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Coastal Invastion

Before you choose forces, both players roll a single die. The Objective
winner chooses whether to be the attacker or defender. The
At the end of the game if the attacker has claimed more
defender only has 75% of the attacker's total to spend on their
objectives than the defender they have managed to push up the
army. So if the attacker uses a 2,000 point army, the defender
beach far enough to establish a beachhead and have won the
can spend a maximum of 1,500 points on their army.
battle. Otherwise, the defender wins.

Set-up Source
The attacker deploys along one of the short edges in a 12"
Kings of Thrones Campaign Rules
deployment zone. The defender deploys along the opposite
short edge with a 24" deployment zone. Any models that can
not be placed within the deployment zone are held as

Players alternate placing 5 Objective Markers. The first is

placed 12" from the attacker's board edge, the second 24",
third 36", fourth 48" and the final one 60".

Special Rules
Units that are held in reserve can enter the board from their
board edge by moving onto the battlefield but only after the
second turn.

Attacker's Set-
Defender's Set-up Area
up Area

12" 24"

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