that is, the varianceof the randomcomponent
vidual level.4 of utility) to decline over time on the basis o' advertising.
We define the DISP variablesuch that DISP,nij,= I if a We capture these utility variance effects by adopting a
display is availablefor brandj in categorym in the store that novel approach.Specifically,we allow for not only the "ran-
consumer i visits at t, whereas DISP,,ijt= 0 otherwise.Sim- dom" components of utility to be correlatedacross cate-
ilarly,we define the FEATvariablesuch thatFEAT,ijt= 1 if gories but also the variancesof the randomcomponentsfor
a feature is available for brandj in category m in the store umbrellabrandsto be updatedon the basis of past purchases
that consumer i visits at t, whereasFEAT,nijt = 0 otherwise. and advertising associated with umbrella brands in either
Finally, CAV,,ijt is the average value of the store's and man- category.We cover this issue in more detail subsequently.It
may suffice to state that we attemptto capturethe effect of
2Similarto Erdem and Keane (1996), our purposeis to control for pur- use experience and advertisingas a shifter of both utility
chase incidence ratherthanexplicitly model purchaseincidence decisions.
3An alternativeto GRP data is television exposure data;however,televi-
mean and variance; the latter effect should occur mainly
sion exposure data are not available because ACNielsen discontinuedthe because the consumer uncertaintydecreases over time on
collection of such data in the early 1990s. Televisionexposuredatahave the the basis of past purchasesand advertising.
advantageof havingthe estimatedadvertisingcoefficient reflectadvertising
responsivenessonly because the advertisingvariableitself will capturethe Heterogeneity Specification
television/commercial viewing habits. However, the television exposure
data are noisy as well, because we only knew that the television was tuned It is well established that not accounting for unobserved
to that channel duringthe airingof a particularcommercial.One advantage
of the GRP data, in contrast,is that GRP is underthe direct control of the
heterogeneitycan bias parameterestimates(Heckman 1981;
firm whereas television exposure is not. Therefore, firms are more inter-
Rossi and Allenby 1993). In this article, we account for
ested in models that use GRP data (Abe 1997). Finally, Tellis and Weiss unobservedheterogeneityas well. To do so, we assume that
(1995) find that advertising effectiveness results are not sensitive to the brand preferences for each category A,mi= (a,n,i, aii2, ..
types of advertisingmeasures. a1ij)T; own-effects response coefficients B,,i =(P:- i, ni,
4Wealso have GRP data for different"dayparts"(e.g., primetime versus
mti , lmi, K,lni)T;and cross-effects response coefficients
late morning).When we used these dataandestimatedEquationI with sep-
arate coefficients for each daypart,we obtained largeradvertisingcoeffi- Cmi = (i, t li, lli, Vm,I, i O,,1i)T, m = i, 2, where the
cients for certain daypartsthan others, as we would expect, but the main superscriptT denotes the transpose,are normallydistributed
results are the salmewhetherthe daypall data are used or not. with the following mean vectorand covariancematrix:
Advertising and Sales Promotions in Umbrella Branding 411

-A7 ii -Al- to be more advertisingsensitive than the averageconsumer

Bli B, in the toothpaste category. The corresponding cross-
categorycorrelationscan be calculatedfrom the covariance
C,i Ci matrixn. We denotethese cross-categorycorrelationsby A.6
(4) - Nc
A2i A2 Choice Probabilities
B2i B2 Let us rewriteEquation1 for each categorym, wherem =
1, 2, as
-C2i -C2.
-' (5) mmijt Vmijt
-E;A nAA2
"A1B, "AlC, A,C2
]EBI nBC nBiA, nBB2
I"AB2 nB,C2
whereVmijtis the "deterministic"partof the utility.
?C| nciA2 "CIB nCC2
Let 0 denote the vector of parameters(Al, A2, BI, B2, Cl,
?A2 i"A2B2
A2C2 C2, d(ZAI), d(EA2), d(ZBI), d(IB2), d(ECI), d(IC2),
HAB nClB EB2 w(n))T. The vectors d(EAI), d(AA2), d(ECI), and d(IC2)
A,B2 A2C2
nBC containthe diagonalelements of the correspondingmatrices
nAC2 -CC2 nA2C2 A 2C2 ZC2
(i.e., the variances of the heterogeneity distributions of
The vectors Al, B , Ci are the means in Category I and brandpreferencesand cross-effects response coefficients).
the vectors A2, B2, C2 are the means in Category 2. The The vectors d(EBi) and d(EB2) contain the diagonal ele-
block diagonal matrices EAI, E?B,ICI, IA2, ?B2, and ?C2 ments(variancesof own-effects responsecoefficients)of the
are the covariancematricesof A l, Bij, Cli, A2i,B2i,and C2i, correspondingmatrices, as well as the off-diagonal ele-
ments, or covariances, that we allowed to be nonzero.
respectively.The diagonal elements ofA AI, B 1,ECi, IA2,
Finally,the vector w(n) contains the covariancesamong the
ZB2, and ZC2themselves containthe variancesof the corre-
sponding heterogeneity distributions. Finally, F! are the brand-specificconstantsand advertisingand price sensitivi-
ties, as well as cross-categorycovariancesto be estimated.
appropriatecovariancematrices. Note that though we used the covariancematricesin defin-
Within-CategoryCorrelations ing the parametervectorfor notationalconvenience,we esti-
Given the large numberof covariancesto be estimatedas mate the correspondingstandarddeviationsand correlations
shown in Equation4, we allow only a subsetof these covari- introduced previously, instead of the variances and
ances to be nonzero for parsimony.5We allow heterogeneity covariances.
in all brand-specific constants and allow own and cross Recall thatall coefficients in EquationI are allowed to be
marketing-mix response and use experience coefficients; heterogeneousacross consumers,and their distributionsare
however,we estimate and reportin the "Results"section of given in Equation4. Let (pidenote the multivariatestandard
the article only the following covariances (correlations) normalvectorthatgeneratesthese coefficients.To be able to
write down the choice probabilities,we need to specify a
among the heterogeneity distributions: (I) correlations
distribution for Emijt
among the brand specific constants and price (as well as
We assume that ?,mijtj e J is given by
advertising)sensitivities, (2) pairwise correlationsbetween
own price (and advertising) sensitivities and all other (6) = Ymiit
?miit -Et[Ymiit],
marketing-mixsensitivities (e.g., display), and (3) pairwise
correlationsbetween own price (and advertising)sensitivi- where y,ijt is the generator of ?,ijt, whose prior distribution
ties and use experience. is
(7) ,
Ainslie and Rossi (1998) suggest that consumersensitiv- Y,io
Y2ij0_ N([o]P p I1
ities to marketing variables (own-effects of the marketing
mix in our model) may be correlated across categories. Note that Et[.] indicates expectation conditional on the
Therefore, a person who is more price sensitive than the informationat time t. Equations 6 and 7 indicate that the
average consumer in one category can be also more price means of the randomcomponentsare always zero, whereas
sensitive than the average consumer in another category. the assumption is that the initial variancesare one and the
Therefore,we also estimate nBI B2 (the covariancematrixof initial covariancebetween the randomcomponentsis p.
Bl and B2). This means that we permit consumer price, A parsimonious and new way of capturing the utility
advertising, display, feature, coupon, and use experience variance-shiftingrole of use experienceandadvertisingis to
sensitivities to covary across the two categories. For exam- allow the initial utility variance,which we set to unity,to be
ple, a consumer who is more advertisingsensitive than the updatedconditionalon past purchases.Neitheradvertising's
averageconsumer in the toothbrushcategory may also tend
6Finally,note that we adopt the recent classical inferencetechniquesto
sHowever, in the empirical analysis, we tested the sensitivity of our model and estimate unobserved heterogeneity. An alternative approach
results to the assumptions made about covariance structureby allowing would have been Bayesiantechniques(e.g., Rossi, McCulloch,andAllenby
more covariances(correlations)to be nonzero. For example, we estimated 1996). However, the main advantageof such techniques is the ability to
the covariancesbetween brand-specificconstants,a few covariancesamong providehousehold-levelparameterestimates, which is particularlyuseful if
the cross-responsecoefficients, and so forth,but these did not improvethe the research objective includes micromarketingimplications, which is
model fit significantly and did not change the parameterestimiates. beyond the scope of this article.

impact on the consumer utility mean nor its impact on the

m,i,j,t - 1 12,i,j,t - I im,i,j,t - I
consumer utility variance across categories for umbrella "bimijt Dm,i,j,t-
brandshas been empiricallyverified in previouswork. D3-m,i,j,t - (3-m,i,j,t -1 b2mijt 3-m,i,j,t - 112,i,j,t- I
To capturethe effects of both use experience and adver- 012,i,j,t - I b3mijt am,,
2 2
12 b
tising on the varianceof the randomcomponent,thatis, util- 03-m,i,j,t- 2+ i,3-m _ 4mijt _ 12,i,j,t-I
ity variance,let the informationobtainedby consumeri by and with Equation 12, the updatingformulas for the vari-
purchasingbrandj before time t fromcategorym be denoted ances are obtainedfrom
by xmijt.This informationcan be about attributes,including
quality,or match informationbetween consumertastes and (14) ,mi,2 = E{[Ymijt
- Et(
m = 1,2
productofferings and the like, which are not observedby the
analyst. Let x,ijt be given by 12i.jt=
E {[Yijt- Et (ylijt)][Y2ijt - Et(Y2ijt)]}

(8) = +
Xmijt Ymijt 6mijt' Note that the precedingequationssuggest that the higher
the precisionof informationfromuse experience(l/(' n)and
where 6i.jt is an i.i.d. random error term that reflects the
level of noise in the informationobtained.We suppose that advertising (I/'2 n) are (or the lower the use experience
variability, 'n,, and advertising variability,oG2, are), the
- more consumerswill update.
(9) ,mi.t N(O, o62).
Given Equations 12 to 14, the distributionof ?1ijt, m = I,
Note that additionalinformationcomes from weekly adver- 2 at time t is given by
tisements. Denoting this informationwith z,ijt , we let
-. 2 0
j= 1,2,...,J.
(10) = + 1 -c2ij't-
L[2ijt O _101
(T 12ijt 11t2
02i 12ijt
mijt Ymijt mijt' ijt

where rijtm is an i.i.d. randomerror term that reflects the We then can write the choice probabilitiesconditional on 0
level of noise in the informationfrom the advertisement.It and (pias
is given by
(16) = 1,Dt =
1;p)= ) tjk(0,(Pi),
(11) rmiit N(O, m 2)
where q)tjk(-)is the appropriatecumulativedistributionfunc-
Given these, we then assume that the randomcomponent tion whose probabilitydistributionfunction is determined
of utility is updated according to Bayesian updatingrules from Equation 15. Note that this is a 2J + 2 dimensional
and invoke the Kalmanfilter for updatingthe distributionof integral.Therefore,the probabilityof consumer(household)
i makingthe sequenceof purchasesgiven by D,,,jt, m = 1, 2,
Y,nijtand therefore of ?,j1.t There is no updatingfor j = 0,
which correspondsto no purchase.To derivethe Kalmanfil- j = 0, , ..., J, t = 1, ..., Ti, conditionalon 0 and (pi,is
ter, we regress T J J
Ymiit- Et- I[Ymiit] (17) Prob (0, i) = n DlijtD2Ijtt ( pi).
on t=l j =O k=0
m = 1, 2
Xmijt- Et_ I[xmijt]and Zmijt- Et_ i[Zmijt],
Integratingover(Qi,we obtain
by suppressing the intercept,and we obtain the following
updatingformulasfor the expectations: (18) Probi(0) = I Prob(0,(p )f/(pi 0)d(pi,
= - n
(12) Et[Ymiit] Et _[Ymijt] + blmijt{xmijt Et,- [mijt]}
+ E - I[Y3 - where Q2is the domain of the integration,whereasf((p10) is
b2mijt {x3- m,i,j,t m,i,j,t 1)
the multinomialprobabilitydistributionfunctionfor pi,con-
- Et
[nmi,j,t ]) ditional on 0.
Thus, we estimate a multivariate multinomial probit
+ b4mijt{z3 -m,i,j,t m,i,j, t]'
Et[Z3 model, which has been adopted in some recent articles in
marketing as well (e.g., Manchanda,Ansari, and Gupta
where bk,,lit, k = 1, 2 and m = 1, 2 are solved from
1999). This model allows randomcomponents to be corre-
2 2
lated across the m categories, which Manchanda,Ansari,
Dm,i,jt-j , t- I + 6m and Gupta label as "co-incidence."Thus, factors that are
D3- m,i,j,t - 1o12,i,j,t -I unobservedby the analystbut knownby the consumercould
DDm i jt - I(Y 2 be correlatedacrosscategories.However,for the first time in
m,i,j,t - I
Dm,i,j,t 11(12,i,j,t - I the economics and marketingliterature,we also incorporate
into this model a process by which the varianceof the ran-
D CY- 11,i,,-- II..
IniJDi.,t- I 12I,i,j,t m,i,j,t - I ni, j,t - I dom component (as well as the covariance of this compo-
D - Im,,j,
2 ++ 03
G 2 D 0 2, i,j.t - nent across the m categories) is updatedover time, on the
- -
i,,t ,3 - n D3-m,i,t - I
2 basis of past purchasesof the consumersand past advertise-
D3 1- m i.j.t - lI312,i,,jt -D0II 12Y j,i j,- 2 I2 ++ I m ment. The extent of the updatingis determinedby l/o'1n in
D3 -m.i.,l t - I<3-12,i, j.t -I the case of use experienceand by 1/o', in the case of adver-
Advertising and Sales Promotions in Umbrella Branding 413

tising; that is, the more precise the informationsource is, the study is the price paid without any coupons. Using a price
more updatingthere will be. value net of coupons introducesa seriousendogeneityprob-
Given Equation18, the log-likelihoodfunctionto be max- lem; therefore, we model coupon effects by using the
imized is coupon availabilitymeasurewe have defined previously.
I ParameterEstimatesand Goodnessof Fit
(19) LogL(O)= Xln[Probi(0)], We estimatedthe model describedpreviouslyand various
i=l nested models. Table 2 reports the results for five nested
models and the full model. The sixth nested model has the
Note that the calculationof Probi(O)in Equation19 requires
multivariateprobit specification with correlatederrorsand
the evaluation of multiple integrals,which in turn requires
allows for updatingerrorson the basis of past purchasesbut
Monte Carlo simulation techniques. We use a probability
does not allow the errorsto be updatedon the basis of past
simulatoras the Monte Carlo method (Geweke 1991; Haji-
advertising.The fourth nested model (NM4) has the multi-
vassiliou, McFadden,and Ruud 1994; Keane 1990, 1994). variate multinomial probit specification with correlated
As our estimation method, we adopt the method of simu-
errorsacross the categories but does not allow for updating
lated moments (MSM) first developed by McFadden(1989) errorson the basis of purchasesand advertising.The third
and extended by Keane (1990). nested model (NM3) allows for neitherupdatingnor corre-
EMPIRICALANALYSIS lated errors across the two categories. The second nested
model (NM2) is similar to NM3 but does not allow for use
experience, price, coupon availability,advertising,display,
The models are estimatedon scannerpanel data provided and featurein one category to affect the utility of the other
by ACNielsen for toothpasteand toothbrushes.Given new category.Finally,the first nested model (NM ) is similarto
productfeatureintroductionsand the existence of long-term NM2 except that heterogeneitydistributionsare assumedto
experience attributes(e.g., cavity-fightingpower of a tooth- be independentacross the two categories. Both in-sample
paste), quality uncertaintymay exist even in the relatively and out-of-sample, the full model fits the data statistically
matureproductcategoriestypically studiedin scannerpanel betterthan all other nested models. Therefore,we focus on
research (Erdem and Keane 1996). Also note that because the parameterestimates obtained by estimating the full
most frequentlypurchasedproductcategories are not high- model.
involvementgoods, consumerstypicallyrely more on brand In a given category,the results indicatethatcoupon avail-
names and advertisingthan on active search to resolve any ability,advertising,displays, features,and use experienceall
quality uncertainty. have significant, positive effects on consumer utility,
The panels cover 157 weeks from the end of 1991 to the whereasprice has the expected negativeeffect. Thereis sig-
end of 1994. The data sets includehouseholdsfrom two test nificant heterogeneityin consumer tastes and responses to
markets in Chicago and Atlanta.We use the Chicago panel use experienceand marketing-mixvariables.The time trend
for model calibration.We use the Atlanta panel to assess in the no-purchasespecification is statisticallyinsignificant.
out-of-sample fit (i.e., the predictivevalidityof the models). Given the objectives of this article, the importantparam-
The analysis includes four brandsin each category.In both eter estimates are associated with the cross-effects of
the calibration(Chicago) and the prediction(Atlanta)panel, marketing-mixvariables(and use experience),as well as the
we randomlydraw the panel members from the sample of cross-categoryparametersthat govern the process of updat-
households that do not buy multiple brandsin a given cate- ing the utility error term variance over time through use
gory on the same purchaseoccasion. experience and advertising.These parameterestimates are
The first two brands(Brand 1 and Brand2) are available markedin bold in Table 3.
in both categories. Table I providessummarystatistics.The We find thatuse experience in one categoryhas a positive
weekly GRPs are plotted in Figure 1. The price used in the impact on brandchoice probabilitiesin the other category

Table 1

Brand Name MarketShare AveragePrice" GRP Frequencyof Display Frequencyof Feature AverageCouponti
Brand 1 31.3% $1.81 13.54 2.0% 2.9% $.15
Brand2 20.0% $1.87 27.07 1.6% 2.8% $18
Brand3 10.6% $1.81 0 1.4% 3.2% $.23
Brand4 9.5% (71.4%) $2.67 0 1.2% 1.8% $.23
Brand 1 10.2% $2.36 12.62 1.2% 2.6% $23
Brand2 21.8% $1.99 19.75 1.1% 3.1% $19
Brand5 19.4% $2.36 22.84 .6% 3.2% $.27
Brand6 17.3%(68.7%) $1.96 0 .7% 3.3% $19
t'Weightedaverage price per 50)ounces for toothpaste.Weightedaverageprice per unit for toothhrush.
'Average nonzero coupon value of toothpaslenormalizedat 50()ounces. Averagenolnero coupon value of toothbrushper unil.


Figure 1

Plot of Weekly GRP for Toothpaste

Xl 'I


Brand 1 ------ Brand 2 [

Plot of Weekly GRP for Toothbrush


c: 50
o . * .,
^'.a,.r, A 3,
,... / ' -
o 1 ,iI' . . . ,,, , i,,f T i (, ? 1nr 1 r ir 1 11 11I i T 1 1l
1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 121 129 137 145 153

Brand 1 ------ Brand2 Brand5

Table 2


-LL 21323.4 20731.6 20212.5 20101.2 19510.4 18925.3
AIC 21417.4 20831.6 20336.5 20226.2 19637.4 19054.3
Out-of-Sample (Atlanta)h^
BIC 21839.0 21280.1 20892.3 20786.9 20208.0 19633.9
-LL 13260.5 12936.2 12712.2
122179.6 12367.5 2592.7
"Numberof observations= 59,032 (includingno purchases),numberof households(hhs) = 376; 167 hhs made621 purchasesof toothbrush;345 hhs made
2880 purchasesof toothpaste; 136 hhs purchasedboth toothbrushand toothpaste.
hNumberof observations= 30,301 (includingno purchases),numberof hhs = 193; 92 hhs made 198 purchasesof toothbrush;186 hhs made912 purchases
of toothpaste;85 hhs purchasedboth toothbrushand toothpaste.
Notes: LL = log likelihood;AIC = Akaike informationcriterion;BIC = Bayesian infornation criterion.

for umbrella brands. We also find statistically significant Turningour attention to the random component of the
cross-categoryeffects of advertisingin both categories.Fur- consumerutility and the process of utility varianceupdating
thermore,we find evidence thatcoupon availabilityand dis- based on use experience and advertising,we find the fol-
play (significantat the p <. 10 level) in the toothbrushcate- lowing results: Random components are correlatedacross
gory affects consumer utility in toothpaste positively for the two categories.Recall that we estimatedan initialcorre-
umbrellabrands.Coupon availability,display,and featurein lation betweenthe randomcomponents,which we find to be
the toothpastecategory affect consumerutility in the tooth- positive and significant. However, our results indicate that
brushcategory positively as well. Finally,prices have nega- both osa and oln are statisticallysignificant in both cate-
tive cross-category effects in both categories. Therefore, a gories. Therefore,dependingon the degree of the precision
price cut in one category for an umbrellabrand increases of information (i.e., 1/o,Smor I/oG,n), the variance and
consumer utilities and thus the choice probabilitiesfor that covarianceo' randomcomponentsacross the two categories
brandin the other category. are updatedwith use experienceand advertising.This result
Advertisingand Sales Promotionsin UmbrellaBranding 415


Parameters Toothpaste(m = I) Toothbrush(m = 2)

Brandspecific constantsan,j Brand I -2.07(.19) -3.77(.32)

Brand2 -2.54(.28) -.26(.10)
Brand3 (5)a -3.29(.22) -.86(.21)
Brand4 (6) -3.31(.17) -1.03(.26)
No purchaseh 0 0
Standarddeviationof brandspecific constant nctmj Brand I 1.51(.34) 1.02(.18)
Brand2 1.35(.20) .47(.19)
Brand3 (5) 1.00(.22) .23(. 11)
Brand4 (6) .58(. Il) .11(.07)
No purchase 0 0
Trend,, .015(2.53) .002(1.10)
.010(2.57) .001(1.73)
Mean price coefficient P1, -1.21(.18) -.95(.13)
Standarddeviationof the price randomeffect 7p,. .56(.16) .45(.12)
Mean coupon coefficient on .82(.12) .95(.17)
Standarddeviationof the coupon randomeffect (o,m .55(.16) .46(.20)
Mean ad coefficient y,, .12(.05) .15(.05)
Standarddeviationof the ad randomeffect (9ml .05(.02) .07(.04)
Mean display coefficient kn 1.49(.26) 1.36(.33)
Standarddeviationof the display randomeffect o(,, 1.20(.25) .75(.23)
Mean featurecoefficient x,, 1.09(.40) 1.29(.20)
Standarddeviationof the featurerandomeffect on .82(.43) .43(.59)
Mean use experience coefficient Km 2.74(.33) 2.10(.23)
Standarddeviationof the use experience randomeffect (oc 1.86(.30) 1.10(.23)
Mean cross-price coefficient 3 - m -.11(.04) -.18(.08)
Standard deviation of the cross-price random effect ag_ m .08(.13) .08(.08)
Mean cross-coupon coefficient 3 - m .45(.18) .47(.17)
Standard deviation of the cross-coupon random effect 3 _ m .23(.09) .20(.08)
Mean cross-ad coefficient 13 m .011(.005) .013(.005)
Standard deviation of the cross-ad random effect a3 - m .008(.005) .011(.004)
Mean cross-display coefficient 13 _ m .097(.055) .147(.077)
Standard deviation of the cross-display random effect 3-_m .091(2.58) .100(1.15)
Mean cross-feature coefficient V3_ m .132(.083) .170(.037)
Standard deviation of the cross-feature random effect av3 - n .085(.044) .095(.144)
Mean cross-use experience coefficient (03_ m .82(.25) .69(.14)
Standard deviation of the cross-use experience random effect o _-m .45(.45) .20(.09)
Use experience smoothing parameterDUM .78(.12) .88(.25)
Media smoothing parameterDA, .28(.10) .56(.17)
Correlationbetween constanttelrmsand price pa,i,p,, Brand I .15(.09) .13(.08)
Brand2 .19(.19) .17(.06)
Brand3 (5) .07(.11) -.08(.09)
Brand4 (6) -.29(.05) -.25(.1 )
Correlationbetween constantterms and advertisingPamrn, Brand I .12(.04) .14(.05)
Brand2 .09(.05) .15(.07)
Brand3 (5) .06(.03) .08(.06)
Brand4 (6) .07(.05) .07(.05)
Correlationbetween price and ad coefficients pi,,,ny -.17(.08) .16(.06)
Correlationbetween price and display coefficients pp,,lmX -.25(.10) -.23(. 11)
Correlationbetween price and featurecoefficients Ppi,Tm -.17(.07) -.22(.10)
Correlationbetween price and coupon coefficient Ppnmom -.18(.07) -.13(.07)
Correlationbetween price and use experience coefficients P,c;m -.21(.09) -.20(.1 1)
Correlationbetween ad and display coefficients Pyv.m .11(.06) -.18(.()8)
Correlationbetween ad and featurecoefficients Ppini .08(.04) .13(.()05)
Correlationbetween ad and coupon coefficients P,nl,9 .16(.07) .10(.09)
Correlationbetween ad and use experience coefficients Py,,n, .27(.12) .23(.13)
Cross-categorycorrelationbetween price coefficients AIP2 .63(.13)
Cross-categorycorrelationbetween ad coefficients AyI.2 .44(.10)
Cross-categorycorrelationbetween display coefficients AX.i2 .16(.10)
Cross-categorycorrelationbetween featurecoefficients At,t2 .13(.08)
Cross-categorycorrelationbetween coupon coefficients A0102 .14(.10)
Cross-categorycorrelationbetween use experience coefficients A,i,e2 .42(.18)
Cross-category correlation between error terms p (in the initial period) .19(.08)
Advertising variability o%for toothbrush .22(.1 1)
Advertising variability a6 for toothpaste .74(.31)
Experience variability CYn for toothbrush .16(.06)
Experience variability Oc for toothpaste .27(. 1 )
aToothpastebrandsare I, 2, 3, and 4, and toothbrushbrandsare 1, 2, 5, and 6.
hNo-purchaseoption constantis set to zero for identificationpurposes.
Notes: Figuresin boldface indicateparameterestimates associatedwith the cross-effectsof marketing-mixvariablesand the cross-categoryparamleters
govern the process of updatingthe utility errorterm varianceover time.

confirms the finding in the literaturethat use experience result in higher price sensitivities in these two categories,
may reduce uncertainty across categories for umbrella ceteris paribus.Finally, we also find that consumer price,
brands (Erdem 1998) and establishes the new result that advertising,and use experience sensitivities are correlated
advertisingdecreases consumer uncertaintyacross product across the two categories we study.
categories for umbrellabrandsas well.
Note also thatthe precisionof use experienceinformation Policy Simulations
is found to be higher than that of advertisingin both cate- To evaluatethe impactof temporarypolicy changes (i.e.,
gories, which is an intuitive result because use experience a change in one of the marketing-mixelements in the second
should provide less noisy informationthan advertisingdoes week) in each category, we ran the following simulations
in most cases. Also, the ratioof advertisingvariabilityto use separatelyfor Brand I and Brand2: a 20% increase in (1)
experience variability is higher for toothpaste than tooth- coupon availability,(2) advertising,(3) displays, and(4) fea-
brushes; that is, although advertisingprovides more noisy tures and (5) a 20% decrease in price. We reportonly the
informationthandoes use experiencein both categories,the impact of the policy change on the cumulative purchases.
relative noisiness of advertising informationis greater for The impactof the temporarychangeon cumulativesales can
toothpastethan toothbrushes. be conceptualizedas the long-termeffect of these temporary
Finally, we estimated several within-categoryas well as policy changes. In regardto the short-termeffects of a tem-
across-category correlations, as discussed in the previous porarypolicy change (i.e., the impactof a policy change in
section. Not all the correlationsbetweenbrandconstantsand the beginningof the second week on sales in that week), it
price (advertising) responses are statistically significant. may suffice to indicatethat the short-termeffects are larger.
The statistically significant estimates suggest that in the It is also worthwhile to note that we found the long-term
toothpaste(toothbrush)category,consumerswho like Brand effects to be largerthanthe short-termeffects in advertising.
I (Brand2) more than the averageconsumertend to be less Table 4 reports the results for the respective temporary
price sensitive than the average consumer.The reverse is policy changes adoptedby Brand I in toothpasteand tooth-
true for Brand 4. Therefore,the correlationbetween brand brushesseparately.Table5 reportsthe correspondingresults
specific constants and price sensitivity is positive for some for Brand2. In bothTables4 and 5, the first half of the table
brandsand negative for others. The estimates also suggest compares the baseline figures with the cumulative "sales"
thatconsumerswho like Brands 1, 2, and 3 in toothpasteand figures when a temporarypolicy change was adopted in
Brands 1 and 2 in toothbrushesmore than the averagecon- Week 2 (orjust beforeWeek 2 in the case of advertisingand
sumertend to be more advertisingsensitivethanthe average coupon availability).In particular,the first row indicatesthe
consumer. Finally, in both categories, there are statistically baseline figures.The next five rows indicate the impacts of
significantcorrelationsof price sensitivity with advertising, a change in pricing, couponing, advertising, display, and
display, feature, and use experience sensitivities. Advertis- featurepolicy, respectively,in toothbrushon toothpasteand
ing and featuresensitivities and advertisingand display sen- toothbrushsales. The following five rows revealthe impacts
sitivities are significantly correlated in both categories as of a change in pricing, couponing, advertising,display, and
well. Advertising and coupon availability sensitivities, as featurepolicy, respectively,in toothpasteon toothpasteand
well as advertisingand use experiencesensitivities, are sig- toothbrushsales. The lower half of the table reportsthe per-
nificantlycorrelatedonly in the toothpastecategory. centage change in sales due to the respectivepolicy changes,
Given the signs of the parameterestimates, these com- again separatelyfor toothbrushesand toothpaste.The tables
bined results indicate that in the two categories we study, do not include the featureeffects in toothpaste,because the
there seems to be an individual-specific trait we call cross-effects of features were found to be statistically
"marketing-mixsensitivity" (i.e., some consumers are in insignificantfor toothpaste.
general more sensitive to marketing-mixstrategies).Indeed, To assess the impact of a 20% increase in Brand I's
similar results have been found in otherrecent work as well advertising frequency in toothbrushes on the toothpaste
(Arora2000). The only result that seems somewhatsurpris- sales of Brand I, for example, comparethe baseline figure
ing is the negative sign of the correlationbetween use expe- of 1326, which reflects the baseline cumulative sales of
rience and price sensitivities. Although these correlation Brand I, with the correspondingpostintervention(a tempo-
terms do not necessarily imply any causal links, we might rary increasein advertisingfrequencyby Brand I in tooth-
still have expected the reverseresultto hold. This is because brushes at PurchaseOccasion 2) figure of 1431. This com-
high use experience involves positive purchase feedback, parison reveals an 8% increase in toothpastesales due to a
and consumers who are sensitive to this may be expected to 20% increase of advertising frequency of Brand I in the
be less price sensitive (Seetharaman,Ainslie, and Chinta- toothbrushcategory.
gunta 1999). However, note that the estimate we obtain is The resultson spillovereffects (cross-effects)can be sum-
not necessarily counterintuitive.This is because more use marized as follows: Overall, coupons and then advertising
experience-sensitive people may have utility fartherout in have the largest cross-effects on sales in both categories
the tail of the distributionand may need a largerprice coef- except for Brand2 in the toothpastecategory,for which fea-
ficient to have the same price elasticity.This would be con- tures (more so than any other marketing-mixelement in the
sistent with high sensitivity to use experience being associ- toothpastecategory)affect sales the most in the toothbrush
ated with high price sensitivity.Anotherexplanationfor the category, followed by coupons and advertising. In most
result is that consumers with higher sensitivity to use expe- cases, the smallest cross-effects are the price cross-effects.
rience may have smaller considerationsets (Rajendranand The cross-effectsof coupon availabilityon sales rangefrom
Tellis 1994); this may increasethe abilityof use experience- 5% to 13%acrossproductcategoriesand across Brand I and
sensitive consumers to make price comparisons,which may Brand2. The ~
~ ~
~ ~ rangefi-om40%to 8%.
Advertising and Sales Promotions in Umbrella Branding 417

Table 4

Sales of Toothpaste Sales of Toothbrush

Brand I Brand2 Brand 3 Brand4 Brand I Brand 2 Brand5 Brand6
Baseline 1326 777 424 353 99 256 160 106
Price cut by 20% 1405 734 402 339 121 245 154 101
Coupon increaseby 20% 1464 713 384 319 118 245 155 103
Advertisingincrease by 20% 1431 734 388 327 125 141 153 102
Display increase by 20% 1419 730 397 334 124 243 152 102
Featureincrease by 20% 116 246 155 104
Pricecut by 20% 1748 519 334 279 105 252 159 105
Coupon increaseby 20% 1763 571 299 255 112 248 158 103
Advertisingincrease by 20% 1665 594 338 283 107 252 157 105
Display increase by 20% 1659 600 340 281 105 253 159 104
Featureincrease by 20% 1641 604 343 292 104 255 158 104

Toothpaste Toothbrush
BrtandI Brand2 Brand3 B-rand4 Brand I Brand2 B-rand5 B-rand6
Price cut by 20% .0596 -.055 -.052 -.04 .2222 -.043 -.038 -.047
Coupon increase by 20% .1041 -.082 -.094 -.096 .19/9 -.043 -.031 -.028
Advertisingincrease by 20% .0792 -.055 -.085 -.074 .2626 -.449 -.044 -.038
Display increase by 20% .0701 -.06 -.064 -.054 .2525 -.051 -.05 -.038
Featureincrease by 20% .17/7 -.039 -.031 -.019
Price cut by 20% .3183 -.332 -.212 -.21 .0606 -.016 -.006 -.009
Coupon increaseby 20% .3296 -.265 -.295 -.278 .1313 -.031 -.013 -.028
Advertisingincrease by 20% .2557 -.236 -.203 -.198 .0808 -.016 -.019 -.009
Display increase by 20% .2511 -.228 -.198 -.204 .0606 -.012 -.006 -.019
Featureincrease by 20% .2376 -.223 -.191 -.173 .0505 -.004 -.013 -.019
Notes: The cross-effects are indicatedin bold and the own-effects are indicatedin italics. The figures in bold and italics refer to the impactsof the policy
changes on the sales of the umbrellabrandimplementingthe policy change.

The display cross-effects range from 3% to 7%. Similarly, ing. In contrast,in the toothpastecategory these effects are
the feature cross-effects in toothbrush (the impact of a largestfor display and coupons, followed by advertising.As
change in the display activity in toothpasteon toothbrush these numbersshow, as a percentageof own-effects, cross-
sales) are 5% for both Brands I and 2. Finally,price cross- effects are substantialfor all marketing-mixelements.
effects range from 3% to 6% as well in both categories.
The simulation results for a temporarypolicy change by MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS, CONCLUSIONS,AND
Brand I (Brand2) in the toothbrushcategorysuggest thatas FURTHERRESEARCH
a percentageof the own-effects, cross-effects on Brand I's We tested for the spillovereffects of advertisingand other
(Brand 2's) toothpaste sales are 27%, 54%, 30%, and 28% marketing-mix/salespromotion strategies (price, coupon,
(23%, 61%, 43%, and 64%) for price, coupon availability, display,and feature)in umbrellabrandingon scannerpanel
advertising, and display, respectively. Thus, in the tooth- data.We found that advertisingspillover effects, along with
category,couponavailabilityandthen advertisinghave the use experiencespillovereffects, affect both utility mean
the largest cross-effects as a percentageof own-effects for and variance. The latter effect provides evidence for the
Brand I, and displays and coupons have the largest cross- uncertainty-reducingrole of advertising (along with use
effects as a percentageof own-effects for Brand2. The sim- experience) across categories for umbrellabrands.To cap-
ulation results for a temporarypolicy change by Brand I ture the varianceeffect in a parsimoniousway, for the first
(Brand 2) in the toothpastecategory suggest that as a per- time in the literature,we estimated a multivariatemulti-
centage of the own-effects, cross-effects on Brand I's nomialprobitmodel, in which the variancesandcovariances
(Brand2's) toothbrushsales are 19%,40%, 32%, 24%, and of random components of utilities across categories were
21% (16%, 61%, 43%, 64%, and 29%) for price, coupon updatedon the basis of use experience and advertising.
availability, advertising, display, and feature, respectively. Although there were some differences across categories
Thus, in the toothbrushcategory, as in the toothpastecate- and brands,marketing-mixspillover effects were largestfor
gory, cross-effects as a percentageof own-effects are largest coupon availability,generally followed by advertising.The
for coupons and advertisingfor Brand 1. For Brand2, in the relativelylargecoupon effects, as well as advertisingeffects,
toothbrushcategory, cross-effects as a percentageof own- can be explained by various behavioralphenomenarelated
effects are largestfor features,because of a policy change in to brandequity; for example,couponingor advertisingby an
the toothpastecategory, followed by coupons and advertis- umbrellabrandmay increaseconsumer awarenessof prod-

Table 5

Sales of Toothpaste Sales of Toothbrush

Brand I Brand2 Brand3 Brand4 Brand I Brand2 Brand5 Brand6
Baseline 1326 177 424 353 99 256 160 106
Price cut by 20% 1294 813 419 354 85 307 140 89
Coupon increaseby 20% 1270 867 403 340 84 305 142 90
Advertisingincrease by 20% 1306 829 404 341 85 296 146 94
Display increaseby 20% 1311 814 410 345 95 275 152 99
Featureincreaseby 20% 96 271 153 101
Price cut by 20% 1206 966 382 326 95 266 157 103
Coupon increaseby 20% 1207 963 383 327 94 269 156 102
Advertisingincrease by 20% 1226 950 385 319 94 267 158 102
Display increase by 20% 1237 924 392 327 95 264 158 104
Featureincreaseby 20% 1246 915 390 329 93 269 157 102

Toothpaste Toothbrush
Br-andI Brand2 Brand3 Brand4 Brand I Brand2 Brand5 Brand6
Price cut by 20% -.024 .0463 -.012 .0028 -.141 . 992 -.125 -.16
Coupon increaseby 20% -.042 .1158 -.05 -.037 -.152 .1914 -.113 -.151
Advertisingincrease by 20% -.015 .0669 -.047 -.034 -.141 .1563 -.088 -.113
Display increase by 20% -.011 .0476 -.033 -.023 -.04 .0742 -.05 -.066
Featureincrease by 20% -.03 .0586 -.044 -.047
Price cut by 20% -.09 .2432 -.099 -.076 -.04 .0391 -.019 -.028
Coupon increaseby 20% -.09 .2394 -.097 -.074 -.051 .0508 -.025 -.038
Advertisingincrease by 20% -.075 .2227 -.092 -.096 -.051 .043 -.013 -.038
Display increase by 20% -.067 .1892 -.075 -.074 -.04 .0313 -.013 -.019
Featureincrease by 20% -.06 .1776 -.08 -.068 -.061 .0508 -.019 -.038
Notes: The cross-effects are indicatedin bold and the own-effects are indicatedin italics. The figures in bold and italics refer to the impactsof the policy
changes on the sales of the umbrellabrandimplementingthe policy change.

ucts that share the same umbrellabrand(Aaker 1991) and ductivity.These results call for integratedmarketingcom-
may strengthenthe brandimage (Keller 1993). Given that munications across products that share the same brand
clipping the coupons and using them requiresmore cogni- name. Work on brandequity suggests this for advertising,
tive elaborationon the partof consumers,such cross-effects butour resultssuggest thatthe need for integrationexists for
may even be largerfor coupons than for advertising,as our all the marketing-mixelements, includingsales promotions
results indicate. and especially couponing strategies, given the relatively
We also found thatadvertising(as well as use experience) large cross-couponingeffects we found.
shifts both utility mean and variance across categories. Second, our results imply that there are some asymme-
Thus, we found that the varianceof the randomcomponent tries across productcategoriesand across brands.Forexam-
of utility in each categorydeclined as a resultof advertising ple, for Brand 2, featuringtoothpastewill have the largest
(and use experience) in eithercategoryover time. The cross- cross-effects on toothbrushsales, whereas displaying the
category effects of advertisingon the utility mean may be toothbrushproduct(or giving a coupon for it) will have the
due to the factors discussed previously,such as awareness, largestcross-effectson toothpastesales, ceteris paribus.Fur-
as well as advertising'seffect of increasingquality beliefs thermore,as a percentageof own-effects, cross-effects of a
underuncertainty.However,the effect of advertisingon util- policy change in toothbrushseem to affect toothpastesales
ity varianceis evidence for learningdue to advertisingunder more than the other way around in the case of Brand 2,
uncertainty (the variance of quality beliefs is decreasing whereas the magnitudesof cross-effects as a percentageof
over time because of advertising).Thus, we find evidence own-effects are fairly similar across the two categories for
for the uncertainty-reducingrole of advertisingacross cate- Brand 1. Therefore,it would be importantfor brandman-
gories, which gives rise to advertising spillover effects, agers to know how specific cross-effects work across cate-
though the effects on mean utility may be a combinationof gories for their brands.
different impacts (relatedor not relatedto uncertainty). Although it was not the focus of this article,we also esti-
Our empirical results obtained from the analysis of mated and found evidence for several within- and cross-
revealed preference data have several other managerial category correlations in response coefficients. First, we
implications. First, the results confirm the expectation that Iound that marketing-mixsensitivities are generally posi-
umbrella brandinggenerates savings in branddevelopment tively correlated within a category. We also found that
and marketingcosts over time and enhances marketingpro- depending on the brandin question, some consumers who
Advertising and Sales Promotions in Umbrella Branding 419

like certain brands may be more or less price sensitive than Heckman, James B. (1981), "Heterogeneityand State Depen-
the average consumer. These results indicate that in these dence," in Studies in Labor Markets, S. Rosen, ed. Chicago:
two categories, there are segments that, overall, are Universityof Chicago Press, 91-139.
Ho, Teck, ChristopherS. Tang, and David Bell (1998), "Rational
marketing-mix sensitive, as well as segments that are
marketing-mix insensitive. Second, the finding that con- Shopping Behavior and the Option Value of VariablePricing,"
sumers' marketing-mix sensitivities tend to be correlated ManagementScience, 44 (2), 145-60.
across categories suggests that there is a strong individual- Keane, Michael P. (1990), "FourEssays in EmpiricalMacro and
Labor Economics," doctoral dissertation,Departmentof Eco-
specific component to marketing-mix sensitivity. nomics, Brown University.
There are a few avenues for further research. We showed
(1994), "Simulation Estimation for Panel Data Models
evidence for both utility mean- and utility variance-shifting
with Limited DependentVariables,"in Handbookof Statistics,
effects of advertising and use experience, and the the vari- G.S. Maddala,C.R. Rao, and H.D. Vinod, eds. New York:Else-
ance effects indicate evidence for the uncertainty-reducing vier Science Publishers,545-71.
role that advertising and use experience play across cate- (1997a) "CurrentIssues in Discrete Choice Modeling,"
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spillover effects occur are worth exploring in more detail. (1997b), "Modeling Heterogeneityand State Dependence
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Due to an increasedavailabilityof dataandalso to an increasedinterestamongstthe practitioners,
one can notice more and more applicationsof statisticaltechniquesand stochasticmodels in
marketing.It is not uncommon that marketingdecisions are made based on the outcomes of
sophisticatedmodels for empiricaldata.As developmentsin this areaproceedwith rapidpace, it
is importantto once in a while establishthe currentstate of the art concerningthese empirical
models. It is for this reason that the journalAppliedStochasticModelsin Businessand Industry
is a
(Wiley) publishing special issue on
Applied Probability Models and Measurement in Marketing.
All empiricalworkrelatedto the probabilisticmodellingof choice,preference,and/orbehaviouris
welcome.Analysisof largedatasets is also encouraged.Paperscan be submittedelectronicallyto
the Guest Editors:
AlbertBemmaor PhilipHansFranses
ESSEC or ErasmusUniversity
BP 105 P.O.Box1738
95021 Cergy Pontoise Cedex NL-3000DR Rotterdam
France The Netherlands
The deadlinefor submissionis June 30, 2003. All paperswill be refereed,and there is no a priori
guarantee of ultimate acceptance.

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