Lesson 2 - Variables

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Classification of

Lesson 2 (Practical Research 2)
What is a Variable?

• Variable – any factor or property that a researcher

measures, controls, and/or manipulates
• A changing quantity or measure of any of the
following: factor, trait, or condition
What is a Variable?
• A logical set of attributes, characteristics, numbers
(quantities) that can be measured or counted.

• Any value (quantity) that can change over time

depending on situations or factors.
(e.g. weight, age, educational attainment)
Classification of Variables?
• 1. Numeric variables
• 2. Categorical Variables
• 3. Experimental variables
• 4. Non-experimental variables
• 5. Variables according to the number being studied
Classification of Variables
1. Numeric variables (quantitative data – how many, how
a. Continuous variables – interval variables with decimal
value (e.g. time, age, temperature, height, and weight)
b. Discrete variables – whole value
Examples: number of children in the family
number of males and females in a
Classification of Variables
2. Categorical variables (quality/characteristic– what
type, which category)
a. Ordinal variables – logically ordered/ranked
Examples: Grades – A, B, C
Clothing size – S, M, L, XL
Economic status – low, middle, upper class
Classification of Variables
2. Categorical variables (quality/characteristic– what
type, which category)
b. Nominal variables– cannot be organized in a logical
business types various languages
kinds of religion types of learners
Classification of Variables
2. Categorical variables (quality/characteristic– what
type, which category)
c. Dichotomous variables– represent only two
gender (male or female) veracity (true or false)
answer (yes or no)
Classification of Variables
2. Categorical variables (quality/characteristic– what type,
which category)
d. Polychotomous variables– with many categories
educational attainment – G.S., H.S., College,
level of performance – excellent, very good, good,
satisfactory, fair
Classification of Variables
3. Experimental variables
a. Independent variables– manipulated variables
(cause) – explanatory variable
Use of social media sites
Use of classical music during exams
Classification of Variables
3. Experimental variables
b. Dependent variables– affected by manipulation
(effect) – response/predicted variable
academic performance (SNs)
test scores (classical music)
Classification of Variables
3. Experimental variables
c. Extraneous variables– mediating/intervening
variables (existing during the time of experiment which
could influence the study result- covariate variable)
academic performance (SNs)
test scores (classical music)
Classification of Variables
3. Experimental variables
c. Extraneous variables
Title of Research: An Experiment on the Methods of
Teaching and Language Achievement Among Elementary Pupils
Independent variable: method of teaching
Dependent variable: Language achievement
Extraneous variables: ventilation facilities; Physical Ambiance
Classification of Variables
4. Non- Experimental variables
a. Predictor variables – variables change the other variables
in an experimental study
Title: Social Media Use and Its Perceived Effect on Students’
Academic Performance
Predictor variable: Social media use
Criterion variable: Academic performance
Classification of Variables
4. Non- Experimental variables
b. Criterion variables – influenced by predictor variables
Title of Research: Competencies of Teachers and Students’
Behavior in Selected Private Schools
Predictor variable: Competencies of teachers
Criterion variable: Students’ behavior
Difference of Experimental and Non-experimental
Types of Variables Difference
Experimental With two groups of subjects
(1) Control group – No classical music when
Dependent Variable: Students’ scores in taking the Math Exam
Math Exam (2) Experimental group – with classical music
Independent Variable – Use of when taking Math Exam
Classical Music
Non-experimental No experiment conducted
Criterion Variable: Students’ scores in
Math Exam With only one set of respondents – with
Predictor Variable – Use of Classical Classical Music when taking the Math Exam
Classification of Variables

5. Variables According to the number being studied

a. Univariate study – one variable

b. Bivariate study - two variables
c. Polyvariate study – more than two variables
Numeric Continuous

Categorical Nominal
of Variables Independent
Experimental Dependent

Non-experim Predictor
ental Criterion

Variables Univariate
(by number) Bivariate
Exercise A: Classify the following variables.
Continuous Discrete Ordinal Nominal Dichotomous Polychotomous
1. Gender

2. Number of
hours spent in
social media

3. Instructional
4. Economic
Exercise B
• Identify the independent and dependent variable based on the title of the research
study given.
Research Title Independent Dependent
Variable Variable
Effects of Social Media use on Students’
Academic Achievement

Effects of Language Anxiety on Students’

Speaking Performance

Effect of Types of Soil and fertilizer on the

Growth of Papaya Tree
Exercise C
• Identify the predictor and criterion variable based on the title of the
non-experimental research study given
Research Title Independent Dependent
Variable Variable
Relationship of Leadership Styles and
Employees’ Productivity

The Impact of Teachers’ Use of Knowledge

Channel Shows on Students’ Academic
Thank you!

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