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IT Specialist
The Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies,
Brasov, Romania

The term “cloud computing” has been in the spotlights of IT specialists the last
years because of its potential to transform this industry. The promised benefits have
determined companies to invest great sums of money in researching and developing
this domain and great steps have been made towards implementing this technology.
Managers have traditionally viewed IT as difficult and expensive and the promise of
cloud computing leads many to think that IT will now be easy and cheap. The reality
is that cloud computing has simplified some technical aspects of building computer
systems, but the myriad challenges facing IT environment still remain. Organizations
which consider adopting cloud based services must also understand the many major
problems of information policy, including issues of privacy, security, reliability,
access, and regulation. The goal of this article is to identify the main security issues
and to draw the attention of both decision makers and users to the potential risks of
moving data into “the cloud”.

Key words: cloud computing, security risks, IT security, cloud models, services,
cloud standards, risk assessment

1. WHAT IS CLOUD Given the theorists’, network

COMPUTING architects’, developers’, managers’,
consumers’, etc. constant scrutiny
According to specialists [1] over this subject, there is a plethora
cloud computing is one of the of definitions that attempt to address
most significant transformation in the concept of cloud computing.
information technology with many Therefore, this article will use a
advantages to both companies and generic definition which, even if not
end users. This technology promises a comprehensive one, it will include
to release the client from the burden the most important dimensions and
of administering more and more variables. Thus, cloud computing is
complex and expensive systems by a model of organizing computers for
offering him the possibility of using enabling convenient, ubiquitous, on-
systems with state of art computing demand network access to a shared
capabilities, high availability and pool of configurable IT resources.
scalability. Cloud computing has the potential
to enhance collaboration, agility, end-user trough the use of different
scaling and availability and provides functions or services. These services
opportunities for cost reduction are well defined functionalities that are
through optimized and efficient built as software components and that
use of computing resources. The can be used in different combinations
cloud model is a way of organizing to achieve different goals.
computers so that resources can be Cloud computing providers
quickly orchestrated, provisioned, offer services built around three
implemented and decommissioned, fundamental models: Infrastructure
scaled up or down to provide an on- as a service (IaaS), platform as a
demand service allocation. service (PaaS), and software as a
The term cloud is used as a service (SaaS), as displayed in the
metaphor for the Internet, based on Figure 1.
the cloud drawing used in the past
to represent the telephone network,
and later to represent the Internet
in computer network diagrams
as an abstraction of the complex
infrastructure it represents. The
unknown cloud is used here to
represent the data center hardware and
software which will be transparent to
the client offering him the capability
Figure 1: Cloud computing
of focusing his efforts on the main fundamental models
activity. Source:[2]
This computing model appeared
as a consequence of the development Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
of parallel computing, distributed is the capability provided to the cloud
computing, grid computing, utility user that provisions the processing,
computing, all of them oriented on storage, networks, and other
outsourcing computational needs. fundamental computing resources.
All of the above enable the user to
2. THE CLOUD DELIVERY deploy and run arbitrary applications
MODEL and even operating system software.
The cloud user does not manage
The technology of cloud or control the underlying cloud
computing is based on a modern infrastructure, but has control over
approach to software engineering operating systems, storage, deployed
called service oriented architecture applications, etc. In this model, it is
(SOA). The technique focuses on the cloud user who is responsible
the delivery of an integrated and for patching and maintaining the
orchestrated suite of functions to an operating systems and application
software. Infrastructure-as-a-Service customer relationship management
is a platform through which (CRM) services and web content delivery
businesses can avail equipment services (Salesforce CRM, Google Docs,
in the form of hardware, servers, Yahoo Email, Gmail, etc).
storage space etc. at pay-per-use Viewed in terms of data security the
service. Examples include Amazon EC2, three ways of service provision differ
Terremark Enterprise Cloud, Rackspace, radically because of the extent to which
Microsoft Azure, etc. the user has access to the software used
Platform as a Service (PaaS) is the and its settings.
capability provided to the cloud user
to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure 3. CLOUD DEPLOYMENT
consumer-created applications using MODELS
programming languages and tools
supported by the provider (e.g. Java, Deploying cloud computing can
Python, .Net). In such a case the cloud differ depending on requirements, and
user can develop and run its own the following four deployment models
have been identified, each with specific
software solutions on a cloud platform
characteristics that support the needs of
without the cost and complexity of
the services and users of the clouds in
buying and managing the underlying
particular ways :
hardware and software layers. He
a. Private Cloud — the cloud
cannot manage or control the underlying
infrastructure has been deployed, and
cloud infrastructure, network, servers,
is maintained and operated only for a
operating systems, or storage. Examples specific organization. The cloud may
of such platforms are Google AppEngine, be hosted within the organization or
IBM SmartCloud Application Services, externally and is managed internally
Amazon Web Services, etc. or by a third-party. This model does
Software as a Service (SaaS) not benefit from the less hands-on
represents the capability provided to management, nor from the economic
the cloud user to use the provider’s advantages that make cloud computing
applications running on a cloud such an intriguing concept.
infrastructure and accessible from b. Public Cloud — the cloud
various client devices through a infrastructure is made available to
thin-client interface such as a web the public on a commercial basis by a
browser (e.g. web-based e-mail). The cloud service provider. This enables a
consumer does not manage or control consumer to develop and deploy a service
the underlying cloud infrastructure, in the cloud with very little financial
network, servers, operating systems, implications compared to the capital
storage, or even individual application expenditure requirements normally
capabilities, but only some limited associated with other deployment
user-specific application configuration options.
settings. Examples include online c. Community Cloud — the cloud
word processing and spreadsheet tools, infrastructure is shared among a number
of organizations with similar interests come with new risks that are still under
and requirements. It can be managed research.
internally or by a third party and hosted The main risks of adopting cloud
within the organization or externally. computing identified by this paper are:
The costs are shared among fewer users a. M i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g
than a public cloud. Hence a community responsibilities.
cloud benefits from medium costs as a If in a traditional scenario the
result of a sharing policy. By means of security of data is entirely the burden of
comparison, with the private cloud the the company owning data. In the cloud
costs increase alongside the level of computing scenario the responsibilities
expertise needed. are divided between the two actors: the
d. Hybrid cloud is a combination of cloud provider and the client. There is a
two or more clouds (private, community tremendous potential for misguided risk
or public) that remain unique entities but management decisions if cloud providers
are bound together, offering the benefits do not disclose the extent to which the
of multiple deployment models. By security controls are implemented and
utilizing “hybrid cloud” architecture, the consumer knows which controls are
companies and individuals are able to further needed to be adopted.
obtain degrees of fault tolerance combined Different kinds of cloud services
with locally immediate usability without adopted mean different responsibilities
being entirely dependent on third party for the service provider and the customer.
services. Hybrid Cloud architecture If an IaaS service model is adopted, then
requires both on-premises resources the provider is responsible for physical
and off-site (remote) server based cloud security, environment security and the
infrastructure. Hybrid clouds lack the virtualization software security, whereas
flexibility, security and certainty of the consumer is responsible for securing
in-house applications. However, they everything else above this layer including
provide the flexibility of in-house operating system, applications and data.
applications with the fault tolerance and However, in an SaaS cloud service
scalability of cloud based services. model the provider is responsible not
only for the physical and environmental
4. THE RISKS OF ADOPTING security but also for all the software
CLOUD COMPUTING services he uses in order to provide that
TECHNOLOGY particular software service to the client.
In this case, the responsibilities of the
The process of creating and consumer in the field of security are
managing a secure cloud space is a much lowered.
more challenging task than creating a b. Data security and confidentiality
secure classical IT environment. Given issues
the immaturity of this technology the One of the biggest security concerns
new resources and the reallocation of people have when moving to the cloud
traditional ones are not fully tested and is related to the problem of keeping data
secure and confidential. In this respect, comprehensive and commonly
some particular problems arise: who accepted set of standards. As a
can create data, where the data is stored, result, many standard development
who can access and modify data, what organizations were established
happens when data is deleted, how the in order to research and develop
back-up is done, how the data transfer the specifications. Organizations
occurs, etc. All of this is known as data like Cloud Security Alliance,
security lifecycle and it is displayed in European Network and Information
Figure 2. Security Agency, Cloud Standards
Customer Council, etc. have
developed best practices regulations
and recommendations. Other
establishments, like Distributed
Management Task Force, The
European Telecommunications
Standards Institute, Open Grid
Forum, Open Cloud Consortium,
National Institute of Standards and
Figure 2: The data security lifecycle Technology, Storage Networking
Source: [4]
Industry Association etc., centered
This lifecycle exists also in the their activity on the development
classic architecture but in a cloud of working standards for different
environment its stages are much aspects of the cloud technology.
more complex, posing higher security The excitement around cloud has
risks and requiring a more careful created a flurry of standards and open
management. Worth reminding in source activity leading to market
this respect is that it is much more confusion. That is why certain
difficult for the cloud customer to working groups like Cloud Standards
effectively check the data handling Coordination, TM Forum, etc. act to
practices of the cloud provider and improve collaboration, coordination,
thus be sure that the data is handled information and resource sharing
in a proper way. between the organizations acting in
To counter such a risk, strategies this research field.
like data encryption, particular public d. Interoperability issues
key infrastructure, data dispersion, The cloud computing technology
standardization of APIs, etc are offers a degree of resource scalability
proposed to customers as security which has never been reached
measures to create a trusted and before. Companies can benefit from
secure environment. additional computational needs,
c. Lack of Standards storage space, bandwidth allocation,
The immaturity of this technology etc. whenever they need and without
makes it difficult to develop a great investments to support peak
load demands. If the demand falls clients of a total of 350 million users.
back the additional capacity can be These incidents are not rare and
shut down just as quickly as it was evidence the customer lack of control
scaled up without any hardware over their data.
equipment sitting idle. The irony is that, in terms of
This great advantage has also a reliability, cloud providers have
major drawback. It comes alongside set high standards which are rarely
with the risk of managing data within achieved in an internal environment.
a shared environment (computation, However, because these outages
storage, and network) with other affect large numbers of consumers
cloud clients. Additionally, at one it cast doubts in the minds of IT
time one company may have multiple decision makers over the viability
cloud providers for different services of replacing desktop functionality
which have to be interoperable. In with the functionality offered by the
time, for different reasons, companies cloud.
may decide to move their services to Also, in this industry, the leading
another cloud and in such a case the companies have set some high level
lack of interoperability can block quality services. Those levels are not
or raise heavy obstacles to such a easy to be reached by the other cloud
process. service providers which do not have
Cloud providers may find the such a well developed infrastructure.
customer lock-in system attractive, Unfortunately for the clients these
but for the customers interoperability quality services may come at higher
issues mean that they are vulnerable costs and sometimes the decision
to price increases, quality of services makers, lured by the cheaper services,
not meeting their needs, closure of will be reluctant to collaborate with
one or more cloud services, provider such a provider.
going out of business, disputes f. Malicious insider
between with the cloud provider. A malicious insider is a person
e. Reliability breakdowns motivated to create a bad impact on
Another important aspect of the the organization’s mission by taking
cloud computing is the reliability action that compromises information
or availability of services. The confidentiality, integrity, and/or
breakdown of an essential service availability. When sensitive data is
operating in a cloud has an impact on processed outside the enterprise the
many clients. For example, in April organizational managers are less
2012 there was a Gmail disruption immediately aware of the nature and
that made Gmail services unavailable level of risk and they do not possess
for almost 1 hour. The company first quick and direct capability to control
said that it affected less than 2 % of and counter these risks.
their customers, then they updated to Experienced security specialists
10 %, which sums around 35 million are highly aware of the inverse
relationship between loyalty and risk. cloud’s economies of scale and
Even if trusted company employees flexibility are both a friend and a
can make mistakes or commit fraud foe from a security point of view.
and the outsiders are not automatically The management of security risk
less ethical than them, it is prudent involves users, the technology itself,
to invest company’s long-term the cloud service providers, and
employees with higher trust. the legal aspects of the data and
The malicious activities of services being used. The massive
an insider could potentially have concentrations of resources and data
an impact on: the confidentiality, present a more attractive target to
integrity and availability of all kind attackers, but cloud-based defenses
of data and services with impact on can be more robust, scalable and
the internal activities, organization’s cost-effective than traditional ones.
reputation and customer trust. This To help reduce the threat, cloud
is especially important in the case of computing stakeholders should invest
cloud computing due to the fact that in implementing security measures
cloud architectures require certain to ensure that the data is being kept
roles, like cloud administrators, cloud secure and private throughout its
auditors, cloud security personnel, lifecycle.
which are extremely high-risk.

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