Reflection Paper Final

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Management development describes the many ways in which

organizations help employees develop their personal and organizational skills,
either as managers in a management position or with an eventual management
job in mind.

Organizations need a process for developing the skills of their managers,

as these employees direct and organize the work of all other employees.
Additionally, your best managers and potential managers cite the opportunity
to continue their personal and professional growth as a key motivation and
something they want from their jobs.

However, most management development does not involve classes or

professional trainers. It involves the employee's daily work, skill-stretching
assignments, leadership roles played, mentoring by a more senior manager,
cross-training, and other developmental opportunities on the job.

Building the skills of managers through management development

options is critical to the effective functioning of your organization. Managers
have a powerful impact on the organization because they oversee the work of
other employees.

In particular, middle managers are expected to communicate the

company direction, goals, and vision to their reporting employees. Only
comfortable business communicators are likely to perform their needed
communication tasks effectively.

Senior company leaders depend on middle managers' communication

skills because these senior leaders can't easily communicate with every
employee themselves.

It is not surprising that the managers in your workplace are the single-
most-important factor in employee engagement. They are also crucial to
employee motivation and building a productive workplace. Managers are the
key to employee retention—and are the main reason employees cite when they
leave their current employer. So, the need for management development is
significant and can provide a meaningful payback.

The objective of management development is. in general, to improve the

quality of managers/executives performance now and in future. So we can say
that management development is an educational process utilizing a systematic
and organized procedure by which management personnel learn conceptual
and theoretical knowledge for general purpose.


Developing strategy takes time and resources. It requires the time and
commitment of some of the most highly paid and highly experienced people in
your organization. So, if your team isn’t willing to invest what is needed, I
recommend that you don’t do it. Poor planning is often worse than no planning
at all.

Planning means looking ahead and chalking out future courses of action

to be followed. It is a preparatory step. It is a systematic activity which
determines when, how and who is going to perform a specific job. Planning is a
detailed programme regarding future courses of action.

It is rightly said “Well plan is half done”. Therefore planning takes into
consideration available & prospective human and physical resources of the
organization so as to get effective co-ordination, contribution & perfect
adjustment. It is the basic management function which includes formulation of
one or more detailed plans to achieve optimum balance of needs or demands
with the available resources.

It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a

future course of action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of
actions for achievement of pre-determined goals. According to KOONTZ,
“Planning is deciding in advance - what to do, when to do & how to do. It
bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be”. A plan is a future
course of actions. It is an exercise in problem solving & decision making.
Planning is determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus,
planning is a systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of
pre-determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of
human & non-human resources.

The planning process of any organization is essential to the overall

success of the company. All levels of planning must do their part to incorporate
situational analysis, alternative goals and plans, goals and plan evaluation,
goal and plan selection, implementation, and monitor Management Planning
and control into their organization to achieve the desired results.


In order to better understand the issue, we need to understand what

ethics are. Ethics are the principles and values individuals use to govern their
activities and decisions. In an organisation, a code of ethics is a set of
principles that guide the organisation in its programs, policies and decisions
for the business. The ethical philosophy an organisation uses to conduct
business can affect the reputation, productivity and bottom line of the

Leaders and employees adhering to a code of ethics create an ethical

organisational culture. The leaders of a business should create an ethical
culture by exhibiting the type of behaviour they'd like to see in employees. The
organisation can reinforce ethical behaviour by rewarding employees who
exhibit the values and integrity that coincide with the company code of ethics
and disciplining those who make the wrong choices.

A positive and healthy corporate culture improves the morale among

workers in the organisation, which may increase productivity and employee
retention; this, in turn, has financial benefits for the organisation. Higher levels
of productivity improve the efficiency in the company, while increasing
employee retention reduces the cost of replacing employees.

Ethics are the rules that define moral conduct according to the ideology
of a specific group. Moreover, ethics in public administration are important for
good business conduct based on the needs of a specific town, state or country. 

Ethics provide accountability between the public and the administration.

Adhering to a code of ethics ensures that the public receives what it needs in a
fair manner. It also gives the administration guidelines for integrity in their
operations. That integrity, in turn, helps foster the trust of the community. By

creating this atmosphere of trust, the administration helps the public

understand that they are working with their best interests in mind.

Additionally, a code of ethics creates standards of professionalism that

co-workers in the public sector can expect from each other — the public can
also expect the same from their leaders. With a strong code of ethics in public
administration, leaders have the guidelines they need to carry out their tasks
and inspire their employees and committees to enforce laws in a professional
and equitable manner.

Another positive outcome of good ethics in public administration is

timely and informative communication with the community. This kind of
transparency builds trust and prevents or minimizes the potential issues that
can arise when information is divulged from outside sources. If there is
something of consequence that the public needs to know about, it’s better for it
to come directly from the leaders and administration. Communication also
keeps all parties involved so that they can all work toward a common goal.
Good communication ensures that the community can engage their leaders on
important issues.

An ethics course in MPA program can help students understand the

values of a code of ethics, and it can instruct us students in ethical decision
making. Coursework like reporting, reflection paper can also help students
identify instances when they may face ethical dilemmas and give them the tools
to act ethically. More importantly, coursework can give us students a
framework for integrity and commitment to ethics in public administration. As
such, when a student faces a real-life ethical dilemma in the public sector, he
or she will already know how to act immediately and professionally rather than
losing time to misdirected, reactionary efforts that may violate a code of ethics.

When it comes to the public sector, strong ethics are paramount.

Students who have studied ethics in an MPA program are well-informed and
ready to face the challenges of working within a code of ethics. We already
know how to maximize efforts as part of a team and also how to serve as
leaders when the need arises to further the goals we share with our

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