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ES 223


Equilibrium of a Rigid Body


ES223 Section 02 1



1. Conditions for Rigid Body Equilibrium

2. Free Body Diagrams
3. Equations of Equilibrium
4. Two and Three Force Members
5. Equations of Equilibrium in Three Dimensions
6. Dry Friction

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1 Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium

Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium

The force and couple moment system acting on a body can be
reduced to an equivalent resultant force and resultant couple
moment at any arbitrary point O on or off the body

If this resultant force and couple moment are both equal to zero,
then the body is said to be in equilibrium.

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

Free-Body Diagrams
Successful application of the equations of equilibrium requires a
complete specification of all the known and unknown external forces
that act on the body.

The best way to account for these forces is to draw a free-body


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2 Free-Body Diagrams

Support Reactions.
As a general rule:

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

Support Reactions.

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

Internal Forces.
the internal forces that act between adjacent particles in a body
always occur in collinear pairs such that they have the same
magnitude and act in opposite directions

Since these forces cancel each other, they will not create an
external effect on the body. It is for this reason that the internal
forces should not be included on the free-body diagram if the entire
body is to be considered.

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

Weight and the Center of Gravity.

When a body is within a gravitational field, then each of its particles
has a specified weight.

Such a system of forces can be reduced to a single resultant force

acting through a specified point.

We refer to this force resultant as the weight W of the body and to

the location of its point of application as the center of gravity.

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

Idealized Models.
When an engineer performs a force analysis of any object, he or she
considers a corresponding analytical or idealized model that gives
results that approximate as closely as possible the actual situation.

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

EXAMPLE: Draw the free-body diagram of the uniform beam

The beam has a mass of 100 kg.

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

EXAMPLE: Two smooth pipes, each having a mass of 300 kg, are supported by the
forked tines of the tractor. Draw the free-body diagrams for each pipe and both pipes together.

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2 Free-Body Diagrams

EXAMPLE: Draw the free-body diagram of the unloaded platform that is suspended off
the edge of the oil rig. The platform has a mass of 200 kg.

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3 Equations of Equilibrium

Equations of Equilibrium.
When the body is subjected to a system of forces, which all lie
in the x–y plane, then the forces can be resolved into their x and y
components. Consequently, the conditions for equilibrium in two
dimensions are


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3 Equations of Equilibrium

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3 Equations of Equilibrium

EXAMPLE: Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction on the beam
caused by the pin at B and the rocker at as shown in Figure. Neglect the weight of the beam.

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3 Equations of Equilibrium

EXAMPLE: The member shown in Figure is pin-connected at A and rests against a smooth
support at B. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction at the pin A.

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3 Equations of Equilibrium

EXAMPLE: The box wrench in Figure is used to tighten the bolt at A. If the wrench does not
turn when the load is applied to the handle, determine the torque or moment applied to the
bolt and the force of the wrench on the bolt.

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3 Equations of Equilibrium

EXAMPLE: Determine the support reactions on the member in Figure. The

collar at A is fixed to the member and can slide vertically along the vertical shaft.

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4 Two and Three Force Members

Two- and Three-Force Members

The solutions to some equilibrium problems can be simplified by
recognizing members that are subjected to only two or three forces.

Two-Force Members
As the name implies, a two-force member has
forces applied at only two points on the member.
To satisfy force equilibrium, FA and FB must be equal in magnitude,
FA = FB , but opposite in direction F = 0

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4 Two and Three Force Members

Three-Force Members
If a member is subjected to only three forces, it is called a three-force
member. Moment equilibrium can be satisfied only if the three forces
form a concurrent or parallel force system.

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4 Two and Three Force Members

EXAMPLE: The lever ABC is pin supported at A and connected to a short link BD
as shown in Figure. If the weight of the members is negligible, determine the force of the pin
on the lever at A.

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5 Equations of Equilibrium in Three Dimensions

Equilibrium in Three Dimensions

Vector Equations of Equilibrium.
The two conditions for equilibrium of a rigid body may be expressed
mathematically in vector form as

In three dimensions:

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6 Dry Friction

Dry Friction
• Friction is a force that resists the movement of two contacting
surfaces that slide relative to one another.

• This force always acts tangent to the surface at the points of

contact and is directed so as to oppose the possible or existing
motion between the surfaces.

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6 Dry Friction

Impending Motion.
In cases where the surfaces of contact are rather “slippery,” the
frictional force F may not be great enough to balance P, and
consequently the block will tend to slip. In other words, as P is slowly
increased, F correspondingly increases until it attains a certain
maximum value Fs called the limiting static frictional force .

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6 Dry Friction

If the magnitude of P acting on the block is increased so that it
becomes slightly greater than Fs, the frictional force at the contacting
surface will drop to a smaller value Fk called the kinetic frictional

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6 Dry Friction

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6 Dry Friction

EXAMPLE: The uniform crate shown in Fig. has a mass of 20 kg. If a force P = 80 N is applied
to the crate, determine if it remains in equilibrium. The coefficient of static friction is µs = 0.3

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6 Dry Friction

EXAMPLE: The uniform 10-kg ladder in Fig. rests against the smooth wall at B, and the end A
rests on the rough horizontal plane for which the coefficient of static friction is µs = 0.3.
Determine the angle of inclination of the ladder and the normal reaction at B if the ladder is
on the verge of slipping.

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6 Dry Friction

EXAMPLE: Blocks A and B have a mass of 3 kg and 9 kg, respectively, and are connected to
the weightless links shown in Fig. Determine the largest vertical force P that can be applied at
the pin C without causing any movement. The coefficient of static friction between the blocks
and the contacting surfaces is µs = 0.3.

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