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Hortonville High School

CAPP: Ed 201- Teacher Internship

Self-Performance Evaluation
Name of Intern Lauren Coenen Grade 11 12

Mentor Teacher Ms. Ales and Mrs. Dent School HES and HMS
Please evaluate yourself in the following areas. I encourage you to be as honest as possible and provide comments to
support your score. Please rate yourself on a scale of 1-4 (4 being WOW!!). Please give feedback whenever possible.

Criteria Rating
Attitude 1 2 3 4
 Enthusiasm Comments:
 Sense of humor, warm, friendly.
Always had a good attitude

Responsibility 1 2 3 4
 Punctuality, dependability, consistency, Comments:
trustworthiness, reliability.
 Contacts cooperating teacher when absent Was always there and when I was absent I contacted them a day prior
saying I was not able to come.

Demonstrates Initiative 1 2 3 4
 Completes/begins tasks without prompting Comments:
 Asks for additional thigs to do
Always willing to do anything and I know what my tasks were.

Rapport with students 1 2 3 4

 Establishes positive, professional relationships Comments:
with students.
 Respects learners I always had a positive attitude and was always respectful to the

Professionalism 1 2 3 4
 Appropriate attire for classroom Comments:
 Displays behavior consistent with professional
standards Always dressed the part and always had a positive attitude when I
 Contributes to the overall quality of the walked into the classrooms.
Participation 1 2 3 4
 Participates fully in classroom activities Comments:
 Spends extra time when necessary 
I always stayed until the students left and was always engaged in
the lesson.

Teaching/Presentation Skills 1 2 3 4
 Confidence in front of students Comments:
 Communicates instructions effectively
I loved being in front of the students and teaching. I was never
nervous and always felt comfortable.

Responsiveness 1 2 3 4
 Responds to situations in the classroom Comments:
 Responds to student’s questions - respectful,
Was always willing to help the students even when I didn’t know
positive, and helpful.
much on the topic.

Classroom Management 1 2 3 4
 Can handle working with small groups Comments:
 Keeps students on task
I am able to control a small group and keep them on task and I
 Attends to problems quickly
 Respectful to students when guiding behavior
help them whenever they need help.


What grade would you give yourself and why?

I would give myself an A+ because I am always willing to do whatever my teachers wanted me to do. I always had a positive
attitude and was willing to help anyone even if I did not know the answer to that question.

In complete sentences answer the following questions:

1. Describe your best attributes in working in the classroom.

My best attributes are that I am hardworking and willing to do anything. Another one is that I am friendly to
every student and they will tell me anything that is on their mind.

2. Describe a personal characteristic you possess that you need to improve upon to be more effective
in the classroom.
One thing that I need to work on in general is more patience. I have patience but I think that it is one thing
that I need to improve on. I think with working on it, that it would make a classroom more friendly
and better altogether.

3. Describe three (3) things that you learned from your mentor teacher this semester.
I learned how to control outburst, how to keep everyone on task, and how to create lessons so students
can learn as much as possible.

4. What do you hope to learn or do this next semester?

When I am in college I hope to learn to become the best teacher, I can be.

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