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OECD Economic Surveys: Colombia 2019 - © OECD 2019

Executive Summary Figure D. The tax and transfer system does little to reduce inequality
Version 1 - Last updated: 04-Oct-2019

Figure D. The tax and transfer system does little to reduce inequality

Working age population

2017 or latest year available
Gini coeffic ient

Gini b efo re ta xe s a n d tra nsfe rs Gini a fter taxe s an d tra nsfe rs

Source: OECD Income Distribution and Poverty database and OECD calculations.

Working age population

_x000D_2017 or latest year available
Gini before taxes and Gini after taxes and
transfers transfers
Sweden SWE 0.365 0.273
Germany DEU 0.415 0.301
OECD OECD 0.418 0.315
France FRA 0.452 0.296
United Kingdom GBR 0.454 0.348
Spain ESP 0.461 0.343
United States USA 0.469 0.385
Chile CHL 0.476 0.453
Mexico MEX 0.479 0.467
Colombia COL 0.483 0.476
Brazil BRA 0.554 0.465

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