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Numerical model tests of building response to

excavation-induced ground movements
Moorak Son and Edward J. Cording

Abstract: Distortion and damage to masonry and frame structures on shallow foundations subjected to excavation-induced
ground movements have been investigated using numerical model tests. The numerical tests were modeled using the two-
dimensional (2-D) universal distinct element code (UDEC) version 3.1 in which each masonry unit was modeled as a
block, with the contacts between blocks having stiffness and strength characteristics of mortar. The soil was modeled elas-
tically with a stiffness selected to provide the same pressure–displacement relation for the 2-D model as that for the three-
dimensional (3-D) foundation condition. To give a justifiable basis for the numerical tests, two physical model tests were
simulated numerically, and the results from the numerical tests were compared with those from the physical model tests.
The good agreements between the numerical simulations and physical model tests led to extended numerical studies. The
studies included the effect of cracking in structures and structural types (brick and frame structures) on the building re-
sponse, considering soil–structure interaction. The numerical studies indicated that the structural response to excavation-
induced ground movements is highly dependent on both cracking in structures and structural types, and therefore their
effects should be considered for better assessing the building response to excavation-induced ground movements.
Key words: numerical tests, physical tests, building response, excavation, cracking, damage assessment.
Résumé : On a étudié au moyen d’essais sur modèles numériques la distorsion et le dommage à la maçonnerie et au cadre
des structures sur fondations superficielles assujetties à des mouvements de sol induits par excavation. Les essais numéri-
ques ont été modélisés au moyen du code d’éléments distincts universels 2-D (UDEC 3,1) dans lequel chaque unité de ma-
çonnerie a été modélisé comme un bloc, avec les contacts entre les blocs ayant les caractéristiques de rigidité et de
résistance du mortier. Le sol a été modélisé élastiquement avec une rigidité sélectionnée pour fournir la même relation
pression – déplacement pour le modèle 2-D comme celui pour une condition de fondation 3-D. Pour donner une base justi-
fiable aux essais numériques, on a simulé numériquement deux essais sur modèles physiques et les résultats ont été compa-
rés avec les résultats des essais sur modèles physiques. La bonne concordance entre les simulations numériques et les
essais sur modèles physiques ont conduit à des études numériques élaborées. Les études incluaient l’effet de fissuration
dans les structures et les types de structures (briques et cadres de structures) sur la réaction de la bâtisse, prenant en consi-
dération l’interaction sol – structure. Les études numériques ont indiqué que la réponse structurale aux mouvements de ter-
rain induits par excavation est fortement dépendante tant de la fissuration dans les structures que des types de structures,
et ainsi, leurs effets devraient être pris en considération pour mieux évaluer la réaction du bâtiment aux mouvements de
terrain induits par l’excavation.
Mots-clés : essais numériques, essais physiques, réaction de bâtiment, excavation, fissuration, évaluation de dommages.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction Peck (1969), Cording and Hansmire (1975), Goldberg et al.

(1976), Clough and O’Rourke (1990), and Mueller (2000))
Excavation of underground facilities and deep building to the estimation of green-field ground movements for dif-
foundations in urban areas must be controlled to limit ferent soils and construction methods.
ground movements that may be potentially damaging to ad- However, the response of nearby structures due to
jacent structures. Of particular concern are buildings on excavation-induced ground movements has been studied
shallow foundations, which are often older masonry struc- less frequently, perhaps because of the difficulty and com-
tures and may be historic and low-rise frame structures. plication involved in measuring and assessing soil–structure
Considerable effort has been made by researchers (e.g., interaction behavior. Some relevant studies include those of
Breth and Chambosse (1974), Attewell (1978), Boscardin
Received 13 June 2007. Accepted 25 June 2008. Published on and Cording (1989), Burland (1995), Boone et al. (1999),
the NRC Research Press Web site at on 4 November and Son and Cording (2005).
Identical green-field ground movements can cause differ-
M. Son.1 Department of Civil Engineering, Daegu University, ent responses in structures depending on both soil and struc-
Jillyang, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, 712-714, South Korea. ture conditions. However, many design criteria do not
E.J. Cording. Department of Civil and Environmental explicitly consider the soil and structural conditions when
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 205 N. assessing potential damage to nearby structures. Reasonable
Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, USA.
damage assessments are investigated in this paper, which re-
1Corresponding author (e-mail: quire a better understanding of the complex soil–structure

Can. Geotech. J. 45: 1611–1621 (2008) doi:10.1139/T08-074 # 2008 NRC Canada

1612 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 45, 2008

interaction, considering large crack opening and post-crack

shear stiffness, Ks
Joint or interface
inelastic behaviors in structures and structural types. Failure
to understand the interaction can lead to the implementation

of unnecessary protection measures, the incurrence of un-

necessary cost, and consequently, unsatisfactory results.

This paper analyzes the results of building response to

excavation-induced ground movements, which have been
observed in numerical model tests with the effects of build-

Joint or inter-
ing cracking and different structural types, to provide the re-

stiffness, Kn
face normal

lations among ground movement, building distortion, and
building damage in controlled variation of structural condi-
tions and types and to provide a better understanding of the



complex soil–structure interaction in building response.


Numerical analyses

Large enough
Joint or inter-
face tensile
strength, st
Numerical tests were performed to investigate the effect
of structural conditions on the response of buildings adjacent

to an excavation area. The advantages of numerical analysis
are that various conditions can be considered easily with
limited time, cost, and space, and reproducible analyses are
possible. This characteristic allows the responses of build-

Joint or inter-
face friction
ings to excavation-induced ground movements to be investi-

angle  (8)
gated in various conditions.
The 2-D universal distinct element code (UDEC) version


3.1 (Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. 2000) was used to conduct
numerical studies on various configurations of brick-bearing

strength, c (kPa)
and frame structures. The properties of the brick and frame


Large enough
Joint or inter-
face cohesive
structures, the brick–mortar contacts, and the soil were se-
lected based on experimental tests performed for a 1/10th
scale physical model (Table 1). Analyses were performed
under plane stress conditions for both soil and structure, and
the soil was modeled as an elastic mass.
In modeling the brick structures numerically, each brick
Total unit
weight, g

was modeled as a separate elastic unit and the brick–mortar


contact model was chosen so that when the contact normal

Table 1. Soil, structure, and interface properties used in numerical analyses.

stress exceeds the maximum tensile strength of the contact


or the contact shear stress exceeds the contact shear strength,
which is a combination of cohesive (c) and frictional ()

strength, the contact loses strength and a crack is formed.


Further extension across the contact causes separation of the

adjacent bricks and leads to a larger opening of the crack.

The contact does not simulate the crush in compression,
which is reasonable because a compressive strength is gener-
modulus, E

ally higher than a tensile strength and cracks form mostly


due to tensile stress. Before cracking, the brick–mortar con-



tact model has a linear stress–displacement relationship with

the slope of the contact normal stiffness for the normal stress
condition and with the slope of the contact shear stiffness for
Interface between soil and structure

the shear stress condition. After cracks form, the contact has
only frictional shear resistance. This model can more easily
simulate large crack openings and post-crack inelastic behav-
ior than the continuum-based numerical methods such as the
Frame structure (elastic)
Brick structure (elastic)

finite element method (FEM). The building–soil interface

model was similar to the brick–mortar contact model, but
the interface had different properties. Thus, the interface al-
Brick structure

lowed the building to separate from the soil or slide between

the building and the soil.

The entire excavation sequence was not simulated, but in-


stead a green-field ground movement obtained from the

physical model tests, performed in the Schnabel large soil
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model test facility at the University of Illinois, Urbana– and then the impact on the building is evaluated, taking into
Champaign, Illinois, was applied to the soil mass, which account building stiffness.
has a finite thickness.
Elastic soil stiffness in the numerical tests (2-D) was de- Physical model tests and numerical
termined to provide the same normal pressure–displacement simulations
relation as that of the 3-D condition utilizing the Boussinesq
relationships. Physical model tests were conducted on 1/10th scale, two-
Both vertical and horizontal green-field ground move- storey brick bearing walls (PIT5E east wall and PIT5W west
ments were applied to the soil mass to allow the soil– wall) adjacent to a model tied back wall excavated in sand
structure interaction between the structure and the soil in the Schnabel large soil model test facility at the Univer-
mass. Vertical green-field ground settlement was applied at sity of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, Illinois (Fig. 1; Laefer
the base of the soil mass after confirming for the green-field 2001). The model structures were 610 mm high 
condition that the displacement profile induced at the sur- 1830 mm wide and seated on concrete spread footings,
face of the soil mass was a result of applying the profile to which were 127 mm wide and 254 mm deep. The founda-
the base of the soil mass. A horizontal displacement profile tions were fully embedded in soil and firmly bonded to the
was applied to the surface, not the base, of the soil mass in- bearing wall by cement mortar. The model structures were
terconnected with the building wall at the soil–structure in- tested in the same test pit and they were 610 mm apart,
terface because application of the horizontal displacement at which is about five times the width of the footing. This dis-
the base of the elastic soil mass would produce a distorted tance was determined to ensure that there was no interaction
horizontal displacement at the surface for the green-field between the structures. The test conditions were similar for
condition. However, the soil–structure interaction for hori- the two structures except that PIT5W was subjected to loads
zontal ground movement was still allowed because an equiv- that were about two times greater than those for PIT5E
(Fig. 2). Wooden lintels were used in the physical model
alent soil shear stiffness was applied at the interface
tests to prevent failure of the test bricks above the window
element. The shear stiffness at the interface was selected to
provide the same horizontal pressure – horizontal displace-
ment relation for the 2-D model as that for the 3-D condi- Figure 3a shows the deformation and crack formation in
tion (Son 2003). Thus, the soil–structure interaction the PIT5E model test structure. The structure was noticeably
between the building wall and soil mass was allowed for cracked and deformed in the first of the three bays as a re-
both vertical and horizontal ground displacements. sult of the large change in slope of the green-field vertical
ground movement between bay 1 and bay 2. The deforma-
At the beginning of the numerical analysis, an initial equi-
tion in bay 1 of the building wall was determined by meas-
librium was obtained with building self-weight and floor
uring the vertical (subscript v) and lateral (subscript l)
loads. At this stage, the boundary condition for the soil
displacements (Av, Bv, Cv, Dv, Al, Bl, Cl, and Dl) at the four
mass was roller supports at each end of the two vertical
corners (A, B, C, D) of bay 1 (Fig. 3a). From these meas-
boundaries of the soil mass and at the bottom boundary of
urements, the following terms were determined for the de-
the soil mass. All displacements were reset to zero, and the
formation of the section:
boundaries at the soil mass were made free before green-
field ground movement patterns were imposed on the soil  Slope is the change of gradient at the base of the founda-
mass. The equilibrium condition was ensured with the boun- tion over the length (L) of the section and is defined as
daries roller-supported at the soil mass after imposing the Slope ¼ Av B

green-field ground movement and at the same time applying  Tilt is the rigid body rotation of the section and is de-
the additional loads along a building end to consider the fined as Tilt ¼ ðCl Bl ÞþðD
l Al Þ
or ClHBl (where H is the
down-drag effect due to an interconnected cross wall in real height of the section)
structures. Distortions and cracking in structures were then  Angular distortion (b) is the shearing distortion of the
investigated. section and is defined as  ¼ Slope  Tilt
Modeling of the soil using advanced constitutive models  Lateral strain at the top ("lat(T)) is the change of lateral
is important when trying to relate the ground movements at displacement at the top over the length (L) of the section
an excavation face to those in the vicinity of a building. and is defined as "lat ðTÞ ¼ Dl C L

However, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the rela-  Lateral strain at the base ("lat(F)) is the change of lateral
tions among ground movements, building distortion, and displacement at the base over the length (L) of the sec-
building damage and to provide some features of the build- tion and is defined as "lat ðFÞ ¼ Al B L

ing response in variable conditions of structures for a better The maximum vertical movement of the structure was
understanding of the complex soil–structure interaction in 4.46 mm, which was similar to the maximum green-field
controlling building damage due to excavation-induced vertical ground movement of 4.5 mm at the same location
ground movements. as the structure. The maximum horizontal movement of the
It would be desirable in the future to link advanced soil structure was 2.31 mm, which was slightly smaller than the
constitutive models with the UDEC modeling of a masonry green-field horizontal movement of 3.0 mm. The lateral
building. However, to evaluate building–ground interaction, strain of the green-field horizontal movement was 2.25 
a linear soil mass or a Winkler foundation provides useful 10–3 in the location of bay 1. This observation indicates that
results. The method used in this paper to assess the potential a slight slip occurred between the structure and the ground.
impacts on buildings is consistent with that used in practice The structure was tilted up slightly at the back corners of
where the green-field ground displacements are assessed, bay 3. This behavior has also been observed in field struc-
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Fig. 1. Schematic cross section and plan view of physical model tests.

Fig. 2. Applied loads for physical model tests.

tures built on shallow foundations. The cracks were concen- which was slightly greater than the maximum green-field
trated around window openings because of low confinement vertical ground movement of 4.5 mm that occurred at the
and high stress concentration in these areas. Crack formation structure location. In other words, the structure settled more
near window openings is frequently observed in full-scale than the green-field ground movement. The maximum hori-
structures adjacent to open cutting or tunneling. Some zontal movement of the structure was 2.68 mm, which was
cracks in the model test structure were attributable to the closer to the green-field horizontal movement of 3.0 mm
curing and installation process due to the material shrinkage than was the horizontal displacement of 2.31 mm in PIT5E.
and some installation disturbance. In addition, material non- This indicates that the structure with heavier loading under-
uniformity induced some local cracks in the structure. The went less slip between the structure and the ground than the
maximum crack width was 1.0 mm (10 mm at field scale). structure with lighter loading. This was probably due to a
Figure 4a shows the results of the deformation and crack higher normal force at the interface between the structure
formation in the PIT5W model test structure. The deforma- and the ground, which induced a higher frictional force at
tion and crack formation were also prominent in bay 1, as in the interface. The lateral strain of the green-field horizontal
PIT5E. However, a large crack did not open at the top of the movement was 2.25  10–3 in the location of bay 1. The
structure as it did in PIT5E. Instead, some large cracks structure also tilted upward slightly at the back corners of
formed around window openings in bay 3. Such crack for- bay 3. As with PIT5E, cracks were concentrated around
mation may have been due to the confinement associated window openings. The maximum crack width in the PIT5W
with the heavier loading along the top of the structure. The structure was 0.5 mm (5 mm at field scale).
maximum vertical movement of the structure was 5.21 mm, For the brick bearing wall structures of PIT5E and
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Fig. 3. Distortion and cracking of physical model and numerical simulation of PIT5E (1/10th scale model). CALC., calculated; MEAS.
MAX, measured maximum crack width; MEAS. SUM, measured maximum summation of cracks along a horizontal line; b, angular distor-
tion; "p, maximum principal strain; "p(F), maximum principal strain using the horizontal strain at the foundation level; "p(T), maximum
principal strain using the horizontal strain at the top level; "lat(F), horizontal strain at the foundation level; "lat(T), horizontal strain at the top

PIT5W, the green-field ground movements were compared dation level of bay 1, as in PIT5E. The horizontal strains in
with those modified by the model structures (Figs. 3a, 4a). bays 2 and 3 were relatively large compared with those in
The vertical displacement in bay 1 of the PIT5E structure the PIT5E structure.
was similar to the vertical green-field ground movement. In Investigation of the structure deformations and cracks in
other words, the first bay of the structure conformed closely the PIT5E and PIT5W structures indicates that the stiffness
with the green-field ground movement owing to the inten- of the structures decreased with an increase in cracking, and
sive cracking in the structure. The second and third bays the structures became flexible enough to closely conform
show that relatively large tilts occurred, which were close with the green-field ground movement. However, if there
to the building settlement slope and therefore less distortion had been no cracking or if only minor cracking occurred,
and damage were observed. The horizontal strain at the the structures would have been stiff enough to modify the
foundation level of bay 1 in the PIT5E structure closely con- green-field ground movement, as shown in Fig. 5b.
formed to the horizontal green-field ground strain. The hori- To verify the numerical approach and provide a justifiable
zontal strain caused large cracks at the foundation level of basis for extended numerical studies, the two physical model
bay 1, but the horizontal strains induced in bays 2 and 3 tests (PIT5E and PIT5W) were simulated numerically and
were relatively small, and only slight damage occurred at the results were compared with those of the physical model
the foundation level of bays 2 and 3. tests. The applied green-field ground movements (broken
The settlement in bay 1 of the PIT5W structure also con- lines in Figs. 3 and 4) were based on a limited number of
formed closely with the green-field ground movement be- measured data at the same depth of the structure foundation.
cause the bay underwent significant cracking. The damage Foundations were not modeled explicitly in the numerical
in bay 3 of the structure was also quite significant, which is simulations. Instead, the weight of each physical foundation
different from that observed in the PIT5E structure. The hor- was applied at the foundation level, and the effect of foun-
izontal strain at the foundation level of bay 1 in the PIT5W dations in contact with the soil was considered by adjusting
structure was also close to the horizontal green-field ground the interface properties. The simulation was performed
strain. The horizontal strain caused large cracks at the foun- based on the properties of the model structures, which had
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Fig. 4. Distortion and cracking of physical model test and numerical simulation of PIT5W (1/10th scale model). CALC., calculated; MEAS.
MAX, measured maximum crack width; MEAS. SUM, measured maximum summation of cracks along a horizontal line; b, angular distor-
tion; "p, maximum principal strain; "p(F), maximum principal strain using the horizontal strain at the foundation level; "p(T), maximum
principal strain using the horizontal strain at the top level; "lat(F), horizontal strain at the foundation level; "lat(T), horizontal strain at the top

been obtained from the experimental sample testing (Laefer found between the model structures and the numerical simu-
2001), and the load conditions applied in the model tests lations. The numerical model was able to simulate both the
(see Fig. 2). structure deformations (slope, tilt, angular distortion, and lat-
The model geometry and boundary conditions of the nu- eral strain) and the crack widths and patterns exhibited in
merical simulations are shown in Fig. 6. The results of both the physical model tests. The correlations confirmed that
physical model tests and numerical simulations are summar- the numerical approach was reasonably valid and provided
ized for deformations and crack patterns in Figs. 3 and 4. A a strong foundation to extend numerical studies.
direct comparison was performed between the physical
model tests and the numerical simulations. As shown in Extended numerical tests
Figs. 3 and 4, the overall structure deformations, crack pat-
terns, and crack width distributions were similar between The reasonable simulations of the two physical model
and among the numerical and physical models having simi- tests led to extended numerical studies that included the ef-
lar properties. However, small changes in load distributions fects of structural conditions. In urban areas, two main struc-
and minor variations in the properties of the brick–mortar ture types are brick-bearing and frame structures, and these
contacts will cause crack formation and openings to occur structures are often encountered in construction areas. Even
in different locations. These conditions may be induced be- though the two different structures may show very different
cause of the variation of properties through the physical responses to excavation-induced ground movements, a direct
model test structures and the initial cracks due to shrinkage comparison of their responses under the same ground move-
and disturbance during curing and installing the model struc- ment profile has not been observed in the field or in a test
tures. The numerical simulations were performed under the situation, either physically or numerically.
assumption of uniform strength and stiffness throughout the Therefore, numerical studies were carried out to evaluate
model structures so that the structures did not have variable the performance of single brick bearing walls and a frame
properties and initial cracks. structure (Figs. 6, 7) under an identical ground movement
From the direct comparisons, good agreements were profile and to provide key features of building response
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Fig. 5. Comparison of the numerical analyses of two-storey brick bearing walls (1/10th model scale). b, angular distortion; "lat(F), horizontal
strain at the foundation level; "lat(T), horizontal strain at the top level.

Fig. 6. Model geometry and boundary conditions for numerical tests of brick-bearing structure.

with different structural conditions. Two different types of was also modeled using the same code. Detailed soil and
structures (brick-bearing and frame) were modeled under structure properties are presented in Table 1.
both elastic and crackable conditions, and their responses The most important element to model on the ground –
were compared in terms of the deformations. The structures brick bearing wall interaction is the nonlinearity of the
were subjected to the same ground movements and load building because the displacements and cracking between
conditions as those of the physical model test of PIT5E. masonry units control the behavior and building stiffness. In
The brick-bearing structures were modeled using a dis- assessing the soil–structure interactions due to excavation-
tinct element code UDEC version 3.1 (Itasca Consulting induced ground movements, many investigators have given
Group Inc. 2000) in which each brick unit was modeled sep- considerable efforts to the analysis of soil–structure interac-
arately with the contact properties determined by the proper- tions in which structures were often simulated as elastic
ties of the mortar–brick contacts, and the frame structure beams, but most analyses did not explicitly consider soil–
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Fig. 7. Model geometry and boundary condition for numerical tests of frame structure.

structure interactions when assessing potential damage to structures were tilted up at the back corners of bay 3 and
nearby structures. Reasonable damage assessments require a the tilt was greater in the elastic brick-bearing structure.
better understanding of the soil–structure interactions with It should be noted that the angular distortion in the
building cracking. cracked structure increased in bay 1 and decreased in bay 3
Some studies have been performed to investigate the re- compared with the elastic structure, and a similar trend was
sponse of masonry structures due to tunneling with the con- found for the lateral strain at the foundation level. This im-
sideration of cracking, including those of Simpson (1994), plies that once cracking occurs in a structure, the subsequent
Netzel and Kaalberg (1999), and Burd et al. (2000). How- cracks form around and extend out from the initial cracks,
ever, the masonry structures in these studies were modeled making the initial cracks open wider. For the elastic brick
with the conventional finite element (FE) procedures, which structure, the building slope was close to the tilt, but the dif-
cannot simulate the large crack openings and the relative ro- ference between the slope and the tilt increased with an in-
tations and translations between the masonry units. crease in building cracking. The comparison of the two
structures clearly shows that the cracking in structures
In this paper, brick-bearing structures have been modeled
strongly controls the building response to a ground move-
to consider the large crack openings and the relative transla-
ment, and elastic analysis alone can produce misleading re-
tions and rotations between masonry units, and building re-
sults about building responses. Therefore, estimates of
sponses to excavation-induced ground movements have been
building damage due to excavation-induced ground move-
more explicitly investigated simulating the large crack open-
ment should be based on soil–structure interaction that con-
ings and postcracking behaviors of the structures.
siders the cracking in the structures.
Figure 5 summarizes the responses of the two-storey elas- Soil–structure interaction of the given ground movement
tic and cracked brick-bearing structures that were subjected was investigated in terms of the normalized angular distor-
to all the same conditions except the joint tensile and shear tion (b/DGS, where b is an angular distortion in a bay and
strengths. The comparison of the two structures shows that, DGS is the change in ground slope between two adjacent
for the same ground stiffness and displacement, structures bays in a green-field ground movement profile). For the elas-
may respond very differently when they are cracked. tic brick-bearing structure, the normalized angular distortion
The elastic structure responded with much greater stiff- was 0.18 in bay 1 and 1.0 in the cracked brick-bearing struc-
ness than the cracked structure. For the elastic structure, the ture, which implies that the structure distorted conforming to
angular distortion (b) was 0.44  10–3 in bay 1 and 0.53  the given ground settlement. The tilt was greater and the
10–3 in bay 3, and the lateral strain ("lat(F)) at the foundation slope smaller in bay 1 of the elastic brick-bearing structure
level was 0.39  10–3 in bay 1 and 0.08  10–3 in bay 3. than in the cracked structure because of the higher stiffness
Due to elastic deformations, the elastic brick-bearing struc- due to the lack of cracking. These observations indicate that
ture has similar angular distortions in bays 1 and 3, and the the cracked brick-bearing structure distorted close to the
deformation direction is shown in Fig. 5. However, with given ground settlement, but the elastic brick-bearing struc-
modeling of crack occurrence, the brick-bearing structure ture greatly modified the ground movement and underwent
underwent significant cracking, and a large angular distor- much less distortion.
tion developed in bay 1. The cracked brick-bearing structure Figure 8 summarizes the responses of the two-storey brick
responded in a much more flexible manner than the elastic and frame structures in which the brick structure was in the
brick-bearing structure because of the significant cracking. cracked condition. The brick-bearing structure underwent
The angular distortion was 2.29  10–3 in bay 1 and 0.15  significant cracking, and the angular distortions in bays 1
10–3 in bay 3, and the lateral strain at the foundation level and 2 were larger than those in the frame structure, which
was 1.95  10–3 in bay 1 and 0.03  10–3 in bay 3. The is elastic. However, the brick structure underwent less dis-
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Fig. 8. Comparison of the numerical analyses of two-storey brick bearing wall and frame wall (1/10th model scale), with the brick structure
in the cracked condition and the frame structure in the elastic condition. b, angular distortion; "lat(F), horizontal strain at the foundation
level; "lat(T), horizontal strain at the top level.

tortion in bay 3 than the frame structure because of minor ground deflection ratio (/L = 6.0  10–4, where  is the
cracking. After the significant cracking, the stiffness of the relative deflection that is the maximum displacement of the
brick-bearing structure decreased remarkably and the struc- settlement profile of a structure relative to the straight line
ture responded in a much more flexible manner than the connecting two settlement reference points and L is the dis-
frame structure. For the brick-bearing structure, the angular tance between two reference points, which is here the length
distortion after cracking increased substantially in bay 1 but of structure). However, the two structures distorted very dif-
decreased in bay 3. The angular distortion for the brick- ferently as described earlier in the paper. Comparison of the
bearing structure was 2.29  10–3 in bay 1 and 0.15  10–3 brick-bearing and frame structures shows the importance of
in bay 3, but it was only 0.37  10–3 in bay 2. However, the tilt in structure distortion. The result implies that differences
frame structure had similar angular distortions in bays 1 and in tilt should be considered when evaluating building distor-
3 (1.24  10–3 and 1.34  10–3, respectively); this trend was tion, and thus the deflection ratio, which does not consider
also observed in the elastic brick structure. The deformation tilt effect in structure distortion, may not be an appropriate
direction is shown in Fig. 8. parameter for building damage estimation.
It should be noted that the angular distortion in bay 3 of Figure 9 compares the responses of the two-storey brick
the frame structure is as high as that in bay 1, irrespective of and frame structures, both in the elastic condition. Both
the small building slope. This is attributable to the large lat- structures underwent elastic deformations, but the brick-
eral swing of the structure due to the structural flexibility. bearing structure underwent much less distortion.
The lateral strains in bay 1 were much greater in the brick For each structure, the angular distortions are very close
structure than in the frame structure because of the severe in bays 1 and 3 and bay 2 has a relatively small value. An-
cracking. gular distortion in the brick-bearing structure was 0.44 
For the cracked brick-bearing structure, the normalized 10–3 in bay 1, 0.53  10–3 in bay 3, and only 0.03  10–3
angular distortion (b/DGS) was 1.0 in bay 1 and 0.55 in the in bay 2. A similar trend was found in the frame structure,
frame structure. The cracked brick-bearing structure dis- but the angular distortion was much greater than that in the
torted more than the frame structure because of the severe brick-bearing structure. Angular distortion in the frame
cracking. structure was 1.24  10–3 in bay 1, 1.34  10–3 in bay 3,
The observation of the response of the two different struc- and only 0.19  10–3 in bay 2. Both structures underwent
ture types provides an important result in terms of a building similar tilt.
damage estimate. Both structures were subjected to the same The normalized angular distortion (b/DGS) was 0.18 in
ground movement profile so that the structures had the same bay 1 for the elastic brick structure and 0.55 for the frame
# 2008 NRC Canada
1620 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 45, 2008

Fig. 9. Comparison of the numerical analyses of two-storey brick bearing wall and frame wall (1/10th model scale) with both in the elastic
condition. b, angular distortion; "lat(F), horizontal strain at the foundation level; "lat(T), horizontal strain at the top level.

structure, which implies that the frame structure distorted ing and horizontal strain-induced cracking patterns are
more closely to the given ground settlement. In other words, typical in structures. Cracking is easily concentrated
the elastic brick-bearing structure greatly modified the around opening areas in the first bays of the structures
ground movement and underwent much less distortion. because of low confinement and high stress concentra-
From the comparison of the two structures, it is clear that a tion.
brick structure before cracking is much stiffer than a frame (3) Cracking significantly decreased the stiffness of the
structure, and therefore the brick structure can modify the structure and increased the tendency for the structure to
ground movement greater and distorts less than the frame conform more closely to the green-field ground move-
structure. ment. This result implies that cracking of the structure
strongly controls the building response to excavation-
Conclusions induced ground movements and elastic analysis alone
can produce misleading results of the building response.
The building response to excavation-induced ground (4) The comparison of the brick-bearing structure and the
movements was investigated both physically and numeri- frame structure in elastic conditions clearly indicates
cally. The investigation was performed for two different that the brick-bearing structure is much stiffer than the
structures, a brick-bearing structure and a frame structure. frame structure and can modify the ground movement
The structures were subjected to a ground movement and more and distort less than the frame structure. For each
the responses to the ground movement were compared and structure, the angular distortions were similar in bays 1
analyzed. The results are summerized and conclusions are and 3, but smaller in bay 2.
presented as follows:
(5) A brick-bearing structure in an elastic condition was
(1) Both the physical model tests and numerical studies much stiffer and underwent less distortion than a frame
clearly indicate that building response is strongly con- structure; after significant cracking, however, the stiff-
trolled by the soil–structure interaction. A better estimate ness of the brick-bearing structure decreased substan-
of the building response to excavation-induced ground tially and the structure distorted much more than the
movements requires a better understanding of the com- frame structure, conforming to the given ground move-
plex soil–structure interaction of the soil, structure, and ment more closely. From these results, it is evident that
ground movement. the building response should be evaluated by considering
(2) Investigation of the deformations and cracks in the both strength and stiffness.
model structures indicates that the shear-induced crack- (6) Comparison of the response of the brick-bearing struc-
# 2008 NRC Canada
Son and Cording 1621

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# 2008 NRC Canada

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