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Oral Presentation

Teacher's Name: Diana Cornejo and Jimmy Osma

Student's Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY Below expectation Need Improvement Meets Expectation Beyond Expectation

Presenter used incorrect sentence Presenter used correct sentence Presenter used correct sentence Presenter used the best sentence
structure and vocabulary that was not structure and vocabulary that was structure and vocabulary that was structure and vocabulary that was
Language Usage appropriate for the topic and not mostly appropriate for the topic. appropriate for the topic. appropriate for the topic.
understood by the audience.

Presenter did not talk distinctly and Presenter did not talk distinctly and Presenter talked each word distinctly Presenter talked very well each word
just read while the presentation. some time read the notes. and with the correct puntuaction. distinctly and with the correct

Presenter was unprepared to present The presenter was not totally prepared The presenter had knowledge of the The presenter was very well
to the audience. Inappropriate gesture about the topic and was nervous while topic, and answers any questions about prepareted and had very clear ideas
Preparation which detracted from the the presentation. it without any problem. about the topic.

Presenter did not use the time to Presenter used some ot the time to Presenter used most of the time to Presenter used the time to expose the
expose the topic. expose the topic. expose the topic efficiently. topic efficiently.
Use of time

Fecha de creación: Apr 19, 2021 07:54 am (CDT)

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