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Skills test 1A (Units 1–2)

1 (LB1_ SK1_1.mp3) Listen and choose 3 (LB1_ SK1_3.mp3) Listen. Which
the correct options. things are Daniel’s? Which things are
0 Mike’s age: Mark’s? Tick () the boxes.
a) 11 Daniel Mark
b) 12 0 red shorts 
c) 23 1 red T-shirt
1 Club for Mike: 2 grey trainers  
a) music
3 brown jacket
b) drama
4 red phone
c) art
5 black-and-white gloves
2 Mike’s surname:
a) Keightly
b) Keighley ___/5 marks
c) Keithly
3 Mike’s address: Reading
a) 24 Old Oak Street
b) 24 Old Street 4 Read the text and answer true (T) or
c) 24 Oak Street false (F).
4 Mike’s postcode: Gemma is thirteen years old. Her sister,
a) W2F 7JQ Naomi, is fifteen and her brother, Fred, is
b) W2F 7GK sixteen. Their house is in the centre of
c) U2F 7GQ Cambridge. Their father is Spanish and
5 Mike’s phone number: their mother is English. They all speak
a) 07962 543281 Spanish and English at home.
b) 07962 542381
c) 07962 452381 Gemma is crazy about drama and is in
the drama club at school. Fred’s favourite
___/5 marks sport is football. He’s very good at
football. He’s also crazy about music and
2 (LB1_ SK1_2.mp3) Listen and answer is in a band. Naomi is also crazy about
true (T) or false (F). music and is a singer in Fred’s band.
Their dog, Pixie, thinks she’s a singer in
0 It’s the girl’s birthday on Monday. F the band, too!
1 The boy thinks the earrings are very
nice. 0 Gemma is fifteen years old. F
2 The girl thinks the earrings are 1 Naomi is Gemma’s sister.
expensive. 2 Gemma’s father is from Cambridge.
3 The chocolates are £4.75.
3 Gemma’s parents are English.
4 The girl thinks the chocolates are a
4 Fred is in the drama club.
good idea.
5 Gemma is crazy about music.
5 The bag is yellow with blue flowers.
6 Fred and Naomi are in a band.
7 Their dog’s name is Pixie.
___/5 marks
___/7 marks

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5 Read the text and choose the correct 6 Sally’s favourite shop is a
options. a) clothes shop. b) computer shop.
My name’s Sally. My family and friends c) sports shop.
are very important in my life. My best 7 Rob’s favourite possession is his
friend, Jola, is in my class at school. Her a) laptop. b) jacket. c) guitar.
family is from Poland, but their house is 8 Rob is in a band with his
in England. It’s in the centre of Bath. My a) brother. b) sister. c) friends.
family is from Bath, but our house isn’t in
the city centre. Bath is an old city in the ___/8 marks
West of England. It’s famous for its
Roman baths. Writing
6 Complete the table about you.
My favourite sport is basketball. Jola and 1
I are in the school basketball team. My Surname:
brother, Rob, and Jola’s brother, Marcin, First name:
are both crazy about computer games. City and country:
They are always in the computer games Languages:
shop. Favourite
My favourite shop is a clothes shop in the
city centre. Its clothes are so cool! My ___/5 marks
favourite jacket is from that shop.
7 Write a personal profile about your
My favourite possession is a basketball best friend. Write 6–8 sentences. Use
shirt from America. Rob’s favourite these prompts.
possession is his guitar and Marcin’s ● name
favourite possession is his laptop. Rob is ● age
in a band with friends from his class. The ● languages
band is really good. ● their city
● favourite possession
0 Jola is Sally’s
a) sister. b) mother.
c) best friend.
1 Jola’s family is from
a) England. b) Bath. c) Poland.
2 Jola’s house is in
a) Poland. b) the centre of Bath.
c) the west of Bath.
3 Bath is famous for
a) basketball. b) Roman baths.
c) old houses.
4 Who is in the basketball team?
a) Jola and Rob b) Rob and Marcin
c) Sally and Jola
5 Rob and Marcin are crazy about
a) computers b) basketball
c) computer games. ___/15 marks

Total: ___/50 marks

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Skills test 2A (Units 3–4)
1 (LB1_ SK2_1.mp3) Listen and choose 2 What’s on the table?
the correct pictures.
0 What is Jane’s favourite
a) b) c)

a) b) c) 3 What’s new in Kate’s living room?

1 Which house is Maria’s?



4 Which man is the boy’s uncle?

a) b) c)

5 Where’s the phone?


a) b) c)

___/5 marks

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2 (LB1_ SK2_2.mp3) Listen and choose Their best friends, Sonya and Frank,
the correct options for Joanna. haven’t got a big house. Their parents
0 have got a small flat in the centre of the
Age fourteen / fifteen
1 city, so they haven’t got a garden. Their
Height tall / short
2 flat is on the fifth floor and there are a lot
Hair long / short,
3 of stairs to climb. The flat has got three
curly / straight
4 bedrooms, a bathroom, a small living
Eyes brown / green room and a kitchen
Glasses yes / no
0 Dieter and Inge’s house is semi-
___/5 marks detached. F
1 Their house has got two living
3 (LB1_ SK2_3.mp3) Listen and rooms.
complete the sentences. Write one 2 Their house has got three
word in each gap. bedrooms.
0 Josh is from the UK . 3 Dieter’s bedroom is very tidy.
1 Josh’s family have got a 4 There’s a view of the garden from
house in a town. Dieter’s room.
2 Josh’s brother is very 5 The garden’s got a tree house.
and noisy. 6 Sonya and Frank have got a small
3 Their room is a terrible . flat.
4 Josh’s brother is years 7 Their flat has got a nice garden.
old. 8 Their flat has got two living rooms.
5 Some of their friends have always
got things.
___/8 marks
___/5 marks
5 Read the texts and match the
sentences (0–7) to the people (A–D).
4 Read the text and answer true (T) or Sally is very interested in star signs. She
false (F). says they aren’t silly and they can say a
lot about people. Her horoscope this
Dieter and Inge live in a big detached
week says it is her lucky week. Sally isn’t
house with their parents. There are two interested in music, but she’s interested
big living rooms, a kitchen and a dining in sport. She’s got lots of friends and is
room downstairs. Upstairs there are five very popular.
bedrooms and three bathrooms.
Dieter has got all his favourite Juan’s horoscope says he is a quiet
possessions in his bedroom and it’s very person with only one or two good friends.
untidy. His mother thinks it’s a mess. Juan thinks this is silly. He’s crazy about
Inge’s bedroom is always tidy and she’s rock music and is a very noisy person.
got a good view of the garden from her His friends are crazy about football, but
room. There’s a tree house and a small he isn’t. He’s also got a lot of good
swimming pool in the garden. There are friends.
also a lot of flowers.

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Pawel’s horoscope says he is a very
noisy person and he is very interested in 6 Write a description of your favourite
rock music. This isn’t correct. He isn’t flat or house. Write 10–12 sentences.
interested in rock music, but he is crazy Use these prompts.
about jazz. He is in a jazz band with  where?
some friends.
 number of rooms?
 furniture?
Maria’s horoscope says this is a terrible  your favourite room?
week for her. It also says she’s a bossy  garden?
person and hasn’t got any friends. She
thinks star signs are silly. She hasn’t got
a lot of friends, but she’s got two very
good friends. And this is a good week for
her. Her cousins are here for a holiday.

0 This person thinks horoscopes are

good. A
1 This person is interested in rock
2 This person’s horoscope says
he/she is lucky this week.
3 This person’s horoscope isn’t very
good this week.
4 This person is in a band.
5 This person isn’t very popular.
6 Members of this person’s family are
on holiday.
7 Sport is important in this person’s
life. ___/20 marks

___/7 marks
Total: ___/50 marks

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Skills test 3A (Units 5–6)
Listening 4 He doesn’t like his job.
5 He gets £6.00 per hour.
1 (LB1_ SK3_1.mp3) Listen and choose
the correct options.
___/5 marks
0 How often does the girl babysit her
little sister?
a) every day 3 (LB1_ SK3_3.mp3) Listen and
b) once a week complete the sentences. Write one
c ) three times a week word in each gap.
0 Mariko lives in Japan .
1 How much are the red flowers? 1 She lives with her family in a small
a) £4.30 .
b) £13.20 2 She usually gets up at .
c) £2.30 3 She goes to school by .
4 After school Mariko often has extra
2 Where does Frank come from? .
a) Wales 5 At the weekends she’s got a
b) France job.
c) Brazil
___/5 marks
3 The girl thinks Johnny Depp is
a) awful.
b) brilliant. Reading
c) old. 4 Read the text and answer true (T) or
false (F).
4 When does the first boat tour
leave? Cristina Aranjuez lives with her family in
a) 9.30 Quito, in Ecuador, South America. Cristina
b) 9.45 loves her city. It is very beautiful and has
c) 10.00 many parks and lovely old buildings.

5 How often does the boy go Every morning, Cristina wakes up at half
swimming? past five, has a shower and then has
a) never breakfast with her family. She usually has
b) every morning some milk and some fruit for breakfast.
c) three times a week
Sometimes her mother drives her to
___/5 marks school, but she usually goes by bus. She
meets her friends on the bus and chats
about the homework. Her favourite lesson
2 (LB1_ SK3_2.mp3) Listen and answer is English, but she also likes Maths.
true (T) or false (F).
0 Mark works in a food shop. F The first lesson starts at half past seven.
1 He is a shop assistant. The students have a break at half past
2 He thinks the office job is boring. nine and Cristina plays with her friends and
3 He doesn’t meet many people in his has an apple or banana. School finishes at
job. one o’clock and she always gets the bus

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home. She has lunch with her family. After film studio. Every evening (Monday–
lunch she does her homework and then Saturday) from 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. We pay
she often plays tennis with her friends. £8.00 per hour.
Once or twice a week she goes to a
friend’s house for a swim because they E
have a swimming pool. Do you like music? We need young
people to work in our ticket office five
0 Cristina lives in Quito. T
hours per day on Saturdays and
1 She doesn’t like Quito very much.
Sundays. Hours are from 11.00 to 16.00.
2 She wakes up at 5.30 every We pay £6.50 per hour.
3 She never has any fruit for 0 This job is for ten hours per week.
breakfast. E
4 English is her favourite lesson. 1 These jobs are at the weekends
5 She doesn’t always get the bus only. ,
home from school. 2 This job is for two evenings per
6 She usually does her homework week.
before lunch. 3 This job is good for you if you like
7 She goes swimming three times a music.
week. 4 This job is for six hours per week.

___/7 marks 5 This job needs four people.

6 This job is for a short time only.
7 This job is for six evenings per
5 Read the texts and match the week.
sentences (0–7) to the jobs (A–D). 8 You can’t do this job if you are
A nineteen years old.
Part-time jobs on London River Boat!
We need four young people to work in ___/8 marks
our boat restaurants on Saturdays and
Sundays, seven hours per day. We pay
£7.50 per hour.
6 Choose the correct options.
Jenny lives with her parents in
Are you fifteen years old or more? We
Manchester, 0but / and / so she’s got a
need a babysitter on Wednesday and
brother and a sister. She’s got a part-time
Friday evenings, from 6.00 to 9.00 p.m.
job in a café 1because / so / but she
for two children, three and five years old.
wants to earn some money. She wants
We pay £21 per evening.
a new laptop, 2but / because / so she
works all day at the weekend. She likes
her job, 3so / and / but she doesn’t like
Do you want to be a plumber? I need a
the people she works with 4because /
young person for seven hours per day to
and / but wants to find another job. She
help me in the summer holidays. I pay
doesn’t work in the week 5and / so /
£5.00 per hour.
because she’s still at school.
Do you like films? Are you 16–18 years ___/5 marks
old? We need part-time cleaners for our

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7 Write seven or eight sentences
about a part-time job you or a friend
have. Write about these things.
 Where do you/does your friend work?
 What do you/does your friend do?
 How many hours do you/does your
friend work?
 What’s the pay?
 What do you/does your friend like
about the job?

___/15 marks

Total: ___/50 marks

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Skills test 4A (Units 7–8)
Listening 3 (LB1_ SK4_3.mp3) Listen to the
1 (LB1_ SK4_1.mp3) Listen and answer second part of Danny’s blog and
true (T) or false (F). complete the sentences. Write one
0 Jane lives in Scotland. F word in each gap.
1 David lives in England. 0 Danny travelled to Brisbane at the
2 It’s warm and cloudy in Spain today. weekend .
1 Last night, Danny didn’t sleep well
3 David’s sister is still in bed. because he was very .
4 David’s cousins from South America 2 Danny’s isn’t very
are in Spain at the moment. good at diving.
5 David’s got exams next month. 3 Danny says that the Whitsunday
6 Adam’s still sleeping. Islands are very popular with
7 Jane didn’t remember all her lines .
in the play. 4 Danny’s sister dropped her
in the sea.
___/7 marks
___/4 marks
2 (LB1_ SK4_2.mp3) Listen to the first
part of Danny’s video blog and choose
the correct options. Reading
0 Danny’s blog is from 4 Read the text and answer true (T),
a) London. false (F) or doesn’t say (DS).
b) Australia.
c) Singapore. It was a cold and dark morning when I
started my day today. It was only five
1 Danny and his family are o’clock. I don’t usually get up this early,
a) visiting from Australia. but today is a special day: I’m going to
b) from England. buy a new phone, so I’m really excited.
c) waiting for their grandparents.
I live with my parents in a small but
2 In Sydney, Danny is staying comfortable house in the town, with
a) in a hotel. a small garden and a treehouse. My
b) with his aunt. father works in a factory and my mother
c) at his grandparents’ house. in a shop. They don’t have very much
money, but we are all very happy.
3 Danny’s grandparents have got
a) a small house. Yesterday was a bad day for me.
b) a tennis club. I dropped my new phone and now it’s
c) a swimming pool. broken. But yesterday evening everything
changed. My mum answered the phone
4 Who is playing tennis? at about seven o’clock. Usually she
a) Danny and Gemma smiles when she answers the phone, but
b) Gemma and Maria yesterday she looked very worried. ‘Who
c) Danny and his mum was it?’ I asked. She looked at me,
___/4 marks smiled and then she laughed and
laughed and danced around the room.

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And then she said, ‘A magazine wants to C
use your photo of Stonehenge. They are Do you like learning new things? This
paying you £250 for it!’ isn’t like school or university. Every week
people give talks about their lives, jobs,
Fantastic! Now I can buy a new phone! interests, etc. Meet every Wednesday in
the Cove Hotel at 8 p.m.
0 It was snowing when Peter got up
this morning. DS D
1 Peter usually gets up at five o’clock. Teenagers, do you want to learn how to
cook? Then come to the Tasty Bite Café
2 Peter’s house isn’t very big. every Monday after school. We teach you
3 Peter and his family want to buy a how to cook simple meals like burgers
new house. and chips, chicken, etc.
4 Peter’s parents work in a factory.
5 Peter’s day wasn’t very good E
yesterday. A new sports centre opened last week for
6 Peter’s mother answered the phone people who don’t like sport! This sounds
at 7.15. weird, but many people don’t like sport,
7 At first, Peter’s mother didn’t smile but need exercise. We make exercise fun
when she answered the phone. and you can listen to great music at the
8 Peter’s going to buy a new laptop same time.
with the money.

___/8 marks 0 Michael needs some exercise, but

he doesn’t like being outside. E
5 Read the texts and match the people 1 John is fifteen and wants to be
(0–7) to the adverts (A–E). with people in the same age group.

2 Alice hates sport, but wants to do

Interesting clubs
some exercise.
3 Aleks loves to sing for other people.
Spend your lunch hour listening to 4 Barbara doesn’t like music, but she
concerts in the town centre. Bring your likes exercise.
sandwiches and listen to different types 5 Emily works in town and gets bored
of music – new young bands, singers, at lunchtime.
jazz and classical music. Are you a 6 Josh wants to know about lots of
musician? Then join in and give a concert things.
yourself. 7 Ewa wants to make lunch for her
Do you hate parties and loud music? ___/7 marks
Then join the university Up and Down
Club. Last week we climbed a mountain
and walked through forests, and today
we’re climbing the tallest building in

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6 You are on holiday. Write a postcard
(six to nine sentences) to your best
friend about the holiday. Use these

 Where are you?

 Who are you with?
 What is the weather like?
 What do you do every day?
 What is your favourite activity?
 Where were you yesterday?

___/20 marks

Total: ___/50 marks

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Skills test 5A (Units 9–10)
Listening 2 (LB1_ SK5_2.mp3) Listen and
1 (LB1_ SK5_1.mp3) Listen and choose complete the sentences. Write one
the correct options. word in each gap.
0 Mark is 0 Heather and Liz are going on a
a) English. school camping.. holiday.
b) American. 1 Heather wants to take her
c) French. dress.
2 Last year Liz didn’t use her
1 Mark visited Mongolia in dress.
a) February. 3 Liz is going to take one pair of
b) March. this year.
c) April. 4 Heather doesn’t want to have a
in the river.
2 What problems did Mark have? 5 Last year Liz learned to play the
a) The airport closed early. .
b) His plane was late. 6 In the evenings they sat near the
c) His missed his hotel transport. .
7 Heather wants to go .
3 The weather in Botswana was 8 Liz says Heather needs a
a) very hot in the day. and a jacket because
b) quite cool all day. it can be cold.
c) warm with lots of rain.
___/8 marks
4 On a walking safari you need to
a) eat a lot of food.
b) rest a lot. Reading
c) wear a hat. 3 Read the messages and answer true
(T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS).
5 Where did Mark usually stay?
a) in his own tent RU free 2morro? Would U like 2 come to
b) in tourist camps our house for dinner? My cousins from
c) in a friend’s flat America R going to be there. You met
them last year. We’re going to have your
6 The Sanctuary favourite: chicken. Mum’s busy cooking it
a) had three large bedrooms. now! Agnes xx
b) was a long way from an airport.
c) was Mark’s favourite camp. Hi Agnes,
Thanks for your text. My phone is broken,
7 The camp is the best place to so I’m sending you this email. I’d really
a) eat African food. love to come, but I’m going to London
b) see elephants. tomorrow with my parents. We’re going
c) watch the sun go down. to go sightseeing for three days and then
to see a play. Can we meet on Saturday
___/7 marks when I get back?

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Sorry, Tom, but I’m going back to
America with my cousins for three weeks. Every two weeks we went to London
I want to take them to London, too, but Airport to meet new students and
we don’t have the time. We can meet up welcome them to England. The coach
again when I get back. I can Skype you journey from Bournemouth is two hours,
from there and tell you all about it. Have so we spent the time on the way back
fun in London! telling them about the course and the
Agnes activities.

Thanks, Agnes. Don’t forget: I’m going to Three times a week we did sports with
be at the school camp when you get the students and twice a week we visited
back. I think the next time we meet is the local area. At weekends we travelled
going to be at school in September! Have to different parts of the country. We went
fun in America! to Bath, London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
In London we all stayed in a small hotel
near Victoria Station and on the first day
0 Agnes invites Tom to dinner. T
we went on the London Eye. The
1 Tom likes chicken.
students loved it. Then we did the bus
2 Tom’s going to go sightseeing in
sightseeing tour. On Sunday we went to
Camden Market and the British Museum
3 Tom is going to go to London with
– the museum was my favourite part of
his cousins.
the visit. Some students thought it was
4 Agnes likes London.
boring, but I loved it. Most of the students
5 Agnes’ parents are from America.
preferred the market – it was their
6 Agnes is going to stay in America favourite part of the visit. We really
for two weeks. needed much more time to see
7 Agnes is going to Skype Tom every everything!
8 Tom’s going to go to school camp. 0 Josh got a job before university .
1 He did the job last .
2 He worked with students from
___/8 marks .
3 The students had English classes in
the .
4 Read the text and complete the 4 He travelled by to the
sentences. Write one or two words in airport.
each gap. 5 Josh told the students about the
and the
WORKING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE on the way back to Bournemouth.
Last year, when I left school and before I 6 They played sports
went to university, I got a summer job in per week.
Bournemouth with young people from 7 Josh thought the best part was
different countries. The young people visiting the .
came to England to study English. They
studied every morning from 8.30 to ___/7 marks
12.30. In the afternoons we visited
interesting places with them. There were
six other students like me – by the end of Writing
the summer we were best friends!

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5 A student from another country is
going to stay with you in the summer.
Write an email to him/her and tell them
about you and your life. Write about
these things.
 family
 town
 weather
 daily routine
 plans for this summer

Write about 80–100 words.

___/20 marks

Total: ___/50 marks

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Unit test 1A
3 Complete the text with my, your,
1 Choose the correct options.
his, her, its.
0 This is Francesco. They are / He is 0
Myname is Susan and this is
from Italy. 1
friend, Emily. Emily is in
1 Are / They are Susan and James 2
class at school. She and
from Scotland? 3
brother are from Wales.
2 The students is / are Polish. 4
name is Alan. Alan is twelve
3 ‘Are they / Are you from London?’
and Emily and I are fifteen. Wales is in
‘Yes, we are.’
the UK and 5 capital is Cardiff.
4 Are they / They are members of the
drama club?
5 ‘Are the girls in the classroom?’ ‘No, ___/5 marks
they are / they aren’t.’
___/5 marks
4 Complete the table.

2 Complete the conversations with Country Nationality

words from the box. 0
Australia Australian
am ● are ● are (x2) ● he’s ● Portuguese
I’m ● is (x3) ● isn’t ● who’s Turkish
the USA
A: Hi, George. How are you today? 6
B: Fine, thanks. Mexico 7
A: This 1 my friend, Juan. 8
B: Hello, Juan. you from
___/8 marks
C: Yes, I 3 .
B: How old you?
C: fifteen. 5 Write the numbers in words.

A: Hi, everyone. 0 35 thirty-five

B: he? 1 24
C: Marco. 2 17
B: he from Greece? 3 52
C: No, he 8 . Marco 9 4 100
Italian. 5 79
B: Everyone, this is Marco. 10 6 12
from Italy.
___/6 marks
___/10 marks

6 Where are they from? Complete the Function
8 Read about Daniel and complete the
My name’s Daniel Alexander and I’m
fourteen years old. I’m from Cardiff in
Wales. My address is 86 Castle Road,
CF24 2NY. My mobile number is
0778965123. My parents are from
England. We’re British.

Student information
0 John is from the south of Surname: Alexander
the country. First name:
1 Daniel is from the of Address:
the country. 3
2 Emily is from the of Postcode:
the country. Mobile
3 Carl is from the of number:
the country. Age:
4 David is from the of Nationality:
the country.
___/6 marks
___/4 marks
9 Complete the conversation. Write
7 Write the missing days of the week. one word in each gap.
Monday, 1 , Wednesday, Keith: Hi, Jack. 0 How are
Thursday, 2 , Saturday, things?
Sunday Jack: 1
bad, thanks, Keith.
This is Sacha.
___/2 marks Keith: Nice to 2 you,
Sacha. Is this your first
at football club?
Sacha: Yes, it is.
Jack: OK, Keith, 4 you on
Friday, at music club. Bye!
Keith: Bye!

___/4 marks

Total: ___/50 marks

Unit test 2A 4 Put the apostrophe in the correct
Grammar 0 Mrs Taylor ’ s class is in Room 1b.
1 Write a, an or –. 1 Jenny s favourite band is Coldplay.
0 an ice-cream
2 My parent s car is red.
1 green apple 3 Henry s guitar is expensive.
2 keys 4 My friend s names are Sandra and
3 earring Luca.
4 apples 5 This is my dog s bed.
5 MP3 player
6 laptop ___/5 marks

___/6 marks
2 Choose the correct options. 5 Match the words (0–8) to the
0 That / These / This are my shoes. pictures (a–i).
1 What are this / that / these? 0 pen b
2 Is that / those / these your bag? 1 camera
3 That / Those / This are my photos. 2 chips
4 These / This / Those is the new 3 sandwich
teacher. 4 trainers
5 Are this / these / that sandwiches? 5 trousers
6 key
___/5 marks 7 jacket
8 socks

3 Complete the sentences with our,

your or their.
0 My parents are from Italy. Their
favourite food is pizza.
1 These are my brothers, Jim and
Henry. favourite sport is
2 Magda and I are sisters.
parents are from Poland.
3 ‘Pete and Jim, are these
shoes?’ ‘Yes, they are.’
4 One Direction is her favourite band.
new album is great.

___/4 marks

___/8 marks

6 Complete the colours with letters Function
from the box.
8 Complete the conversation with
b ● d ● e (x3) ● g ● I ● i ● n phrases from the box.
(x2) ● o ● r ● r (x3) ● w
anything else ● can I have ●
here it is ● how much are ●
here you are ● next ●
0 red how much is ● hungry ●
please ● they’re ● that’s
Jenny: Where’s the menu?
1 o a e 0
Man: Here it is .
Jenny: Thanks. 1 the
2 p k 2
Man: £2.00.
Jenny: OK. two
burgers, 4 ?
Man: .
3 g y Jenny: Thanks.
Man: ?
Jenny: Yes, a cola and a tea.
4 y l w the mineral
Man: £2.30.
Jenny: Thanks. How much is that
5 ro n altogether, please?
Man: £7.50,
please. Thank you.
6 g en , please!
Mike: I’m very 10 !
___/6 marks Three hot dogs, please.

___/10 marks
7 Write the prices in words.
0 £1.00 one pound
Total: ___/50 marks
1 £2.60
2 £5
3 £1.20
4 60p
5 £20.45
6 £7.50

___/6 marks

Unit test 3A
1 Complete the conversation with the
correct form of there is or there are. 4 It’s in / next to / on the bag.

A: Hi, Agatha. How’s your new house? ___/4 marks

B: It’s great!
A: Is there a big garden? 3 Complete the sentences with some
B: Yes, 1 . And or any.
a lot of flowers and 0 There aren’t any carrots.
trees. And 3 a garage for 1 There isn’t sugar.
my dad’s car. 2 There are apples.
A: three or four 3 There is salt.
bedrooms? 4 There aren’t oranges.
B: four bedrooms and a 5 There are chips.
big living room, but 6 a 6 There isn’t honey.
dining room.
A: two bathrooms?
8 ___/6 marks
B: No, .
A: a big kitchen?
B: Yes, 10 .
___/10 marks 4 Complete the rooms, parts of a
house or fittings.
0 The living room is down stairs.
2 Where’s the phone? Choose the 1 There are stairs, but there isn’t a
correct options. l t.
2 There are big w d s in all the
3 Please put these clothes in the
w h ng m h ne.
0 It’s on / under / behind the book. 4 There’s a s w r in the bathroom.
5 It’s a d t h d house.
6 She lives in a b k of flats.
7 My dress is in the w d b in
1 It’s on / under / next to the table. my bedroom.
8 Are there any p t s on the wall
in your bedroom?
9 There are lots of books on the
b k s in the living room.
2 It’s in / under / next to the clock. 10 There’s a big green pl t on the

___/10 marks
3 It’s on / next to / in front of the

5 Label the picture.

0 pasta
1 b 4 Is there any cheese?
2 r a) Yes, there are.
3 o b) No, there isn’t.
4 c c) Stop it!
5 s 5 Can I borrow your bike?
6 c a) No, thanks.
7 c b) Behind you.
8 b c) Sure.
9 a
10 g ___/5 marks

___/10 marks
7 Complete the conversation with
words from the box.
Function in ● on your bed ● what’s in ●
6 Choose the best response. what’s that ● where ● where’s
0 This is my bedroom. 0
A: Where’s my phone?
a) It’s not funny!
B: It’s 1 your bedroom.
b) What a mess! 2
A: Really? ?
c) Not bad, thanks.
B: It’s 3 .
1 Can I borrow your dictionary?
A: No, it isn’t.
a) Yes, of course.
B: Oh look! 4 in the
b) It’s not funny.
wastepaper bin?
c) Over there.
A: It’s my bag!
2 Where’s your dictionary?
B: And 5 your bag?
a) I’m sorry.
A: Oh! My phone!
b) Over there.
c) What’s the matter?
3 Can I borrow your laptop? ___/5 marks
a) Yes, I need it.
b) What a mess! Total: ___/50 marks
c) No, I’m sorry.

Unit test 4A 1 Ruta’s exam is Monday 4th
Grammar a) on b) in c) this
1 Complete the text with the correct
form of have got. 2 John’s party is July.
a) at b) on c) in
I 0 ’ve got a very big family.
I1 (not) any brothers or 3 There’s a school trip the winter.
sisters, but I 2
a lot of a) at b) on c) in
cousins. My mother 3 four
sisters and three brothers and they 4 My horoscope is good my
lots of children. My father birthday.
(not) any brothers or a) on b) at c) in
sisters. I (not) a pet, but
my favourite cousin, Jerzy, 7 5 The film is Wednesday next
four dogs and three horses! week.
a) in b) on c) this
___/7 marks
___/5 marks
2 Complete the conversations with
the correct form of have got.
A: Has your father got a new 4 Complete the sentences about
car? Daniel’s family.
B: Yes, 00 he has .
A: you a big house?
B: Yes, 2 .
A: he a new phone?
B: No, 4 .
A: they many pets?
B: No, .
A: the house a
swimming pool? 0 Natasha is Daniel’s cousin .
B: Yes, 8 . 1 Susan is Joanna’s .
2 Angela and Robert are Daniel’s
___/8 marks .
3 Fred is Daniel’s .
3 Choose the correct options. 4 Sam and Susan are .
5 Sarah and Fred are Emily’s
0 Is your birthday January? .
a) on b) at c) in
___/5 marks

5 Write the dates in full. 8 Complete the conversation with the
0 16/7 the sixteenth of July sentences (a–f).
1 30/5 A: f
2 21/1 B: No, I haven’t. 1 And you?
3 2/11 A: I’ve got a sister.
4 15/9 B: 2
5 8/3 A: She’s very tall and beautiful.
B: 3
___/10 marks A: It’s long and blond.
B: 4
A: Green.
6 Complete the appearance words. B: 5 My eyes are green, too.
0 Susan’s got long bl o nd hair.
1 My father’s got a moustache and a
b d. a) Like me!
2 Philip’s got l t brown hair. b) What colour eyes has she got?
3 My friend isn’t very tall. He’s c) What’s she like?
m m-h g t. d) I’m an only child.
4 He’s got a great s l . Look at e) What sort of hair has she got?
those white teeth! f) Have you got any brothers or
5 My brother’s got c l black hair. sisters?

___/5 marks ___/5 marks

Total: ___/50 marks

7 Match the questions (1–5) to the
answers (a–f).
0 What’s your name? e
1 When’s your birthday?
2 What’s your star sign?
3 What’s on?
4 How many uncles have you got?
5 What’s her brother like?

a I’m a Taurus.
b He’s very untidy.
c The new Hunger Games film.
d Two.
e Marcello Riva.
f It’s tomorrow.

___/5 marks

Unit test 5A 3 Complete the sentences with you,
her, him, it, us or them.
Grammar 0 I hate rap music. My friends hate it ,
1 Complete the conversation with the too.
correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 John likes me and my brother. His
Sam: Hello, I’m Sam. What’s your sister likes , too.
name? 2 My sister loves Johnny Depp and
Brad: Hi, I’m Brad. Brad Pitt. I like , too.
Sam: Where 0 do you come 3 She likes Lady Gaga. I like ,
(you/come) from, Brad? too.
Brad: I1 (come) 4 Marta loves Will Smith. Tomek likes
from Sydney, Australia. , too.
Sam: 2
(you/work) 5 I like you and your friend. My
in Australia? brother likes , too.
Brad: No, 3 . 6 I hate this film. Jo hates , too.
I (work) in
a school in England. ___/6 marks
Sam: Where 5
(you/live)? Vocabulary
Brad: In Birmingham.
6 4 Complete the job words.
Sam: (your
parents/live) in England, Daniel’s uncle is a 0fa r m e r. He works on
too? a farm in the north of the country. His
Brad: No, 7 . My aunt is a 1d r in a hospital there.
parents Daniel is a 2w r. He works in
(work) in Australia. But my a café at weekends. Daniel’s father is
sister 9 (live) a 3b d and works on a building
here now. site in the city. His mother doesn’t work –
Sam: Where 10 she is a 4h e f . Daniel’s sister
(she/work)? Emma works in a shop as a 5s p
Brad: In a hospital. She’s a nurse. a t t. Daniel’s brother is
a 6p m r and works in bathrooms
___/10 marks and kitchens.

2 Write negative sentences. ___/6 marks

0 She likes chocolate.
She doesn’t like coffee. 5 Complete the sentences with words
1 They speak Chinese. from the box.
They Japanese.
2 He hates rock music.
He jazz. factory ● hospital ● office ●
3 I help my father in his office. restaurant ● school
I in the house. 0 Gemma is a doctor and works in
4 We play the guitar. a hospital.
We the piano. 1 Susie is a waitress in the new
in town.
___/4 marks

2 Pawel is an electrician in a 2 Do you want to watch this DVD?
. a) Oh, I love him.
3 Jack is the new teacher in our b) What’s on?
. c) Who’s in it?
4 Emma is a secretary in my Dad’s
. 3 What do you think of Johnny Depp?
a) Yes, OK.
___/4 marks b) He’s really good.
c) Not bad, thanks.
6 Complete the adjectives of opinion. 4 Oh no! Look at all this water! I need
0 That’s a g o o d idea. some help with the sink!
1 I hate this song. It’s a l! a) Cool! I’m not a plumber!
2 I love Adele. I think she’s a b) Sure. I’m not a plumber!
f c singer. c) Don’t look at me! I’m not a plumber!
3 My dad doesn’t understand Lady
Gaga. He thinks she’s w d.
___/4 marks
4 I always laugh when I see that TV
show. It’s f y.
5 The new café isn’t good. The food 8 Complete the conversation. Write
there is t e. one word in each gap.
6 I love his music. He’s a b t A: 0 Are you an actor?
guitar player. B: Yes, that’s 1 .
7 They’re g t actors. I love A: 2 do you work?
their films. B: In a film studio in north London.
8 Look at my new phone. It’s really A: Cool! Are you in any famous films?
c l. B: No, not really.
9 I hate classical music. I think it’s A: 3 do you think of Robert
very b g. Pattinson?
10 I don’t like that idea. I think it’s B: I think he’s a good actor. What
a very b d idea. you? 5 you like
___/10 marks A: Yes, he’s my favourite actor.
’s your favourite actor?
B: Leonardo di Caprio.
7 Choose the correct response. ___/6 marks
0 Look, here’s my new laptop.
a) Don’t look at me. Total: ___/50 marks
b) That’s right.
c) Cool!

1 Are you a doctor?

a) That’s right.
b) Don’t look at me!
c) Yes, I do.

Unit test 6A 3 Rewrite the sentences with the
words in brackets in the correct
Grammar place.
1 Complete the conversation with the 0 They have breakfast at seven
correct form of the verbs in brackets. o’clock. (always)
They always have breakfast at seven o'clock.
A: What time 0 does the bus leave ? 1 Nancy has a party. (twice a year)
(the bus/leave)?
B: It 1 (leave) at 9.30. 2 They get up late. (never)
A: (it/arrive) at the
bus station before ten? 3 The bus arrives late. (sometimes)
B: Yes, 3 .
A: When 4 4 We go to concerts. (hardly ever)
(the city tour/ start)?
B: It 5 (start) at 10.15 5 I ride my bike to school. (usually)
from the bus station.
A: How often 6
(tours/leave)? ___/5 marks
B: Every thirty minutes.
A: 7 (they/go) to the Vocabulary
same places?
B: No, 8 . Some tours 4 Complete the sentences with verbs
9 from the box.
(go) to the south
part of the city and others to the brush ● chat ● do ● get ● go ●
north part. have ● listen ● play ● surf ●
A: When 10 (the tours/ wake ● watch
B: The last one is at four in the 0 I brush my teeth in the
afternoon. morning.
1 I home from school at
___/10 marks two o’clock.
2 We lunch at school.
3 How often do you
2 Put the words in the correct order. computer games?
0 goes / she / week / a / once / jogging 4 When do you to bed?
She goes jogging once a week.
5 I my homework after
1 has / always / one o’clock / lunch / he
/ at
6 We never up after nine.
2 day / friend / emails / I / my / every / 7 They TV in the evenings.
write / to 8 Do you to music in your
. room?
3 a / has / month / party / once / Jo / a 9 I often to my friends
. online.
4 watch / do / how / TV / often / you 10 Do you the net every
? day?
5 play / week / tennis / twice / they / a
___/10 marks
___/5 marks

5 Write the times. 5 What time do you go to bed on
school days?
0 20.55 five to nine
a) Every day.
1 16.30
b) Ten o’clock.
2 00.35
c) That’s not very good.
3 10.30
4 07.15
5 11.50 ___/5 marks
6 09.00
7 18.20 7 Complete the conversation with the
8 05.05 sentences (a–f).
9 03.45 Ann: Hi, Bob.
10 13.25 Bob: e
Ann: Great, thanks. And you?
___/10 marks Bob:
Ann: Do you want to play tennis
with us this afternoon?
Function Bob:
Ann: Great! Tennis is cool, huh?
6 Choose the best response.
I play every day.
0 I swim in our pool every day. Bob:
a) I think so. Ann: Yes.
b) Wow! That’s great! Bob: 4

c) You’re just jealous. Ann: Yes, really! I love it. And I

love jogging, too. My
1 Have we got time for an ice cream? brother and I go jogging
a) No, I think so. four times a week.
b) Hurry up! Bob:
c) I think so. Ann: Thanks!

2 How long is the journey to school? a) Sure!

a) Hurry up! b) Not bad, thanks.
b) Ten minutes. c) Every day?
c) That’s not very good. d) Really?
e) Hi Ann, how are you today?
3 I play the guitar. f) Wow! That’s great! Well done!
a) That’s interesting.
b) That’s awful. ___/5 marks
c) Every day.
Total: ___/50 marks
4 We’ve only got five minutes.
a) You’re joking!
b) Well done!
c) That’s great.

Unit test 7A
Grammar 2 Complete the conversation with the
1 Choose the correct options. present simple or present continuous
0 They often television. of the verbs in brackets.
a) can watch b) watch A: Hi, Jane. How are you?
c) are watching B: Fine, thanks. And you?
A: Not bad, thanks. So, what
1 He volleyball at the moment. are you doing (you/do)
a) plays b) doesn’t play c) isn’t playing at the moment?
B: I1 (play)
2 They sing in English. computer games.
a) can b) have c) are A: (you/play)
computer games every
3 Can they play football? morning?
Yes, they . B: Only at weekends. My
a) do b) are c) can brother 3
(have) a shower at the
4 We our grandparents very often. moment and I
a) can’t visiting b) don’t visit 4
(wait) for him
c) aren’t visiting to finish.
5 Can you play the guitar? (he/usually/have) a shower
No, I . so early?
a) don’t b) am not c) can’t B: No, 6 . He
usually (go)
6 The children like cakes together jogging at this time.
every Saturday. A: What 8 (your
a) are making b) making sisters/do) at the moment?
c) make B: They 9 (swim).
They 10 (swim)
7 you draw well? four times a week.
a) Can b) Does c) Are

8 She doesn’t like . ___/10 marks

a) dance b) is dancing
c) dancing Vocabulary
9 swimming on Sundays? 3 Complete the weather words.
a) Do they go b) Are they going 0 It’s really cold today! It’s freezing!
c) They go 1 Look at the trees. It’s very
w y today.
10 He paint very well. 2 The sun is s g today. It’s
a) don’t b) can’t c) isn’t a lovely day.
3 There’s no sun today and it’s
___/10 marks c y – the sky is dark

4 I can’t see anything. It’s so 5 Complete the sentences with verbs
f y this morning. from the box.
5 It’s winter and everything is white.
cook ● make ● play ● ride ●
It’s s g.
run ● send ● take ● use
6 It’s not hot today. It’s c d.
0 I play the guitar.
___/6 marks 1 They good photographs.
2 Can you a horse?
3 My sister and I dinner
4 Write the sports. every Sunday.
4 Can you five
5 I lots of emails every
0 football day.
6 How often do you your
7 Can you animal
1 sculptures?

___/7 marks

2 Function
6 Choose the correct options.
0 Know / Believe it or not, he’s got
a new laptop!
1 I bet / sure it’s hot in Australia
2 Lucky / Happy John! He’s got a new
3 What about go / going jogging
4 today?
4 Oh no! That’s lucky / horrible!
5 Why / What don’t we go to the
cinema tonight?
5 6 How / Why about watching a DVD?
7 That’s a nice / sure idea.
8 How’s / What’s the weather like in
your country?
6 9 ‘Let’s cook lunch.’ ‘I’m not / I don’t
10 ‘Let’s go swimming.’ ‘No / Not
___/10 marks
___/7 marks
Total: ___/50 marks

Unit test 8A 3 Complete the conversation with the
past simple of the verbs in brackets.
A: Did you cook
1 Complete the sentences with words
(you/cook) dinner last
from the box.
across ● along ● down ● B: No, I 00 didn’t . My
into ● out of ● past mother
cooked dinner.
0 He dived into the swimming
pool. 1
A: (you/visit)
1 I walked the stairs to
your grandparents at the
meet my friend.
2 They cycled the road for
B: No, we 2 (not
half an hour.
visit) our grandparents, but
3 We ran the road.
we 3 (visit)
4 Grandfather got his chair
our cousins.
to answer the door.
5 They cycled the cinema
A: When 4
and the library.
(you/watch) the DVD?
B: Yesterday.
___5 marks A: 5
2 Complete the conversation with was, B: No, 6 .
wasn’t, were or weren’t.
0 A: What time 7
A: Hi, Felipe. were you at (the bus/arrive)?
football club this afternoon? B: It 8 (not
B: No, I 1 . arrive) on time. It arrived at
A: Why not? 10 o’clock.
B: I2 well. I
in bed.
___/8 marks
A: Is that why you 4
at drama club yesterday?
B: Yes. 5 Anna and Vocabulary
Mercedes there?
A: Yes, they 6 . And 4 Write the years.
there 7
a new 0 2001 two thousand and one
member, too – Emil. 1 1984
2 2014
3 1990
___7 marks
4 1822
5 1967
6 2004

___/6 marks

5 Look at the calendar and write the Function
date for each of the expressions.
Imagine it’s Friday, 15th May today. 7 Complete the conversation with
words from the box. There is one extra
MAY word.
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN because ● can ● happy ● luck
● matter ● mind ● no ● way ●
1 2 3
were ● what ● when ● why
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A: Hi. Where were you
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 yesterday?
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
B: In London with my sister.
A: What’s the 1 ? You
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 don’t look 2 .
B: Nothing. I’m just angry.
th th
0 last week 4 -10 May A: Why are you angry?
1 last Friday B: my phone isn’t
2 this afternoon working.
3 yesterday afternoon A: happened?
4 last night B: My brother dropped it and
5 last weekend now it’s broken.
6 yesterday morning A: Oh, bad 5 .
7 this morning did this happen?
B: This morning.
___/7 marks A: Can your brother get you
another phone?
B: Yes, he 7 , but now
6 Choose the correct options. I’ve got a day when I can’t
0 Eric is sad / tired / happy because contact my friends.
he failed the exam. A: Never 8 .
1 I’m worried / happy / scared today don’t we go to
because it’s my birthday. the cinema? You can’t use
2 She doesn’t like big dogs. She gets a phone there anyway.
scared / angry / bored when she B: way. I’m going
sees them. to the phone shop with my
3 This film isn’t very interesting. I’m brother to get the new
bored / happy / worried. phone.
4 He’s excited / scared / fed up
because his laptop doesn’t work. ___/10 marks
5 They’re very worried / excited /
scared because they’re going
camping. They love camping. Total: ___/50 marks
6 He didn’t sleep well last night, so
he’s very sad / bored / tired today.
7 I’m tired / worried / happy because I
can’t find my dog.

___/7 marks

Unit test 9A
1 It’s Friday. Nick lost his phone on
Grammar Monday. (days)
1 Complete the text with the past He .
simple of the verbs in brackets. 2 Nick is twelve. He bought his
Last year Dan 0 went (go) to Kenya computer when he was ten. (years)
with his family. They 1
(fly) He .
there from London. They 2 3 It’s September. Nick went on
(stay) in a hotel in Nairobi, the capital holiday in June. (months)
city, for the first night and then they He .
(take) a safari bus and 4 It’s Wednesday. Nick met his friend
(spend) the next five nights Sarah last Wednesday. (week)
camping. They 5 (see) lots of He .
wonderful animals: lions, elephants, 5 It’s 10.20. Nick phoned his cousin
giraffes, zebras. It was a great holiday. Henry at 10.15. (minutes)
He .
___/5 marks
___/5 marks
2 Complete the conversation with the
past simple of the verbs in brackets. 4 Look at the map and complete the
A: When 0 did you go sentences with words from the box.
(you/go) to Kenya?
B: Last year. behind ● between ● next to ●
A: 1
(you/have) on the corner of ● opposite
a good time?
B: It was fantastic!
A: What 2 (do)?
B: We travelled around the
A: Where 3
B: We 4 (not
stay) in big hotels. We
A: 5
(you/see) 0 The music shop is behind
any leopards? the newsagent.
B: No, we 6 . 1 The restaurant is
They’re very difficult to see. Park Road and Station Road.
2 The pharmacy is
the supermarket.
___/6 marks
3 The book shop is
the newsagent and the computer
3 Write sentences about Nick. Use ago shop.
and the words in brackets. 4 The newsagent is
the book shop.
0 It’s half past two. Nick left his house
at half past one. (hour)
He left his house an hour ago . ___/4 marks

Another day we visited a small village.
Vocabulary We went fishing and boating on a small
5 Label the pictures. there. Then we went to a
beautiful town. A 5 runs
through the town and there are lots of
cafés along it. Then we drove up into the
0 bus behind the town and
camped there for a night.

___/6 marks
7 Complete the place and activity
0 She went to the po st of f ice to buy
a stamp.
1 Go to the s m k and
buy some food for lunch.
2 I’m going to the c hp t to
3 get some money.
3 I want to see old things from the
town. I’m going to the m m.
4 ‘Where can I get a bus for the town
4 centre?’ ‘There’s a b s t n
over there.’
5 We’re lying on the beach and
s b g.
5 6 We bought some medicine at a
p m c in town.
7 I want to see everything in the city.
I’m going s s ng.
8 We can play basketball, football and
tennis in the s s c e.
___/6 marks
___/8 marks

6 Complete the text with words from

the box. Function
coast ● forest ● lake ● 8 Choose the best response.
mountains ● ocean ● river ●
sea 0 I climbed a mountain last week.
a) That’s incredible!
Last year we had wonderful holiday on b) Actually.
the 0 coast of Portugal on the c) That’s horrible!
Atlantic . We went swimming
in the 2 every day – the beach 1 We’re going on holiday to Australia.
was fantastic! One day we visited an a) You’re welcome.
island. It had a big 3 with lots b) Bad luck.
of trees, so it was nice and cool there. c) Awesome!

2 Thanks very much. 9 Complete the conversations. Write
a) Yes, please. one word in each gap.
b) You’re welcome. A: Excuse 0 me , is
c) Nice to meet you. there a hotel near here?
B: I’m 1 , I don’t
3 Excuse me, is there a hotel near 2
know. I’m not
here? here.
a) Yes, it is.
b) Yes, there’s one over there. A: Excuse me, where’s
c) Yes, I know. 3
nearest hotel?
C: ’s one in Church
4 Where’s the cinema?
Street, 200 metres from
a) I don’t know. I’m not from here. here.
b) That’s all right. A: Thanks.
c) Yes, there’s one over there. 5
C: ’s all right.
5 Yes, there’s a sports centre in
___/5 marks
Baker Street. I can take you there.
a) Thank you very much.
b) You’re welcome. Total: ___/50 marks
c) Great fun!

___/5 marks

B: What about you?
Unit test 10A
(you/see) the Killers in
Grammar concert?
1 Complete the sentences with the A: No, 5 .
comparative or superlative form of the I (meet)
adjectives in brackets. some cousins for the first
0 It’s the biggest (big) lake in time. They
the world. (fly) to
00 Your house is bigger than (big) England from Australia on
my house. Friday.
1 Sarah is (young) B:
her sister. (they/stay) in your house?
2 That film was A: No, 9 . We
(exciting) the last film I saw. (visit)
3 She hasn’t got our grandparents in
(good) singing voice in the band. London.
4 My bag is
(heavy) your bag. ___/10 marks
5 They did
(difficult) sport in the competition. Vocabulary
6 I think Lady Gaga is
(talented) Adele. 3 Write the opposites.
7 That’s (bad) 0 long s hort
restaurant in the world! 1 boring i
8 This bag was 2 bad g
(cheap) the bag in the other shop. 3 difficult e
9 What is 4 slow f
(expensive) car you can buy? 5 young o
10 Sally’s hair is 6 dirty c
(long) Sarah’s hair. 7 light h
8 hot c
___10 marks
___/8 marks
2 Complete the conversation with the
correct form of going to and the verbs 4 Complete the sentences with words
in brackets. from the box. There is one extra word.
A: Hi. What 0 are you going to attractive ● dangerous ●
do (you/do) next famous ● frightening ●
weekend? important ● slow ● talented ●
B: I1 (go) useful
windsurfing with my brother.
A: But you can’t windsurf. 0 This is a very useful machine.
1 He’s very . He looks
(he/teach) you? like a model.
B: Yes, 3 . 2 Don’t go near the road! It’s very
A: That’s great. with all the cars going
so fast.

3 The city is for its old too. I can call Tom and ask.
castle. Oh no! I can’t find his
4 What’s the most thing number.
in your life? Jane: That’s 6important /
5 It was to be alone in impossible / fantastic!
the sea. I was really scared. Emma: I know, but it’s not here!
6 This car isn’t very fast – it’s quite Have you got it?
. Jane: I’m not sure. 7Let’s / Let /
Letting me see. Ah, here it
___/6 marks is. OK, wait – I’m calling
him now. … Hi, Tom. Can
I bring my friend Susie to
5 Write the music words. your party tonight?
0 I went to a r o c k concert last week. Tom: Of course! Oh, Jane, guess
1 He writes wonderful r g e music. what! We’ve got a band!
2 I don’t like c s c l music, but Jane: Really? That 8 hears /
my parents love it. listens / sounds great! OK,
3 Are you going to the music thanks, Tom! See you
f t l this weekend? tonight.
4 Does your brother play the g t r Emma: Call Susie now.
in the band? Jane: OK … Hi, Susie. There’s a
5 Jorge is from Cuba and he’s in a party at Tom’s tonight. Do
L n band. you want to go?
6 Where does your brother’s band Susie: 9
I’d love to / I’d love / I’d
usually p f m? want to, but I’m 10sorry /
scared / sad, I can’t.
___/6 marks
___/10 marks
Total: ___/50 marks
6 Choose the correct options.
Emma: What are you doing?
Jane: I’m looking for a new tent
online. The cheapest 0it /
one / them is still very
Emma: Oh. Listen, 1do / would / are
you like to come to Tom’s
party tonight?
Jane: Where / What / When is it?
Emma: At his house.
Jane: What 3hour / place / time
does it start?
Emma: At eight o’clock.
Jane: I’m afraid I 4 am not / can’t /
don’t. I’m going to see
Susie at six o’clock.
Emma: Wait / Have / Take a
minute. Susie can come,

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