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Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291

In situ studies of pellicle formation on hydroxyapatite discs

A.M. Vacca Smith*, W.H. Bowen
Center for Oral Biology, University of Rochester, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 611, Rochester, NY 14642, USA

Accepted 21 October 1999


The formation of acquired enamel pellicle on hydroxyapatite (HA) discs of known surface area carried in the
mouth was studied; discs were carried in the mouth for 30 s, 1, 5, 10 and 20 min. Similar amounts of protein were
found on the discs at each time-point, as determined by ninhydrin analyses. The amounts of amylase and lysozyme
detected remained stable after 5 min of exposure of the discs to the mouth. Assay of the discs for fructosyl- and
glucosyltransferase activities revealed that fructosyltransferase activity increased up to 1 min of exposure to the
mouth and decreased when kept in the mouth for longer periods; glucosyltransferase activity, in contrast, increased
the longer the discs were kept in the mouth. This in situ model provides insight into the activities of various
enzymes during the ®rst 20 min of pellicle formation. The e€ects of rinsing with sucrose and sugar alcohols on
pellicle formation on the discs were also explored. The discs were placed in the mouth for 30 s, 1, 5, 10 and 20 min,
preceded by rinsing with either distilled deionized water, sucrose, sorbitol, xylitol or phosphate-bu€ered saline.
Western blot analyses of disc eluates with antiserum/antibody preparations to various salivary components revealed
distinct patterns of deposition of bacterial and salivary components depending on the composition of the rinse.
These studies con®rm that salivary molecules and bacteria are deposited on apatitic surfaces in a selective manner
and reveal that pellicle formation may be in¯uenced by composition of diet. It is apparent that this in situ model
could be used in screening potential antiplaque agents. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pellicle; Hydroxyapatite; Discs; Saliva; Glucosyltransferase; Enzymes

1. Introduction. the conformation of micelles (RoÈlla and Rykke, 1994;

Rykke et al., 1995). The salivary pellicle serves many
The acquired enamel pellicle (Dawes et al., 1963) is functions, which include lubrication (Tabak et al.,
formed by the selective adsorption of salivary and bac- 1982), prevention of crystal growth (Hay et al., 1979)
terial-derived molecules on to tooth and apatitic sur- and modulation of the microbial ¯ora on the tooth
faces (Hay, 1967, 1973, 1975; Moreno et al., 1978, surface (Tellefson and Germaine, 1986; Cowan et al.,
1984, 1987; RoÈlla et al., 1983). Salivary molecules 1987; Gibbons and Hay, 1988, 1989; Gibbons et al.,
adsorbed on to tooth surfaces may apparently assume 1990; Schilling and Bowen, 1992; Venkitaraman et al.,
Several active enzymes have been identi®ed in sali-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-716-275-5925; fax: +1- vary pellicles formed in vitro, and include, for
716-473-2679. example, a-amylase (RoÈlla et al., 1983; Vacca-Smith et
E-mail address: al., 1996a), lysozyme (RoÈlla et al., 1983), and bacterial
(A.M. Vacca Smith). glucosyltransferase and fructosyltransferase (RoÈlla et

0003-9969/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 3 - 9 9 6 9 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 1 4 1 - 7
278 A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291


CCP cysteine-containing peptide SDS±PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate±polyacryl-

PRP proline-rich protein amide gel electrophoresis
PVDF polyvinylenedi¯uoride

al., 1983; Vacca-Smith et al., 1996b). Enzymatically 2.2. Formation of pellicle

active amylase and glucosyltransferase have also been
detected in pellicles formed in vivo (Scheie et al., 1987; Before all the assays, the participant, a healthy 33
Al-Hashimi and Levine, 1989). year old female, refrained from food and tooth brush-
Techniques employed to study the acquired enamel ing for 2 h. For all assays, two discs were held in a
pellicle include, for example, light microscopy (Arm- separate side of her buccal sulcus for de®ned periods.
strong and Hayward, 1968; Lic, 1975), histochemical All time-points per assay were collected on the same
staining (Meckel, 1965), amino acid analyses (Mayhall, day, and all assays were initiated at the same time
1970, 1977; SoÈnju and RoÈlla, 1973; SoÈnju et al., 1974; each day.
Al-Hashimi and Levine, 1989; Lamkin et al., 1991),
electrophoresis (Fisher et al., 1987), chromatographic
2.3. E€ects of sucrose and sugar alcohol rinses on
and immunological methods (Eggen and RoÈlla, 1984;
pellicle formation
Kousvelari et al., 1980; Al-Hashimi and Levine, 1989)
and enzymatic methods (RoÈlla et al., 1983; Scheie et
The volunteer rinsed her mouth with 30 ml of dis-
al., 1987; Vacca-Smith et al., 1996a, 1996b). Results
tilled, deionized H2O water for 30 s ®nally spitting it
from these studies provided details about the compo-
out. Two hydroxyapatite discs were then held in the
sition and activity of the pellicle formed for 2 h or
mouth in separate areas of the buccal sulcus for var-
longer. Information on the phenomena associated with
ious times up to 20 min after the water rinse. The discs
the very earliest formation of pellicle is sparse. There-
were removed from the mouth and washed three times
fore, one purpose of this study was to examine the for-
with distilled, deionized H2O, as described earlier. In
mation of the acquired enamel pellicle in situ, with
some experiments, the participant rinsed her mouth
particular emphasis on enzyme activities, during the
with 30 ml of either 29 mM sucrose (Sigma), 55 mM
®rst 20 min of development to determine the steps
sorbitol (Sigma), 66 mM xylitol (Sigma), or phosphate-
involved in its formation from the very earliest stages.
bu€ered saline (pH 7.5) instead of water for 30 s.
Sucrose is utilized as a substrate by glucosyltransfer-
After spitting out the rinse, fresh discs were placed in
ase enzymes to form glucan, which in turn provides
the mouth. The sucrose, sugar-alcohols, and phos-
bacterial binding sites on tooth surfaces (RoÈlla et al.,
phate-bu€ered saline were without e€ect on salivary
1983; Scheie et al., 1987; Schilling and Bowen, 1988,
pH after rinsing with the selected agent (data not
1992; Venkitaraman et al., 1995), may in¯uence pellicle
shown). All rinses were performed on separate days.
and plaque formation. Glucan production by mutans
streptococci has been shown to be an essential viru-
lence factor for their role in the pathogenesis of dental 2.4. Western blots
caries (Yamashita et al., 1993). Therefore, a second
aim of this study was to determine the e€ects of Experiments were performed to identify the com-
sucrose and also explore the e€ects of sugar substitutes ponents of saliva which adhered to the discs. The discs
which do not serve as substrates for glucosyltransfer- were carried in the mouth after various rinses as
ase, on pellicle formation. described earlier and were washed. They were then
placed in 500 ml of SDS±PAGE sample bu€er
(Laemmli, 1970) for 5 min. After incubation, 20 ml of
2. Materials and methods the solution, which contained material eluted from the
discs, was removed, mixed with equal volumes of dis-
2.1. Hydroxyapatite discs tilled, deionized water, loaded on to a PAGE gel
(10%) and separated by electrophoresis (Laemmli,
Hydroxyapatite discs with a surface area of 1970). To ensure that all protein was removed from
3.06 2 .28 cm2 were custom made by Clarkson Chro- the discs by the SDS±PAGE sample bu€er, ninhydrin
matography, South Williamsport, PA. Upon receipt of analyses after wet ashing (a procedure which had no
the discs, they were further sintered at 1200±16008F adverse e€ect on the ninhydrin assay) were performed
for 3 h. on the discs directly (Moore, 1968). The gels were
A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291 279

transferred to Immobilon-P membranes (Millipore, water and were then placed in 1.0 ml of distilled, deio-
Bedford, MA) and were probed with appropriate anti- nized water. The discs were then placed in an aquaso-
serum/antibody according to the method of Towbin et nic water bath, and after a 5 min sonication to remove
al. (1979). The blots were developed with the BCIP/ adsorbed materials, the eluates from the discs were
NBT phosphatase substrate system kit according to transferred to acid-washed Pyrex tubes. The total pro-
the manufacturer's instructions (Kirkegaard and Perry tein in the eluates, which is material removed from the
Laboratories, Gaithersburg, MD). discs by sonication, was determined by the ninhydrin
assay following acid hydrolysis, using glycine (Sigma)
as a standard (Moore, 1968). Again, to ensure that all
2.5. Antisera and antibodies
protein was removed from the discs by the sonication,
the discs themselves were subject to ninhydrin analyses
Polyclonal serum was obtained from rabbits immu-
following wet ashing.
nized with clari®ed whole human saliva, parotid saliva,
CCP-1 and CCP-3, and statherin. Antiserum rasied
against whole human saliva and parotid saliva was 2.7. Amylase activity on hydroxyapatite discs held in the
tested and recognized various components in each type mouth for various periods
of saliva, while antiserum raised to CCP-1 or CCP-3
reacted only with the target antigen(s). Polyclonal Discs were held in the buccal sulcus for 0.5, 1, 5, 10
serum from a goat immunized with histatin was also and 20 min. They were removed from the mouth
used, as were murine monoclonal antibodies to mucin gently, washed for three dips in distilled, deionized
glycoprotein I and II, proline-rich proteins, cystatin S water (40 ml). The discs were then exposed to a 1%
and cystain SN. These antisera and antibodies were soluble starch (Sigma) solution (in 10 mmol/l CaCl2,
found to react only with target antigen(s). The antisera pH 7.0) for 30 min at 378C. After incubation with
to CCP-1, CCP-3, statherin and histatin, as well as the gentle rocking, the liquid contents of each sample were
monoclonal antibodies, were kindly provided by Dr transferred to separate vials and the quantities of redu-
Lawrence Tabak, Center for Oral Biology, University cing sugars in the sample, which were released from
of Rochester. Commercially obtained antibodies starch by the amylase bound to the discs, were deter-
included antibody to lysozyme, amylase, carbonic mined by the dinitrosalicylic acid assay of Bernfeld
anhydrase I and II (The Binding Site, Birmingham, (1955) using maltose as a standard. Controls included
UK), and lactoferrin (Cappel, Organanon Teknika, discs that were exposed to the mouth, followed by ex-
West Chester, PA). Speci®city of the commercially posure to 10 mmol/l CaCl2 (no starch) and discs that
obtained anstisera/antibodies was warranted by the were dipped in water and incubated with the soluble
manufacturer and was con®rmed in our laboratory. To starch solution (no salivary components).
identity bacterial constituents, antiserum from rabbits
immunized with glucosyltransferase enzymes of Strep- 2.8. Lysozyme activity on discs held in the mouth
tococcus mutans GS-5, which were adsorbed on to
hydroxyapatite beads, and culture supernatant-¯uid Discs were held in the mouth for up to 5 min,
antigens of S. mutans GS-5 were used. These sera were removed and washed as outlined in the amylase assay
found to react only with glucosyl transferase of S. methods. They were then place in a suspension of
mutans or with antigens obtained from culture super- Micrococcus lysodiekticus (Sigma), starting OD700 =
natant ¯uids of S. mutans. Secondary antiserum used 0.400, for 30 min at 378C, so that the lysozyme present
included goat antirabbit; rabbit antigoat; and goat on the discs could degrade the bacterial substrate.
antimouse IgG±alkaline phosphatase conjugate After incubation, the optical density of the liquid
(Sigma). phase of each sample was determined (Germaine and
Tellefson, 1986). The amount of lysozyme activity was
2.6. Total protein adsorbed on to hydroxyapatite discs calculated from standard curves constructed from the
with time results obtained by exposing the M. lysodiekticus to
various concentrations of hen egg-white lysozyme
Discs were held in the buccal sulcus for 0.5, 1, 5, 10 (Sigma; speci®c activity 70,000 units/mg of protein).
and 20 min after the volunteer had rinsed and spat out
30 ml of distilled deionized water, 29 mM sucrose 2.9. Glucosyl- and fructosyltransferase activities on discs
(Sigma, 66 mM xylitol (Sigma), 55 mM sorbitol held in the mouth
(Sigma) or phosphate-bu€ered saline (pH 7.5). Ap-
proximately one week (7 days) elapsed between each Discs were held in the buccal sulcus and were
rinse. After removal from the mouth, the discs were removed from the mouth after intervals as already
dip-washed three times in 40 ml of distilled, deionized described, washed as before, and then exposed to ‰14 CŠ
280 A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291

glucosylsucrose or ‰3 H]-fructosylsucrose [®nal concen- were prepared by ®xation in gluteraldehyde, dehy-

tration, 100 mmol/l sucrose, 40 mmol/l dextran 9,000 in dration with ethanol, dried and sputtered with gold
bu€ered KCl (50 mmol/l KCl, 1 mmol/l CaCl2, 0.1 palladium (McCormack et al., 1991; Schilling and
mmol/l MgCl2, 0.35 mmol/l K2HPO4, 0.65 mmol/l Bowen, 1992; Venkitaraman et al., 1995).
KH2PO4, pH 6.5)] for 4 h at 378C. The discs were
washed with bu€ered KCl, exposed to scintillation
¯uid, and the amount of glucan or fructan formed on 3. Results
the discs was determined directly by liquid scintillation
spectrometry (Schilling and Bowen, 1988). 3.1. Western blots

2.10. Scanning electron microscopy of pellicle formed Western blots were performed to determine the
under various experimental conditions e€ects of various rinses on the composition of the pel-
licle formed on discs based on the number of immuno-
Discs carried in the mouth were examined by scan- reactive bands detected in disc eluates. The data
ning electron microscopy with a JEOL 3820. Discs presented here are therefore based on the number of

Fig. 1. Western blots of disc eluates. Discs were held in the buccal sulcus for 0.5, 5, 10, and 20 min after rinsing with either distilled
water (A), sucrose (B), sorbitol (C), xylitol (D), or phosphate-bu€ered saline (E) and were treated with SDS±PAGE sample bu€er.
The samples were electrophoresed and transfered to PVDF membranes and probed with antiserum to CCP-1. In each blot, the ®rst
lane (left to right) is the eluate at 0.5 min, lane 2 is the eluate at 5 min, lane 3 is the eluate at 10 min, and lane 4 is the eluate at 20
min. Molecular weight markers indicated with arrows are (from top to bottom): 197 kDa, 117 kDa, 89 kDa, and 52 kDa.
A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291 281

immunoreactive bands only; band density was not appropriate antibodies in Western blots of eluates
measured. The results from Western bloting con®rm from discs exposed to the mouth for as little as 30 s
the extraordinary rapidity with which proteins are after a water rinse (Table 1), an observation consistent
adsorbed on to hydroxyapatite in vivo. In some cases, with the enzyme assays performed directly on the
several bands were detected by antiserum/antibodies in discs. The presence of several bands corresponding to
the vicinity of the putative antigen. These multiple lactoferrin and amylase suggests the presence of several
bands are possibly the result of proteolytic breakdown isoforms of these molecules in the disc eluates. Carbo-
of the target molecule, or cross-reactivity with the anti- nic anhydrase II was detected at 30 s of exposure to
serum/antibody preparation (with isoforms of the tar- the mouth after a water rinse (Table 1), and a second
get molecule), or both. Fig. 1 shows Western blots of isozyme of carbonic anhydrase II was detected after 10
extracts from discs taken after each rinse, and probed min of exposure to the mouth after a water rinse. Car-
with the same antiserum, anti-CCP-1 antiserum. bonic anhydrase I was detected only in eluates of discs
The results from Western blots on eluates from discs carried for 20 min in the mouth (Table 1) after a water
carried in the mouth after a water rinse are shown in rinse. Mucin glycoproteins were not detected in the
Table 1. Ninhydrin analyses of the discs, after treat- disc eluates until 1 min of exposure to the mouth after
ment with SDS±PAGE sample bu€er, revealed that the water rinse (Table 1), and several isoforms of the
detectable amounts of protein did not remain on the cystatins, histatin, statherin and cysteine-containing
discs. When probed with antiserum to whole human peptides were present in material obtained from discs
saliva components, 10 bands appeared from material carried in the mouth for as short as 30 s after a water
obtained from discs that had been in the mouth for as rinse (Table 1). CCP-1 seemed to disappear with time,
little as 30 s after a water rinse; the number of bands as seen in Fig. 1(A).
detected increased with exposure to the mouth and did Antiserum to immobilized streptococcal glucosyl-
not increase after 10 min of exposure to the mouth. transferase enzymes revealed a single band on Western
Probing blots with antiserum to parotid saliva com- blots obtained from material obtained from discs car-
ponents revealed just seven bands at 30 s of exposure ried in the mouth for 1 min after a water rinse
to the mouth after a water rinse, and these bands (Table 1). When probed with antiserum to S. mutans
appeared in common with seven of the bands detected GS-5 supernatant-¯uid antigens, two bands appeared
by the antiserum to whole human saliva components. from material obtained from discs held in the mouth
There were 13 bands of proteins detected in the disc for 5 min after a water rinse (Table 1), once again
eluates at 10 min of exposure, after which no ad- demonstrating the rapid appearance of bacterial com-
ditional proteins were detected by this assay (Table 1). ponents, in particular glucosyltransferase, in the sali-
Lysozyme, lactoferrin and amylase were detected by vary pellicle.

Table 1
Number of bands detected by Western blot of proteins extracted from hydroxyapatite discs after a water rinsea

Antiserum 30 s 1 min 5 min 10 min 20 min

Whole human saliva 10 11 13 15 15

Parotid saliva 7 10 11 13 13
Glucosyl transferase 0 1 1 1 1
S. mutans GS-5 antigens 0 0 2 2 2
Lysozyme 1 1 1 1 1
Lactoferrin 4 4 4 4 4
Amylase 4 4 4 4 4
Carbonic anhydrase I 0 0 0 0 1
Carbonic anhydrase II 1 1 1 2 2
Mucin glycoprotein I and II 0 1 1 1 1
PRP 0 0 0 0 0
Cystatin S 1 1 1 1 1
Cystatin SN 1 1 1 1 1
Histatin 2 2 2 2 2
Statherin 4 4 4 4 4
CCP-1 2 2 2 2 2
CCP-3 2 2 2 2 2

Hydroxyapatite discs were carried in the mouth for 30 s, 1, 5, 10 or 20 min prior to analysis by Western blot.
282 A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291

Rinsing the mouth with sweeteners had a profound the mouth after a sorbitol rinse probed with antiserum
e€ect on pellicle formation as revealed by Western to whole human saliva components and parotid saliva
blots. Results obtained in Western blots of eluates did not show an increase in the number of proteins
from discs carried in the mouth after a sucrose rinse deposited on the discs with time (Table 3). The mucin
di€ered from those of discs carried after a water rinse, glycoproteins were not detected in eluates from discs
as seen in Table 2. Antiserum to whole human saliva carried in the mouth after a sorbitol rinse, which is
or to parotid saliva revealed the same number of similar to that observed following a sucrose rinse
bands on Western blots of material obtained from (Table 3). Among the cystatins, only cystatin S was
discs exposed to the mouth for up to 20 min after a detected in disc eluates carried in the mouth after a
sucrose rinse (Table 2), which is in contrast to that sorbitol rinse, and this molecule was detected in ma-
observed from discs following a water rinse where the terial obtained from discs carried in the mouth for 30 s
number of bands detected increased with increased ex- after rinsing (Table 3). Rinsing with sorbitol resulted
posure to the mouth. Mucin glycoproteins were not in an increase of deposition of components reactive
detected in eluates from discs carried in the mouth with antiserum to S. mutans GS-5 supernatant-¯uid
after a sucrose rinse (Table 2), which is in contrast to antigens (Table 3) compared with the number of com-
data obtained in the water-rinse study (Table 1). Pro- ponents detected after rinsing with either water or
line-rich proteins and cystatin S and cystatin SN were sucrose (Tables 1 and 2). Four isoforms were detected
detected in Western blots of eluates of discs carried for by antiserum to CCP-1 (Fig. 1C) in contrast to Wes-
30 s after the sucrose rinse but were not detected fol- tern blots of disc eluates obtained from discs carried in
lowing longer exposure to the mouth after rinsing with the mouth after water and sucrose rinses.
sucrose (Table 2). These data are in contrast to those The e€ects of a xylitol rinse on the composition of
observed after a water rinse (Table 2), in which pro- the salivary pellicle are shown in Table 4. Lysozyme,
line-rich proteins were not detected at all, and cystatins amylase, the carbonic anhydrases, mucins and proline-
were detected for periods up to 20 min after exposure rich proteins were not detected in any of the disc elu-
to the mouth. When blots were probed with antiserum ates, even after the discs were carried in the mouth for
to streptococcal glucosyltransferases and to S. mutans up to 20 min after a xylitol rinse. As observed with the
GS-5 supernatant-¯uid antigens, more bands were sucrose and sorbitol rinses, a constant number of
detected more rapidly after a sucrose rinse than after a bands was detected by antiserum to whole human
water rinse (Tables 1 and 2). The appearance of iso- saliva components and by antiserum to parotid saliva
forms of CCP-1 seemed to decrease with increase in components (Table 4) in material obtained from each
exposure to the mouth after a sucrose rinse (Fig. 1B). disc carried up to 20 min after a xylitol rinse. Gluco-
Western blots or eluates taken from discs carried in syltransferase and culture supernatant-¯uid antigens of

Table 2
Number of bands detected by Western blot of proteins extracted from hydroxyapatite discs after a sucrose rinsea

Antiserum 30 s 1 min 5 min 10 min 20 min

Whole human saliva 14 14 14 14 14

Parotid saliva 6 6 6 6 6
Glucosyltransferase 1 1 1 1 1
S. mutans GS-5 antigens 2 2 2 2 2
Lysozyme 1 1 1 1 1
Lactoferrin 4 4 4 4 4
Amylase 4 4 4 4 4
Carbonic anhydrase I 0 0 0 0 0
Carbonic anhydrase II 2 2 2 2 2
Mucin glycoprotein I and II 0 0 0 0 0
PRP 1 1 0 0 0
Cystatin S 1 0 0 0 0
Cystatin SN 1 0 0 0 0
Histatin 2 2 2 2 2
Statherin 2 2 2 2 2
CCP-1 2 2 2 2 2
CCP-3 2 2 2 1 1

Hydroxyapatite discs were carried in the mouth for 30 s, 1, 5, 10 or 20 min prior to analysis by Western blot.
A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291 283

Table 3
Number of bands detected by Western blot of proteins extracted from hydroxyapatite discs after a sorbitol rinsea

Antiserum 30 s 1 min 5 min 10 min 20 min

Whole human saliva 15 15 15 15 15

Parotid saliva 10 10 10 10 10
Glucosyltransferase 1 1 1 1 1
S. mutans GS-5 antigens 8 6 6 5 5
Lysozyme 1 1 1 1 1
Lactoferrin 1 1 1 1 1
Amylase 1 1 1 1 1
Carbonic anhydrase I 2 2 2 2 2
Carbonic anhydrase II 3 1 1 1 1
Mucin glycoprotein I and II 0 0 0 0 0
PRP 9 9 9 9 9
Cystatin S 1 0 0 0 0
Cystatin SN 0 0 0 0 0
Histatin 2 2 2 2 2
Statherin 13 13 16 16 16
CCP-1 4 4 4 4 4
CCP-3 9 7 7 7 7

Hydroxyapatite discs were carried in the mouth for 30 s, 1, 5, 10 or 20 min prior to analysis by Western blot.

S. mutans were detected in the eluates obtained from on pellicle formation is shown in Table 5. Lysozyme,
discs carried in the mouth for a little as 30 s after a amylase, carbonic anhydrase II, and mucin glyco-
xylitol rinse (Table 4). Isoforms of lactoferrin and his- proteins were not detected in Western blots of eluates
tatin were not detected eluates from discs carried in obtained from discs carried in the mouth after that
the mouth for less than 1 min after rinsing with xylitol rinse (Table 5). However, activity assays demon-
(Table 4). The appearance of isoforms of CCP-1 strated that these enzymes were present on the discs
seemed to decrease with increased exposure to the in small quantities only (data not shown), which
mouth (Fig. 1D). might partially explain why they were not detected by
The in¯uence of a phosphate-bu€ered saline rinse Western blots. The appearance of isoforms of CCP-1

Table 4
Number of bands detected by Western blot of proteins extracted from hydroxyapatite discs after a xylitol rinsea

Antiserum 30 s 1 min 5 min 10 min 20 min

Whole human saliva 9 9 9 9 9

Parotid saliva 11 11 11 11 11
Glucosyl transferase 4 4 4 4 4
S. mutans GS-5 antigens 3 3 3 3 3
Lysozyme 0 0 0 0 0
Lactoferrin 0 2 2 2 2
Amylase 0 0 0 0 0
Carbonic anhydrase I 0 0 0 0 0
Carbonic anhydrase II 0 0 0 0 0
Mucin glycoprotein I and II 0 0 0 0 0
PRP 0 0 0 0 0
Cystatin S 3 3 3 3 3
Cystatin SN 3 3 3 3 3
Histatin 0 2 2 2 2
Statherin 3 8 8 9 9
CCP-1 3 5 5 5 5
CCP-3 2 2 2 2 2

Hydroxyapatite discs were carried in the mouth for 30 s, 1, 5, 10 or 20 min prior to analysis by Western blot.
284 A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291

Table 5
Number of bands detected by Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from hydroxyapatite discs after a phosphate-bu€ered
saline rinsea

Antiserum 30 s 1 min 5 min 10 min 20 min

Whole human saliva 15 15 15 15 15

Parotid saliva 19 19 19 19 19
Glucosyl transferase 4 4 4 4 4
S. mutans GS-5 antigens 4 3 2 1 1
Lysozyme 0 0 0 0 0
Lactoferrin 1 2 2 2 2
Amylase 0 0 0 0 0
Carbonic anhydrase I 1 1 1 1 1
Carbonic anhydrase II 0 0 0 0 0
Mucin glycoprotein I and II 0 0 0 0 0
PRP 0 0 0 0 0
Cystatin S 1 1 0 0 0
Cystatin SN 3 3 2 2 2
Histatin 1 1 1 1 1
Statherin 9 9 9 9 9
CCP-1 4 4 1 1 1
CCP-3 3 4 2 2 2

Hydroxyapatite discs were carried in the mouth for 30 s, 1, 5, 10 or 20 min prior to analysis by Western blot.

decreased with exposure to the discs to the mouth

(Fig. 1E).

3.2. Total protein adsorbed on to hydroxyapatite discs

with time

All of the discs used here had the same surface area,
so we were therefore able to measure amounts or ac-
tivities of adsorbed material and compare data from
one rinse with data from other rinses. The amount of
protein adsorbed on to the discs after being exposed to
the mouth for various periods was determined by the
ninhydrin method (Moore, 1968). The results, as
shown in Fig. 2, indicate that the discs became satu-
rated with protein very rapidly after each rinse,
although less protein was adsorbed on to the discs
after the sorbitol rinse than was adsorbed on to the
discs after the other rinses. Ninhydrin analyses of the
discs themselves revealed that all protein had been
removed from the discs (data not shown).

3.3. Amylase activity on hydroxyapatite discs held in the

mouth for various periods Fig. 2. Total protein adsorbed on to the discs. Discs were
held in the buccal sulcus for 0.5, 1, 5, 10 and 20 min after rin-
sing with either distilled, deionized water, sucrose, sorbitol,
The amount of reducing sugar released from starch xylitol or phosphate-bu€ered saline. Total protein adsorbed
by amylase bound to the discs carried in the mouth on to the discs was determined by ninhydrin analyses follow-
was determined. The results indicate that saturation of ing acid hydrolysis (Moore, 1968). The data shown are the
the discs by amylase occurred at about 5 min following means (mg of protein/disc) for two discs and represent two ex-
their placement in the mouth (Fig. 3). periments.
A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291 285

Fig. 3. The activity of salivary amylase on the discs. Discs

were held in the buccal sulcus for 0.5, 1, 5, 10 and 20 min. Fig. 5. The activities of glucosyl- and fructosyltransferase on
Amylase activity was determined by the dinitrosalicylic acid the discs. Discs were held in the buccal sulcus for 0.5, 1, 5, 10
assay of Bernfeld (1955). The data shown are the means for and 20 min, and then assayed directly for glucosyl- and fruc-
four discs, expressed as mg/ml of reducing sugar released/disc. tosyltransferase activity. The data shown are the means for
four discs, expressed as mmol polymer formed/disc.

3.4. Lysozyme activity on discs held in the mouth 3.5. Glucosyl- and fructosyltransferase activities on discs
held in the mouth
The activity of lysozyme on the discs held in the
mouth for various periods was also determined. The These activities were detected on the discs kept in
results, as shown in Fig. 4, suggest that the maximum the mouth for as little as 30 s. The pattern for adsorp-
adsorption of lysozyme also occurred within 5 min of tion and activity is quite distinct for these enzymes.
exposure to the mouth. The results, as shown in Fig. 5, revealed an increase in
glucosyltransferase activity with increased exposure to
the mouth. In contrast, fructosyltransferase activity
increased up to 1 min of exposure to the mouth and
decreased with further exposure (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4. The activity of salivary lysozyme on the discs. Discs

were held in the buccal sulcus for 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 min, and Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrographs of the control disc.
were assayed for lysozyme activity. The data shown are the Scanning electron micrograph of a hydroxyapatite disc that
means for four discs, expressed as units of lysozyme/disc. had not been placed in the mouth.
286 A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291

Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of the discs after water rinse. Discs were carried in the buccal sulcus for 30 s, 5 min and 20
min after rinsing with water. (a) Disc kept in the mouth for 30 s; (b) and (c) Disc kept in the mouth for 5 min; (d), (e) and (f)
Discs kept in the mouth for 20 min.
A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291 287

Fig. 8. Scanning electron micrographs of the discs after sucrose rinse. Discs were carried in the buccal sulcus for 30 s, 5 min and 20
min after rinsing with 1% sucrose. (a) A disc held in the mouth for 30 s; (b) a disc kept in the mouth for 5 min; (c) discs carried in
the mouth for 20 min.
288 A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291

3.6. Scanning electron microscopy who showed an increase in the adsorption of ma-
terial on to tooth surfaces over a 60 min period.
The discs were also examined by scanning electron The discrepancies between our study and the pre-
microscopy. Fig. 6 shows the discs before exposure to vious study could be attributed to the time period;
the mouth. At 30 s of incubation in the mouth after a as SoÈnju and coworkers chose 60 min and we chose
water rinse, long string-like structures of undetermined 20 min, it is possible that they were observing sec-
origin, along with some amorphous material, appeared ondary adsorption, or adsorption in two, three or
on the discs, as seen in Fig. 7(a), and cocci and more phases.
micelle-like components appeared along with the In our study it is possible that rinsing with test sol-
string-like structures and amorphous material after 5 utions a€ected the composition of secreted saliva.
min of exposure, as seen in Figs. 7(b) and (c). After 20 However, SDS±PAGE of silver-stained gels of whole
min of exposure, the cocci, micelle-like components saliva taken before and after each rinse indicated that
and amorphous material remained, while the string- the rinses apparently did not alter the composition of
like structures were apparently replaced with short the salivary secretions (data not shown). Our studies
rods (Fig. 7d±f). showed that the same amount of protein was present
Rinsing with sucrose gave rise to a distinctive pat- in material removed form the discs carried in the
tern of adsorption. (Fig. 8a±e). After 30 s of exposure mouth for various periods after each rinse, although
to the mouth, a mesh of material thought to be glucan, less protein was present in disc eluates obtained after
cocci and short rods appeared on the discs (Fig. 8a), a sorbitol rinse than after any of the other rinses.
and in Fig. 8(b) it can be seen that micelle-like com- Similar patterns of protein deposition on to enamel
ponents also present with a mesh-like material surfaces were observed by Kuboki et al. (1987) using
appeared at 30 s of exposure. Also, as seen in Fig. 8(c), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. More recently,
long string-like structures appeared at 30 s of exposure however, studies by Lamkin et al. (1996) revealed
after a sucrose rinse. However, these string-like struc- that selected salivary molecules, puri®ed, biotinylated
tures were free of the mesh-like material. These pat- and reconstituted in saliva, showed distinct patterns
terns were seen consistently over the time-span of of deposition on to hydroxyapatite surfaces in vitro.
exposure to the mouth, as seen in Fig. 8(d) at 5 min of Molecules such as amylase, glycosylated PRG and
exposure, and Fig. 8(e) at 20 min of exposure. cystatin showed a hyperbolic, rapid rise of binding
followed by a levelling o€ and then a decline. Other
molecules such as statherin, PRP-3-4 and PIF-f
bound to the beads immediately and amount did not
4. Discussion increase thereafter, and molecules such as PRP-1-2,
PIF-s and histatin bound slowly, followed by a
The studies described here show the pattern of pro- period of little change, and then an increase of bind-
tein deposition and the activities of several salivary- ing at 60 min of exposure. These observations, along
and bacterial-derived enzymes on hydroxyapatite discs with our data, suggest that qualitative, and not
held in the mouth for 20 or fewer minutes. Our studies necessarily quantitative, di€erences may exist in the
also reveal that distinct patterns of pellicle formation salivary pellicle at a given time. It is conceivable that
occur in vivo, and that these patterns are in¯uenced by pellicle formation is more dynamic than believed
dietary constituents. heretofore and that material which adheres may be
Many salivary constituents have been identi®ed in removed, replaced, modi®ed, and have additional ma-
in vitro-formed pellicles. These components include: terial adsorbed.
mucin glycoprotein I and II, sIgA, amylase, lysozyme, Our data show that the hydroxyapatite discs became
proline-rich proteins, statherin, cystatins and histatins saturated with amylase and lysozyme rapidly, similar
(Ericson, 1967; Bennick et al., 1983; RoÈlla et al., 1983; to the results observed by Lamkin et al. (1996).
Tabak et al., 1985; Fisher et al., 1987; Jensen et al., When discs were assayed directly for glucosyltrans-
1991; Vacca-Smith et al., 1996a), and bacterial gluco- ferase activity following a water rinse, a distinct pat-
syltransferase (RoÈlla et al., 1983; Vacca-Smith et al., tern was seen from that observed with lysozyme and
1996b). However, only a few components, such as amylase. The enzyme activity on the discs increased
sIgA, lysozyme, amylase, IgG. albumin, ®brin and glu- with their increased exposure to the mouth and did
cosyltransferase, have been identi®ed in in vivo-formed not reach saturation in the time that we studied. A
pellicles (Scheie et al., 1987; Al-Hashimi and Levine, similar pattern of adsorption was observed by Lam-
1989). kin et al. (1996) with respect to the binding of hista-
Our studies show that the adsorption of protein tin, PRP-1-2, and PIF-s to apatite. In contrast, when
on to the discs rapidly reached saturation, in con- discs were carried in the mouth for up to 20 min
trast to observations by SoÈnju and RoÈlla (1973), and assayed periodically for fructosyltransferase ac-
A.M. Vacca Smith, W.H. Bowen / Archives of Oral Biology 45 (2000) 277±291 289

tivity, a rapid rise in that activity was seen, followed position of salivary components, bacteria, and bac-
by a decline, after which activity reached a steady terial components on to apatitic surfaces held in the
level. mouth. These studies also reveal the pattern of pelli-
Diet may a€ect the composition of the pellicle. A cle and plaque formation varies on apatitic surfaces
distinct model of deposition was seen after rinses and is in¯uenced by exposure to certain dietary com-
with sucrose, sorbitol, xylitol or phosphate-bu€ered ponents. The model described here could be used to
saline that di€ered from that observed following a understand further the processes involved in pellicle
rinse with water. In Western blots, distinct patterns and plaque formation and could also be used to
of appearance of salivary and bacterial molecules in evaluate the potential e€ectiveness of anti plaque
disc eluates were seen after each rinse. It is important agents.
to emphasize, however, that the Western blots were
qualitative, the data presented are based on the num-
ber of immunoreactive bands detected in disc eluates
after each rinse, and band density was not measured. Acknowledgements
However, the di€ering patterns of deposition were
supported by results from electron-microscopic stu- This study was supported by USPHS grant
dies. DEO77907. We also wish to thank Ms Sandy McCor-
Collectively, these data suggest that oral exposure mack for her technical assistance with the scanning
to sucrose and sugar alcohols can a€ect the compo- electron microscope.
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