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Eurania Duarte

To recognize color three components are necessary – What are they?

The three components are light, vision and perception.
Babies – What colors do they see the first week? After the first week what color do
they see? Is this of significance? 
When baby are first born they can only see black,white and gray.After that they can
see red. It’s important because it has physiological effects.
What about older people. Should they use soft colors to keep from hurting their eyes?
Older people can’t distinguish between hues they look more dull and can lead to
serious injuries.
Do color blind people see any colors? Explain
There is different type of color blind some can see certain colors and others can only
see grey and white.
Simultaneous contrast of hue, value and chroma what is this? Explain each.
Simultaneous contrast of hue is placing two colors next to each other causes the

perception of differences in those colors that are not perceived when looked at
separately, value is a tint appearing even lighter when placed next to a shade that is
lower in value and chroma is placing complements on the color wheel next to each

Is this an afterimage or a vibrating image? Or both?

This image is a vibrating color image because the contrast of the colors makes it seem
like it’s shifting.
Eurania Duarte

What type of image is this? Does this appear to advance and recede?

This picture appears to recede because it has cooler toned colors that’s moving farther
away and it’s a optical mixing. Advancing is when warm hues appear to advance.

 Does this advance and recede? Explain

What are the characteristic of advancing colors? Receding colors?

List the Feng Shui Colors & what they stand for.

Red is luck or good fortune
Yellow self and health
Green exuberant growth and family
Brown contemplation and medication
Pink love,joy,happiness and romance
Blue sky and water and symbolized spirituality, understanding, tranquility and
What is the common western association of Violet, Blue & Orange? Would you use
these colors in one room with different intensity?
Violet represents spiritual,creative and royalty. In a church.
Blue represents traditional and soothing. In a home.
Orange represents healthy, warning and active. In a street sign.
 Show where you would place the colors and what patterns you would use, you may
use one neutral. You have a sofa, one(01) large fully upholstered side chair
w/ottoman, one (01)small wood frame chair with upholstered seat only, 10 x
12 rug, one (01) end table, one(01) cocktail table, walls & fireplace. Select your
fabrics, finishes, wall color and rug from your computer. Be prepared to show in class
if called upon.
Eurania Duarte

Find a color wheel online and show. It may be as detailed as you deem necessary. It
does not have to be a classic shape.
Eurania Duarte

Color Fusion – If I have a very small burgundy and navygeometric print that I want to

put on ten(10) conference room chairs in a conference room painted the color below –
what color will the chairs read?

    Actual Print Size

Is this Monochromatic? What color could I change the sofa to, to make it

dramatic? Explain your answer.
I think it is but the sofa could be red to make it pop more. Since there is a good
amount of red the sofa could work in red or green.

Wow! Does this work? What type color of interior is this? Is it advancing and
receding or just advancing? Explain what colors are advancing or receding. Would
you change anything in this room?
I think they all work they are all so beautiful they are are all advancing and residing.
Eurania Duarte

These are three(03) different complementary color schemes. What kind

of scheme? Why?

Achromatic – yes or no? Why? Could we add a floral arrangement with yellow to add
some accent? Is it still achromatic? Is it easy to mix neutrals? Why?
This is definitely achromatic and you could definitely add yellow flower to them both
and it still be achromatic. Yes when it comes to neutrals it is very easy to mix with
anything since it is neutral to compared with colors and shades.

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