Sophie Elhalwi Education Transcript

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Sophie Elhalwi Education Transcript Student Name: Elhalwi, Sophie

McGill ID: 260425846

Permanent Code: ELHS04569100
Subject Number Title Cr. / C.E.U. Grade Remarks Earned Class Avg.

Quebec Univ (incl. McGill)
McGill University - Bachelor of Education 2014

Credits Required for B Ed Kindergarten/Elementary - 150 credits

Fall 2010

Bachelor of Education
Full-time Year 1
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed


From: Champlain College - 30 credits

EDEC 201 002 1st Year Professional Seminar 1 A- 1

EDEC 203 002 Communication in Education 3 A 3 A-
EDEC 215 008 English Language Requirement 0 P 0
EDEC 248 001 Multicultural Education 3 A- 3 A-
EDEC 260 003 Philosophical Foundations 3 A 3 A-
EDEE 130 001 Diag Math Test for BEd K/Elem 0 KK
EDFE 200 002 First Field Exp. (K/Elem&Sec) 2 P 2
EDPE 300 002 Educational Psychology 3 A 3 A

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.90 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 13.00 50.80
CUM GPA: 3.90 TOTAL CREDITS: 45.00 CUM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 13.00 50.80

Standing: Interim Satisfactory

Winter 2011

Bachelor of Education
Full-time Year 1
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

EDEE 280 001 Geog., Hist. & Citizenship Ed. 3 B 3 B+

EDEE 325 001 Children's Literature 3 A 3 A
EDER 395 001 Moral Values and Human Action 3 A 3 A-
EDES 366 002 Literature for Young Adults 3 B+ 3 A-
MATH 111 001 Math for Education Students 3 A 3 A-
Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points
TERM GPA: 3.66 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 15.00 54.90
CUM GPA: 3.77 TOTAL CREDITS: 60.00 CUM TOTALS: 30.00 30.00 28.00 105.70

Standing: Satisfactory

Fall 2011

Bachelor of Education
Full-time Year 2
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

CLAS 203 001 Greek Mythology 3 B 3 B+

EDEE 230 004 Elementary School Mathematics 3 A 3 A-
EDEE 270 001 Elementary School Science 3 A- 3 B+
ENGL 230 001 Intro to Theatre Studies 3 C+ 3 B-
PHIL 200 001 Intro to Philosophy 1 3 C+ 3 B-

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.06 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 15.00 45.90
CUM GPA: 3.52 TOTAL CREDITS: 75.00 CUM TOTALS: 45.00 45.00 43.00 151.60

Standing: Interim Satisfactory

Winter 2012

Bachelor of Education
Full-time Year 2
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

ATOC 184 001 Science of Storms 3 B- 3 A-

EDEE 223 001 Language Arts 3 A 3 A-
EDEE 250 001 The Kindergarten Classroom 2 A 2 A-
EDEE 275 001 Science Teaching 2 A 2 A
EDEE 282 001 Teaching Social Sciences 2 A 2 A-

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.67 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 12.00 12.00 12.00 44.10
CUM GPA: 3.55 TOTAL CREDITS: 87.00 CUM TOTALS: 57.00 57.00 55.00 195.70

Standing: Satisfactory

Summer 2012
Bachelor of Education
Part-time Year 2
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

EDEC 253 005 Second Prof Seminar (K/Elem) 1 A 1 A-

EDFE 256 001 Second Field Exp. (Kind/Elem) 3 P 3

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 4.00 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 4.00 4.00 1.00 4.00
CUM GPA: 3.56 TOTAL CREDITS: 91.00 CUM TOTALS: 61.00 61.00 56.00 199.70

Standing: Satisfactory

Fall 2012

Bachelor of Education
Full-time Year 3
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

EDEE 353 005 Teach&Learn in the Elem Clssrm 3 A 3 A-

EDEE 355 005 Classroom-based Evaluation 3 A 3 A-
EDFE 306 001 Third Field Exp. (Kind/Elem) 8 P 8

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 4.00 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 14.00 14.00 6.00 24.00
CUM GPA: 3.60 TOTAL CREDITS: 105.00 CUM TOTALS: 75.00 75.00 62.00 223.70

Standing: Interim Satisfactory

Winter 2013

Bachelor of Education
Full-time Year 3
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

EDEA 241 001 Basic Art Media for Classroom 3 A 3 A

EDEE 260 003 Reading Meth-Early Childhood 3 A- 3 A-
EDEE 332 003 Teaching Elementary Math. 2 3 A 3 A
EDPI 309 761 Exceptional Students 3 A 3 A
ENGL 225 001 American Literature 1 3 B 3 B

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.74 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 15.00 56.10
CUM GPA: 3.63 TOTAL CREDITS: 120.00 CUM TOTALS: 90.00 90.00 77.00 279.80

Standing: Satisfactory
Summer 2013

Bachelor of Education
Part-time Year 3
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

EDEC 300 001 Special Topics 1 3 A 3

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 4.00 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00
CUM GPA: 3.64 TOTAL CREDITS: 123.00 CUM TOTALS: 93.00 93.00 80.00 291.80

Standing: Satisfactory

Fall 2013

Bachelor of Education
Full-time Year 4
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

EDEA 345 001 Music C&I for Generalists 3 A 3 A-

EDEC 247 001 Policy Issues in Quebec Educ 3 B+ 3 B+
EDPI 341 001 Instruction in Inclusive Schls 3 A 3 A
EDPT 204 752 Educational Media 1 3 A 3 A

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.82 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 12.00 12.00 12.00 45.90
CUM GPA: 3.67 TOTAL CREDITS: 135.00 CUM TOTALS: 105.00 105.00 92.00 337.70

Standing: Interim Satisfactory

Winter 2014

Bachelor of Education
Full-time Year 4
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

EDEA 332 001 Art C&I--Elementary 3 A 3 A-

EDEC 405 005 4th Yr Prof. Sem. (K/Elem) 3 A- 3 A-
EDER 360 002 Ethics & Relig Culture(K/Elem) 2 A 2 A
EDFE 406 001 Fourth Field Exp. (K/Elem) 7 P 7

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.88 & Transfer Credits: 30.00 TERM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 8.00 31.10
CUM GPA: 3.68 TOTAL CREDITS: 150.00 CUM TOTALS: 120.00 120.00 100.00 368.80

Standing: Satisfactory
Bachelor of Education Granted: May 2014
Kindergarten & Elementary Ed

Fall 2014

Master of Education
Full-time Year 1
Educational Psychology (Non-Thesis) - Non-Thesis - Inclusive Education

EDPE 502 761 Theories of Human Development 3 A- 3

EDPE 515 771 Gender Identity Development 3 W
EDPE 555 782 Intro. to Learning Sciences 3 W
EDPE 575 773 Educational Measurement 3 B+ 3

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.50 & Transfer Credits: 0.00 TERM TOTALS: 6.00 6.00 6.00 21.00
CUM GPA: 3.50 TOTAL CREDITS: 6.00 CUM TOTALS: 6.00 6.00 6.00 21.00

Standing: Satisfactory

Winter 2015

Master of Education
Part-time Year 1
Educational Psychology (Non-Thesis) - Non-Thesis - Inclusive Education

EDPE 602 001 Uses of Res Findings in Educ 3 A- 3

EDPE 635 781 Theories of Learning&Instruct 3 A 3
EDPI 667 001 Promoting Soc&Emot Well-Being 3 A 3

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.90 & Transfer Credits: 0.00 TERM TOTALS: 9.00 9.00 9.00 35.10
CUM GPA: 3.74 TOTAL CREDITS: 15.00 CUM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 15.00 56.10

Standing: Satisfactory

Summer 2015

Master of Education
Part-time Year 1
Educational Psychology (Non-Thesis) - Non-Thesis - Inclusive Education

EDPE 595 001 Seminar in Special Topics 3 A 3

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 4.00 & Transfer Credits: 0.00 TERM TOTALS: 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00
CUM GPA: 3.78 TOTAL CREDITS: 18.00 CUM TOTALS: 18.00 18.00 18.00 68.10
Standing: Satisfactory

Fall 2015

Master of Education
Full-time Year 1
Educational Psychology (Non-Thesis) - Non-Thesis - Inclusive Education

EDPE 640 001 Emerging Tech for Educ Change 3 A 3

EDPI 539 001 Field Work 1 3 P 3
EDPI 543 771 Family, School and Community 3 A- 3
EDPI 642 001 Inclusion:Past, Present&Future 3 A 3
EDPI 665 781 Teaching of Reading 3 A 3

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.92 & Transfer Credits: 0.00 TERM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 12.00 47.10
CUM GPA: 3.84 TOTAL CREDITS: 33.00 CUM TOTALS: 33.00 33.00 30.00 115.20

Standing: Satisfactory

Winter 2016

Master of Education
Full-time Year 2
Educational Psychology (Non-Thesis) - Non-Thesis - Inclusive Education

EDPE 687 001 Qualitative Methods in Ed Psyc 3 A 3

EDPI 526 772 Talented and Gifted Students 3 A 3
EDPI 540 001 Field Work 2 3 P 3
EDPI 645 751 Assmt For Effective Intervent. 3 B+ 3
EDPI 654 762 Instruct/Curriculum Adaptation 3 A- 3

Advanced Standing Att Cr Earned Cr GPA Cr Points

TERM GPA: 3.75 & Transfer Credits: 0.00 TERM TOTALS: 15.00 15.00 12.00 45.00
CUM GPA: 3.81 TOTAL CREDITS: 48.00 CUM TOTALS: 48.00 48.00 42.00 160.20

Standing: Satisfactory

Master of Education Granted: May 2016

Educational Psychology (Non-Thesis) - Non-Thesis - Inclusive Education

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