Confidentiality Undertaking of Client Information FDM Group Toronto Canada

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FDM has contractual obligations with its Clients which require FDM to ensure the compliance by its
employees and contractors with regards to maintaining the confidentiality of certain Client information
and protecting intellectual property rights. Accordingly, this Undertaking is to ensure your
understanding and compliance in this regard.

Confidentiality, Intellectual Property and Inventions

The operations of the Client may involve you receiving or having access to the knowledge of the
Client’s commercially sensitive or secret information. It is your responsibility and obligation to maintain
the highest professional standards to ensure that this information is properly and professionally
handled to protect the Client’s commercial interests and to ensure compliance with regulatory and
legal requirements. Failure to follow these principles will jeopardize the Client’s reputation and
business and FDM’s contractual obligations.

In addition to and without altering the legal obligations you already have to keep information secret and
confidential, you promise not (except for the purposes of properly performing your assigned duties to
the Client’s business on behalf of FDM or unless required to do so by law or any regulatory or
investigative authority) either during the course of your employment with FDM or after it has ended,
whether deliberately or otherwise, to disclose or communicate to any other person any information that
is confidential or belongs to the Client.

You should assume that all information which you come across during your duties is confidential
unless it is obviously public knowledge. However, information that consists of general know how or is a
matter of your own skills or general or commercial knowledge is not confidential.

Confidential information must not be used to trade on your own account or for trading by other persons
such as family or friends. If you use information in this way, you may be subject to criminal penalties
and termination of your employment.

Before the end of your engagement with the Client you must return to FDM (or, at the direction of
FDM, to the Client) all confidential information without retaining it in any form. All other documents,
data, manuals, security keys and other items which are the Client’s property and which may be in your
possession or under your control should also be returned to the Client at this time.

All trade secrets, inventions, writings and other confidential information developed or created by or
with your assistance during your engagement with FDM for the Client in the context of the Client’s
business or related activities are the property of the Client and such rights or interest in any such
property or information, if any, that you may have are prescribed by the law.
You agree that you will at the request and expense of the Client:

• Give and supply all such information and assistance that may be reasonably necessary to
enable the Client to use this intellectual property to its best advantage

• Execute all documents that may be necessary or desirable for obtaining patent or other
appropriate protection for this intellectual property in such parts of the world as may be
specified by the Client.

You should be aware that you may not for any purpose whatsoever use any such intellectual property
in any way other than in the direct interest of the Client unless you obtain proper written permission.

In this document “intellectual property” includes but is not limited to patents, trademarks, service
marks, design rights, inventions, improvements to procedures and confidential information arising or
existing anywhere in the world.

Confidential information and/or intellectual property must not be transmitted to your personal email
address in any circumstance unless confirmed in writing by the Client.

In this document the term “employment” includes arrangements legally constituting employment and
also other arrangements for provision of services including those supplied by a temporary service
provider or by an independent contractor/consultant.

Please indicate that you have read and understood by the responsibilities set out in this document by
signing and returning.


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