Liquid Gold: What Is in The Essential Broth?

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This broth contains the
equiavalent of a small
OUR MODERN LIFESTYLE & INCREASED fortune in supplements.

Broth – slow cooked bones and other connective tissue - ESSENTIAL BROTH?
is a gelatinous, nutrient-dense superfood. Easily digested,
even when other foods are not, broth has been used in
nourishing traditions the world over to heal and restore gut COLLAGEN holds the body together, plumps the skin,
health. lubricates joints, and builds mucosal barriers to protect
the body from pathogens. Broths contain gelatine – a
Good health relies upon an intestinal barrier that allows protein-rich, bioavailable form of collagen.
the absorption of beneficial nutrients, but prevents the
absorption of harmful dietary and environmental PROLINE is an anti-inflamatory amino acid that builds
compounds. healthy cartilage.
When the intestinal barrier is compromised by our modern
GLYCINE is an anti-inflamatory amino acid vital for wound
lifestyle - including the consumption of food-like products
healing and blood synthesis. Glycine is required for the
rather than real food, and frequent use of antibiotics and
liver to produce the antioxidant glutathione.
painkillers - our gut becomes ‘leaky.’
GLUTAMINE facilitates a rapid turnover of cells in the gut.
This keeps the lining healthy and well equipped to heal in
A LEAKY GUT CAN CAUSE & CONTRIBUTE the face of constant challenge. It is also an essential
TO A HOST OF CONDITIONS SUCH AS: amino acid for brain health.
•  Itchy and irritated skin •  Dental disease
GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS (GAGs) include hyaluronic
•  Otitis / ear infections •  Inflammatory bowel acid, chondroitin, and keratan sulphate. These
•  Cystitis / urinary tract issues disease hydrophilic (water-attracting) proteins have lubricating,
•  Joint disease •  Autoimmune conditions cushioning and protecting properties.

HYALURONIC ACID is the main component of synovial

fluid – the body’s shock absorber. It is concentrated in the
Broth is easily assimilated by a leaky gut. It is nutrient gut, where it attracts digestive juices and lines the
dense, rich in minerals, and a highly available source of
intestinal tract. It is also responsible for skin ‘plumpness’.
protein in times of malnourishment, or when little else will
be tolerated. CHONDROITIN SULPHATE cushions and protects cartilage
Broth will heal and seal a leaky gut, allowing the body to (hence its popularity as a joint support supplement).
start utilising nutrients that are necessary as part of a
healing protocol. BONE MARROW is the nutrient dense component of bone
that generates stem and blood cells.
Broth aids recovery from wounds, injuries, and post-
surgical trauma. MINERALS such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
sulphur, sodium and potassium contribute to the excellent
In our modern environment of readily available, highly
nutrient profile of broths.
processed food, and growing rates of chronic disease,
broths offer a welcome return to simple, effective
supportive nutrition.

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