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Louise Garriock UX108011: Textile 2 2020/21 08012959

Hand Embroidery

What you will need,

Embroidery thread
Embroidery needle
Embroidery hoop

When choosing fabric, a natural woven fabric is usually best for hand embroidery
techniques. Cotton, wool, linen or silk for your background and select the appropriate
thread-count for your technique.

Let us start,
1. Draw your design on to the fabric using tailors chalk pencil
2. Place your chosen fabric in the embroidery hoop and gently tighten the hoop,
securing the fabric in place.
3. Choose the coloured threads you will be using, thread your needle and tie a
knot in the end of the strand/strands to secure.
4. And start sewing your design.
Louise Garriock UX108011: Textile 2 2020/21 08012959

There are many embroidery stitches,

For each of the methods shown below, gently pull apart the threads into separate
strands (e.g., each colour string contains 6 strands). For most of these techniques I
would recommend embroidering with 2 strands on your needle.

Running Stitch

Decide how long to make your stitches and the space between them.

 To begin, bring the needle up through the back of the fabric to the front at the
right end of the line to be worked (point 1).
 Take the needle down from front to back a stitch length from the first point to
complete a single stitch (point 2).
 Bring the needle up again from back to front a space length from the end of
the previous stitch.
 Continue stitching in the same manner, spacing the stitches at regular
intervals, and keeping the stitches uniform in size, until you reach the end of
your line.
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Seed Stitch

A seed stitch is like a running stitch but does not have to be in a straight line.

Back Stitch

Sew through from the back and pull tight. Follow the steps shown above until your
section is complete. Knot at the back to secure, cut any excess thread.
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Satin Stitch

Sew through from the back at the centre point of the flower. Make the rough shape
and size of your flower by creating equal distanced stitches from the middle in a
circle. When you reach the first stitch, fill in the empty sections until there are no
gaps left until you have a full circle. Knot at the back to secure, cut any excess.
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Stem Stitch

Like the back stitch but this time go back over the first stitch in a slight diagonal and
half way.

Diagonal/Straight Stitch

Needle in (from back to front) across one, up one-needle in down one-needle in and
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Cross Stitch

Follow steps for diagonal/straight then go back the opposite way crossing over the

Blanket Stitch

Needle in (from back to front) Down one, across one-needle in, up one-needle in.
Before the needle leaves the fabric make sure the thread is behind the needle then
pull through and repeat.
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Chain Stitch

As you thread through make a loop, bring the needle from the back of the fabric
slightly away from the starting point and then through the loop and pull gently. Start
again make a loop and carry on.

Lazy Daisy Stitch

Like the chain stitch but you anchor the loop by bringing the thread down just on the
other side of the loop to secure it and the stitch can start anywhere.
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French Knot

Sew through from the back and pull tight. Wrap the thread around your needle twice.
This creates a small ball like shown above. Knot at back to secure, cut any excess.

Couch Stitch

Thread 1 colour of the thread through and leave it as a line loose. Then thread
another thread (different colour possibly) close to where you started the other thread
and stitch over vertically securing that thread in place, making sure the space is
equally spaced out.3
Louise Garriock UX108011: Textile 2 2020/21 08012959

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