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Before you choose forces, both players roll a single die. The Objective
winner chooses whether to be the attacker or defender. The
At the end of the game, add up how many points of defender
defending player must split their forces in two. Force A
Force A has been routed.
consists of up to 50% of their total points value. All remaining
units are split into Force B. If at least 80% of the defender Force A is Routed then
the attacking player wins
The attacker goes first. If less than 60% of the defending force A is routed
then the defender wins
Set-up In all other cases, the game is a draw
Split the table in half width wise (from long edge to long
edge). The defending player first chooses one half of the table Source
then sets up Force A on their half, entirely within 12" of the Destiny of Kings, p55
centre split.

The attacking player then sets up their forces at least 24" away
from the centre split on the opposite side of the table.

The game lasts until each player has taken seven turns.

Special Rules
The defender Force B will arrive as Reinforcements at the
start of the defending players second turn. They can move on
the board from the short edge of the defending player's board

Defender's Set- Attacker's Set-

up Area up Area

24" 12" 24"

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