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1. Should college students be required to take a physical education (PE)credit?

Make a compelling statement: This introduction would be best for this type of essay because you can
make this a challenging argument about how it would be good and others might not agree because it’s
pointless to their career path.

2. In your experience , is learning a second language in language in high school useful?

Anecdote: Since my first language isn’t English and I did have to learn it I can speak about my personal
experience and tie it in and how it helped me and if others learned a second language it would be useful.

3. Who is your hero and why?

Scene setter: With a scene setter I can describe the place and moment and rail it in from their on why
my person is my hero it just creates the atmosphere before hand.

4. What are the benefits of switching to a single -payer or universal healthcare system?

State a starling statistic: When it comes to a topic such as this one I think it’s best to begin with some
facts and interesting statics on why it’s best to switch.

5. Examine the causes of income inequality in America.

Case Histories: With this topic showing multiple stories of others and how it’s affected them would help
show the causes of income inequality in America.

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